# PolishGeeks Dev Tools Changelog ## master (unreleased) ## 1.3.1 (15/04/2016) - Remove dependency for mongoid-rspec - #54: Fix Command::Rspec to handle single test failure - Bump rubycritic dependency to 2.9.0 - #58: Rename haml-lint gem to haml_lint ## 1.3.0 (03/04/2016) - Move to ruby 2.3.0 by default - Bump bundler-audit dependency to 0.5.0 - Bump brakeman dependency to 3.2.1 - Bump simplecov dependency to 0.11.2 - Bump rspec dependency to 3.4.4 - Reorganize how we run rubocop-rspec - #44: Bump rubocop dependency to 0.39.0 - #17: Bump rubycritic dependency to 2.8.0 - #30: Allow to pass config file to brakeman - #18: Add bundler-audit which checks for vulnerable versions of gems - #21: Replace readme validator with required files validators, which allows us to define what files you want to require in your project - #35: Added gemfile validator which checks if Gemfile contains gems from local path If you had readme validator turned off like this ```ruby PolishGeeks::DevTools.setup do |config| config.readme = false end ``` Now you need to change that to ```ruby PolishGeeks::DevTools.setup do |config| config.required_files = false end ``` You can now add extra files for validation ```ruby PolishGeeks::DevTools.setup do |config| config.required_files_include = %w(REVIEW.md) end ``` - #26: Rename empty_method to empty_methods validator If you had empty_method validator turned off like this and had files ignored ```ruby PolishGeeks::DevTools.setup do |config| config.empty_method = false config.empty_method_ignored = %w(REVIEW.md) end ``` Now you need to change that to ```ruby PolishGeeks::DevTools.setup do |config| config.empty_methods = false config.empty_methods_ignored = %w(REVIEW.md) end ``` - #12: Add rubocop-rspec which checks add code style checking for your RSpec files - #33: Add an option to disallow pending specs If you want to allow pending specs then ```ruby PolishGeeks::DevTools.setup do |config| config.rspec_disallow_pending = false end ``` ## 1.2.1 - Extracted all errors to PolishGeeks::DevTools::Errors namespace - Add support for validators - Rename Command to Commands namespace ## 1.2.0 - Added EmptyMethod command which checks if some files have empty methods ## 1.1.2 - Ignore .DS_Store files in FinalBlankLine validator. - Changed FinalBlankLine excluded mechanism. You can define directories and files (ex. lib/command or lib/file.rb). Please don't use path with stars convention (ex. lib/**/*). ## 1.1.1 - Ignore doc directory in FinalBlankLine validator ## 1.1.0 - Added FinalBlankLine command which check if all files have new line at the end