# frozen_string_literal: true # CSV Decision: CSV based Ruby decision tables. # Created December 2017. # @author Brett Vickers # See LICENSE and README.md for details. module CSVDecision2 # Validate and normalize the options values supplied. # @api private module Options # Specialized cell value matchers beyond simple string compares. # By default all these matchers are tried in the specified order on all # input data cells. DEFAULT_MATCHERS = [ Matchers::Range, Matchers::Numeric, Matchers::Pattern, Matchers::Constant, Matchers::Symbol, Matchers::Guard ].freeze # All valid CSVDecision2::parse options with their default values. VALID = { first_match: true, regexp_implicit: false, text_only: false, matchers: DEFAULT_MATCHERS }.freeze private_constant :VALID # These options may appear in the CSV file before the header row. # They get converted to a normalized option key value pair. CSV_NAMES = { first_match: [:first_match, true], accumulate: [:first_match, false], regexp_implicit: [:regexp_implicit, true], text_only: [:text_only, true], string_search: [:text_only, true] }.freeze private_constant :CSV_NAMES # Validate options and supply default values for any options not explicitly set. # # @param options [Hash] Input options hash supplied by the user. # @return [Hash] Options hash filled in with all required values, defaulted if necessary. # @raise [CellValidationError] For invalid option keys. def self.normalize(options) validate(options) default(options) end # Read any options supplied in the CSV file placed before the header row. # # @param rows [Array>] Table data rows. # @param options [Hash] Input options hash built so far. # @return [Hash] Options hash overridden with any values found in the CSV file. def self.from_csv(rows:, options:) row = rows.first return options if row.nil? # Have we hit the header row? return options if Header.row?(row) # Scan each cell looking for valid option values options = scan_cells(row: row, options: options) rows.shift from_csv(rows: rows, options: options) end def self.scan_cells(row:, options:) # Scan each cell looking for valid option values row.each do |cell| next if cell == '' key, value = option?(cell) options[key] = value if key end options end private_class_method :scan_cells def self.default(options) result = options.dup # The user may override the list of matchers to be used result[:matchers] = matchers(result) # Supply any missing options with default values VALID.each_pair do |key, value| next if result.key?(key) result[key] = value end result end private_class_method :default def self.matchers(options) return [] if options.key?(:matchers) && !options[:matchers] return [] if options[:text_only] return DEFAULT_MATCHERS unless options.key?(:matchers) options[:matchers] end private_class_method :matchers def self.option?(cell) key = cell.strip.downcase.to_sym CSV_NAMES[key] end private_class_method :option? def self.validate(options) invalid_options = options.keys - VALID.keys return if invalid_options.empty? raise CellValidationError, "invalid option(s) supplied: #{invalid_options.inspect}" end private_class_method :validate end end