module Dor module Identifiable extend ActiveSupport::Concern include SolrDocHelper include Eventable include Upgradable included do has_metadata :name => "DC", :type => SimpleDublinCoreDs, :label => 'Dublin Core Record for self object' has_metadata :name => "identityMetadata", :type => Dor::IdentityMetadataDS, :label => 'Identity Metadata' end module ClassMethods attr_reader :object_type def has_object_type str @object_type = str Dor.registered_classes[str] = self end end def initialize attrs={} if Dor::Config.suri.mint_ids unless attrs[:pid] attrs = attrs.merge!({:pid=>Dor::SuriService.mint_id, :new_object => true}) end end super end # helper method to get the tags as an array def tags self.identityMetadata.tag end #helper method to get the release tags as a nodeset # #@return [Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet] of all release tags and their attributes def release_tags release_tags = self.identityMetadata.ng_xml.xpath('//release') return_hash = {} release_tags.each do |release_tag| hashed_node = self.release_tag_node_to_hash(release_tag) if return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] != nil return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] << hashed_node[:attrs] else return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] = [hashed_node[:attrs]] end end return return_hash end #method to convert one release element into an array # #@param rtag [Nokogiri::XML::Element] the release tag element # #return [Hash] in the form of {:to => String :attrs = Hash} def release_tag_node_to_hash(rtag) to = 'to' release = 'release' when_word = 'when' #TODO: Make to and when_word load from some config file instead of hardcoded here attrs = rtag.attributes return_hash = { :to => attrs[to].value } attrs.tap { |a| a.delete(to)} attrs[release] = rtag.text.downcase == "true" #save release as a boolean return_hash[:attrs] = attrs #convert all the attrs beside :to to strings, they are currently Nokogiri::XML::Attr (return_hash[:attrs].keys-[to]).each do |a| return_hash[:attrs][a] = return_hash[:attrs][a].to_s if a != release end return_hash[:attrs][when_word] = Time.parse(return_hash[:attrs][when_word]) #convert when to a datetime return return_hash end # helper method to get just the content type tag def content_type_tag {|tag| tag.include?('Process : Content Type')} content_tag.size == 1 ? content_tag[0].split(':').last.strip : "" end # Syntactic sugar for identifying applied DOR Concerns # e.g., obj.is_identifiable? is the same as obj.is_a?(Dor::Identifiable) def method_missing sym, *args if sym.to_s =~ /^is_(.+)\?$/ begin klass = Dor.const_get $1.capitalize.to_sym return self.is_a?(klass) rescue NameError return false end else super end end @@collection_hash={} @@apo_hash={} @@hydrus_apo_hash={} @@hydrus_collection_hash={} def to_solr(, *args) self.assert_content_model super(solr_doc) solr_doc[Dor::INDEX_VERSION_FIELD] = Dor::VERSION solr_doc[solr_name('indexed_at',:date)] = add_solr_value(solr_doc, 'indexed_day',, :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) datastreams.values.each do |ds| unless add_solr_value(solr_doc,'ds_specs',ds.datastream_spec_string,:string,[:displayable]) end end add_solr_value(solr_doc, 'title_sort', self.label, :string, [:sortable]) rels_doc = Nokogiri::XML(self.datastreams['RELS-EXT'].content)'//rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/hydra:isGovernedBy','hydra' => '', 'fedora' => 'info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#', 'rdf' => '' ) apos.each do |apo_node| druid=apo_node['rdf:resource'] if druid druid=druid.gsub('info:fedora/','') if @@apo_hash.has_key? druid or @@hydrus_apo_hash.has_key? druid add_solr_value(solr_doc, "hydrus_apo_title", @@hydrus_apo_hash[druid], :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) if @@hydrus_apo_hash.has_key? druid add_solr_value(solr_doc, "apo_title", @@apo_hash[druid] , :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) if @@apo_hash.has_key? druid else begin apo_object=Dor.find(druid) if apo_object.tags.include? 'Project : Hydrus' add_solr_value(solr_doc, "hydrus_apo_title", apo_object.label, :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) @@hydrus_apo_hash[druid]=apo_object.label else add_solr_value(solr_doc, "apo_title", apo_object.label, :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) @@apo_hash[druid]=apo_object.label end rescue add_solr_value(solr_doc, "apo_title", druid, :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) end end end end'//rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/fedora:isMemberOfCollection','fedora' => 'info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#', 'rdf' => '' ) collections.each do |collection_node| druid=collection_node['rdf:resource'] if(druid) druid=druid.gsub('info:fedora/','') if @@collection_hash.has_key? druid or @@hydrus_collection_hash.has_key? druid add_solr_value(solr_doc, "hydrus_collection_title", @@hydrus_collection_hash[druid], :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) if @@hydrus_collection_hash.has_key? druid add_solr_value(solr_doc, "collection_title", @@collection_hash[druid], :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) if @@collection_hash.has_key? druid else begin collection_object=Dor.find(druid) if collection_object.tags.include? 'Project : Hydrus' add_solr_value(solr_doc, "hydrus_collection_title", collection_object.label, :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) @@hydrus_collection_hash[druid]=collection_object.label else add_solr_value(solr_doc, "collection_title", collection_object.label, :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) @@collection_hash[druid]=collection_object.label end rescue add_solr_value(solr_doc, "collection_title", druid, :string, [:searchable, :facetable]) end end end end # Fix for ActiveFedora 3.3 to ensure all date fields are properly formatted as UTC XML Schema datetime strings solr_doc.each_pair { |k,v| if k =~ /_dt|_date$/ if v.is_a?(Array) solr_doc[k] = v.collect { |t| Time.parse(t.to_s).utc.xmlschema } else solr_doc[k] = Time.parse(v.to_s).utc.xmlschema end end } solr_doc end def set_source_id(source_id) self.identityMetadata.sourceId = source_id end def add_other_Id(type,val) if self.identityMetadata.otherId(type).length>0 raise 'There is an existing entry for '+node_name+', consider using update_other_identifier.' end identity_metadata_ds = self.identityMetadata identity_metadata_ds.add_otherId(type+':'+val) end def update_other_Id(type,new_val, val=nil) identity_metadata_ds = self.identityMetadata ds_xml=identity_metadata_ds.ng_xml #split the thing they sent in to find the node name updated=false'//otherId[@name=\''+type+'\']').each do |node| if node.content==val or val==nil node.content=new_val updated=true end end return updated end def remove_other_Id(type,val=nil) ds_xml=self.identityMetadata.ng_xml #split the thing they sent in to find the node name removed=false'//otherId[@name=\''+type+'\']').each do |node| if node.content===val or val==nil node.remove removed=true end end return removed end # turns a tag string into an array with one element per tag part. # split on ":", disregard leading and trailing whitespace on tokens. def split_tag_to_arr(tag_str) return tag_str.split(":").map {|str| str.strip} end # turn a tag array back into a tag string with a standard format def normalize_tag_arr(tag_arr) return tag_arr.join(' : ') end # take a tag string and return a normalized tag string def normalize_tag(tag_str) return normalize_tag_arr(split_tag_to_arr(tag_str)) end # take a proposed tag string and a list of the existing tags for the object being edited. if # the proposed tag is valid, return it in normalized form. if not, raise an exception with an # explanatory message. def validate_and_normalize_tag(tag_str, existing_tag_list) tag_arr = validate_tag_format(tag_str) # note that the comparison for duplicate tags is case-insensitive, but we don't change case as part of the normalized version # we return, because we want to preserve the user's intended case. normalized_tag = normalize_tag_arr(tag_arr) dupe_existing_tag = existing_tag_list.detect { |existing_tag| normalize_tag(existing_tag).downcase == normalized_tag.downcase } if dupe_existing_tag raise "An existing tag (#{dupe_existing_tag}) is the same, consider using update_tag?" end return normalized_tag end #Ensure that an administrative tag meets the proper mininum format # #@params tag_str [String] the tag # #@return [Array] the tag split into an array via ':' def validate_tag_format(tag_str) tag_arr = split_tag_to_arr(tag_str) if tag_arr.length < 2 raise "Invalid tag structure: tag '#{tag_str}' must have at least 2 elements" end if tag_arr.detect {|str| str.empty?} raise "Invalid tag structure: tag '#{tag_str}' contains empty elements" end return tag_arr end #Add a tag for an item #If you are adding just a :tag att # #@return [String] returned if this function is called with invalid parameters, eg a lack of :who for release_tag #@return [Nokogiri::XML::Element] the tag added if successful # #@raise [RuntimeError] Raised if the tag already exists on the item or the tag is not of the form a:b # #@params tag [string] The content of the tag #@params type [symbol] The type of tag, :tag is assumed as default #@params attrs [hash] A hash of any attributes to be placed onto the tag # release tag example: # item.add_tag(true,:release,{:tag=>'Fitch : Batch2',:what=>'self',:to=>'Searchworks',:who=>'petucket'}) def add_tag(tag, type=:tag, attrs={}) needs_timestamp = [:release] #If you want a tag to get a timestamp attribute, add its symbol here identity_metadata_ds = self.identityMetadata normalized_tag = validate_and_normalize_tag(tag, identity_metadata_ds.tags) if type != :release #Release tags are always boolean, so skip this step normalized_tag = tag.to_s if type == :release #just keep the boolean if we have just have a release attrs[:when] = if needs_timestamp.include? type if type == :release valid_release_attributes_and_tag(tag, attrs) attrs[:tag] = normalize_tag_arr(validate_tag_format(attrs[:tag])) if attrs[:tag] != nil #:tag must be a valid administrative tag end return identity_metadata_ds.add_value(type, normalized_tag) if attrs == {} return identity_metadata_ds.add_value(type, normalized_tag, attrs) if attrs != {} end #Determine if the supplied tag is a valid release tag that meets all requirements # #@raises [RuntimeError] Raises an error of the first fault in the release tag # #@return [Boolean] Returns true if no errors found # #@params attrs [hash] A hash of attributes for the tag, must contain :when, a ISO 8601 timestamp and :who to identify who or what added the tag, :to, def valid_release_attributes_and_tag(tag, attrs={}) raise ":when is not iso8601" if attrs[:when].match('\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z') == nil [:who, :to, :what].each do |check_attr| raise "#{check_attr} not supplied as a String" if attrs[check_attr].class != String end what_correct = false ['self', 'collection'].each do |allowed_what_value| what_correct = true if attrs[:what] == allowed_what_value end raise ":what must be self or collection" if not what_correct raise "the value set for this tag is not a boolean" if !!tag != tag identity_metadata_ds = self.identityMetadata validate_tag_format(attrs[:tag]) if attrs[:tag] != nil #Will Raise exception if invalid tag return true end def remove_tag(tag) identity_metadata_ds = self.identityMetadata ds_xml = identity_metadata_ds.ng_xml removed = false'//tag').each do |node| if normalize_tag(node.content) === normalize_tag(tag) node.remove removed = true end end return removed end def update_tag(old_tag, new_tag) identity_metadata_ds = self.identityMetadata ds_xml = identity_metadata_ds.ng_xml updated = false'//tag').each do |node| if normalize_tag(node.content) == normalize_tag(old_tag) node.content = normalize_tag(new_tag) updated = true end end return updated end end end