require 'spec_helper' RSpec.shared_examples :element_dsl do describe '.element' do context 'when regular capybara params' do before do klass.class_eval do element :foo, :xpath, '//a' end end it 'should create private :foo_element instance method' do expect(klass_object.private_methods(false)).to include(:foo_element) end it 'should create private :foo_elements instance method' do expect(klass_object.private_methods(false)).to include(:foo_elements) end it 'should create public :has_foo_element? instance method' do expect(klass_object.public_methods(false)).to include(:has_foo_element?) end it 'should create public :has_no_foo_element? instance method' do expect(klass_object.public_methods(false)).to include(:has_no_foo_element?) end it 'should be protected class method' do expect { klass.element :bar }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) expect(klass.protected_methods(true)).to include(:element) end end context 'when 1 param is proc' do before do klass.class_eval do element :foo, :xpath, ->(title) { "//a[.='#{title}']" } end end it 'should create private :foo_element instance method' do expect(klass_object.private_methods(false)).to include(:foo_element) end it 'should create private :foo_elements instance method' do expect(klass_object.private_methods(false)).to include(:foo_elements) end it 'should create public :has_foo_element? instance method' do expect(klass_object.public_methods(false)).to include(:has_foo_element?) end it 'should create public :has_no_foo_element? instance method' do expect(klass_object.public_methods(false)).to include(:has_no_foo_element?) end it 'should be protected class method' do expect { klass.element :bar }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) expect(klass.protected_methods(true)).to include(:element) end end context 'when 2 params are proc' do subject do klass.class_eval do element :foo, -> { puts 1 }, ->(title) { "//a[.='#{title}']" } end end it 'should generate error' do expect { subject.element :bar }.to raise_error( Howitzer::BadElementParamsError, 'Using more than 1 proc in arguments is forbidden' ) end end end describe 'dynamic_methods' do let(:web_page_object) { } let(:kontext) { double(:kontext) } before do allow(Capybara).to receive(:current_session) { kontext } klass.class_eval do element :foo, :xpath, ->(title) { "//a[.='#{title}']" } element :bar, '.someclass' end end after { subject } describe '#name_element' do context 'when simple selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:bar_element) } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:find).with('.someclass') } end context 'when lambda selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:foo_element, 'Hello') } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:find).with(:xpath, "//a[.='Hello']") } end end describe '#name_elements' do context 'when simple selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:bar_elements) } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:all).with('.someclass') } end context 'when lambda selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:foo_elements, 'Hello') } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:all).with(:xpath, "//a[.='Hello']") } end end describe '#has_name_element?' do context 'when simple selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:has_bar_element?) } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:has_selector?).with('.someclass') } end context 'when lambda selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:has_foo_element?, 'Hello') } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:has_selector?).with(:xpath, "//a[.='Hello']") } end end describe '#has_no_name_element?' do context 'when simple selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:has_no_bar_element?) } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:has_no_selector?).with('.someclass') } end context 'when lambda selector' do subject { klass_object.send(:has_no_foo_element?, 'Hello') } it { expect(kontext).to receive(:has_no_selector?).with(:xpath, "//a[.='Hello']") } end end end end