require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'pp' module Azure module Armrest # Base class for JSON wrapper classes. Each Service class should have # a corresponding class that wraps the JSON it collects, and each of # them should subclass this base class. class BaseModel # Initially inherit the exclusion list from parent class or create an empty Set. def self.excl_list @excl_list ||= superclass.respond_to?(:excl_list, true) ? superclass.send(:excl_list) : end private_class_method :excl_list # Merge the declared exclusive attributes to the existing list. def self.attr_hash(*attrs) @excl_list = excl_list | end private_class_method :attr_hash attr_hash :tags attr_accessor :response_headers attr_accessor :response_code # Constructs and returns a new JSON wrapper class. Pass in a plain # JSON string and it will automatically give you accessor methods # that make it behave like a typical Ruby object. You may also pass # in a hash. # # Example: # class Person < Azure::ArmRest::BaseModel; end # # json_string = '{"firstname":"jeff", "lastname":"durand", # "address": { "street":"22 charlotte rd", "zipcode":"01013"} # }' # # # Or whatever your subclass happens to be. # person = # # # The JSON properties are now available as methods. # person.firstname # => 'jeff' # person.address.zipcode # => '01013' # # # Or you can get back the original JSON if necessary. # person.to_json # => Returns original JSON # def initialize(json) # Find the exclusion list for the model of next level (@embed_model) # '#' is the separator between levels. Remove attributes # before the first separator. @child_excl_list = self.class.send(:excl_list).map do |e| e.index('#') ? e[e.index('#') + 1..-1] : '' end if json.kind_of?(Hash) @hash = json @json = json.to_json else @hash = JSON.parse(json) @json = json end __setobj__(@hash.dup) end def resource_group @resource_group ||= id[/resourcegroups\/(.*?[^\/]+)?/i, 1] rescue nil end def subscription_id @subscription_id ||= id[/subscriptions\/(.*?[^\/]+)?/i, 1] rescue nil end attr_writer :resource_group attr_writer :subscription_id def to_h @hash end def to_hash @hash end # Return the original JSON for the model object. The +options+ argument # is for interface compatibility only. # def to_json(_options = nil) @json end def to_s @json end def to_str @json end def pretty_print(q) inspect_method_list = methods(false).reject { |m| m.to_s.end_with?('=') } q.object_address_group(self) { q.seplist(inspect_method_list, lambda { q.text ',' }) {|v| q.breakable q.text v.to_s q.text '=' { q.breakable '' q.pp(send(v)) } } } end alias_method :inspect, :pretty_print_inspect def ==(other) return false unless other.kind_of?(BaseModel) __getobj__ == other.__getobj__ end def eql?(other) return false unless other.kind_of?(BaseModel) __getobj__.eql?(other.__getobj__) end # Support hash style accessors def [](key) __getobj__[key] end def []=(key, val) key_exists = __getobj__.include?(key) __getobj__[key] = val return if key_exists add_accessor_methods(key.to_s.underscore, key) end protected # Do not use this method directly. def __getobj__ @hashobj end # Create snake_case accessor methods for all hash attributes # Use _alias if an accessor conflicts with existing methods def __setobj__(obj) @hashobj = obj excl_list = self.class.send(:excl_list) obj.each do |key, value| snake =' ', '_').underscore unless excl_list.include?(snake) # Must deal with nested models if value.kind_of?(Array) newval = { |elem| elem.kind_of?(Hash) ? nested_object(snake.camelize.singularize, elem) : elem } obj[key] = newval elsif value.kind_of?(Hash) obj[key] = nested_object(snake.camelize, value) end end add_accessor_methods(snake, key) end end def nested_object(klass_name, value) unless self.class.const_defined?(klass_name, false) child_excl_list = @child_excl_list self.class.const_set(klass_name, { attr_hash(*child_excl_list) }) end self.class.const_get(klass_name).new(value) end def add_accessor_methods(method, key) method = "_#{method}" if methods.include?(method.to_sym) instance_eval { define_singleton_method(method) { __getobj__[key] } } instance_eval { define_singleton_method("#{method}=") { |val| __getobj__[key] = val } } end end # Initial class definitions. Reopen these classes as needed. class AvailabilitySet < BaseModel; end class Container < BaseModel; end class Event < BaseModel; end class ImageVersion < BaseModel; end class Offer < BaseModel; end class Publisher < BaseModel; end class Resource < BaseModel; end class ResourceGroup < BaseModel; end class ResourceProvider < BaseModel; end class Sku < BaseModel; end module Billing class Usage < BaseModel; end end class ResponseBody < BaseModel; end class ResponseHeaders < BaseModel undef_method :response_headers end class StorageAccount < BaseModel; end class StorageAccountKey < StorageAccount def key1; key_name == 'key1' ? value : nil; end def key2; key_name == 'key2' ? value : nil; end def key; key1 || key2; end end class Subscription < BaseModel; end class Tag < BaseModel; end class TemplateDeployment < BaseModel attr_hash 'properties#parameters', 'properties#outputs' end class TemplateDeploymentOperation < TemplateDeployment; end class Tenant < BaseModel; end class VirtualMachine < BaseModel; end class VirtualMachineInstance < VirtualMachine; end class VirtualMachineModel < VirtualMachine; end class VirtualMachineExtension < BaseModel; end class VirtualMachineImage < BaseModel; end class VirtualMachineSize < BaseModel; end module Insights class Alert < BaseModel; end class Diagnostic < BaseModel; end class Event < BaseModel; end class Metric < BaseModel; end class MetricDefinition < BaseModel; end end module Network class LoadBalancer < BaseModel; end class InboundNat < LoadBalancer; end class IpAddress < BaseModel; end class NetworkInterface < BaseModel; end class NetworkSecurityGroup < BaseModel; end class NetworkSecurityRule < NetworkSecurityGroup; end class RouteTable < BaseModel; end class Route < RouteTable; end class VirtualNetwork < BaseModel; end class Subnet < VirtualNetwork; end end module Role class Assignment < BaseModel; end class Definition < BaseModel; end end module Sql class SqlServer < BaseModel; end class SqlDatabase < BaseModel; end end module Storage class Disk < BaseModel; end class Image < BaseModel; end class Snapshot < BaseModel; end end end end require_relative 'storage_account' require_relative 'virtual_machine'