require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'json' require 'ostruct' require 'embedly/configuration' require 'embedly/model' require 'embedly/exceptions' require 'querystring' require 'oauth' require 'typhoeus' # Performs api calls to embedly. # # You won't find methods. We are using method_missing and passing the method # name to apicall. # # === Currently Supported Methods # # * +oembed+ # * +objectify+ # * +preview+ # # All methods return ostructs, so fields can be accessed with the dot operator. ex. # # api = # obj = api.oembed :url => '' # puts obj[0].title, obj[0].description, obj[0].thumbnail_url # # Call parameters should be passed as the opts parameter. If set, key will # automatically be added to the query string of the call, so no need to set it. # # This API _would_ be future compatible, if not for the version. In order to # add support for a new method, you will need to add a version to the # api_version hash. Here is an example. # # api = # api.api_version[:new_method] = 3 # api.new_method :arg1 => '1', :arg2 => '2' # class Embedly::API attr_reader :key, :hostname, :api_version, :headers, :secret # === Options # # [:+hostname+] Hostname of embedly server. Defaults to # [:+key+] Your key. # [:+secret+] Your secret if you are using oauth. # [:+user_agent+] Your User-Agent header. Defaults to Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; embedly-ruby/VERSION;) # [:+timeout+] Request timeout (in seconds). Defaults to 180 seconds or 3 minutes # [:+headers+] Additional headers to send with requests. def initialize opts={} @endpoints = [:oembed, :objectify, :preview] @key = opts[:key] @secret = opts[:secret] == "" ? nil : opts[:secret] @api_version ='1') @api_version.merge!({:objectify => '2'}) @hostname = opts[:hostname] || '' @timeout = opts[:timeout] || 180 @headers = { 'User-Agent' => opts[:user_agent] || "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; embedly-ruby/#{Embedly::VERSION};)" }.merge(opts[:headers]||{}) end def _do_typhoeus_call path scheme, host, port = uri_parse hostname url = "#{scheme}://#{hostname}:#{port}#{path}" logger.debug { "calling #{site}#{path} with headers #{headers} using Typhoeus" } Typhoeus::Request.get(url, {:headers => headers, :timeout => (@timeout*1000) }) end def _do_basic_call path scheme, host, port = uri_parse hostname logger.debug { "calling #{site}#{path} with headers #{headers} using Net::HTTP" } Net::HTTP.start(host, port, :use_ssl => scheme == 'https') do |http| http.read_timeout = @timeout http.get(path, headers) end end def _do_oauth_call path consumer =, secret, :site => site, :http_method => :get, :scheme => :query_string) # our implementation is broken for header authorization, thus the # query_string access_token = consumer logger.debug { "calling #{site}#{path} with headers #{headers} via OAuth" } access_token.get path, headers end def _do_call path if key and secret _do_oauth_call path else configuration.typhoeus ? _do_typhoeus_call(path) : _do_basic_call(path) end end # Use methods oembed, objectify, preview in favor of this method. # # Normalizes url and urls parameters and calls the endpoint. url OR urls # must be present # # === Options # # [:+url+] _(optional)_ A single url # [:+urls+] _(optional)_ An array of urls # [:+action+] The method that should be called. ex. oembed, objectify, preview # [:+version+] The api version number. # [_others_] All other parameters are used as query strings. def apicall opts opts[:urls] ||= [] opts[:urls] << opts[:url] if opts[:url] raise 'must pass urls' if opts[:urls].size == 0 params = {:urls => opts[:urls]} # store unsupported services as errors and don't send them to embedly rejects = [] if not key params[:urls].reject!.with_index do |url, i| if url !~ services_regex rejects << [i, :type => 'error', :error_code => 401, :error_message => 'Embedly api key is required.' ) ] end end end if params[:urls].size > 0 params[:key] = key if key and not secret params.merge!Hash[{|k,_| not [:url, :urls, :action, :version].index k} ] path = "/#{opts[:version]}/#{opts[:action]}?#{QueryString.stringify(params)}" response = _do_call path if response.code.to_i == 200 logger.debug { response.body } # [].flatten is to be sure we have an array objs = [JSON.parse(response.body)].flatten.collect do |o| end else logger.debug { response } raise, path) end # re-insert rejects into response rejects.each do |i, obj| objs.insert i, obj end objs else # we only have rejects, return them without calling embedly rejects.collect{|i, obj| obj} end end # Returns structured data from the services API method. # # Response is cached per API object. # # see for a description of the response. def services if not @services response = _do_call '/1/services/ruby' raise 'services call failed', response if response.code.to_i != 200 @services = JSON.parse(response.body) end @services end # Returns a regex suitable for checking urls against for non-key usage def services_regex r = services.collect {|p| p["regex"].join("|")}.join("|") r end # Performs api call based on method name # # === Currently supported # # - +oembed+ # - +objectify+ # - +preview+ # def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if @endpoints.include?name opts = args[0] opts[:action] = name opts[:version] = @api_version[name] apicall opts else super end end private def uri_parse uri uri =~ %r{^((http(s?))://)?([^:/]+)(:([\d]+))?(/.*)?$} scheme = $2 || 'http' host = $4 port = $6 ? $6 : ( scheme == 'https' ? 443 : 80) [scheme, host, port.to_i] end def site scheme, host, port = uri_parse hostname if (scheme == 'http' and port == 80) or (scheme == 'https' and port == 443) "#{scheme}://#{host}" else "#{scheme}://#{host}:#{port}" end end def logger configuration.logger end def configuration Embedly.configuration end end