require "erb" module MOLGENIS class Dot def write_dot(stream, model) b = binding template = %q{ digraph G { compound = true fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 page = "12f,12f" pagedir="TB" rankdir="BT" clusterrank = "local" bgcolor = "white" overlap = "false" splines = "false" layers = "1:2" outputorder="edgesfirst" node [ fontname = "Arial" fontsize = 8 shape = "record" color = "#808080" style="filled" fillcolor = "white" layer = "2" ] edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 layer = "1" ] <% if model.modules.size > 0 %> subgraph cluster_legend { rankdir ="LR"; label = "module legend" color = "white" fillcolor = "white" rankType = "same" <% model.modules.each { |m| %> "<%= %>" [ style = "filled" colorscheme= "pastel19" fillcolor = "<%= m.color %>" fontname = "Arial" fontcolor = "black" color = "black" label = "{<%= %>}" ] <% } %> node [ style = "invis" width = 0 ] "spook_legend" } <% end %> subgraph cluster_main { rankdir ="TB"; pagedir="TB" fillcolor = "white" <% model.all_entities.each { |entity| %> "<%= %>" [ style = "filled" <% if entity.color == 0 %> fillcolor="lemonchiffon1" <% else %> colorscheme=pastel19 fillcolor = "<%=entity.color%>" <% end %> <%if entity.abstract %> fontname = "Arial-Italic" fontcolor = "dimgrey" color = "dimgrey" <% else %> fontname = "Arial" fontcolor = "black" color = "black" <% end %> label = "{<% if entity.abstract %>Interface:<% end %><%= %><% entity.implements.each do |interface| %>\nimplements <%=interface%><% end %>|<% entity.fields.each do |f| %><% if !f.system %><> : <%=f.type %><% if (f.type=="xref" || f.type=="mref") %>(<%= f.xref_entity %>.<%=f.xref_field %>)<%end%>\l<%end%><%end%>}" ] <% } %> /*interface relationships*/ edge [ arrowhead = "empty" color = "grey" ] <% model.all_entities.each do |entity| %> <% if entity.implements %> <% entity.implements.each do |interface| %> "<%= %>" -> "<%= interface %>" <%end%> <%end %> <% end %> /*extends relationships*/ edge [ arrowhead = "empty" color = "black" ] <% model.all_entities.each do |entity| %> <% if entity.extends %> "<%= %>" -> "<%= entity.extends %>" <%end %> <% end %> /*one to many 'xref' foreign key relationships*/ edge [ arrowhead = "open" taillabel = "*" ] <% model.all_entities.each do |entity| %> <% entity.fields.each do |f| %> <% if f.type == "xref" %> "<%= %>" -> "<%= f.xref_entity%>" <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> /*one to many 'mref' foreign key relationships*/ edge [ arrowhead = "open" arrowtail = "open" color = "black" taillabel = "*" arrowsize = 0.6 rank = "same" ] <% model.all_entities.each do |entity| %> <% entity.fields.each do |f| %> <% if f.type == "mref" %> "<%= %>" -> "<%= f.xref_entity%>" <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> node [ style = "invis" width = 0 ] "spook_main" } edge [style = "invis"] <% if model.modules.size > 0%>"spook_legend" -> "spook_main"<% end %> } }.gsub(/^ /, '') imagedot =, 0, "%<>") stream.puts imagedot.result(b) stream.flush end end end