module Nugrant module Helper module Env ## # A namer is a lambda taking as argument an array of segments # that should return a string representation of those segments. # How the segments are transformed to a string is up to the # namer. By using various namer, we can change how a bag key # is transformed into and environment variable name. This is # like the strategy pattern. # module Namer ## # Returns the default namer, which join segments together # using a character and upcase the result. # # @param `char` The character used to join segments together, default to `"_"`. # # @return A lambda that will simply joins segment using the `char` argument # and upcase the result. # def self.default(char = "_") lambda do |segments| segments.join(char).upcase() end end ## # Returns the prefix namer, which add a prefix to segments # and delegate its work to another namer. # # @param prefix The prefix to add to segments. # @param delegate_namer A namer that will be used to transform the prefixed segments. # # @return A lambda that will simply add prefix to segments and will call # the delegate_namer with those new segments. # def self.prefix(prefix, delegate_namer) lambda do |segments|[prefix] + segments) end end end end end end