# # ActiveFacts Support code. # The debug method supports indented tracing. # Set the DEBUG environment variable to enable it. Search the code to find the DEBUG keywords, or use "all". # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # #module ActiveFacts $debug_indent = nil $debug_nested = false $debug_keys = nil def debug(*args, &block) unless $debug_indent # First time, initialise the tracing environment $debug_indent = 0 $debug_keys = {} if (e = ENV["DEBUG"]) e.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/).each{|k| $debug_keys[k.to_sym] = true } end end # Figure out whether this trace is enabled and nests: control = (!args.empty? && Symbol === args[0]) ? args.shift : :all key = control.to_s.sub(/_\Z/, '') enabled = $debug_nested || $debug_keys[key.to_sym] nesting = control.to_s =~ /_\Z/ old_nested = $debug_nested $debug_nested = nesting # Emit the message if enabled or a parent is: puts "# "+" "*$debug_indent + args.join(' ') if args.size > 0 && enabled if block begin $debug_indent += 1 if enabled r = yield # Return the value of the block ensure $debug_indent -= 1 if enabled $debug_nesting = old_nested end else r = enabled # Return whether enabled end r end #end # Return all duplicate objects in the array (using hash-equality) class Array def duplicates(&b) inject({}) do |h,e| h[e] ||= 0 h[e] += 1 h end.reject do |k,v| v == 1 end.keys end end