o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1364339933.359545: @value"x§{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;FI"logical_path;FI"refinery/wymeditor.js;TI" pathname;FI"ˆ/Users/johanfrolich/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327@refinerycms-menus/gems/refinerycms-core-2.0.9/app/assets/javascripts/refinery/wymeditor.js;TI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2013-02-04T15:34:04+01:00;FI" length;Fib¥I" digest;F"%fb3dbf0925eb88ebc8d30cd0e0632eafI" source;FI"b¥if(!WYMeditor) { var WYMeditor = {}; } //Wrap the Firebug console in WYMeditor.console (function() { if ( !window.console || !console.firebug ) { var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"]; WYMeditor.console = {}; for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) WYMeditor.console[names[i]] = function() {}; } else { WYMeditor.console = window.console; } })(); $.extend(WYMeditor, { /* Constants: Global WYMeditor constants. VERSION - Defines WYMeditor version. INSTANCES - An array of loaded WYMeditor.editor instances. STRINGS - An array of loaded WYMeditor language pairs/values. SKINS - An array of loaded WYMeditor skins. NAME - The "name" attribute. INDEX - A string replaced by the instance index. WYM_INDEX - A string used to get/set the instance index. BASE_PATH - A string replaced by WYMeditor's base path. SKIN_PATH - A string replaced by WYMeditor's skin path. WYM_PATH - A string replaced by WYMeditor's main JS file path. SKINS_DEFAULT_PATH - The skins default base path. SKINS_DEFAULT_CSS - The skins default CSS file. LANG_DEFAULT_PATH - The language files default path. IFRAME_BASE_PATH - A string replaced by the designmode iframe's base path. IFRAME_DEFAULT - The iframe's default base path. JQUERY_PATH - A string replaced by the computed jQuery path. DIRECTION - A string replaced by the text direction (rtl or ltr). LOGO - A string replaced by WYMeditor logo. TOOLS - A string replaced by the toolbar's HTML. TOOLS_ITEMS - A string replaced by the toolbar items. TOOL_NAME - A string replaced by a toolbar item's name. TOOL_TITLE - A string replaced by a toolbar item's title. TOOL_CLASS - A string replaced by a toolbar item's class. CLASSES - A string replaced by the classes panel's HTML. CLASSES_ITEMS - A string replaced by the classes items. CLASS_NAME - A string replaced by a class item's name. CLASS_TITLE - A string replaced by a class item's title. CONTAINERS - A string replaced by the containers panel's HTML. CONTAINERS_ITEMS - A string replaced by the containers items. CONTAINER_NAME - A string replaced by a container item's name. CONTAINER_TITLE - A string replaced by a container item's title. CONTAINER_CLASS - A string replaced by a container item's class. HTML - A string replaced by the HTML view panel's HTML. IFRAME - A string replaced by the designmode iframe. STATUS - A string replaced by the status panel's HTML. DIALOG_TITLE - A string replaced by a dialog's title. DIALOG_BODY - A string replaced by a dialog's HTML body. BODY - The BODY element. STRING - The "string" type. BODY,DIV,P, H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6, PRE,BLOCKQUOTE, A,BR,IMG, TABLE,TD,TH, UL,OL,LI - HTML elements string representation. CLASS,HREF,SRC, TITLE,ALT - HTML attributes string representation. DIALOG_LINK - A link dialog type. DIALOG_IMAGE - An image dialog type. DIALOG_TABLE - A table dialog type. DIALOG_PASTE - A 'Paste' dialog type. BOLD - Command: (un)set selection to . ITALIC - Command: (un)set selection to . CREATE_LINK - Command: open the link dialog or (un)set link. INSERT_IMAGE - Command: open the image dialog or insert an image. INSERT_TABLE - Command: open the table dialog. PASTE - Command: open the paste dialog. INDENT - Command: nest a list item. OUTDENT - Command: unnest a list item. TOGGLE_HTML - Command: display/hide the HTML view. FORMAT_BLOCK - Command: set a block element to another type. PREVIEW - Command: open the preview dialog. UNLINK - Command: unset a link. INSERT_UNORDEREDLIST- Command: insert an unordered list. INSERT_ORDEREDLIST - Command: insert an ordered list. MAIN_CONTAINERS - An array of the main HTML containers used in WYMeditor. BLOCKS - An array of the HTML block elements. KEY - Standard key codes. NODE - Node types. */ VERSION : "0.5-rc1-refinery", INSTANCES : [], STRINGS : [], SKINS : [], NAME : "name", INDEX : "{Wym_Index}", WYM_INDEX : "wym_index", BASE_PATH : "{Wym_Base_Path}", CSS_PATH : "{Wym_Css_Path}", WYM_PATH : "{Wym_Wym_Path}", SKINS_DEFAULT_PATH : "/assets/wymeditor/skins/", SKINS_DEFAULT_CSS : "skin.css", SKINS_DEFAULT_JS : "skin.js", LANG_DEFAULT_PATH : "lang/", IFRAME_BASE_PATH : "{Wym_Iframe_Base_Path}", IFRAME_DEFAULT : "iframe/default/", JQUERY_PATH : "{Wym_Jquery_Path}", DIRECTION : "{Wym_Direction}", LOGO : "{Wym_Logo}", TOOLS : "{Wym_Tools}", TOOLS_ITEMS : "{Wym_Tools_Items}", TOOL_NAME : "{Wym_Tool_Name}", TOOL_TITLE : "{Wym_Tool_Title}", TOOL_CLASS : "{Wym_Tool_Class}", CLASSES : "{Wym_Classes}", CLASSES_ITEMS : "{Wym_Classes_Items}", CLASS_NAME : "{Wym_Class_Name}", CLASS_TITLE : "{Wym_Class_Title}", CONTAINERS : "{Wym_Containers}", CONTAINERS_ITEMS : "{Wym_Containers_Items}", CONTAINER_NAME : "{Wym_Container_Name}", CONTAINER_TITLE : "{Wym_Containers_Title}", CONTAINER_CLASS : "{Wym_Container_Class}", HTML : "{Wym_Html}", IFRAME : "{Wym_Iframe}", STATUS : "{Wym_Status}", DIALOG_TITLE : "{Wym_Dialog_Title}", DIALOG_BODY : "{Wym_Dialog_Body}", STRING : "string", BODY : "body", DIV : "div", P : "p", H1 : "h1", H2 : "h2", H3 : "h3", H4 : "h4", H5 : "h5", H6 : "h6", PRE : "pre", BLOCKQUOTE : "blockquote", A : "a", BR : "br", IMG : "img", TABLE : "table", TD : "td", TH : "th", UL : "ul", OL : "ol", LI : "li", CLASS : "class", HREF : "href", SRC : "src", TITLE : "title", TARGET : "target", ALT : "alt", REL : 'rel', DIALOG_LINK : "Link", DIALOG_IMAGE : "Image", DIALOG_TABLE : "Table", DIALOG_PASTE : "Paste_From_Word", DIALOG_CLASS : "Css_Class", BOLD : "Bold", ITALIC : "Italic", CREATE_LINK : "CreateLink", INSERT_IMAGE : "InsertImage", INSERT_TABLE : "InsertTable", INSERT_HTML : "InsertHTML", APPLY_CLASS : "Apply_Style", PASTE : "Paste", INDENT : "Indent", OUTDENT : "Outdent", TOGGLE_HTML : "ToggleHtml", FORMAT_BLOCK : "FormatBlock", PREVIEW : "Preview", UNLINK : "Unlink", INSERT_UNORDEREDLIST : "InsertUnorderedList", INSERT_ORDEREDLIST : "InsertOrderedList", MAIN_CONTAINERS : new Array("p","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","pre","blockquote"), BLOCKS : new Array("address", "blockquote", "div", "dl", "fieldset", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "noscript", "ol", "p", "pre", "table", "ul", "dd", "dt", "li", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "meter", "section", "article", "aside", "details", "header", "footer", "nav", "dialog", "figure", "figcaption", "address", "hgroup", "mark", "time", "canvas", "audio", "video", "source", "output", "progress", "ruby", "rt", "rp", "summary", "command"), KEY : { BACKSPACE: 8, ENTER: 13, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, CURSOR: new Array(37, 38, 39, 40), DELETE: 46 }, NODE : { ELEMENT: 1, ATTRIBUTE: 2, TEXT: 3 }, /* Class: WYMeditor.editor WYMeditor editor main class, instanciated for each editor occurrence. */ editor : function(elem, options) { /* Constructor: WYMeditor.editor Initializes main values (index, elements, paths, ...) and call WYMeditor.editor.init which initializes the editor. Parameters: elem - The HTML element to be replaced by the editor. options - The hash of options. Returns: Nothing. See Also: */ //store the instance in the INSTANCES array and store the index this._index = WYMeditor.INSTANCES.push(this) - 1; //store the element replaced by the editor this._element = elem; //store the options this._options = options; //store the element's inner value this._html = $(elem).val(); //store the HTML option, if any if(this._options.html) { this._html = this._options.html; } //get or compute the base path (where the main JS file is located) this._options.basePath = this._options.basePath || this.computeBasePath(); //get or set the skin path (where the skin files are located) this._options.skinPath = this._options.skinPath || (this._options.basePath + WYMeditor.SKINS_DEFAULT_PATH) + this._options.skin + '/'; // set css and js skin paths this._options.cssCompiledSkinPath = this._options.cssCompiledSkinPath || ((this._options.cssSkinPath || this._options.skinPath) + this._options.skin + "/"); this._options.jsCompiledSkinPath = this._options.jsCompiledSkinPath || ((this._options.jsSkinPath || this._options.skinPath) + this._options.skin + "/"); //get or compute the main JS file location this._options.wymPath = this._options.wymPath || this.computeWymPath(); //get or set the language files path this._options.langPath = this._options.langPath || this._options.basePath + WYMeditor.LANG_DEFAULT_PATH; //get or set the designmode iframe's base path this._options.iframeBasePath = this._options.iframeBasePath || this._options.basePath + WYMeditor.IFRAME_DEFAULT; //get or compute the jQuery JS file location this._options.jQueryPath = this._options.jQueryPath || this.computeJqueryPath(); //initialize the editor instance this.init(); } }); /********** JQUERY **********/ /** * Replace an HTML element by WYMeditor * * @example $(".wymeditor").wymeditor( * { * * } * ); * @desc Example description here * * @name WYMeditor * @description WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM XHTML editor * @param Hash hash A hash of parameters * @option Integer iExample Description here * @option String sExample Description here * * @type jQuery * @cat Plugins/WYMeditor * @author Jean-Francois Hovinne */ $.fn.wymeditor = function(options) { options = $.extend({ html: "", basePath: false, skinPath: false, jsSkinPath: false, cssSkinPath: false, wymPath: false, iframeBasePath: false, jQueryPath: false, styles: false, stylesheet: false, skin: "default", initSkin: true, loadSkin: true, lang: "en", direction: "ltr", boxHtml: "
" + "
" + WYMeditor.TOOLS + "
" + "
" + "
" + WYMeditor.CONTAINERS + WYMeditor.CLASSES + "
" + "
" + WYMeditor.HTML + WYMeditor.IFRAME + WYMeditor.STATUS + "
" + "
" + WYMeditor.LOGO + "
" + "
", logoHtml: "WYMeditor", iframeHtml:"
" + "" + "
", editorStyles: [], toolsHtml: "
" + "


" + "
    " + WYMeditor.TOOLS_ITEMS + "
" + "
", toolsItemHtml:"
  • " + "" + WYMeditor.TOOL_TITLE + "" + "
  • ", toolsItems: [ {'name': 'Bold', 'title': 'Strong', 'css': 'wym_tools_strong'}, {'name': 'Italic', 'title': 'Emphasis', 'css': 'wym_tools_emphasis'}, {'name': 'Superscript', 'title': 'Superscript', 'css': 'wym_tools_superscript'}, {'name': 'Subscript', 'title': 'Subscript', 'css': 'wym_tools_subscript'}, {'name': 'InsertOrderedList', 'title': 'Ordered_List', 'css': 'wym_tools_ordered_list'}, {'name': 'InsertUnorderedList', 'title': 'Unordered_List', 'css': 'wym_tools_unordered_list'}, {'name': 'Indent', 'title': 'Indent', 'css': 'wym_tools_indent'}, {'name': 'Outdent', 'title': 'Outdent', 'css': 'wym_tools_outdent'}, {'name': 'Undo', 'title': 'Undo', 'css': 'wym_tools_undo'}, {'name': 'Redo', 'title': 'Redo', 'css': 'wym_tools_redo'}, {'name': 'CreateLink', 'title': 'Link', 'css': 'wym_tools_link'}, {'name': 'Unlink', 'title': 'Unlink', 'css': 'wym_tools_unlink'}, {'name': 'InsertImage', 'title': 'Image', 'css': 'wym_tools_image'}, {'name': 'InsertTable', 'title': 'Table', 'css': 'wym_tools_table'}, {'name': 'Paste', 'title': 'Paste_From_Word', 'css': 'wym_tools_paste'}, {'name': 'ToggleHtml', 'title': 'HTML', 'css': 'wym_tools_html'}, {'name': 'Preview', 'title': 'Preview', 'css': 'wym_tools_preview'} ], containersHtml: "
    " + "


    " + "
      " + WYMeditor.CONTAINERS_ITEMS + "
    " + "
    ", containersItemHtml:"
  • " + "" + WYMeditor.CONTAINER_TITLE + "" +"
  • ", containersItems: [ {'name': 'P', 'title': 'Paragraph', 'css': 'wym_containers_p'}, {'name': 'H1', 'title': 'Heading_1', 'css': 'wym_containers_h1'}, {'name': 'H2', 'title': 'Heading_2', 'css': 'wym_containers_h2'}, {'name': 'H3', 'title': 'Heading_3', 'css': 'wym_containers_h3'}, {'name': 'H4', 'title': 'Heading_4', 'css': 'wym_containers_h4'}, {'name': 'H5', 'title': 'Heading_5', 'css': 'wym_containers_h5'}, {'name': 'H6', 'title': 'Heading_6', 'css': 'wym_containers_h6'}, {'name': 'PRE', 'title': 'Preformatted', 'css': 'wym_containers_pre'}, {'name': 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'title': 'Blockquote', 'css': 'wym_containers_blockquote'}, {'name': 'TH', 'title': 'Table_Header', 'css': 'wym_containers_th'} ], classesHtml: "
    " + "


      " + WYMeditor.CLASSES_ITEMS + "
    ", classesItemHtml: "
  • " + "" + WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE + "" +"
  • ", classesItems: [], statusHtml: "
    " + "


    " +"
    ", htmlHtml: "
    " + "


    " + "" +"
    ", boxSelector: ".wym_box", toolsSelector: ".wym_tools", toolsListSelector: " ul", containersSelector:".wym_containers", classesSelector: ".wym_classes", htmlSelector: ".wym_html", iframeSelector: ".wym_iframe iframe", iframeBodySelector:".wym_iframe", statusSelector: ".wym_status", toolSelector: ".wym_tools a", containerSelector: ".wym_containers a", classSelector: ".wym_classes a", classUnhiddenSelector: ".wym_classes", classHiddenSelector: ".wym_classes_hidden", htmlValSelector: ".wym_html_val", hrefSelector: ".wym_href", srcSelector: ".wym_src", titleSelector: ".wym_title", targetSelector: ".wym_target", altSelector: ".wym_alt", textSelector: ".wym_text", sizeSelector: ".wym_size", rowsSelector: ".wym_rows", colsSelector: ".wym_cols", captionSelector: ".wym_caption", summarySelector: ".wym_summary", submitSelector: ".wym_submit", cancelSelector: ".wym_cancel", previewSelector: "", dialogTypeSelector: ".wym_dialog_type", dialogLinkSelector: ".wym_dialog_link", dialogImageSelector: ".wym_dialog_image", dialogTableSelector: ".wym_dialog_table", dialogPasteSelector: ".wym_dialog_paste", dialogPreviewSelector: ".wym_dialog_preview", updateSelector: ".wymupdate", updateEvent: "click", dialogFeatures: { width: 560 , height: 300 } , dialogFeaturesPreview: "menubar=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,width=560,height=300,top=0,left=0" , dialogHtml:"" + "" + "" + "" + "" + WYMeditor.DIALOG_TITLE + "" + "" + "" + "" + WYMeditor.DIALOG_BODY + "", dialogLinkHtml: "", dialogImageHtml: "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "{Image}" + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    ", dialogTableHtml: "
    " + "
    " + "" + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "
    ", dialogPasteHtml: "
    " + "
    " + "" + "
    " + "{Paste_From_Word}" + "
    " + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    ", dialogPreviewHtml: "
    ", dialogStyles: [], stringDelimiterLeft: "{", stringDelimiterRight:"}", preInit: null, preBind: null, postInit: null, preInitDialog: null, postInitDialog: null }, options); return this.each(function() { new WYMeditor.editor($(this),options); }); }; /* @name extend * @description Returns the WYMeditor instance based on its index */ $.extend({ wymeditors: function(i) { return (WYMeditor.INSTANCES[i]); } }); /* * Function: WYMeditor.loadCss * Loads a stylesheet in the document. * * Parameters: * href - The CSS path. */ WYMeditor.loadCss = function(href) { $("").attr('href', href).appendTo($('head').get(0)); }; /********** DIALOGS **********/ WYMeditor.INIT_DIALOG = function(wym, selected, isIframe) { var selected = selected || wym.selected(); var dialog = $("#"+wym._options.dialogId); var doc = $(dialog.find('iframe').contents()); var dialogType = dialog.find('#wym_dialog_type').val(); if (wym._selected_image) { var replaceable = $(wym._selected_image); } else { var replaceable = $(wym._doc.body).find('#' + wym._current_unique_stamp); } // focus first textarea or input type text element dialog.find('input[type=text], textarea').first().focus(); // init close_dialog when user clicks on cancel button doc.find('body').addClass('wym_iframe_body').find('#cancel_button').add(dialog.find('.close_dialog')).click(function(e){ wym.close_dialog(e, true); }); // init close_dialog when user clicks on small x icon at the top of dialog $('.ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-titlebar-close').click(function(e){ wym.close_dialog(e, true); }); //pre-init functions if($.isFunction(wym._options.preInitDialog)) { wym._options.preInitDialog(wym, window); } $(wym._options.dialogLinkSelector).find(wym._options.submitSelector).click(function(e) { if ((sUrl = $(wym._options.hrefSelector).val()).length > 0) { if (replaceable.get(0) != null) { var link = $('').attr({href:sUrl, title: $(wym._options.titleSelector).val()}) if ((target = $(wym._options.targetSelector).val()) != null && target.length > 0) { link.attr('target', target); } // now grab what was selected in the editor and chuck it inside the link. if (!wym._selected_image) { // ensure some attributes are copied across to the new link. link.attr({'style': replaceable.attr('style'), 'class': replaceable.attr('class')}); link.html(replaceable.html()); replaceable.replaceWith($('
    ').append(link).html()); } else { if ((parent = replaceable.parent().get(0)) != null && parent.tagName.toUpperCase() == "A") { $(parent).attr({href: link.attr('href'), title: $(wym._options.titleSelector).val(), target: target}); } else { replaceable.before(link); $(link).append(replaceable.get(0)); } } } else { wym._exec(WYMeditor.CREATE_LINK, wym._current_unique_stamp); $("a[href=" + wym._current_unique_stamp + "]", wym._doc.body) .attr(WYMeditor.HREF, sUrl) .attr(WYMeditor.TITLE, $(wym._options.titleSelector).val()) .attr(WYMeditor.TARGET, $(wym._options.targetSelector).val()); } } // fire a click event on the dialogs close button wym.close_dialog(e); }); //auto populate image fields if selected image if(wym._selected_image) { imgDialog = $(wym._options.dialogImageSelector); img = $(wym._selected_image); size = ((img.attr(WYMeditor.REL) || doc.find('#existing_image_size_area li.selected a').attr('rel')) || ""); src = img.attr(WYMeditor.SRC); if (size.length > 0) { src = src.replace('_' + size + '.', '.'); doc.find('#existing_image_size_area li.selected').removeClass('selected'); doc.find("#existing_image_size_area li a[href='#" + size + "']").parents('li:first').addClass('selected'); } imgDialog.find(wym._options.srcSelector).val(src); imgDialog.find(wym._options.titleSelector).val(img.attr(WYMeditor.TITLE)); imgDialog.find(wym._options.altSelector).val(img.attr(WYMeditor.ALT)); imgDialog.find(wym._options.sizeSelector).val(size); (src = src.split('.')).pop(); doc.find("#existing_image_area_content li img[src^='" + src + "']").parents('li:first').addClass('selected'); } $(wym._options.dialogImageSelector).find(wym._options.submitSelector).click(function(e) { form = $(this.form); if ((url = form.find(wym._options.srcSelector).val()) != null && url.length > 0) { (image = $(wym._doc.createElement("IMG"))) .attr(WYMeditor.SRC, url) .attr(WYMeditor.TITLE, form.find(wym._options.titleSelector).val()) .attr(WYMeditor.ALT, form.find(wym._options.altSelector).val()) .attr(WYMeditor.REL, form.find(wym._options.sizeSelector).val()) .load(function(e){ $(this).attr({ 'width': $(this).width() , 'height': $(this).height() }); }); // ensure we know where to put the image. if (replaceable == null) { replaceable = $(wym._doc.body).find("#" + wym._current_unique_stamp); } if (replaceable != null) { replaceable.after(image).remove(); } // fire a click event on the dialogs close button wym.close_dialog(e); } else { // remove any save loader animations. $('iframe').contents().find('.save-loader').remove(); // tell the user. alert("Please select an image to insert."); } e.preventDefault(); }); $(wym._options.dialogTableSelector).find(wym._options.submitSelector).click(function(e) { if((iRows = $(wym._options.rowsSelector).val()) > 0 && (iCols = $(wym._options.colsSelector).val()) > 0) { //create the table and the caption (table = wym._doc.createElement(WYMeditor.TABLE)).createCaption().innerHTML = $(wym._options.captionSelector).val(); //create the rows and cells for(x=0; x 0) { span.parent().html(span.parent().html().replace(new RegExp([""].join("")), span.html())); } // https://github.com/refinery/refinerycms/issues/888 if (node = $(this._doc.body).find('#' + this._current_unique_stamp)) { node.attr("id", (node.attr('_id_before_replaceable') || "")); node.removeAttr("_id_before_replaceable"); } if (this._undo_on_cancel == true) { this._exec("undo"); } else if (this._redo_on_cancel == true) { this._exec("redo"); } } if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 8) { this._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); } $("#" + wym._options.dialogId).dialog("close").remove(); // ensure links can't be navigated to. $(this._doc).find('a[href]').click(function(e){e.preventDefault();}); if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } }; // from http://simonwillison.net/2006/Jan/20/escape/#p-6 RegExp.escape = function(text) { return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); }; /********** WYMeditor **********/ /* @name Wymeditor * @description WYMeditor class */ /* @name init * @description Initializes a WYMeditor instance */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.init = function() { //load subclass - browser specific //unsupported browsers: do nothing if ($.browser.msie) { var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer(this); } else if ($.browser.mozilla) { var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla(this); } else if ($.browser.opera) { var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassOpera(this); } else if ($.browser.webkit) { var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassSafari(this); } if(WymClass) { if($.isFunction(this._options.preInit)) { this._options.preInit(this); } var SaxListener = new WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener(); $.extend(SaxListener, WymClass); this.parser = new WYMeditor.XhtmlParser(SaxListener); if(this._options.styles || this._options.stylesheet){ this.configureEditorUsingRawCss(); } this.helper = new WYMeditor.XmlHelper(); //extend the Wymeditor object //don't use $.extend since 1.1.4 //$.extend(this, WymClass); for (var prop in WymClass) { this[prop] = WymClass[prop]; } //load wymbox this._box = $(this._element).hide().after(this._options.boxHtml).next().addClass('wym_box_' + this._index); //store the instance index in wymbox and element replaced by editor instance //but keep it compatible with jQuery < 1.2.3, see #122 if( $.isFunction( $.fn.data ) ) { $.data(this._box.get(0), WYMeditor.WYM_INDEX, this._index); $.data(this._element.get(0), WYMeditor.WYM_INDEX, this._index); } var h = WYMeditor.Helper; //construct the iframe var iframeHtml = this._options.iframeHtml; iframeHtml = h.replaceAll(iframeHtml, WYMeditor.INDEX, this._index); iframeHtml = h.replaceAll(iframeHtml, WYMeditor.IFRAME_BASE_PATH, this._options.iframeBasePath); //construct wymbox var boxHtml = $(this._box).html(); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.LOGO, this._options.logoHtml); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.TOOLS, this._options.toolsHtml); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CONTAINERS,this._options.containersHtml); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CLASSES, this._options.classesHtml); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.HTML, this._options.htmlHtml); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.IFRAME, iframeHtml); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.STATUS, this._options.statusHtml); //construct tools list var aTools = eval(this._options.toolsItems); var sTools = ""; for(var i = 0; i < aTools.length; i++) { var oTool = aTools[i]; if(oTool.name && oTool.title) { var sTool = this._options.toolsItemHtml; var sTool = h.replaceAll(sTool, WYMeditor.TOOL_NAME, oTool.name); sTool = h.replaceAll(sTool, WYMeditor.TOOL_TITLE, this._options.stringDelimiterLeft + oTool.title + this._options.stringDelimiterRight); sTool = h.replaceAll(sTool, WYMeditor.TOOL_CLASS, oTool.css); sTools += sTool; } } boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.TOOLS_ITEMS, sTools); //construct classes list var aClasses = eval(this._options.classesItems); var sClasses = ""; for(var i = 0; i < aClasses.length; i++) { var oClass = aClasses[i]; if(oClass.name) { if (oClass.rules && oClass.rules.length > 0) { var sRules = ""; var wym = this; $.each(oClass.rules, function(index, rule) { sClass = wym._options.classesItemHtml; sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_NAME, oClass.name + (oClass.join || "") + (rule.name || rule)); sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE, rule.title || titleize(rule.name || rule)); sRules += sClass; }); var sClassMultiple = this._options.classesItemHtmlMultiple; sClassMultiple = h.replaceAll(sClassMultiple, WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE, oClass.title || titleize(oClass.name)); sClassMultiple = h.replaceAll(sClassMultiple, '{classesItemHtml}', sRules); sClasses += sClassMultiple; } else { sClass = this._options.classesItemHtml; sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_NAME, oClass.name); sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE, oClass.title || titleize(oClass.name)); sClasses += sClass; } } } boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, ">"+WYMeditor.APPLY_CLASS+"<", ">" + this._options.stringDelimiterLeft + WYMeditor.APPLY_CLASS + this._options.stringDelimiterRight + "<"); boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CLASSES_ITEMS, sClasses); //construct containers list var aContainers = eval(this._options.containersItems); var sContainers = ""; for(var i = 0; i < aContainers.length; i++) { var oContainer = aContainers[i]; if(oContainer.name && oContainer.title) { var sContainer = this._options.containersItemHtml; sContainer = h.replaceAll(sContainer, WYMeditor.CONTAINER_NAME, oContainer.name); sContainer = h.replaceAll(sContainer, WYMeditor.CONTAINER_TITLE, this._options.stringDelimiterLeft + oContainer.title + this._options.stringDelimiterRight); sContainer = h.replaceAll(sContainer, WYMeditor.CONTAINER_CLASS, oContainer.css); sContainers += sContainer; } } boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CONTAINERS_ITEMS, sContainers); //l18n boxHtml = this.replaceStrings(boxHtml); //load html in wymbox $(this._box).html(boxHtml); //hide the html value $(this._box).find(this._options.htmlSelector).hide(); //enable the skin this.loadSkin(); // store which WYMeditor instance the element owns on the element. $(this._element).data('wymeditor', this); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.bindEvents = function() { //copy the instance var wym = this; //handle click event on tools buttons $(this._box).find(this._options.toolSelector).click(function() { wym._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); //See #154 wym.exec($(this).attr(WYMeditor.NAME)); return(false); }); //handle click event on containers buttons $(this._box).find(this._options.containerSelector).click(function() { wym.container($(this).attr(WYMeditor.NAME)); return(false); }); //handle keyup event on html value: set the editor value //handle focus/blur events to check if the element has focus, see #147 $(this._box).find(this._options.htmlValSelector) .keyup(function() { $(wym._doc.body).html($(this).val());}) .focus(function() { $(this).toggleClass('hasfocus'); }) .blur(function() { $(this).toggleClass('hasfocus'); }); //handle click event on classes buttons $(this._box).find(this._options.classSelector).bind('click', function(e) { var aClasses = eval(wym._options.classesItems); var sName = $(this).attr(WYMeditor.NAME); var oClass = WYMeditor.Helper.findByName(aClasses, sName); var replacers = $([]); if (oClass == null) { $.each(aClasses, function(index, classRule){ if (oClass == null && classRule.rules && classRule.rules.length > 0){ var ruleName = sName.replace(classRule.name + (classRule.join || ""), ""); var indexOf = null; $.each(classRule.rules, function(i, rule) { if (ruleName == (rule.name || rule)) { indexOf = i; } else { replacers.push(classRule.name + (classRule.join || "") + (rule.name || rule)); } }); if (indexOf != null) oClass = {expr: (classRule.rules[indexOf].expr || null)}; } }); } if(oClass) { // remove all related classes. replacers.each(function(index, removable_class){ wym.removeClass(removable_class, oClass.expr); }); wym.toggleClass(sName, oClass.expr); } // now hide the menu wym.exec(WYMeditor.APPLY_CLASS); wym._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); //See #154 e.preventDefault(); }); //handle event on update element $(this._options.updateSelector).bind(this._options.updateEvent, function() { wym.update(); }); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.ready = function() { return(this._doc != null); }; /********** METHODS **********/ /* @name box * @description Returns the WYMeditor container */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.box = function() { return(this._box); }; /* @name html * @description Get/Set the html value */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.html = function(html) { if(typeof html === 'string') { $(this._doc.body).html(html); } else { return($(this._doc.body).html()); } }; /* @name intercept_paste * @description Catch the browser paste action and open the appropriate dialog instead */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.intercept_paste = function(e) { var wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.title]; wym.format_block(); wym.exec(WYMeditor.PASTE); if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } }; /* @name xhtml * @description Cleans up the HTML */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.xhtml = function() { return this.parser.parse(this.html()); }; /* @name exec * @description Executes a button command */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.exec = function(cmd) { //base function for execCommand //open a dialog or exec switch(cmd) { case WYMeditor.CREATE_LINK: if((container = this.container()) || this._selected_image) { this.dialog(WYMeditor.DIALOG_LINK); } break; case WYMeditor.INSERT_IMAGE: this.dialog(WYMeditor.DIALOG_IMAGE); break; case WYMeditor.INSERT_TABLE: this.dialog(WYMeditor.DIALOG_TABLE); break; case WYMeditor.PASTE: this.dialog(WYMeditor.DIALOG_PASTE); break; case WYMeditor.TOGGLE_HTML: this.update(); this.toggleHtml(); //partially fixes #121 when the user manually inserts an image //if(!$(this._box).find(this._options.htmlSelector).is(':visible')) { // this.listen(); //} break; case WYMeditor.PREVIEW: this.dialog(WYMeditor.PREVIEW); break; case WYMeditor.APPLY_CLASS: wym = this; // determine whether any classes are already selected and add the enabled class to them. $(wym._box).find(this._options.classUnhiddenSelector).find("a[name]").each(function(index, rule){ if ($(wym.selected()).hasClass($(rule).attr('name'))) { $(rule).parent().addClass('enabled'); } else { $(rule).parent().removeClass('enabled'); } }); break; default: this._exec(cmd); break; } }; /* @name container * @description Get/Set the selected container */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.container = function(sType) { if(sType) { var container = null; if(sType.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.TH) { container = this.container(); //find the TD or TH container switch(container.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case WYMeditor.TD: case WYMeditor.TH: break; default: var aTypes = new Array(WYMeditor.TD,WYMeditor.TH); container = this.findUp(this.container(), aTypes); break; } //if it exists, switch if(container!=null) { sType = (container.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.TD)? WYMeditor.TH: WYMeditor.TD; this.switchTo(container,sType); this.update(); } } else { //set the container type var aTypes=new Array(WYMeditor.P,WYMeditor.H1,WYMeditor.H2,WYMeditor.H3,WYMeditor.H4,WYMeditor.H5, WYMeditor.H6,WYMeditor.PRE,WYMeditor.BLOCKQUOTE); container = this.findUp(this.container(), aTypes); if(container) { var newNode = null; //blockquotes must contain a block level element if(sType.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.BLOCKQUOTE) { var blockquote = this.findUp(this.container(), WYMeditor.BLOCKQUOTE); if(blockquote == null) { newNode = this._doc.createElement(sType); container.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode,container); newNode.appendChild(container); this.setFocusToNode(newNode.firstChild); } else { var nodes = blockquote.childNodes; var lgt = nodes.length; var firstNode = null; if(lgt > 0) { firstNode = nodes.item(0); } for(var x=0; x").join(">\n"); }); // ensure system/images calls become /system/images. html = html.replace(/src=\"system\/images/g, 'src="/system/images'); // get rid of wym id tags that were forgotten about by replacing them with their content. $(html).find(bad_spans='span[id|=wym], span[id=undefined]').add($(html).filter(bad_spans)).each(function(i, span) { html_to_replace_with = wym.parser.parse($(span).html()); html_to_replace = wym.parser.parse($(span).wrap('
    ').parent().html()); if($.browser.msie) { // converts foo to foo (note the quotes) html_to_replace = new RegExp(html_to_replace.replace(/(\ [^\=]+\=)([^\ >]+)/, '$1"$2"'), "ig"); } html = html.replace(html_to_replace, html_to_replace_with); }); // get rid of id='last_paste' tags that were forgotten about. html = html.replace(/(\ ?id=(\"|\')last\_paste(\"|\'))/igm, ''); // get rid of any temporary text-only interpolation tags we have inserted for cursor position. html = html.replace(/[%$]+wym-[^%$]*[%$]+/igm, ''); // get rid of
    tag that appears when empty. html = html.replace(/^$/, '') // apply changes/ $(wym._element).val(html); $(wym._box).find(wym._options.htmlValSelector).not('.hasfocus').val(html); //#147 }; /* @name dialog * @description Opens a dialog box */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.dialog = function( dialogType ) { var wym = this; wym.update(); var path = this._wym._options.dialogPath + dialogType + '?wymeditor=true&' + window.location.href.match(/switch_locale=[a-z]{2}/); wym._current_unique_stamp = wym.uniqueStamp(); // change undo or redo on cancel to true to have this happen when a user closes (cancels) a dialogue wym._undo_on_cancel = false; wym._redo_on_cancel = false; var selected = this.selected(); //set to P if parent = BODY unless it's a table going in there. if (dialogType != WYMeditor.DIALOG_TABLE) { wym.format_block(); } if (dialogType == WYMeditor.DIALOG_LINK && $.browser.mozilla) { selection = wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); matches = $($(selected).html().match(new RegExp(RegExp.escape(selection.anchorNode.textContent) + "(.*)" + RegExp.escape(selection.focusNode.textContent)))); if (matches != null && matches.length > 0 && (possible_anchor_tag = matches.last()).length > 0) { if (((href_matches = possible_anchor_tag.get(0).match(/href="([^"]*)"/)) != null) && (href = $(href_matches).last().get(0)) != null) { $(wym._doc).find('a').each(function(index, possible_match) { if ($(possible_match).html() == selection) { selected = possible_match; } }); } } } ajax_loaded_callback = function(){wym.dialog_ajax_callback(selected);}; var parent_node = wym._selected_image ? wym._selected_image.parentNode : selected; if (typeof(parent_node) != 'undefined' && parent_node !== null) { if (parent_node.tagName.toLowerCase() != WYMeditor.A) { // wrap the current selection with a funky span. if (wym._selected_image == null) { if (selected != null && selected.tagName.toLowerCase() != WYMeditor.A && wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection) { // Fixes webkit issue where it would not paste at cursor. selection = wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); if (selection.focusNode.insertData) { // if you highlight backwards, it reverses the order of the anchorNode and focusNode / anchorOffset and focusOffset. // anchorOffset is where you started the selection, focusOffset is where you ended the selection. // So, if you highlight forwards then {anchorOffset}some text{focusOffset} // But, if you highlight backwards then {focusOffset}some text{anchorOffset} if (selection.anchorOffset > selection.focusOffset) { start_node = selection.focusNode; start = selection.focusOffset; end_node = selection.anchorNode; end = selection.anchorOffset; } else { start_node = selection.anchorNode; start = selection.anchorOffset; end_node = selection.focusNode; end = selection.focusOffset; } // for https://github.com/refinery/refinerycms/issues/581 if (typeof (start_node.insertData) === 'undefined') { var j = start_node.childNodes.length - 1, tmp_start_node = start_node; // @todo what then if function insertData is not found? while (typeof(end_node.insertData) !== 'function' || !j) { start_node = tmp_start_node.childNodes[j--]; } start = 0; } if (typeof (end_node.insertData) === 'undefined') { var i = end_node.childNodes.length - 1, tmp_end_node = end_node; while (typeof(end_node.insertData) !== 'function' || !i) { end_node = tmp_end_node.childNodes[i--]; } end = end_node.length; } // because .insertData only inserts text, we have to insert some 'meaningful' *text* only interpolation tags (no html). start_tag = '%%' + wym._current_unique_stamp + '%%'; end_tag = '$$' + wym._current_unique_stamp + '$$'; // sometimes we may be crossing multiple "nodes" so a simple test for whether this is the case. // this is important, see this example: // some text with some link and then more text // {start_node}some text {end_start_node}{anotherNode}with some link{end_anotherNode}{end_node} and then more text{end_end_node} // the "start_node" is a separate node to the end node and therefore we can't treat them as one long node anymore. if (start_node === end_node) { end = end + start_tag.length; } // Insert the 'meaningful' text interpolation tags. start_node.insertData(start, start_tag); end_node.insertData(end, end_tag); // Now that we can use HTML again, replace the simple text with a span tag. $(selected).html($(selected).html().replace(start_tag, "") .replace(end_tag, "")); } else { wym.wrap("", ""); } } else { wym.wrap("", ""); } } } else { if (!wym._selected_image) { parent_node._id_before_replaceable = parent_node.id; parent_node.id = '' + this._current_unique_stamp; $(parent_node).attr("_id_before_replaceable", parent_node._id_before_replaceable); } if (dialogType != WYMeditor.DIALOG_PASTE && dialogType != WYMeditor.DIALOG_TABLE) { path += path.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&"; port = (window.location.port.length > 0 ? (":" + window.location.port) : ""); path += "current_link=" + parent_node.href.replace(window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + port, ""); path += "&target_blank=" + (parent_node.target == "_blank" ? "true" : "false"); } } } // launch dialog dialog_title = wym.replaceStrings(wym.encloseString( dialogType )); dialog_container = $("
    "); switch(dialogType) { case WYMeditor.DIALOG_TABLE: // create and open dialog dialog_container.html(wym.replaceStrings(wym._options.dialogTableHtml)) .dialog($.extend(wym._options.dialogInlineFeatures, { title: dialog_title })); ajax_loaded_callback(); break; case WYMeditor.DIALOG_PASTE: dialog_container.html(wym.replaceStrings(wym._options.dialogPasteHtml)) .dialog($.extend(wym._options.dialogInlineFeatures, { title: dialog_title })); ajax_loaded_callback(); break; default: $("").appendTo(dialog_container); dialog_container.dialog($.extend(wym._options.dialogFeatures, { title: dialog_title })).load(path, ajax_loaded_callback); break; } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.dialog_ajax_callback = function(selected) { // set variables wym = this; _selected = selected; // now fix the height; $("#" + wym._options.dialogId + ".editor_dialog").css('height', 'auto'); // add corners to the buttons. $('#' + wym._options.dialogId + " .button").corner('6px'); // look for iframes (iframes = $("#" + this._options.dialogId).find('iframe')).load(function() { WYMeditor.INIT_DIALOG(wym, _selected, true); $(this).unbind('load'); }); if (iframes.length == 0) { WYMeditor.INIT_DIALOG(this, selected); } }; /* @name toggleHtml * @description Shows/Hides the HTML */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.toggleHtml = function() { $(this._box).find(this._options.htmlSelector).toggle(); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.uniqueStamp = function() { return("wym-" + new Date().getTime()); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.paste = function(sData) { wym = this; wym.format_block(); var sTmp; replaceable = $(wym._doc.body).find('#' + wym._current_unique_stamp); // replaceable doesn't actually get replaced here, it's just used as a marker for where the cursor was. container = replaceable.get(0) || this.selected(); //split the data, using double newlines as the separator var aP = sData.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").split(wym._newLine + wym._newLine); var rExp = new RegExp(wym._newLine, "g"); //add a P for each item if(container && container.tagName.toLowerCase() != WYMeditor.BODY) { contentAfterBreak = ""; insertedContentAfterBreak = ""; for(x = aP.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { //simple newlines are replaced by a break sTmp = aP[x].replace(rExp, "
    "); if (x == 0) { // if we're inside a p tag but the container is not a p tag // then we need to close the p tag first before starting a new one. // Only if we placed more items after it (aP.length) if (aP.length > 1 && $(container).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == "span" && $(container).attr('id') == ('' + wym._current_unique_stamp) && $(container).parent().get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == "p") { p = $(container).parent(); matches = p.html().match(new RegExp("([\\s\\S]*)\.*\<\/span\>")); sTmp = matches[1] + sTmp + $(container).html(); p.html(sTmp); if (insertedContentAfterBreak != null && insertedContentAfterBreak.length > 0) { p.after(insertedContentAfterBreak); } if (contentAfterBreak != null && contentAfterBreak.length > 0) { if ((last_paste = p.parent().find('p#last_paste')).length == 1) { last_paste.attr('id', null).html(last_paste.html() + contentAfterBreak); } else { p.next().after("

    " + contentAfterBreak + "

    "); } } } else { $(container).html($(container).html().replace(/^$/, '') + sTmp); } } else { if ((aP.length -1) == x) { var rgx = $(container).parent().html().match(new RegExp("\.*\<\/span\>([\\s\\S]*)")); if(rgx && rgx[1]){ contentAfterBreak = rgx[1].split('

    ')[0]; } sTmp = "

    " + sTmp + "

    "; } else { sTmp = "

    " + sTmp + "

    "; } if (insertedContentAfterBreak == "") { insertedContentAfterBreak = insertedContentAfterBreak + sTmp; } else { insertedContentAfterBreak = sTmp + insertedContentAfterBreak; } } } } else { for(x = 0; x < aP.length; x++) { sTmp = aP[x]; //simple newlines are replaced by a break sTmp = sTmp.replace(rExp, "
    "); if (x == 0 && $(container).html().replace(//, "").length == 0) { $(container).html(sTmp); } else { $(wym._doc.body).append("

    " + sTmp + "

    "); } } } if (replaceable.get(0) != null) { // set the id of the container back. if (replaceable.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') { replaceable.replaceWith(replaceable.html()); } replaceable.attr('id', replaceable.get(0)._id_before_replaceable || null); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.insert = function(html) { // Do we have a selection? if (this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection().focusNode != null) { // Overwrite selection with provided html this._exec(WYMeditor.INSERT_HTML, html); } else { // Fall back to the internal paste function if there's no selection this.paste(html); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.wrap = function(left, right, selection) { left = (typeof(left) != 'undefined' ? left : ''); right = (typeof(right) != 'undefined' ? right : ''); // Do we have a selection? if (selection == null) { selection = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();} if (selection.focusNode != null) { // Wrap selection with provided html this._exec( WYMeditor.INSERT_HTML, left + selection.toString() + right); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.unwrap = function(selection) { // Do we have a selection? if (selection == null) { selection = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();} if (selection.focusNode != null) { // Unwrap selection this._exec( WYMeditor.INSERT_HTML, selection.toString() ); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.setFocusToNode = function(node, toStart) { var range = this._doc.createRange(), selection = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); toStart = toStart ? 0 : 1; range.selectNodeContents(node); selection.addRange(range); selection.collapse(node, toStart); this._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.addCssRules = function(doc, aCss) { var styles = doc.styleSheets[0]; if(styles) { for(var i = 0; i < aCss.length; i++) { var oCss = aCss[i]; if(oCss.name && oCss.css) { this.addCssRule(styles, oCss); } } } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.format_block = function(selected) { //'this' should be the wymeditor instance. var wym = this; var container = selected || wym.selected() || $(wym._iframe).contents().find('body').get(0); var name = container.tagName.toLowerCase(); //fix forbidden main containers if($.inArray(name, ['strong', 'b', 'em', 'i', 'sub', 'sup', 'a']) > -1) { name = container.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); } if(name == WYMeditor.BODY) { wym._selected_image = null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); wym._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, WYMeditor.P); } }; /********** CONFIGURATION **********/ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeBasePath = function() { if ((script_path = this.computeWymPath()) != null) { if ((src_parts = script_path.split('/')).length > 1) { src_parts.pop(); } return src_parts.join('/') + "/"; } else { return null; } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeWymPath = function() { return $('script[src*=jquery.refinery.wymeditor]').attr('src'); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeJqueryPath = function() { return $($.grep($('script'), function(s){ return (s.src && s.src.match(/jquery(-(.*)){0,1}(\.pack|\.min|\.packed)?\.js(\?.*)?$/ )) })).attr('src'); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeCssPath = function() { return $($.grep($('link'), function(s){ return (s.href && s.href.match(/wymeditor\/skins\/(.*)screen\.css(\?.*)?$/ )) })).attr('href'); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.configureEditorUsingRawCss = function() { var CssParser = new WYMeditor.WymCssParser(); if(this._options.stylesheet){ CssParser.parse($.ajax({url: this._options.stylesheet,async:false}).responseText); }else{ CssParser.parse(this._options.styles, false); } if(this._options.classesItems.length == 0) { this._options.classesItems = CssParser.css_settings.classesItems; } if(this._options.editorStyles.length == 0) { this._options.editorStyles = CssParser.css_settings.editorStyles; } if(this._options.dialogStyles.length == 0) { this._options.dialogStyles = CssParser.css_settings.dialogStyles; } }; /********** EVENTS **********/ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.listen = function() { //don't use $.find() on the iframe body //because of MSIE + jQuery + expando issue (#JQ1143) //$(this._doc.body).find("*").bind("mouseup", this.mouseup); $(this._doc.body).bind("mousedown", this.mousedown); var images = this._doc.body.getElementsByTagName("img"); for(var i=0; i < images.length; i++) { $(images[i]).bind("mousedown", this.mousedown); } // ensure links can't be navigated to. $(this._doc).find('a[href]').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.mousedown = function(e) { var wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.ownerDocument.title]; wym._selected_image = (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.IMG) ? e.target : null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); if (!$.browser.mozilla) { $(wym._selected_image).addClass('selected_by_wym'); } if (!$.browser.webkit) { e.stopPropagation(); } }; /********** SKINS **********/ /* * Function: WYMeditor.editor.loadSkin * Loads the skin CSS and initialization script (if needed). */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.loadSkin = function() { //does the user want to automatically load the CSS (default: yes)? //we also test if it hasn't been already loaded by another instance //see below for a better (second) test if(this._options.loadSkin && !WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin]) { //check if it hasn't been already loaded //so we don't load it more than once //(we check the existing elements) var found = false; var rExp = new RegExp(this._options.skin + '\/' + WYMeditor.SKINS_DEFAULT_CSS + '([\?].+?)?$'); $('link').each( function() { if(this.href.match(rExp)) found = true; }); // if not found, load it, using the skin path if(!found) { WYMeditor.loadCss( this._options.cssCompiledSkinPath + WYMeditor.SKINS_DEFAULT_CSS ); } } //put the classname (ex. wym_skin_default) on wym_box $(this._box).addClass( "wym_skin_" + this._options.skin ); //does the user want to use some JS to initialize the skin (default: yes)? //also check if it hasn't already been loaded by another instance if(this._options.initSkin && !WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin]) { eval($.ajax({url:this._options.jsCompiledSkinPath + WYMeditor.SKINS_DEFAULT_JS, async:false}).responseText); } //init the skin, if needed if(WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin] && WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin].init) { WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin].init(this); } }; /********** XHTML LEXER/PARSER **********/ /* * @name xml * @description Use these methods to generate XML and XHTML compliant tags and * escape tag attributes correctly * @author Bermi Ferrer - http://bermi.org * @author David Heinemeier Hansson http://loudthinking.com */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper = function() { this._entitiesDiv = document.createElement('div'); return this; }; /* * @name tag * @description * Returns an empty HTML tag of type *name* which by default is XHTML * compliant. Setting *open* to true will create an open tag compatible * with HTML 4.0 and below. Add HTML attributes by passing an attributes * array to *options*. For attributes with no value like (disabled and * readonly), give it a value of true in the *options* array. * * Examples: * * this.tag('br') * # =>
    * this.tag ('br', false, true) * # =>
    * this.tag ('input', $({type:'text',disabled:true }) ) * # => */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype.tag = function(name, options, open) { options = options || false; open = open || false; return '<'+name+(options ? this.tagOptions(options) : '')+(open ? '>' : ' />'); }; /* * @name contentTag * @description * Returns a XML block tag of type *name* surrounding the *content*. Add * XML attributes by passing an attributes array to *options*. For attributes * with no value like (disabled and readonly), give it a value of true in * the *options* array. You can use symbols or strings for the attribute names. * * this.contentTag ('p', 'Hello world!' ) * # =>

    Hello world!

    * this.contentTag('div', this.contentTag('p', "Hello world!"), $({class : "strong"})) * # =>

    Hello world!

    * this.contentTag("select", options, $({multiple : true})) * # => */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype.contentTag = function(name, content, options) { options = options || false; return '<'+name+(options ? this.tagOptions(options) : '')+'>'+content+''; }; /* * @name cdataSection * @description * Returns a CDATA section for the given +content+. CDATA sections * are used to escape blocks of text containing characters which would * otherwise be recognized as markup. CDATA sections begin with the string * <![CDATA[ and } with (and may not contain) the string * ]]>. */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype.cdataSection = function(content) { return ''; }; /* * @name escapeOnce * @description * Returns the escaped +xml+ without affecting existing escaped entities. * * this.escapeOnce( "1 > 2 & 3") * # => "1 > 2 & 3" */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype.escapeOnce = function(xml) { return this._fixDoubleEscape(this.escapeEntities(xml)); }; /* * @name _fixDoubleEscape * @description * Fix double-escaped entities, such as &amp;, &#123;, etc. */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype._fixDoubleEscape = function(escaped) { return escaped.replace(/&([a-z]+|(#\d+));/ig, "&$1;"); }; /* * @name tagOptions * @description * Takes an array like the one generated by Tag.parseAttributes * [["src", "http://www.editam.com/?a=b&c=d&f=g"], ["title", "Editam, CMS"]] * or an object like {src:"http://www.editam.com/?a=b&c=d&f=g", title:"Editam, CMS"} * and returns a string properly escaped like * ' src = "http://www.editam.com/?a=b&c=d&f=g" title = "Editam, <Simplified> CMS"' * which is valid for strict XHTML */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype.tagOptions = function(options) { var xml = this; xml._formated_options = ''; for (var key in options) { var formated_options = ''; var value = options[key]; if(typeof value != 'function' && value.length > 0) { if(parseInt(key) == key && typeof value == 'object'){ key = value.shift(); value = value.pop(); } if(key != '' && value != ''){ xml._formated_options += ' '+key+'="'+xml.escapeOnce(value)+'"'; } } } return xml._formated_options; }; /* * @name escapeEntities * @description * Escapes XML/HTML entities <, >, & and ". If seccond parameter is set to false it * will not escape ". If set to true it will also escape ' */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype.escapeEntities = function(string, escape_quotes) { this._entitiesDiv.innerHTML = string; this._entitiesDiv.textContent = string; var result = this._entitiesDiv.innerHTML; if(typeof escape_quotes == 'undefined'){ if(escape_quotes != false) result = result.replace('"', '"'); if(escape_quotes == true) result = result.replace('"', '''); } return result; }; /* * Parses a string conatining tag attributes and values an returns an array formated like * [["src", "http://www.editam.com"], ["title", "Editam, Simplified CMS"]] */ WYMeditor.XmlHelper.prototype.parseAttributes = function(tag_attributes) { // Use a compounded regex to match single quoted, double quoted and unquoted attribute pairs var result = []; var matches = tag_attributes.split(/((=\s*")(")("))|((=\s*\')(\')(\'))|((=\s*[^>\s]*))/g); if(matches.toString() != tag_attributes){ for (var k in matches) { var v = matches[k]; if(typeof v != 'function' && v.length != 0){ var re = new RegExp('(\\w+)\\s*'+v); if(match = tag_attributes.match(re) ){ var value = v.replace(/^[\s=]+/, ""); var delimiter = value.charAt(0); delimiter = delimiter == '"' ? '"' : (delimiter=="'"?"'":''); if(delimiter != ''){ value = delimiter == '"' ? value.replace(/^"|"+$/g, '') : value.replace(/^'|'+$/g, ''); } tag_attributes = tag_attributes.replace(match[0],''); result.push([match[1] , value]); } } } } return result; }; /** * Compounded regular expression. Any of * the contained patterns could match and * when one does, it's label is returned. * * Constructor. Starts with no patterns. * @param boolean case True for case sensitive, false * for insensitive. * @access public * @author Marcus Baker (http://lastcraft.com) * @author Bermi Ferrer (http://bermi.org) */ WYMeditor.ParallelRegex = function(case_sensitive) { this._case = case_sensitive; this._patterns = []; this._labels = []; this._regex = null; return this; }; /** * Adds a pattern with an optional label. * @param string pattern Perl style regex, but ( and ) * lose the usual meaning. * @param string label Label of regex to be returned * on a match. * @access public */ WYMeditor.ParallelRegex.prototype.addPattern = function(pattern, label) { label = label || true; var count = this._patterns.length; this._patterns[count] = pattern; this._labels[count] = label; this._regex = null; }; /** * Attempts to match all patterns at once against * a string. * @param string subject String to match against. * * @return boolean True on success. * @return string match First matched portion of * subject. * @access public */ WYMeditor.ParallelRegex.prototype.match = function(subject) { if (this._patterns.length == 0) { return [false, '']; } var matches = subject.match(this._getCompoundedRegex()); if(!matches){ return [false, '']; } var match = matches[0]; for (var i = 1; i < matches.length; i++) { if (matches[i]) { return [this._labels[i-1], match]; } } return [true, matches[0]]; }; /** * Compounds the patterns into a single * regular expression separated with the * "or" operator. Caches the regex. * Will automatically escape (, ) and / tokens. * @param array patterns List of patterns in order. * @access private */ WYMeditor.ParallelRegex.prototype._getCompoundedRegex = function() { if (this._regex == null) { for (var i = 0, count = this._patterns.length; i < count; i++) { this._patterns[i] = '(' + this._untokenizeRegex(this._tokenizeRegex(this._patterns[i]).replace(/([\/\(\)])/g,'\\$1')) + ')'; } this._regex = new RegExp(this._patterns.join("|") ,this._getPerlMatchingFlags()); } return this._regex; }; /** * Escape lookahead/lookbehind blocks */ WYMeditor.ParallelRegex.prototype._tokenizeRegex = function(regex) { return regex. replace(/\(\?(i|m|s|x|U)\)/, '~~~~~~Tk1\$1~~~~~~'). replace(/\(\?(\-[i|m|s|x|U])\)/, '~~~~~~Tk2\$1~~~~~~'). replace(/\(\?\=(.*)\)/, '~~~~~~Tk3\$1~~~~~~'). replace(/\(\?\!(.*)\)/, '~~~~~~Tk4\$1~~~~~~'). replace(/\(\?\<\=(.*)\)/, '~~~~~~Tk5\$1~~~~~~'). replace(/\(\?\<\!(.*)\)/, '~~~~~~Tk6\$1~~~~~~'). replace(/\(\?\:(.*)\)/, '~~~~~~Tk7\$1~~~~~~'); }; /** * Unscape lookahead/lookbehind blocks */ WYMeditor.ParallelRegex.prototype._untokenizeRegex = function(regex) { return regex. replace(/~~~~~~Tk1(.{1})~~~~~~/, "(?\$1)"). replace(/~~~~~~Tk2(.{2})~~~~~~/, "(?\$1)"). replace(/~~~~~~Tk3(.*)~~~~~~/, "(?=\$1)"). replace(/~~~~~~Tk4(.*)~~~~~~/, "(?!\$1)"). replace(/~~~~~~Tk5(.*)~~~~~~/, "(?<=\$1)"). replace(/~~~~~~Tk6(.*)~~~~~~/, "(?", 'Comment'); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlLexer.prototype.addScriptTokens = function(scope) { this.addEntryPattern("", 'Script'); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlLexer.prototype.addCssTokens = function(scope) { this.addEntryPattern("", 'Css'); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlLexer.prototype.addTagTokens = function(scope) { this.addSpecialPattern("<\\s*[a-z0-9:\-]+\\s*>", scope, 'OpeningTag'); this.addEntryPattern("<[a-z0-9:\-]+"+'[\\\/ \\\>]+', scope, 'OpeningTag'); this.addInTagDeclarationTokens('OpeningTag'); this.addSpecialPattern("", scope, 'ClosingTag'); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlLexer.prototype.addInTagDeclarationTokens = function(scope) { this.addSpecialPattern('\\s+', scope, 'Ignore'); this.addAttributeTokens(scope); this.addExitPattern('/>', scope); this.addExitPattern('>', scope); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlLexer.prototype.addAttributeTokens = function(scope) { this.addSpecialPattern("\\s*[a-z-_0-9]*:?[a-z-_0-9]+\\s*(?=\=)\\s*", scope, 'TagAttributes'); this.addEntryPattern('=\\s*"', scope, 'DoubleQuotedAttribute'); this.addPattern("\\\\\"", 'DoubleQuotedAttribute'); this.addExitPattern('"', 'DoubleQuotedAttribute'); this.addEntryPattern("=\\s*'", scope, 'SingleQuotedAttribute'); this.addPattern("\\\\'", 'SingleQuotedAttribute'); this.addExitPattern("'", 'SingleQuotedAttribute'); this.addSpecialPattern('=\\s*[^>\\s]*', scope, 'UnquotedAttribute'); }; /** * XHTML Parser. * * This XHTML parser will trigger the events available on on * current SaxListener * * @author Bermi Ferrer (http://bermi.org) */ WYMeditor.XhtmlParser = function(Listener, mode) { var mode = mode || 'Text'; this._Lexer = new WYMeditor.XhtmlLexer(this); this._Listener = Listener; this._mode = mode; this._matches = []; this._last_match = ''; this._current_match = ''; return this; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.parse = function(raw) { this._Lexer.parse(this.beforeParsing(raw)); return this.afterParsing(this._Listener.getResult()); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.beforeParsing = function(raw) { if(raw.match(/class="MsoNormal"/) || raw.match(/ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com/)){ // Useful for cleaning up content pasted from other sources (MSWord) this._Listener.avoidStylingTagsAndAttributes(); } return this._Listener.beforeParsing(raw); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.afterParsing = function(parsed) { if(this._Listener._avoiding_tags_implicitly){ this._Listener.allowStylingTagsAndAttributes(); } return this._Listener.afterParsing(parsed); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.Ignore = function(match, state) { return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.Text = function(text) { this._Listener.addContent(text); return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.Comment = function(match, status) { return this._addNonTagBlock(match, status, 'addComment'); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.Script = function(match, status) { return this._addNonTagBlock(match, status, 'addScript'); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.Css = function(match, status) { return this._addNonTagBlock(match, status, 'addCss'); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype._addNonTagBlock = function(match, state, type) { switch (state){ case WYMeditor.LEXER_ENTER: this._non_tag = match; break; case WYMeditor.LEXER_UNMATCHED: this._non_tag += match; break; case WYMeditor.LEXER_EXIT: switch(type) { case 'addComment': this._Listener.addComment(this._non_tag+match); break; case 'addScript': this._Listener.addScript(this._non_tag+match); break; case 'addCss': this._Listener.addCss(this._non_tag+match); break; } } return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.OpeningTag = function(match, state) { switch (state){ case WYMeditor.LEXER_ENTER: this._tag = this.normalizeTag(match); this._tag_attributes = {}; break; case WYMeditor.LEXER_SPECIAL: this._callOpenTagListener(this.normalizeTag(match)); break; case WYMeditor.LEXER_EXIT: this._callOpenTagListener(this._tag, this._tag_attributes); } return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.ClosingTag = function(match, state) { this._callCloseTagListener(this.normalizeTag(match)); return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype._callOpenTagListener = function(tag, attributes) { var attributes = attributes || {}; this.autoCloseUnclosedBeforeNewOpening(tag); if(this._Listener.isBlockTag(tag)){ this._Listener._tag_stack.push(tag); this._Listener.fixNestingBeforeOpeningBlockTag(tag, attributes); this._Listener.openBlockTag(tag, attributes); this._increaseOpenTagCounter(tag); }else if(this._Listener.isInlineTag(tag)){ this._Listener.inlineTag(tag, attributes); }else{ this._Listener.openUnknownTag(tag, attributes); this._increaseOpenTagCounter(tag); } this._Listener.last_tag = tag; this._Listener.last_tag_opened = true; this._Listener.last_tag_attributes = attributes; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype._callCloseTagListener = function(tag) { if(this._decreaseOpenTagCounter(tag)){ this.autoCloseUnclosedBeforeTagClosing(tag); if(this._Listener.isBlockTag(tag)){ var expected_tag = this._Listener._tag_stack.pop(); if(expected_tag == false){ return; }else if(expected_tag != tag){ tag = expected_tag; } this._Listener.closeBlockTag(tag); }else{ this._Listener.closeUnknownTag(tag); } }else{ this._Listener.closeUnopenedTag(tag); } this._Listener.last_tag = tag; this._Listener.last_tag_opened = false; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype._increaseOpenTagCounter = function(tag) { this._Listener._open_tags[tag] = this._Listener._open_tags[tag] || 0; this._Listener._open_tags[tag]++; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype._decreaseOpenTagCounter = function(tag) { if(this._Listener._open_tags[tag]){ this._Listener._open_tags[tag]--; if(this._Listener._open_tags[tag] == 0){ this._Listener._open_tags[tag] = undefined; } return true; } return false; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.autoCloseUnclosedBeforeNewOpening = function(new_tag) { this._autoCloseUnclosed(new_tag, false); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.autoCloseUnclosedBeforeTagClosing = function(tag) { this._autoCloseUnclosed(tag, true); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype._autoCloseUnclosed = function(new_tag, closing) { var closing = closing || false; if(this._Listener._open_tags){ for (var tag in this._Listener._open_tags) { var counter = this._Listener._open_tags[tag]; if(counter > 0 && this._Listener.shouldCloseTagAutomatically(tag, new_tag, closing)){ this._callCloseTagListener(tag, true); } } } }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.getTagReplacements = function() { return this._Listener.getTagReplacements(); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.normalizeTag = function(tag) { tag = tag.replace(/^([\s<\/>]*)|([\s<\/>]*)$/gm,'').toLowerCase(); var tags = this._Listener.getTagReplacements(); if(tags[tag]){ return tags[tag]; } return tag; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.TagAttributes = function(match, state) { if(WYMeditor.LEXER_SPECIAL == state){ this._current_attribute = match; } return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.DoubleQuotedAttribute = function(match, state) { if(WYMeditor.LEXER_UNMATCHED == state){ this._tag_attributes[this._current_attribute] = match; } return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.SingleQuotedAttribute = function(match, state) { if(WYMeditor.LEXER_UNMATCHED == state){ this._tag_attributes[this._current_attribute] = match; } return true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlParser.prototype.UnquotedAttribute = function(match, state) { this._tag_attributes[this._current_attribute] = match.replace(/^=/,''); return true; }; /** * XHTML Sax parser. * * @author Bermi Ferrer (http://bermi.org) */ WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener = function() { this.output = ''; this.helper = new WYMeditor.XmlHelper(); this._open_tags = {}; this.validator = WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator; this._tag_stack = []; this.avoided_tags = ['area']; this.entities = { ' ':' ','¡':'¡','¢':'¢', '£':'£','¤':'¤','¥':'¥', '¦':'¦','§':'§','¨':'¨', '©':'©','ª':'ª','«':'«', '¬':'¬','­':'­','®':'®', '¯':'¯','°':'°','±':'±', '²':'²','³':'³','´':'´', 'µ':'µ','¶':'¶','·':'·', '¸':'¸','¹':'¹','º':'º', '»':'»','¼':'¼','½':'½', '¾':'¾','¿':'¿','À':'À', 'Á':'Á','Â':'Â','Ã':'Ã', 'Ä':'Ä','Å':'Å','Æ':'Æ', 'Ç':'Ç','È':'È','É':'É', 'Ê':'Ê','Ë':'Ë','Ì':'Ì', 'Í':'Í','Î':'Î','Ï':'Ï', 'Ð':'Ð','Ñ':'Ñ','Ò':'Ò', 'Ó':'Ó','Ô':'Ô','Õ':'Õ', 'Ö':'Ö','×':'×','Ø':'Ø', 'Ù':'Ù','Ú':'Ú','Û':'Û', 'Ü':'Ü','Ý':'Ý','Þ':'Þ', 'ß':'ß','à':'à','á':'á', 'â':'â','ã':'ã','ä':'ä', 'å':'å','æ':'æ','ç':'ç', 'è':'è','é':'é','ê':'ê', 'ë':'ë','ì':'ì','í':'í', 'î':'î','ï':'ï','ð':'ð', 'ñ':'ñ','ò':'ò','ó':'ó', 'ô':'ô','õ':'õ','ö':'ö', '÷':'÷','ø':'ø','ù':'ù', 'ú':'ú','û':'û','ü':'ü', 'ý':'ý','þ':'þ','ÿ':'ÿ', 'Œ':'Œ','œ':'œ','Š':'Š', 'š':'š','Ÿ':'Ÿ','ƒ':'ƒ', 'ˆ':'ˆ','˜':'˜','Α':'Α', 'Β':'Β','Γ':'Γ','Δ':'Δ', 'Ε':'Ε','Ζ':'Ζ','Η':'Η', 'Θ':'Θ','Ι':'Ι','Κ':'Κ', 'Λ':'Λ','Μ':'Μ','Ν':'Ν', 'Ξ':'Ξ','Ο':'Ο','Π':'Π', 'Ρ':'Ρ','Σ':'Σ','Τ':'Τ', 'Υ':'Υ','Φ':'Φ','Χ':'Χ', 'Ψ':'Ψ','Ω':'Ω','α':'α', 'β':'β','γ':'γ','δ':'δ', 'ε':'ε','ζ':'ζ','η':'η', 'θ':'θ','ι':'ι','κ':'κ', 'λ':'λ','μ':'μ','ν':'ν', 'ξ':'ξ','ο':'ο','π':'π', 'ρ':'ρ','ς':'ς','σ':'σ', 'τ':'τ','υ':'υ','φ':'φ', 'χ':'χ','ψ':'ψ','ω':'ω', 'ϑ':'ϑ','ϒ':'ϒ','ϖ':'ϖ', ' ':' ',' ':' ',' ':' ', '‌':'‌','‍':'‍','‎':'‎', '‏':'‏','–':'–','—':'—', '‘':'‘','’':'’','‚':'‚', '“':'“','”':'”','„':'„', '†':'†','‡':'‡','•':'•', '…':'…','‰':'‰','′':'′', '″':'″','‹':'‹','›':'›', '‾':'‾','⁄':'⁄','€':'€', 'ℑ':'ℑ','℘':'℘','ℜ':'ℜ', '™':'™','ℵ':'ℵ','←':'←', '↑':'↑','→':'→','↓':'↓', '↔':'↔','↵':'↵','⇐':'⇐', '⇑':'⇑','⇒':'⇒','⇓':'⇓', '⇔':'⇔','∀':'∀','∂':'∂', '∃':'∃','∅':'∅','∇':'∇', '∈':'∈','∉':'∉','∋':'∋', '∏':'∏','∑':'∑','−':'−', '∗':'∗','√':'√','∝':'∝', '∞':'∞','∠':'∠','∧':'∧', '∨':'∨','∩':'∩','∪':'∪', '∫':'∫','∴':'∴','∼':'∼', '≅':'≅','≈':'≈','≠':'≠', '≡':'≡','≤':'≤','≥':'≥', '⊂':'⊂','⊃':'⊃','⊄':'⊄', '⊆':'⊆','⊇':'⊇','⊕':'⊕', '⊗':'⊗','⊥':'⊥','⋅':'⋅', '⌈':'⌈','⌉':'⌉','⌊':'⌊', '⌋':'⌋','⟨':'〈','⟩':'〉', '◊':'◊','♠':'♠','♣':'♣', '♥':'♥','♦':'♦'}; this.block_tags = ["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "b", "base", "bdo", "big", "blockquote", "body", "button", "caption", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "dd", "del", "div", "dfn", "dl", "dt", "em", "fieldset", "form", "head", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "html", "i", "iframe", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "map", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "p", "pre", "q", "samp", "script", "select", "small", "span", "strong", "style", "sub", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "title", "tr", "tt", "ul", "var", "extends", "meter", "section", "article", "aside", "details", "header", "footer", "nav", "dialog", "figure", "figcaption", "address", "hgroup", "mark", "time", "canvas", "audio", "video", "source", "output", "progress", "ruby", "rt", "rp", "summary", "command"]; // Defines self-closing tags. this.inline_tags = ["br", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "param", "source", "wbr"]; return this; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.shouldCloseTagAutomatically = function(tag, now_on_tag, closing) { var closing = closing || false; 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    $/, '')+this._getClosingTagContent('before', tag)+""+this._getClosingTagContent('after', tag); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.closeUnknownTag = function(tag) { //this.output += ""; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.closeUnopenedTag = function(tag) { this.output += ""; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.avoidStylingTagsAndAttributes = function() { this.avoided_tags = ['div','span']; this.validator.skipped_attributes = ['style']; this.validator.skipped_attribute_values = ['MsoNormal','main1']; // MS Word attributes for class this._avoiding_tags_implicitly = true; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.allowStylingTagsAndAttributes = function() { this.avoided_tags = []; this.validator.skipped_attributes = []; this.validator.skipped_attribute_values = []; this._avoiding_tags_implicitly = false; }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.isBlockTag = function(tag) { return !WYMeditor.Helper.contains(this.avoided_tags, tag) && WYMeditor.Helper.contains(this.block_tags, tag); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.isInlineTag = function(tag) { return !WYMeditor.Helper.contains(this.avoided_tags, tag) && WYMeditor.Helper.contains(this.inline_tags, tag); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.insertContentAfterClosingTag = function(tag, content) { this._insertContentWhenClosingTag('after', tag, content); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.insertContentBeforeClosingTag = function(tag, content) { this._insertContentWhenClosingTag('before', tag, content); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.fixNestingBeforeOpeningBlockTag = function(tag, attributes) { if(tag != 'li' && (tag == 'ul' || tag == 'ol') && this.last_tag && !this.last_tag_opened && this.last_tag == 'li'){ this.output = this.output.replace(/<\/li>$/, ''); this.insertContentAfterClosingTag(tag, ''); } }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype._insertContentWhenClosingTag = function(position, tag, content) { if(!this['_insert_'+position+'_closing']){ this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'] = []; } if(!this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'][tag]){ this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'][tag] = []; } this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'][tag].push(content); }; WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype._getClosingTagContent = function(position, tag) { if( this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'] && this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'][tag] && this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'][tag].length > 0){ return this['_insert_'+position+'_closing'][tag].pop(); } return ''; }; /********** CSS PARSER **********/ WYMeditor.WymCssLexer = function(parser, only_wym_blocks) { var only_wym_blocks = (typeof only_wym_blocks == 'undefined' ? true : only_wym_blocks); $.extend(this, new WYMeditor.Lexer(parser, (only_wym_blocks?'Ignore':'WymCss'))); this.mapHandler('WymCss', 'Ignore'); if(only_wym_blocks == true){ this.addEntryPattern("/\\\x2a[<\\s]*WYMeditor[>\\s]*\\\x2a/", 'Ignore', 'WymCss'); this.addExitPattern("/\\\x2a[<\/\\s]*WYMeditor[>\\s]*\\\x2a/", 'WymCss'); } this.addSpecialPattern("[\\sa-z1-6]*\\\x2e[a-z-_0-9]+", 'WymCss', 'WymCssStyleDeclaration'); this.addEntryPattern("/\\\x2a", 'WymCss', 'WymCssComment'); this.addExitPattern("\\\x2a/", 'WymCssComment'); this.addEntryPattern("\x7b", 'WymCss', 'WymCssStyle'); this.addExitPattern("\x7d", 'WymCssStyle'); this.addEntryPattern("/\\\x2a", 'WymCssStyle', 'WymCssFeedbackStyle'); this.addExitPattern("\\\x2a/", 'WymCssFeedbackStyle'); return this; }; WYMeditor.WymCssParser = function() { this._in_style = false; this._has_title = false; this.only_wym_blocks = true; this.css_settings = {'classesItems':[], 'editorStyles':[], 'dialogStyles':[]}; return this; }; WYMeditor.WymCssParser.prototype.parse = function(raw, only_wym_blocks) { var only_wym_blocks = (typeof only_wym_blocks == 'undefined' ? this.only_wym_blocks : only_wym_blocks); this._Lexer = new WYMeditor.WymCssLexer(this, only_wym_blocks); this._Lexer.parse(raw); }; WYMeditor.WymCssParser.prototype.Ignore = function(match, state) { return true; }; WYMeditor.WymCssParser.prototype.WymCssComment = function(text, status) { if(text.match(/end[a-z0-9\s]*wym[a-z0-9\s]*/mi)){ return false; } if(status == WYMeditor.LEXER_UNMATCHED){ if(!this._in_style){ this._has_title = true; this._current_item = {'title':WYMeditor.Helper.trim(text)}; }else{ if(this._current_item[this._current_element]){ if(!this._current_item[this._current_element].expressions){ this._current_item[this._current_element].expressions = [text]; }else{ this._current_item[this._current_element].expressions.push(text); } } } this._in_style = true; } return true; }; WYMeditor.WymCssParser.prototype.WymCssStyle = function(match, status) { if(status == WYMeditor.LEXER_UNMATCHED){ match = WYMeditor.Helper.trim(match); if(match != ''){ this._current_item[this._current_element].style = match; } }else if (status == WYMeditor.LEXER_EXIT){ this._in_style = false; this._has_title = false; this.addStyleSetting(this._current_item); } return true; }; 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true; }; WYMeditor.WymCssParser.prototype.addStyleSetting = function(style_details) { for (var name in style_details){ var details = style_details[name]; if(typeof details == 'object' && name != 'title'){ this.css_settings.classesItems.push({ 'name': WYMeditor.Helper.trim(details.name), 'title': style_details.title, 'expr' : WYMeditor.Helper.trim((details.expressions||details.tags).join(', ')) }); if(details.feedback_style){ this.css_settings.editorStyles.push({ 'name': '.'+ WYMeditor.Helper.trim(details.name), 'css': details.feedback_style }); } if(details.style){ this.css_settings.dialogStyles.push({ 'name': '.'+ WYMeditor.Helper.trim(details.name), 'css': details.style }); } } } }; /********** HELPERS **********/ // Returns true if it is a text node with whitespaces only $.fn.isPhantomNode = function() { if (this[0].nodeType == 3) return !(/[^\t\n\r ]/.test(this[0].data)); return false; }; WYMeditor.isPhantomNode = function(n) { if (n.nodeType == 3) return !(/[^\t\n\r 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0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === elem) return true; } return false; }, //return 'item' position in 'arr' array, or -1 indexOf: function(arr, item) { var ret=-1; for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == item) { ret = i; break; } } return ret; }, //return 'item' object in 'arr' array, checking its 'name' property, or null findByName: function(arr, name) { for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var item = arr[i]; if(item.name == name) return(item); } return null; } }; function titleize(words) { if (words == null) return words; parts = []; $.each(words.replace(/\./, '').replace(/[-_]/, ' ').split(' '), function(index, part){ parts.push(part.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + part.substring(1)); }); return parts.join(" "); } ; /** * XhtmlValidator for validating tag attributes * * @author Bermi Ferrer - http://bermi.org */ WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator = { "_attributes": { "core": { "except":["base", "head", "html", "meta", "param", "script", "style", "title"], "attributes":[ 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"64":"summary", "65":"command" }, // Temporary skipped attributes skipped_attributes : [], skipped_attribute_values : [], getValidTagAttributes: function(tag, attributes) { var valid_attributes = {}; var possible_attributes = this.getPossibleTagAttributes(tag); var regexp_attributes = []; $.each((possible_attributes || []), function(i, val) { if (val.indexOf("*") > -1) { regexp_attributes.push(new RegExp(val)); } }); var h = WYMeditor.Helper; for(var attribute in attributes) { var value = attributes[attribute]; if(!h.contains(this.skipped_attributes, attribute) && !h.contains(this.skipped_attribute_values, value)){ if (typeof value != 'function') { if (h.contains(possible_attributes, attribute)) { if (this.doesAttributeNeedsValidation(tag, attribute)) { if(this.validateAttribute(tag, attribute, value)){ valid_attributes[attribute] = value; } }else{ valid_attributes[attribute] = value; } } else { $.each(regexp_attributes, function(i, val) { if (attribute.match(val)) { valid_attributes[attribute] = value; } }); } } } } return valid_attributes; }, getUniqueAttributesAndEventsForTag: function(tag) { var result = []; if (this._tags[tag] && this._tags[tag]['attributes']) { for (k in this._tags[tag]['attributes']) { result.push(parseInt(k) == k ? this._tags[tag]['attributes'][k] : k); } } return result; }, getDefaultAttributesAndEventsForTags: function() { var result = []; for (var key in this._events){ result.push(this._events[key]); } for (var key in this._attributes){ result.push(this._attributes[key]); } return result; }, isValidTag: function(tag) { if(this._tags[tag]){ return true; } for(var key in this._tags){ if(this._tags[key] == tag){ return true; } } return false; }, getDefaultAttributesAndEventsForTag: function(tag) { var default_attributes = []; if (this.isValidTag(tag)) { var default_attributes_and_events = this.getDefaultAttributesAndEventsForTags(); for(var key in default_attributes_and_events) { var defaults = default_attributes_and_events[key]; if(typeof defaults == 'object'){ var h = WYMeditor.Helper; if ((defaults['except'] && h.contains(defaults['except'], tag)) || (defaults['only'] && !h.contains(defaults['only'], tag))) { continue; } var tag_defaults = defaults['attributes'] ? defaults['attributes'] : defaults['events']; for(var k in tag_defaults) { default_attributes.push(typeof tag_defaults[k] != 'string' ? k : tag_defaults[k]); } } } } return default_attributes; }, doesAttributeNeedsValidation: function(tag, attribute) { return this._tags[tag] && ((this._tags[tag]['attributes'] && this._tags[tag]['attributes'][attribute]) || (this._tags[tag]['required'] && WYMeditor.Helper.contains(this._tags[tag]['required'], attribute))); }, validateAttribute: function(tag, attribute, value) { if ( this._tags[tag] && (this._tags[tag]['attributes'] && this._tags[tag]['attributes'][attribute] && value.length > 0 && !value.match(this._tags[tag]['attributes'][attribute])) || // invalid format (this._tags[tag] && this._tags[tag]['required'] && WYMeditor.Helper.contains(this._tags[tag]['required'], attribute) && value.length == 0) // required attribute ) { return false; } return typeof this._tags[tag] != 'undefined'; }, getPossibleTagAttributes: function(tag) { if (!this._possible_tag_attributes) { this._possible_tag_attributes = {}; } if (!this._possible_tag_attributes[tag]) { this._possible_tag_attributes[tag] = this.getUniqueAttributesAndEventsForTag(tag).concat(this.getDefaultAttributesAndEventsForTag(tag)); } return this._possible_tag_attributes[tag]; } }; /* * WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne, http://www.wymeditor.org/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. * * For further information visit: * http://www.wymeditor.org/ * * File Name: * jquery.wymeditor.explorer.js * MSIE specific class and functions. * See the documentation for more info. * * File Authors: * Jean-Francois Hovinne (jf.hovinne a-t wymeditor dotorg) * Bermi Ferrer (wymeditor a-t bermi dotorg) * Frédéric Palluel-Lafleur (fpalluel a-t gmail dotcom) * Jonatan Lundin (jonatan.lundin a-t gmail dotcom) */ WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer = function(wym) { this._wym = wym; this._class = "className"; this._newLine = "\r\n"; }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.format_block = function(selected) { //'this' should be the wymeditor instance. var wym = this; var container = selected || wym.selected() || $(wym._iframe).contents().find('body').get(0); var name = container.tagName.toLowerCase(); //fix forbidden main containers if($.inArray(name, ['strong', 'b', 'em', 'i', 'sub', 'sup', 'a']) > -1) { name = container.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); } if(name == WYMeditor.BODY) { wym._selected_image = null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); wym._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, "<" + WYMeditor.P + ">"); } }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.initIframe = function(iframe) { //This function is executed twice, though it is called once! //But MSIE needs that, otherwise designMode won't work. //Weird. this._iframe = iframe; this._doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; //add css rules from options var styles = this._doc.styleSheets[0]; var aCss = eval(this._options.editorStyles); this.addCssRules(this._doc, aCss); this._doc.title = this._wym._index; //set the text direction $('html', this._doc).attr('dir', this._options.direction); // Add class to say this is Internet Explorer $('html', this._doc).addClass('ie'); //init html value $(this._doc.body).html(this._wym._html); //handle events var wym = this; this._doc.body.onfocus = function() {wym._doc.designMode = "on"; wym._doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;}; this._doc.onbeforedeactivate = function() {wym.saveCaret();}; this._doc.onkeyup = function() { wym.saveCaret(); wym.keyup(); }; this._doc.onclick = function() {wym.saveCaret();}; this._doc.body.onbeforepaste = function() { wym._iframe.contentWindow.event.returnValue = false; }; this._doc.body.onpaste = function() { wym._iframe.contentWindow.event.returnValue = false; // Trident doesn't need to intercept the paste as it can access the clipboard easily. wym.paste(window.clipboardData.getData("Text")); }; //callback can't be executed twice, so we check if(this._initialized) { //pre-bind functions if($.isFunction(this._options.preBind)) this._options.preBind(this); //bind external events this._wym.bindEvents(); //post-init functions if($.isFunction(this._options.postInit)) this._options.postInit(this); //add event listeners to doc elements, e.g. images this.listen(); } this._initialized = true; //init designMode this._doc.designMode="on"; try{ // (bermi's note) noticed when running unit tests on IE6 // Is this really needed, it trigger an unexisting property on IE6 this._doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; }catch(e){} }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype._exec = function(cmd,param) { var wym = this; switch(cmd) { case WYMeditor.INDENT: case WYMeditor.OUTDENT: var container = wym.findUp(wym.container(), WYMeditor.LI); if(container) { var ancestor = container.parentNode.parentNode; if(container.parentNode.childNodes.length > 1 || $.inArray(ancestor.tagName.toLowerCase(), [WYMeditor.OL, WYMeditor.UL]) > -1) { wym._doc.execCommand(cmd); } } break; default: if(param) { wym._doc.execCommand(cmd,false,param); } else { wym._doc.execCommand(cmd); } break; } }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.selected = function() { var caretPos = this._iframe.contentWindow.document.caretPos; if(caretPos != null && caretPos.parentElement != undefined) { return(caretPos.parentElement()); } }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.saveCaret = function() { this._doc.caretPos = this._doc.selection.createRange(); }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.addCssRule = function(styles, oCss) { styles.addRule(oCss.name, oCss.css); }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.insert = function(html) { // Get the current selection var range = this._doc.selection.createRange(); // Check if the current selection is inside the editor if ( $(range.parentElement()).parents( this._options.iframeBodySelector ).is('*') ) { try { // Overwrite selection with provided html range.pasteHTML(html); } catch (e) { } } else { // Fall back to the internal paste function if there's no selection this.paste(html); } }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.wrap = function(left, right) { // Get the current selection var range = this._doc.selection.createRange(); // Check if the current selection is inside the editor if ( $(range.parentElement()).parents( this._options.iframeBodySelector ).is('*') ) { try { // Overwrite selection with provided html range.pasteHTML(left + range.text + right); } catch (e) { } } }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.unwrap = function() { // Get the current selection var range = this._doc.selection.createRange(); // Check if the current selection is inside the editor if ( $(range.parentElement()).parents( this._options.iframeBodySelector ).is('*') ) { try { // Unwrap selection var text = range.text; this._exec( 'Cut' ); range.pasteHTML( text ); } catch (e) { } } }; //keyup handler WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.keyup = function(e) { (wym = this)._selected_image = null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); wym.format_block(); }; WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer.prototype.setFocusToNode = function(node, toStart) { (wym = this)._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); var range = wym._doc.selection.createRange(); toStart = toStart ? true : false; range.moveToElementText(node); range.collapse(toStart); range.select(); node.focus(); }; /* * WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne, http://www.wymeditor.org/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. * * For further information visit: * http://www.wymeditor.org/ * * File Name: * jquery.wymeditor.mozilla.js * Gecko specific class and functions. * See the documentation for more info. * * File Authors: * Jean-Francois Hovinne (jf.hovinne a-t wymeditor dotorg) * Volker Mische (vmx a-t gmx dotde) * Bermi Ferrer (wymeditor a-t bermi dotorg) * Frédéric Palluel-Lafleur (fpalluel a-t gmail dotcom) */ WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla = function(wym) { this._wym = wym; this._class = "class"; this._newLine = "\n"; }; WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype.initIframe = function(iframe) { var wym = this; this._iframe = iframe; this._doc = iframe.contentDocument; //add css rules from options var styles = this._doc.styleSheets[0]; var aCss = eval(this._options.editorStyles); this.addCssRules(this._doc, aCss); this._doc.title = this._wym._index; //set the text direction $('html', this._doc).attr('dir', this._options.direction); //add error class to body if the containing iframe has an error class $('.fieldWithErrors iframe').contents().find('body').addClass('fieldWithErrors'); //init html value this.html(this._wym._html); //init designMode this.enableDesignMode(); //pre-bind functions if($.isFunction(this._options.preBind)) this._options.preBind(this); //bind external events this._wym.bindEvents(); //bind editor keydown events $(this._doc).bind("keydown", this.keydown); //bind editor keyup events $(this._doc).bind("keyup", this.keyup); //bind editor paste events $(this._doc).bind("paste", this.intercept_paste); //bind editor focus events (used to reset designmode - Gecko bug) $(this._doc).bind("focus", function (){ // Fix scope wym.enableDesignMode.call(wym); }); //post-init functions if($.isFunction(this._options.postInit)) this._options.postInit(this); //add event listeners to doc elements, e.g. images this.listen(); }; /* @name html * @description Get/Set the html value */ WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype.html = function(html) { if(typeof html === 'string') { //disable designMode try { this._doc.designMode = "off"; } catch(e) { }; //replace em by i and strong by bold //(designMode issue) html = html.replace(/]*)>/gi, "") .replace(/<\/em>/gi, "") .replace(/]*)>/gi, "") .replace(/<\/strong>/gi, ""); //update the html body $(this._doc.body).html(html); //re-init designMode this.enableDesignMode(); } else { return($(this._doc.body).html()); } }; WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype._exec = function(cmd,param) { if(!this.selected()) return(false); switch(cmd) { case WYMeditor.INDENT: case WYMeditor.OUTDENT: var focusNode = this.selected(); var sel = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); var anchorNode = sel.anchorNode; if(anchorNode.nodeName == "#text") { anchorNode = anchorNode.parentNode; } focusNode = this.findUp(focusNode, WYMeditor.BLOCKS); anchorNode = this.findUp(anchorNode, WYMeditor.BLOCKS); if(focusNode && focusNode == anchorNode && focusNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.LI) { var ancestor = focusNode.parentNode.parentNode; if(focusNode.parentNode.childNodes.length > 1 || $.inArray(ancestor.tagName.toLowerCase(), [WYMeditor.OL, WYMeditor.UL]) > -1) { this._doc.execCommand(cmd,'',null); } } break; default: if(param) this._doc.execCommand(cmd,'',param); else this._doc.execCommand(cmd,'',null); } //set to P if parent = BODY var container = this.selected(); if(container.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.BODY) { this._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, WYMeditor.P); } }; /* @name selected * @description Returns the selected container */ WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype.selected = function(upgrade_text_nodes) { if (upgrade_text_nodes == null || upgrade_text_nodes.toString() != "true") { upgrade_text_nodes = false; } var sel = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); var node = sel.focusNode; if(node) { if(node.nodeName == "#text"){ if (upgrade_text_nodes && sel.toString().length > 0) { actual_node = null; parent_node = sel.focusNode.parentNode; if (parent_node != null) { for (i=0;i STRONG wym._exec(WYMeditor.BOLD); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 73){ //CTRL+i => EMPHASIS wym._exec(WYMeditor.ITALIC); return false; } } else if(e.keyCode == 13) { if(!e.shiftKey){ //fix PRE bug #73 container = wym.selected(); if(container && container.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.PRE) { e.preventDefault(); wym.insert('

    '); } } } }; //keyup handler, mainly used for cleanups WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype.keyup = function(e) { //'this' is the doc if ((wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.title]) != null) { wym._selected_image = null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); var container = null; if(e.keyCode == 13 && !e.shiftKey) { //RETURN key - cleanup

    between paragraphs $(wym._doc.body).children(WYMeditor.BR).remove(); //fix PRE bug #73 if((container = wym.selected()) && container.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.PRE) { wym._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, WYMeditor.P); //create P after PRE } } else if(($.inArray(e.keyCode, [8, 17, 46, 224]) == -1) && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey) { //NOT BACKSPACE, NOT DELETE, NOT CTRL, NOT COMMAND //text nodes replaced by P wym.format_block(); } } }; WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype.enableDesignMode = function() { if(this._doc.designMode == "off") { try { this._doc.designMode = "on"; this._doc.execCommand("styleWithCSS", '', false); } catch(e) { } } }; WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype.openBlockTag = function(tag, attributes) { var attributes = this.validator.getValidTagAttributes(tag, attributes); // Handle Mozilla styled spans if(tag == 'span' && attributes.style) { var new_tag = this.getTagForStyle(attributes.style); if(new_tag){ this._tag_stack.pop(); var tag = new_tag; this._tag_stack.push(new_tag); attributes.style = ''; } else { return; } } this.output += this.helper.tag(tag, attributes, true); }; WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla.prototype.getTagForStyle = function(style) { if(/bold/.test(style)) return 'strong'; if(/italic/.test(style)) return 'em'; if(/sub/.test(style)) return 'sub'; if(/super/.test(style)) return 'super'; return false; }; /* * WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne, http://www.wymeditor.org/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. * * For further information visit: * http://www.wymeditor.org/ * * File Name: * jquery.wymeditor.opera.js * Opera specific class and functions. * See the documentation for more info. * * File Authors: * Jean-Francois Hovinne (jf.hovinne a-t wymeditor dotorg) */ WYMeditor.WymClassOpera = function(wym) { this._wym = wym; this._class = "class"; this._newLine = "\r\n"; }; WYMeditor.WymClassOpera.prototype.initIframe = function(iframe) { this._iframe = iframe; this._doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; //add css rules from options var styles = this._doc.styleSheets[0]; var aCss = eval(this._options.editorStyles); this.addCssRules(this._doc, aCss); this._doc.title = this._wym._index; //set the text direction $('html', this._doc).attr('dir', this._options.direction); //init designMode this._doc.designMode = "on"; //init html value this.html(this._wym._html); //pre-bind functions if($.isFunction(this._options.preBind)) this._options.preBind(this); //bind external events this._wym.bindEvents(); //bind editor keydown events $(this._doc).bind("keydown", this.keydown); //bind editor events $(this._doc).bind("keyup", this.keyup); // bind paste events for when this is supported. $(this._doc).bind("paste", this.intercept_paste); //post-init functions if($.isFunction(this._options.postInit)) this._options.postInit(this); //add event listeners to doc elements, e.g. images this.listen(); }; WYMeditor.WymClassOpera.prototype._exec = function(cmd,param) { if(param) this._doc.execCommand(cmd,false,param); else this._doc.execCommand(cmd); }; WYMeditor.WymClassOpera.prototype.selected = function() { var sel=this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); var node=sel.focusNode; if(node) { if(node.nodeName=="#text") { return(node.parentNode); } else { return(node); } } else { return(null); } }; WYMeditor.WymClassOpera.prototype.addCssRule = function(styles, oCss) { styles.insertRule(oCss.name + " {" + oCss.css + "}", styles.cssRules.length); }; //keydown handler WYMeditor.WymClassOpera.prototype.keydown = function(e) { //'this' is the doc var wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.title]; var sel = wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); startNode = sel.getRangeAt(0).startContainer; //Get a P instead of no container if(!$(startNode).parentsOrSelf(WYMeditor.MAIN_CONTAINERS.join(","))[0] && !$(startNode).parentsOrSelf('li') && e.keyCode != WYMeditor.KEY.ENTER && e.keyCode != WYMeditor.KEY.LEFT && e.keyCode != WYMeditor.KEY.UP && e.keyCode != WYMeditor.KEY.RIGHT && e.keyCode != WYMeditor.KEY.DOWN && e.keyCode != WYMeditor.KEY.BACKSPACE && e.keyCode != WYMeditor.KEY.DELETE) wym._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, WYMeditor.P); }; //keyup handler WYMeditor.WymClassOpera.prototype.keyup = function(e) { //'this' is the doc var wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.title]; wym._selected_image = null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); }; /* * WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne, http://www.wymeditor.org/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. * * For further information visit: * http://www.wymeditor.org/ * * File Name: * jquery.wymeditor.safari.js * Safari specific class and functions. * See the documentation for more info. * * File Authors: * Jean-Francois Hovinne (jf.hovinne a-t wymeditor dotorg) * Scott Lewis (lewiscot a-t gmail dotcom) */ WYMeditor.WymClassSafari = function(wym) { this._wym = wym; this._class = "class"; this._newLine = "\n"; }; WYMeditor.WymClassSafari.prototype.initIframe = function(iframe) { this._iframe = iframe; this._doc = iframe.contentDocument; //add css rules from options var styles = this._doc.styleSheets[0]; var aCss = eval(this._options.editorStyles); this.addCssRules(this._doc, aCss); this._doc.title = this._wym._index; //set the text direction $('html', this._doc).attr('dir', this._options.direction); //init designMode this._doc.designMode = "on"; //init html value this.html(this._wym._html); //pre-bind functions if($.isFunction(this._options.preBind)) this._options.preBind(this); //bind external events this._wym.bindEvents(); //bind editor keydown events $(this._doc).bind("keydown", this.keydown); //bind editor keyup events $(this._doc).bind("keyup", this.keyup); // bind paste events $(this._doc).bind("paste", this.intercept_paste); //post-init functions if($.isFunction(this._options.postInit)) this._options.postInit(this); //add event listeners to doc elements, e.g. images this.listen(); }; WYMeditor.WymClassSafari.prototype._exec = function(cmd,param) { var wym = this; if(!wym.selected()) { return(false); } switch(cmd) { case WYMeditor.INDENT: case WYMeditor.OUTDENT: var focusNode = wym.selected(); var sel = wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); var anchorNode = sel.anchorNode; if(anchorNode.nodeName == "#text") { anchorNode = anchorNode.parentNode; } focusNode = wym.findUp(focusNode, WYMeditor.BLOCKS); anchorNode = wym.findUp(anchorNode, WYMeditor.BLOCKS); if(focusNode && focusNode == anchorNode && focusNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.LI) { var ancestor = focusNode.parentNode.parentNode; if(focusNode.parentNode.childNodes.length > 1 || $.inArray(ancestor.tagName.toLowerCase(), [WYMeditor.OL, WYMeditor.UL]) > -1) { wym._doc.execCommand(cmd,'',null); } } break; case WYMeditor.INSERT_ORDEREDLIST: case WYMeditor.INSERT_UNORDEREDLIST: this._doc.execCommand(cmd,'',null); //Safari creates lists in e.g. paragraphs. //Find the container, and remove it. var focusNode = this.selected(); var container = this.findUp(focusNode, WYMeditor.MAIN_CONTAINERS); if(container) $(container).replaceWith($(container).html()); break; default: if(param) this._doc.execCommand(cmd,'',param); else this._doc.execCommand(cmd,'',null); } }; /* @name selected * @description Returns the selected container */ WYMeditor.WymClassSafari.prototype.selected = function(upgrade_text_nodes) { if (upgrade_text_nodes == null || upgrade_text_nodes.toString() != "true") { upgrade_text_nodes = false; } var sel = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); var node = sel.focusNode; if(node) { if(node.nodeName == "#text"){ if (upgrade_text_nodes && sel.toString().length > 0) { actual_node = null; parent_node = sel.focusNode.parentNode; if (parent_node != null) { for (i=0;i STRONG wym._exec(WYMeditor.BOLD); e.preventDefault(); } if(e.keyCode == 73){ //CTRL+i => EMPHASIS wym._exec(WYMeditor.ITALIC); e.preventDefault(); } } else if(e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 13) { wym._exec('InsertLineBreak'); e.preventDefault(); } }; //keyup handler, mainly used for cleanups WYMeditor.WymClassSafari.prototype.keyup = function(e) { //'this' is the doc var wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.title]; wym._selected_image = null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); var container = null; if(e.keyCode == 13 && !e.shiftKey) { //RETURN key //cleanup

    between paragraphs $(wym._doc.body).children(WYMeditor.BR).remove(); //fix PRE bug #73 container = wym.selected(); if(container && container.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.PRE) { wym._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, WYMeditor.P); //create P after PRE } } else if(($.inArray(e.keyCode, [8, 17, 46, 224]) == -1) && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey) { //NOT BACKSPACE, NOT DELETE, NOT CTRL, NOT COMMAND //text nodes replaced by P container = wym.selected(); if (container && (name = container.tagName.toLowerCase())) { //fix forbidden main containers if($.inArray(name, ['strong', 'b', 'em', 'i', 'sub', 'sup', 'a', 'span']) > -1) { name = container.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); } if($.inArray(name, [WYMeditor.BODY, WYMeditor.DIV]) > -1) { wym._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, WYMeditor.P); //fix #110 for DIV } } } }; WYMeditor.WymClassSafari.prototype.openBlockTag = function(tag, attributes) { var attributes = this.validator.getValidTagAttributes(tag, attributes); // Handle Safari styled spans if(tag == 'span' && attributes.style) { if(new_tag = this.getTagForStyle(attributes.style)) { this._tag_stack.pop(); var tag = new_tag; this._tag_stack.push(new_tag); attributes.style = ''; //should fix #125 - also removed the xhtml() override if(typeof attributes['class'] == 'string') { attributes['class'] = attributes['class'].replace(/apple-style-span/gi, ''); } } else { return; } } this.output += this.helper.tag(tag, attributes, true); }; WYMeditor.WymClassSafari.prototype.getTagForStyle = function(style) { if(/bold/.test(style)) return 'strong'; if(/italic/.test(style)) return 'em'; if(/sub/.test(style)) return 'sub'; if(/super/.test(style)) return 'sup'; return false; }; onOpenDialog = function(dialog) { (dialog = $('.ui-dialog')).find('.ui-dialog-titlebar').corner('1px top'); if(!$.browser.msie){ dialog.corner('6px'); } if (dialog.height() < $(window).height()) { if(iframed()) { $(parent.document.body).addClass('hide-overflow'); } else { $(document.body).addClass('hide-overflow'); } } }; onCloseDialog = function(dialog) { if(iframed()) { $(parent.document.body).removeClass('hide-overflow'); } else { $(document.body).removeClass('hide-overflow'); } }; WYMeditor.onload_functions = []; var wymeditor_inputs = []; var wymeditors_loaded = 0; // supply custom_wymeditor_boot_options if you want to override anything here. if (typeof(custom_wymeditor_boot_options) == "undefined") { custom_wymeditor_boot_options = {}; } var form_actions = "
    " + "
    " + "" + "{Cancel}" + "
    " + "
    "; var wymeditor_boot_options = $.extend({ skin: 'refinery' , basePath: "/" , wymPath: "/assets/wymeditor/jquery.refinery.wymeditor.js" , cssSkinPath: "/assets/wymeditor/skins/" , jsSkinPath: "/assets/wymeditor/skins/" , langPath: "/assets/wymeditor/lang/" , iframeBasePath: '/' , classesItems: [ {name: 'text-align', rules:[{name: 'left', title: '{Left}'}, {name: 'center', title: '{Center}'}, {name: 'right', title: '{Right}'}, {name: 'justify', title: '{Justify}'}], join: '-', title: '{Text_Align}'} , {name: 'image-align', rules:[{name: 'left', title: '{Left}'}, {name: 'right', title: '{Right}'}], join: '-', title: '{Image_Align}'} , {name: 'font-size', rules:[{name: 'small', title: '{Small}'}, {name: 'normal', title: '{Normal}'}, {name: 'large', title: '{Large}'}], join: '-', title: '{Font_Size}'} ] , containersItems: [ {'name': 'h1', 'title':'Heading_1', 'css':'wym_containers_h1'} , {'name': 'h2', 'title':'Heading_2', 'css':'wym_containers_h2'} , {'name': 'h3', 'title':'Heading_3', 'css':'wym_containers_h3'} , {'name': 'p', 'title':'Paragraph', 'css':'wym_containers_p'} ] , toolsItems: [ {'name': 'Bold', 'title': 'Bold', 'css': 'wym_tools_strong'} ,{'name': 'Italic', 'title': 'Emphasis', 'css': 'wym_tools_emphasis'} ,{'name': 'InsertUnorderedList', 'title': 'Unordered_List', 'css': 'wym_tools_unordered_list'} ,{'name': 'InsertOrderedList', 'title': 'Ordered_List', 'css': 'wym_tools_ordered_list'} /*,{'name': 'Indent', 'title': 'Indent', 'css': 'wym_tools_indent'} ,{'name': 'Outdent', 'title': 'Outdent', 'css': 'wym_tools_outdent'} ,{'name': 'Undo', 'title': 'Undo', 'css': 'wym_tools_undo'} ,{'name': 'Redo', 'title': 'Redo', 'css': 'wym_tools_redo'}*/ ,{'name': 'CreateLink', 'title': 'Link', 'css': 'wym_tools_link'} ,{'name': 'Unlink', 'title': 'Unlink', 'css': 'wym_tools_unlink'} ,{'name': 'InsertImage', 'title': 'Image', 'css': 'wym_tools_image'} ,{'name': 'InsertTable', 'title': 'Table', 'css': 'wym_tools_table'} //,{'name': 'Paste', 'title': 'Paste_From_Word', 'css': 'wym_tools_paste'} ,{'name': 'ToggleHtml', 'title': 'HTML', 'css': 'wym_tools_html'} ] ,toolsHtml: "
      " + WYMeditor.TOOLS_ITEMS + "
    " ,toolsItemHtml: "
  • " + "" + WYMeditor.TOOL_TITLE + "" + "
  • " , classesHtml: "" , classesItemHtml: "
  • "+ WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE+ "
  • " , classesItemHtmlMultiple: "
  • " + "" + WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE + "" + "
    " +"
  • " , containersHtml: "
      " + WYMeditor.CONTAINERS_ITEMS + "
    " , containersItemHtml: "
  • " + "" + "
  • " , boxHtml: "
    " + "
    " + WYMeditor.CONTAINERS + WYMeditor.TOOLS + WYMeditor.CLASSES + "
    " + "
    " + WYMeditor.HTML + WYMeditor.IFRAME + WYMeditor.STATUS + "
    " + "
    " , iframeHtml: "
    " + "" +"
    " , dialogImageHtml: "" , dialogLinkHtml: "" , dialogTableHtml: "
    " + "
    " + "" + "
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    " + form_actions + "
    " + "
    " , dialogPasteHtml: "
    " + "
    " + "" + "
    " + "" + "
    " + form_actions + "
    " + "
    " , dialogPath: "/refinery/dialogs/" , dialogFeatures: { width: 866 , height: 455 , modal: true , draggable: true , resizable: false , autoOpen: true , open: onOpenDialog , close: onCloseDialog } , dialogInlineFeatures: { width: 600 , height: 485 , modal: true , draggable: true , resizable: false , autoOpen: true , open: onOpenDialog , close: onCloseDialog } , dialogId: 'editor_dialog' , dialogHtml: "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + WYMeditor.DIALOG_TITLE + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
    " + WYMeditor.DIALOG_BODY + "
    " + "" + "" , postInit: function(wym) { // register loaded wymeditors_loaded += 1; // fire loaded if all editors loaded if(WYMeditor.INSTANCES.length == wymeditors_loaded){ $('.wym_loading_overlay').remove(); // load any functions that have been registered to happen onload. // these will have to be registered BEFORE postInit is fired (which is fairly quickly). for(i=0; i < WYMeditor.onload_functions.length; i++) { WYMeditor.onload_functions[i](); } } $(wym._iframe).contents().find('body').addClass('wym_iframe_body'); $('.field.hide-overflow').removeClass('hide-overflow').css('height', 'auto'); } , postInitDialog: function(wym) { if($.browser.msie) { ($the_ui_dialog = $('.ui-dialog')).css('height', $the_ui_dialog.find('iframe').height() + $the_ui_dialog.find('iframe').contents().find('.form-actions').height() - 12 ); } } , lang: 'en' }, custom_wymeditor_boot_options); WYMeditor.editor.prototype.loadIframe = function(iframe) { var wym = this; // Internet explorer doesn't like this (which versions??) var doc = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow); if(doc.document) { doc = doc.document; } if (!$.browser.msie) { doc.open('text/html', 'replace'); html = "\ \ \ WYMeditor\ \ \ \ \ \ "; doc.write(html); doc.close(); var doc_head = doc.head || $(doc).find('head').get(0); $("").appendTo(doc_head); $("").appendTo(doc_head); $("").appendTo(doc_head); } if ((id_of_editor = wym._element.parent().attr('id')) != null) { $(doc.body).addClass(id_of_editor); } wym.initIframe(iframe); }; WYMeditor.init = function() { wymeditor_inputs = $('.wymeditor').filter(function(index) { for (i=0; i < WYMeditor.INSTANCES.length; i++) { if (WYMeditor.INSTANCES[i]._element.attr('id') == $(this).attr('id')) { return false; } } return true; }); wymeditor_inputs.each(function(input) { if ((containing_field = $(this).parents('.field')).length > 0 && containing_field.get(0).style.height.replace('auto', '') === '') { containing_field.addClass('hide-overflow') .css('height', $(this).outerHeight() - containing_field.offset().top + $(this).offset().top + 45); } $(this).hide(); }); wymeditor_inputs.wymeditor(wymeditor_boot_options); }; $(function(){ WYMeditor.init(); }); /* * WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne, http://www.wymeditor.org/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. * * For further information visit: * http://www.wymeditor.org/ * * File: jquery.refinery.wymeditor.js * * Main JS file with core classes and functions. * See the documentation for more info. * * About: authors * * Jean-Francois Hovinne (jf.hovinne a-t wymeditor dotorg) * Volker Mische (vmx a-t gmx dotde) * Scott Lewis (lewiscot a-t gmail dotcom) * Bermi Ferrer (wymeditor a-t bermi dotorg) * Daniel Reszka (d.reszka a-t wymeditor dotorg) * Jonatan Lundin (jonatan.lundin a-t gmail dotcom) */ /* Namespace: WYMeditor Global WYMeditor namespace. */ /* */ ; ;TI"required_assets_digest;F"%ad76cec89636ba72117d7b9631249597I" _version;F"%ffd318ca8b794f42f5029101c2cf5d91