require 'yaml' module Pvcglue class Db < Thor desc "config", "create/update database.yml" def config Pvcglue::Db.configure_database_yml end method_option :fast, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-f" desc "push", "push" def push(file_name = nil) raise(Thor::Error, "Stage required.") if pg_restore(self.class.remote, file_name, options[:fast]) end desc "pull", "Pull copy of database from remote stage. Pass -f to exclude tables defined in the configuration file. If no tables are specified in the `excluded_db_tables` option, 'versions' will be used by default." def pull(file_name = nil) raise(Thor::Error, "Stage required.") if pg_dump(self.class.remote, file_name, options[:fast]) end desc "dump", "dump" def dump(file_name = nil) raise(Thor::Error, "Stage should not be set for this command. (Use 'pull' for remote databases.)") unless pg_dump(self.class.local, file_name, options[:fast]) end desc "restore", "restore" def restore(file_name = nil) raise(Thor::Error, "Stage should not be set for this command. (Use 'push' for remote databases.)") unless pg_restore(self.class.local, file_name) end desc "destroy_all", "destroy_all" def destroy_all raise(Thor::Error, "Stage should not be set for this command.") unless pg_destroy(self.class.local) end desc "info", "info" def info if pp self.class.remote else pp self.class.local end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.database_yml_file_name File.join(Pvcglue::Capistrano.application_config_dir, 'database.yml') end class Db_Config <, :port, :database, :username, :password, :kind) end def self.local_info @local_info ||= begin template ='config/database.yml') output = template.render # puts output.inspect info = YAML::load(output) # puts info.inspect info end end def self.local @local ||= begin dev = local_info["development"]["host"], dev["port"], dev["database"], dev["username"], dev["password"], :local) end end def self.remote @remote ||= begin Pvcglue::Env.initialize_stage_env env =, env["DB_USER_POSTGRES_PORT"], env["DB_USER_POSTGRES_DATABASE"], env["DB_USER_POSTGRES_USERNAME"], env["DB_USER_POSTGRES_PASSWORD"], :remote ) end end def self.db_host_public node ='db') node['db']['public_ip'] end def self.file_helper(file_name) # TODO: make it more helpful ;) stage = || "dev" file_name = "#{Pvcglue.configuration.application_name}_#{stage}_#{"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M")}.dump" unless file_name # "#{File.dirname(file_name)}/#{File.basename(file_name, '.*')}.dump" file_name end def self.configure_database_yml Pvcglue.render_template('database.yml.erb', Pvcglue::Db.database_yml_file_name) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # silence Thor warnings, as these are not Thor commands. (But we still need 'say' and 'ask' and friends.) no_commands do def destroy_prod?(db) say("Are you *REALLY* sure you want to DESTROY the PRODUCTION database?") input = ask("Type 'destroy #{db.database.downcase}' if you are:") raise(Thor::Error, "Ain't gonna do it.") if input.downcase != "destroy #{db.database.downcase}" puts "ok, going through with the it... (I sure hope you know what you are doing, Keith!)" end def pg_dump(db, file_name, fast) file_name = self.class.file_helper(file_name) if db.kind == :remote host ='db')['db']['public_ip'] port = user = 'deploy' end cmd = "pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h #{} -p #{db.port}" cmd += " -U #{db.username}" if db.username if fast do |table| cmd += " --exclude-table=#{table}" end end cmd += " #{db.database} -v -f #{file_name}" puts cmd cmd = " PGPASSWORD=#{db.password} #{cmd}" if db.kind == :remote unless Pvcglue.run_remote(host, port, user, cmd) puts "ERROR:" puts $?.inspect raise(Thor::Error, "Error: #{$?}") end cmd = %{scp -P #{port} #{user}@#{host}:#{file_name} #{file_name}} puts "Running `#{cmd}`" unless system cmd raise(Thor::Error, "Error: #{$?}") end else unless system(cmd) puts "ERROR:" puts $?.inspect raise(Thor::Error, "Error: #{$?}") end end end def pg_restore(db, file_name, fast = false) == 'production' && destroy_prod?(db) file_name = self.class.file_helper(file_name) if db.kind == :remote host ='db')['db']['public_ip'] port = user = 'deploy' # cmd = %{scp -P #{port} #{file_name} #{user}@#{host}:#{file_name}} cmd = %{rsync -avhPe "ssh -p #{port}" --progress #{file_name} #{user}@#{host}:#{file_name}} unless system cmd raise(Thor::Error, "Error: #{$?}") end unless fast # Drop and recreate DB Pvcglue::Packages.apply('postgresql-app-stage-db-drop'.to_sym, :build,'db')) Pvcglue::Packages.apply('postgresql-app-stage-conf'.to_sym, :build,'db')) end end cmd = "pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h #{} -p #{db.port}" cmd += " -U #{db.username}" if db.username cmd += " -d #{db.database} #{file_name}" puts cmd if db.kind == :remote unless Pvcglue.run_remote(host, port, user, " PGPASSWORD=#{db.password} #{cmd}") puts "ERROR:" puts $?.inspect end else unless system(" PGPASSWORD=#{db.password} #{cmd}") raise(Thor::Error, "Error: #{$?}") end end end def pg_destroy(dest) sql = "\"select 'drop database '||datname||';' "\ "from pg_database "\ "where datistemplate=false and datname <> '#{dest.username}' "\ "and datname <> 'postgres'\"" # I had to use the double for loop because for whatever reason # calling ${line[0]} throws a bad substitution error # This is also why I escaped the string with a regex bash = "#!/bin/bash\n while read line; do "\ "s_esc=\"$(echo \"$line\" | sed 's/[^-A-Za-z0-9_]/\\ /g')\"; "\ "for word in $s_esc; do "\ "if [ $word = \"drop\" ]; then "\ "for word in $s_esc; do "\ "if [ $word != \"drop\" ] && [ $word != \"database\" ]; then "\ "echo \"$s_esc\"; "\ "dropdb \"$word\"\; "\ "fi "\ "done; "\ "break; "\ "fi "\ "done; "\ "done < dd.sql; " cmd = "psql #{dest.username} -c " cmd += sql cmd += " > dd.sql;" cmd += bash cmd += "rm dd.sql" puts cmd unless system({"PGPASSWORD" => dest.password}, cmd) puts "ERROR:" puts $?.inspect end end end end end