#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = test_Journal.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') if __FILE__ == $0 require 'test/unit' require 'taskjuggler/Project' class TaskJuggler class TestJournal < Test::Unit::TestCase class PTNMockup attr_reader :index def initialize(index) @index = index end def ptn self end end def setup @p = TaskJuggler::Project.new('hello', 'Hello World', '1.0', MessageHandler.new(true)) @p['start'] = tm('2009-11-01') @p['end'] = tm('2009-12-31') @j = @p['journal'] end def teardown end def test_add # First some simple add tests. @j.addEntry(e = JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-11-29'), "E1", PTNMockup.new(1))) assert_equal(1, @j.entries.count) # Make sure we don't add the same entry twice. @j.addEntry(e) assert_equal(1, @j.entries.count) @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-11-30'), "E2", PTNMockup.new(2))) @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-01'), "E3", PTNMockup.new(3))) assert_equal(3, @j.entries.count) end def test_sort # Add a bunch of entries and see if the sorting by date works properly. @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-10'), "E4", PTNMockup.new(4))) @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-03'), "E2", PTNMockup.new(2))) @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-06'), "E3", PTNMockup.new(3))) @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-11-29'), "E0", PTNMockup.new(0))) @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-01'), "E1", PTNMockup.new(1))) @j.addEntry(JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-24'), "E5", PTNMockup.new(5))) pList = [] @j.entries.each { |e| pList << e.property } pList.each do |i| assert_equal(pList.index(i), i.index) end end def test_sortSameDate # Add a bunch of entries and see if the sorting by date works properly. @j.addEntry(e = JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-10'), "A2", PTNMockup.new(0))) e.alertLevel = 2 @j.addEntry(e = JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-10'), "A0", PTNMockup.new(0))) e.alertLevel = 0 @j.addEntry(e = JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-10'), "A1", PTNMockup.new(0))) e.alertLevel = 1 @j.addEntry(e = JournalEntry.new(@j, tm('2009-12-10'), "A3", PTNMockup.new(0))) e.alertLevel = 3 i = 0 @j.entries.each do |entry| assert_equal(i, entry.alertLevel) i += 1 end end def test_currentEntries createTaskTree # Set a 0 alert for a task a1 = addAlert('2009-11-29', 0, t = task('p1.m1.l1')) ce = @j.currentEntriesR(tm('2009-12-05'), t) assert_equal(1, ce.count) assert_equal(a1, ce[0]) # Add a later alert for the same task a2 = addAlert('2009-11-30', 0, t = task('p1.m1.l1')) ce = @j.currentEntriesR(tm('2009-12-05'), t) assert_equal(1, ce.count) assert_equal(a2, ce[0]) # Add another alert to the sister task and check parent a3 = addAlert('2009-11-30', 0, t = task('p1.m1.l2')) ce = @j.currentEntriesR(tm('2009-12-05'), task('p1.m1')) assert_equal(2, ce.count) assert_equal(a2, ce[0]) assert_equal(a3, ce[1]) # Check root task ce = @j.currentEntriesR(tm('2009-12-05'), task('p1')) assert_equal(2, ce.count) assert_equal(a2, ce[0]) assert_equal(a3, ce[1]) # Add old override alert to p1.m1 addAlert('2009-11-29', 0, t = task('p1.m1')) ce = @j.currentEntriesR(tm('2009-12-05'), task('p1')) assert_equal(2, ce.count) assert_equal(a2, ce[0]) assert_equal(a3, ce[1]) # Add new override alert to p1.m1 a4 = addAlert('2009-12-01', 0, t = task('p1.m1')) ce = @j.currentEntriesR(tm('2009-12-05'), task('p1')) assert_equal(1, ce.count) assert_equal(a4, ce[0]) end def test_alertSimple createTaskTree # Set a 0 alert for a task addAlert('2009-11-29', 0, t = task('p1.m1.l1')) assert_equal(0, @j.alertLevel(tm('2009-12-01'), t, nil)) # Now add a later 1 alert addAlert('2009-12-01', 1, t) assert_equal(1, @j.alertLevel(tm('2009-12-02'), t, nil)) # Set a 2 alert for p1.m1.l2 addAlert('2009-11-29', 2, task('p1.m1.l2')) assert_equal(2, @j.alertLevel(tm('2009-12-01'), task('p1'), nil)) # Overide p1.m1 with 0 alert addAlert('2009-12-01', 0, task('p1.m1')) assert_equal(0, @j.alertLevel(tm('2009-12-01'), task('p1'), nil)) end private def tm(s) TjTime.new(s) end def addAlert(date, level, property) raise "No property" unless property @j.addEntry(e = JournalEntry.new(@j, tm(date), "Set #{property.fullId} " + "to level #{level}i at #{date}", property)) e.alertLevel = level e end def createTaskTree p1 = newTask(nil, 'p1') m1 = newTask(p1, 'm1') newTask(p1, 'm2') newTask(m1, 'l1') newTask(m1, 'l2') newTask(nil, 'p2') end def newTask(parent, id) Task.new(@p, id, 'Task #{id}', parent) end def task(id) @p.task(id) || ( raise "Unknown task id #{id}" ) end end end