## 2.12.0 * Add redirect_path attribute to Sheets ## 2.11.0 * Default URL includes www subdomain and HTTPS ## 2.10.2 ## 2.10.1 ## 2.10.0 * add Quandl::Client::Job ## 2.9.0 * QUGC-189 bump data ## 2.8.0 ## 2.7.12 ## 2.7.10 * QUGC-168 can pass request_platform ## 2.7.9 * QUGC-164 also search by code * QUGC-164 find by id or source_code/code, or build * QUGC-164 attributes slice needs to ensure that keys are symbols ## 2.7.8 ## 2.7.7 ## 2.7.6 * QUGC-140 if a source_code is given but does not exist, it should warn the user ## 2.7.5 add 'at' option for scraper scheduling ## 2.7.4 full url bug fixed when "api" has no / at the end ## 2.6.2 * QUGC-55 Add Report for filing reports ## 2.6.1 * QUGC-113 fix Dataset#data errors dont propagate to parent object * QUGC-113 Write failing specs for Dataset#data errors dont propagate to parent object ## 2.6.0 * QUGC-104 Fixes when upload fails output is not json * QUGC-103 Fixes quandl upload test -F json does not include metadata ## 2.5.2 * WIKI-153 Add scrapers ## 2.5.1 * QUGC-57 move data validation from Quandl::Format into Quandl::Client. Data validations only run on #valid? * QUGC-53 numeric codes require the full code ## 2.5.0 * remove yajl ## 2.4.9 * observe ruby platform ## 2.4.7 * add middleware to track the origin of requests across quandl packages ## 2.4.6 * QUGC-43 improved message on wrong number of colums * QUGC-41 enforce code formatting. always upcase codes * improved example of valid code * revise code pattern ## 2.4.5 * QUGC-40 add validation to enforce: You may not change number of columns in a dataset * QUGC-37 Dataest.find accept backslash or forward slash interchangeably ## 2.4.4 * Dataset#data to_table assigns column_names to headers * add skip_browse to Sheet ## 2.4.3 * hotfix for full_code pattern matching ... code can be as short as two characters ## 2.4.2 * Dataset.find will return nil unless the id is an integer, or matches the quandl pattern for full_code ## 2.4.1 * revise reference_url http prepend ## 2.4.0 * Dataset#reference_url should prepend of http:// when missing * add Quandl::Pattern for defining regex patterns with embedded examples # 2.3.2 * add #elapsed_request_time_ms * refactor save_time to request_time. Add specs to #destroy for request_started_at, finished_at, elapsed_request_time * add Client::Base#save_started_at, #save_finished_at, #elapsed_save_time. before_save :touch_save_started_at, after_save :touch_save_finished_at ## 2.3.1 * bump quandl_data * add human_error_messsages ## 2.3.0 * add auth_token attribute to user * add Quandl::Client::User, .login for authenticating * full_url outputs the quandl link instead of the api link. Add human_status and HTTP_STATUS_CODES * should validate display_url as a url * add reference_url alias for display_url. reference_url will automatically add http when missing ## 2.2.1 * full_code: dont assume that source_code is present * Dataset#data scope is cached to permit building across multiple lines. add Dataset#reload to wipe data_scope, dataset_data ## 2.2.0 * add specs for Dataset.query * Dataset.query.all.metadata should pass ## 2.1.4 * add specs for Dataset.query(term).all; make specs pass ## 2.1.3 * add specs for data scopes * fix failing data scope specs ## 2.1.2 * bump quandl_data, operation, logger ## 2.0.1 * fully qualified classes to avoid collisions ## 2.0.0 * update client to take advantage of new /api/v2 routes ## 0.1.17 * Dataset#source_code is optional ## 0.1.16 * add sheet description ## 0.1.15 * revise parse_json to respond with more informative error * validation errors should return 422 ## 0.1.14 * add Dataset#locations spec to test that location data is returned in the same order as it is sent. ## 0.1.12 * fix undefined error method ## 0.1.11 * add spec for Dataset#availability_delay * add present?, exists?, blank? that check against response status. * remove erroneous source_code and code validations. ## 0.1.10 * Add Dataset#availability_delay