/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #ifndef THETA_UPDATE_SKETCH_BASE_IMPL_HPP_ #define THETA_UPDATE_SKETCH_BASE_IMPL_HPP_ #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> namespace datasketches { template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::theta_update_sketch_base(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator, bool is_empty): allocator_(allocator), is_empty_(is_empty), lg_cur_size_(lg_cur_size), lg_nom_size_(lg_nom_size), rf_(rf), num_entries_(0), theta_(theta), seed_(seed), entries_(nullptr) { if (lg_cur_size > 0) { const size_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size; entries_ = allocator_.allocate(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) EK()(entries_[i]) = 0; } } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::theta_update_sketch_base(const theta_update_sketch_base& other): allocator_(other.allocator_), is_empty_(other.is_empty_), lg_cur_size_(other.lg_cur_size_), lg_nom_size_(other.lg_nom_size_), rf_(other.rf_), num_entries_(other.num_entries_), theta_(other.theta_), seed_(other.seed_), entries_(nullptr) { if (other.entries_ != nullptr) { const size_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; entries_ = allocator_.allocate(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (EK()(other.entries_[i]) != 0) { new (&entries_[i]) EN(other.entries_[i]); } else { EK()(entries_[i]) = 0; } } } } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::theta_update_sketch_base(theta_update_sketch_base&& other) noexcept: allocator_(std::move(other.allocator_)), is_empty_(other.is_empty_), lg_cur_size_(other.lg_cur_size_), lg_nom_size_(other.lg_nom_size_), rf_(other.rf_), num_entries_(other.num_entries_), theta_(other.theta_), seed_(other.seed_), entries_(other.entries_) { other.entries_ = nullptr; } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::~theta_update_sketch_base() { if (entries_ != nullptr) { const size_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (EK()(entries_[i]) != 0) entries_[i].~EN(); } allocator_.deallocate(entries_, size); } } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>& theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::operator=(const theta_update_sketch_base& other) { theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A> copy(other); std::swap(allocator_, copy.allocator_); std::swap(is_empty_, copy.is_empty_); std::swap(lg_cur_size_, copy.lg_cur_size_); std::swap(lg_nom_size_, copy.lg_nom_size_); std::swap(rf_, copy.rf_); std::swap(num_entries_, copy.num_entries_); std::swap(theta_, copy.theta_); std::swap(seed_, copy.seed_); std::swap(entries_, copy.entries_); return *this; } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>& theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::operator=(theta_update_sketch_base&& other) { std::swap(allocator_, other.allocator_); std::swap(is_empty_, other.is_empty_); std::swap(lg_cur_size_, other.lg_cur_size_); std::swap(lg_nom_size_, other.lg_nom_size_); std::swap(rf_, other.rf_); std::swap(num_entries_, other.num_entries_); std::swap(theta_, other.theta_); std::swap(seed_, other.seed_); std::swap(entries_, other.entries_); return *this; } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> uint64_t theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::hash_and_screen(const void* data, size_t length) { is_empty_ = false; const uint64_t hash = compute_hash(data, length, seed_); if (hash >= theta_) return 0; // hash == 0 is reserved to mark empty slots in the table return hash; } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> auto theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::find(uint64_t key) const -> std::pair<iterator, bool> { const size_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; const size_t mask = size - 1; const uint32_t stride = get_stride(key, lg_cur_size_); uint32_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(key) & mask; // search for duplicate or zero const uint32_t loop_index = index; do { const uint64_t probe = EK()(entries_[index]); if (probe == 0) { return std::pair<iterator, bool>(&entries_[index], false); } else if (probe == key) { return std::pair<iterator, bool>(&entries_[index], true); } index = (index + stride) & mask; } while (index != loop_index); throw std::logic_error("key not found and no empty slots!"); } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> template<typename Fwd> void theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::insert(iterator it, Fwd&& entry) { new (it) EN(std::forward<Fwd>(entry)); ++num_entries_; if (num_entries_ > get_capacity(lg_cur_size_, lg_nom_size_)) { if (lg_cur_size_ <= lg_nom_size_) { resize(); } else { rebuild(); } } } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> auto theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::begin() const -> iterator { return entries_; } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> auto theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::end() const -> iterator { return &entries_[1 << lg_cur_size_]; } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> uint32_t theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::get_capacity(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size) { const double fraction = (lg_cur_size <= lg_nom_size) ? RESIZE_THRESHOLD : REBUILD_THRESHOLD; return std::floor(fraction * (1 << lg_cur_size)); } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> uint32_t theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::get_stride(uint64_t key, uint8_t lg_size) { // odd and independent of index assuming lg_size lowest bits of the key were used for the index return (2 * static_cast<uint32_t>((key >> lg_size) & STRIDE_MASK)) + 1; } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> void theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::resize() { const size_t old_size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; const uint8_t lg_tgt_size = lg_nom_size_ + 1; const uint8_t factor = std::max(1, std::min(static_cast<int>(rf_), lg_tgt_size - lg_cur_size_)); lg_cur_size_ += factor; const size_t new_size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; EN* old_entries = entries_; entries_ = allocator_.allocate(new_size); for (size_t i = 0; i < new_size; ++i) EK()(entries_[i]) = 0; num_entries_ = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < old_size; ++i) { const uint64_t key = EK()(old_entries[i]); if (key != 0) { insert(find(key).first, std::move(old_entries[i])); // consider a special insert with no comparison old_entries[i].~EN(); } } allocator_.deallocate(old_entries, old_size); } // assumes number of entries > nominal size template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> void theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::rebuild() { const size_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; const uint32_t nominal_size = 1 << lg_nom_size_; // empty entries have uninitialized payloads // TODO: avoid this for empty or trivial payloads (arithmetic types) consolidate_non_empty(entries_, size, num_entries_); std::nth_element(entries_, entries_ + nominal_size, entries_ + num_entries_, comparator()); this->theta_ = EK()(entries_[nominal_size]); EN* old_entries = entries_; const size_t num_old_entries = num_entries_; entries_ = allocator_.allocate(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) EK()(entries_[i]) = 0; num_entries_ = 0; // relies on consolidating non-empty entries to the front for (size_t i = 0; i < nominal_size; ++i) { insert(find(EK()(old_entries[i])).first, std::move(old_entries[i])); // consider a special insert with no comparison old_entries[i].~EN(); } for (size_t i = nominal_size; i < num_old_entries; ++i) old_entries[i].~EN(); allocator_.deallocate(old_entries, size); } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> void theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::trim() { if (num_entries_ > static_cast<uint32_t>(1 << lg_nom_size_)) rebuild(); } template<typename EN, typename EK, typename A> void theta_update_sketch_base<EN, EK, A>::consolidate_non_empty(EN* entries, size_t size, size_t num) { // find the first empty slot size_t i = 0; while (i < size) { if (EK()(entries[i]) == 0) break; ++i; } // scan the rest and move non-empty entries to the front for (size_t j = i + 1; j < size; ++j) { if (EK()(entries[j]) != 0) { new (&entries[i]) EN(std::move(entries[j])); entries[j].~EN(); EK()(entries[j]) = 0; ++i; if (i == num) break; } } } // builder template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::theta_base_builder(const Allocator& allocator): allocator_(allocator), lg_k_(DEFAULT_LG_K), rf_(DEFAULT_RESIZE_FACTOR), p_(1), seed_(DEFAULT_SEED) {} template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> Derived& theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::set_lg_k(uint8_t lg_k) { if (lg_k < MIN_LG_K) { throw std::invalid_argument("lg_k must not be less than " + std::to_string(MIN_LG_K) + ": " + std::to_string(lg_k)); } if (lg_k > MAX_LG_K) { throw std::invalid_argument("lg_k must not be greater than " + std::to_string(MAX_LG_K) + ": " + std::to_string(lg_k)); } lg_k_ = lg_k; return static_cast<Derived&>(*this); } template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> Derived& theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::set_resize_factor(resize_factor rf) { rf_ = rf; return static_cast<Derived&>(*this); } template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> Derived& theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::set_p(float p) { if (p <= 0 || p > 1) throw std::invalid_argument("sampling probability must be between 0 and 1"); p_ = p; return static_cast<Derived&>(*this); } template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> Derived& theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::set_seed(uint64_t seed) { seed_ = seed; return static_cast<Derived&>(*this); } template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> uint64_t theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::starting_theta() const { if (p_ < 1) return theta_constants::MAX_THETA * p_; return theta_constants::MAX_THETA; } template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> uint8_t theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::starting_lg_size() const { return starting_sub_multiple(lg_k_ + 1, MIN_LG_K, static_cast<uint8_t>(rf_)); } template<typename Derived, typename Allocator> uint8_t theta_base_builder<Derived, Allocator>::starting_sub_multiple(uint8_t lg_tgt, uint8_t lg_min, uint8_t lg_rf) { return (lg_tgt <= lg_min) ? lg_min : (lg_rf == 0) ? lg_tgt : ((lg_tgt - lg_min) % lg_rf) + lg_min; } // iterator template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::theta_iterator(Entry* entries, uint32_t size, uint32_t index): entries_(entries), size_(size), index_(index) { while (index_ < size_ && ExtractKey()(entries_[index_]) == 0) ++index_; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> auto theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator++() -> theta_iterator& { ++index_; while (index_ < size_ && ExtractKey()(entries_[index_]) == 0) ++index_; return *this; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> auto theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator++(int) -> theta_iterator { theta_iterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> bool theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator!=(const theta_iterator& other) const { return index_ != other.index_; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> bool theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator==(const theta_iterator& other) const { return index_ == other.index_; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> auto theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator*() const -> Entry& { return entries_[index_]; } // const iterator template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::theta_const_iterator(const Entry* entries, uint32_t size, uint32_t index): entries_(entries), size_(size), index_(index) { while (index_ < size_ && ExtractKey()(entries_[index_]) == 0) ++index_; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> auto theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator++() -> theta_const_iterator& { ++index_; while (index_ < size_ && ExtractKey()(entries_[index_]) == 0) ++index_; return *this; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> auto theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator++(int) -> theta_const_iterator { theta_const_iterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> bool theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator!=(const theta_const_iterator& other) const { return index_ != other.index_; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> bool theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator==(const theta_const_iterator& other) const { return index_ == other.index_; } template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey> auto theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>::operator*() const -> const Entry& { return entries_[index_]; } } /* namespace datasketches */ #endif