mT(ʸۀ0a\Ls"`YARB Lx86_64-linux**.*1 9** .*  %.*1    q**..5 *1*.. .*1&(  ) '**..5 ..3*1'    3!!** +*.* .* .*1 %1(341  ** +*1 )  y  * +1 i   9 IaEq/home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7@cmor/gems/rspec-expectations-3.8.2/lib/rspec/matchers/generated_descriptions.rbE
EEEsingleton class Eclear_generated_description Egenerated_descriptionE Elast_descriptionEuWhen you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this: specify { expect(object).to matcher } or this: it { matcher } RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again. ERSpecEMatchersEsingletonclassE attr_accessorE last_matcher=Elast_expectation_handler=Elast_expectation_handlerEnil?EverbE last_matcherE respond_to?E descriptionEcore#define_singleton_method%1:FR^5b