#!/usr/bin/env bash # # copyright (c) 2017-present, facebook, inc. # all rights reserved. # # this source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # license file in the root directory of this source tree. # # script for WN11 DIR=data/wordnet-mlj12/ FASTTEXTDIR=../../ # compile pushd $FASTTEXTDIR make opt popd ft=${FASTTEXTDIR}/fasttext g++ -std=c++0x eval.cpp -o eval # Train model and test it: dim=100 epoch=100 neg=500 model=data/wn pred=data/wnpred echo "---- train ----" $ft supervised -input ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-train.txt \ -dim $dim -epoch $epoch -output ${model} -lr .2 -thread 20 -loss ns -neg $neg echo "computing raw hits@10..." $ft test ${model}.bin ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-test.txt 10 2> /dev/null | awk '{if(NR==3) print "raw hit@10 = "$2}' echo "computing filtered hit@10..." $ft predict ${model}.bin ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-test.txt 20000 > $pred ./eval $pred ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-test.txt $DIR/ft_wordnet-mlj12-full.txt 10 | awk '{if(NR==2) print "filtered hit@10 = "$2}' echo "---- train+val ----" $ft supervised -input ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-valid+train.txt \ -dim $dim -epoch $epoch -output ${model} -lr .2 -thread 20 -loss ns -neg $neg echo "computing raw hits@10..." $ft test ${model}.bin ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-test.txt 10 2> /dev/null | awk '{if(NR==3) print "raw hit@10 = "$2}' echo "computing filtered hit@10..." $ft predict ${model}.bin ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-test.txt 20000 > $pred ./eval $pred ${DIR}/ft_wordnet-mlj12-test.txt $DIR/ft_wordnet-mlj12-full.txt 10 | awk '{if(NR==2) print "filtered hit@10 = "$2}'