# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # Default message box caption string.
  # Show a general purpose message dialog.
  # This is a convenient function which is usually used instead of using {Wx::MessageDialog} directly. Notice however that some of the features, such as extended text and custom labels for the message box buttons, are not provided by this function but only by {Wx::MessageDialog}.
  # The return value is one of: {Wx::YES}, {Wx::NO}, {Wx::CANCEL}, {Wx::OK} or {Wx::HELP} (notice that this return value is <b>different</b> from the return value of {Wx::MessageDialog#show_modal}).
  # For example: 
  #   int answer = wxMessageBox("Quit program?", "Confirm",
  #                             wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL, main_frame);
  #   if (answer == wxYES)
  #       main_frame->Close();
  # message may contain newline characters, in which case the message will be split into separate lines, to cater for large messages.
  # @param message [String]  Message to show in the dialog.
  # @param caption [String]  The dialog title.
  # @param style [Integer]  Combination of style flags described in {Wx::MessageDialog} documentation.
  # @param parent [Wx::Window]  Parent window.
  # @param x [Integer]  Horizontal dialog position (ignored under MSW). Use {Wx::DEFAULT_COORD} for x and y to let the system position the window.
  # @param y [Integer]  Vertical dialog position (ignored under MSW).
  # @return [Integer]
  def self.message_box(message, caption=Wx::MESSAGE_BOX_CAPTION_STR, style=(Wx::OK|Wx::GeometryCentre::CENTRE), parent=nil, x=Wx::DEFAULT_COORD, y=Wx::DEFAULT_COORD) end
  # This class represents a dialog that shows a single or multi-line message, with a choice of OK, Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
  # === Styles
  # This class supports the following styles:
  # - {Wx::OK}: Puts an Ok button in the message box. May be combined with {Wx::CANCEL}. 
  # - {Wx::CANCEL}: Puts a Cancel button in the message box. Must be combined with either {Wx::OK} or {Wx::YES_NO}. 
  # - {Wx::YES_NO}: Puts Yes and No buttons in the message box. It is recommended to always use {Wx::CANCEL} with this style as otherwise the message box won't have a close button under {Wx::MSW} and the user will be forced to answer it. 
  # - {Wx::HELP}: Puts a Help button to the message box. This button can have special appearance or be specially positioned if its label is not changed from the default one. Notice that using this button is not supported when showing a message box from non-main thread in {Wx::OSX}/Cocoa. Available since wxWidgets 2.9.3. 
  # - {Wx::NO_DEFAULT}: Makes the "No" button default, can only be used with {Wx::YES_NO}. 
  # - {Wx::CANCEL_DEFAULT}: Makes the "Cancel" button default, can only be used with {Wx::CANCEL}. This style is currently not supported (and ignored) in {Wx::OSX}. 
  # - {Wx::YES_DEFAULT}: Makes the "Yes" button default, this is the default behaviour and this flag exists solely for symmetry with {Wx::NO_DEFAULT}. 
  # - {Wx::OK_DEFAULT}: Makes the "OK" button default, this is the default behaviour and this flag exists solely for symmetry with {Wx::CANCEL_DEFAULT}. 
  # - {Wx::ICON_NONE}: Displays no icon in the dialog if possible (an icon might still be displayed if the current platform mandates its use). This style may be used to prevent the dialog from using the default icon based on {Wx::YES_NO} presence as explained in {Wx::ICON_QUESTION} and {Wx::ICON_INFORMATION} documentation below. 
  # - {Wx::ICON_ERROR}: Displays an error icon in the dialog. 
  # - {Wx::ICON_WARNING}: Displays a warning icon in the dialog. This style should be used for informative warnings or, in combination with {Wx::YES_NO} or {Wx::CANCEL}, for questions that have potentially serious consequences (caution icon is used on macOS in this case). 
  # - {Wx::ICON_QUESTION}: Displays a question mark symbol. This icon is automatically used with {Wx::YES_NO} so it's usually unnecessary to specify it explicitly. This style is not supported for message dialogs under {Wx::MSW} when a task dialog is used to implement them (i.e. when running under Windows Vista or later) because Microsoft guidelines indicate that no icon should be used for routine confirmations. If it is specified, no icon will be displayed. 
  # - {Wx::ICON_INFORMATION}: Displays an information symbol. This icon is used by default if {Wx::YES_NO} is not given so it is usually unnecessary to specify it explicitly. 
  # - {Wx::ICON_EXCLAMATION}: Alias for {Wx::ICON_WARNING}. 
  # - {Wx::ICON_HAND}: Alias for {Wx::ICON_ERROR}. 
  # - {Wx::ICON_AUTH_NEEDED}: Displays an authentication needed symbol. This style is only supported for message dialogs under {Wx::MSW} when a task dialog is used to implement them (i.e. when running under Windows Vista or later). In other cases the default icon selection logic will be used. Note this can be combined with other styles to provide a fallback. For instance, using {Wx::ICON_AUTH_NEEDED} | {Wx::ICON_QUESTION} will show a shield symbol on Windows Vista or above and a question symbol on other platforms. Available since wxWidgets 2.9.5 
  # - {Wx::STAY_ON_TOP}: Makes the message box stay on top of all other windows and not only just its parent (currently implemented only under MSW and GTK). 
  # - {Wx::GeometryCentre::CENTRE}: Centre the message box on its parent or on the screen if parent is not specified. Setting this style under MSW makes no differences as the dialog is always centered on the parent. 
  # === 
  # Category:  Common Dialogs
  # @see wxMessageDialog Overview 
  # @see Wx::RichMessageDialog 
  class MessageDialog < Dialog
    # Constructor specifying the message box properties.
    # Use {Wx::MessageDialog#show_modal} to show the dialog.
    # style may be a bit list of the identifiers described above.
    # Notice that not all styles are compatible: only one of {Wx::OK} and {Wx::YES_NO} may be specified (and one of them must be specified) and at most one default button style can be used and it is only valid if the corresponding button is shown in the message box.
    # @param parent [Wx::Window]  Parent window.
    # @param message [String]  Message to show in the dialog.
    # @param caption [String]  The dialog title.
    # @param style [Integer]  Combination of style flags described above.
    # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]  Dialog position (ignored under MSW).
    # @return [MessageDialog]
    def initialize(parent, message, caption=Wx::MESSAGE_BOX_CAPTION_STR, style=(Wx::OK|Wx::GeometryCentre::CENTRE), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION) end
    # Sets the extended message for the dialog: this message is usually an extension of the short message specified in the constructor or set with {Wx::MessageDialog#set_message}.
    # If it is set, the main message appears highlighted  if supported  and this message appears beneath it in normal font. On the platforms which don't support extended messages, it is simply appended to the normal message with an empty line separating them.
    # @param extendedMessage [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_extended_message(extendedMessage) end
    alias_method :extended_message=, :set_extended_message
    # Sets the label for the Help button.
    # Please see the remarks in {Wx::MessageDialog#set_yes_no_labels} documentation.
    # Notice that changing the label of the help button resets its special status (if any, this depends on the platform) and it will be treated just like another button in this case.
    # @param help [ButtonLabel] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def set_help_label(help) end
    alias_method :help_label=, :set_help_label
    # Sets the message shown by the dialog.
    # @param message [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_message(message) end
    alias_method :message=, :set_message
    # Overrides the default labels of the OK and Cancel buttons.
    # Please see the remarks in {Wx::MessageDialog#set_yes_no_labels} documentation.
    # @param ok [ButtonLabel] 
    # @param cancel [ButtonLabel] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def set_ok_cancel_labels(ok, cancel) end
    # Overrides the default label of the OK button.
    # Please see the remarks in {Wx::MessageDialog#set_yes_no_labels} documentation.
    # @param ok [ButtonLabel] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def set_ok_label(ok) end
    alias_method :ok_label=, :set_ok_label
    # Overrides the default labels of the Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
    # Please see the remarks in {Wx::MessageDialog#set_yes_no_labels} documentation.
    # @param yes [ButtonLabel] 
    # @param no [ButtonLabel] 
    # @param cancel [ButtonLabel] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def set_yes_no_cancel_labels(yes, no, cancel) end
    # Overrides the default labels of the Yes and No buttons.
    # The arguments of this function can be either strings or one of the standard identifiers, such as {Wx::StandardID::ID_APPLY} or {Wx::StandardID::ID_OPEN}. Notice that even if the label is specified as an identifier, the return value of the dialog {Wx::MessageDialog#show_modal} method still remains one of {Wx::StandardID::ID_OK}, {Wx::StandardID::ID_CANCEL}, {Wx::StandardID::ID_YES} or {Wx::StandardID::ID_NO} values, i.e. this identifier changes only the label appearance but not the return code generated by the button. It is possible to mix stock identifiers and string labels in the same function call, for example: 
    #   wxMessageDialog dlg(...);
    #   dlg.SetYesNoLabels(wxID_SAVE, _("&Don't save"));
    # Also notice that this function is not currently available on all platforms (although as of wxWidgets 2.9.0 it is implemented in all major ports), so it may return false to indicate that the labels couldn't be changed. If it returns true, the labels were set successfully.
    # Typically, if the function was used successfully, the main dialog message may need to be changed, e.g.: 
    #   wxMessageDialog dlg(...);
    #   if ( dlg.SetYesNoLabels(_("&Quit"), _("&Don't quit")) )
    #       dlg.SetMessage(_("What do you want to do?"));
    #   else // buttons have standard "Yes"/"No" values, so rephrase the question
    #       dlg.SetMessage(_("Do you really want to quit?"));
    # @param yes [ButtonLabel] 
    # @param no [ButtonLabel] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def set_yes_no_labels(yes, no) end
    # Shows the dialog, returning one of {Wx::StandardID::ID_OK}, {Wx::StandardID::ID_CANCEL}, {Wx::StandardID::ID_YES}, {Wx::StandardID::ID_NO} or {Wx::StandardID::ID_HELP}.
    # Notice that this method returns the identifier of the button which was clicked unlike {message_box} function.
    # @return [Integer]
    def show_modal; end
    # @return [String]
    def get_caption; end
    alias_method :caption, :get_caption
    # @return [String]
    def get_message; end
    alias_method :message, :get_message
    # @return [String]
    def get_extended_message; end
    alias_method :extended_message, :get_extended_message
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_message_dialog_style; end
    alias_method :message_dialog_style, :get_message_dialog_style
    # @return [true,false]
    def has_custom_labels; end
    alias_method :has_custom_labels?, :has_custom_labels
    # @return [String]
    def get_yes_label; end
    alias_method :yes_label, :get_yes_label
    # @return [String]
    def get_no_label; end
    alias_method :no_label, :get_no_label
    # @return [String]
    def get_ok_label; end
    alias_method :ok_label, :get_ok_label
    # @return [String]
    def get_cancel_label; end
    alias_method :cancel_label, :get_cancel_label
    # @return [String]
    def get_help_label; end
    alias_method :help_label, :get_help_label
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_effective_icon; end
    alias_method :effective_icon, :get_effective_icon
  end # MessageDialog
