Given /^an object '(.*)'$/ do |name| @movie = @movie.title = 'Gone with the Wind' @movie.director = 'Victor Fleming' @movie.writers = ['Sidney Howard'] @director = = 'Victor Fleming' @award = @award.year = '1940' @award.category = 'Best Director' @director.awards = [@award] @movie.director = @director end Given /^a hash named '(.*)':$/ do |name, table| @all = [] table.hashes.each do |hash| @last = hash.inject({}) do |h, (key, value)| h["#{key.underscore.gsub(' ', '_')}"] = value h end @all << @last end instance_variable_set("@#{name}", @last) end Given /^'(.*)' has (.*), an array of:$/ do |name, attribute, table| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") object.send(attribute + "=", []) table.hashes.each do |hash| hash.each {|key, value| object.send(attribute) << value} end end When /^I save the object '(.*)'$/ do |name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") @last_save = end Then /^the object '(.*)' roundtrips$/ do |name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") object.instance_variable_set("@_id", @last_save) @collection.find_one(@last_save).should == object end Then /^the attribute '(.*)' of '(.*)' is '(.*)'$/ do |attr, var, value| object = instance_variable_get("@#{var}") object.send(attr).to_s.should == value end