# 0.4.2 - Improved flexibility of commands - Sync all objects when no tables specified # 0.4.1 - Made `psql` version check more robust - Fixed issue with non-lowercase primary key - Prefer `--init` over `--setup` - Improved data rules # 0.4.0 - Sync all schemas in search path by default - Added support for socket connections - Added support for environment variables # 0.3.9 - Better support for schemas - Added `--schemas` option - Added `--all-schemas` option - Added `--schema-first` option - Fixed issue with non-lowercase tables and partial syncs # 0.3.8 - Added Windows support - Added `random_string` and `random_number` replacement options - Improved performance of `--in-batches` for large tables # 0.3.7 - Fixed non-lowercase tables and columns - Fixed `--truncate` option with `--in-batches` # 0.3.6 - Fixed `Table does not exist in source` error # 0.3.5 - Support schemas other than public # 0.3.4 - Added `--in-batches` mode for production transfers with `--batch-size` and `--sleep` # 0.3.3 - Added `-d` option as an alias for `--db` - Added support for wildcard tables - Fixed `--schema-only` errors # 0.3.2 - Prefer `{1}` for interpolation - Added `--overwrite` option - Deprecated `--where` and `--limit` # 0.3.1 - Added `-t` or `--tables`, `-g` or `--groups` options - Deprecated `tables`, `groups`, and `setup` commands # 0.3.0 - More powerful groups - Overwrite rows by default when `WHERE` clause (previously truncated) - Added `pgsync users "WHERE id = 1` - Added `pgsync group1`, shorthand for `pgsync groups group1` - Added `--schema-only` option - Added `--no-rules` option - Added `--setup` option - Added `--truncate` option # 0.2.4 - Added `--preserve` option - Added `--list` option for groups and tables - Added `--limit` option # 0.2.3 - Fixed `no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet` # 0.2.2 - Added `--debug` option # 0.2.1 - Do not require config file # 0.2.0 - Fixed idle transaction timeout errors - respects `statement_timeout` as a result - Raise error when command exits with non-zero status # 0.1.1 - Better support for multiple databases - Search parent directories for config file # 0.1.0 - First release