Jazz Hands ========== Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands! **jazz_hands** is an opinionated set of console-related gems and a bit of glue: * [**Pry**][pry] for a powerful shell alternative to IRB. * [**Awesome Print**][awesome_print] for stylish pretty print. * [**Hirb**][hirb] for tabular collection output. * [**Pry Rails**][pry-rails] for additional commands (`show-routes`, `show-models`, `show-middleware`) in the Rails console. * [**Pry Doc**][pry-doc] to browse Ruby source, including C, directly from the console. * [**Pry Git**][pry-git] to teach the console about git. Diffs, blames, and commits on methods and classes, not just files. * [**Pry Remote**][pry-remote] to connect remotely to a Pry console. * [**Pry Debugger**][pry-debugger] to turn the console into a simple debugger. * [**Pry Stack Explorer**][pry-stack_explorer] to navigate the call stack and frames. * [**Coolline**][coolline] and [**Coderay**][coderay] for syntax highlighting as you type. _Optional. MRI 1.9.3/2.0.0 only_ ## Usage Ruby 1.9.2+, Rails 3 or 4 only. Add to your project Gemfile: ```ruby group :development, :test do gem 'jazz_hands' end ``` That's it. Run `rails console` as usual. [Hirb][hirb] isn't enabled by default. To use, run `Hirb.enable` in the console. Ruby compiled against a proper readline library, ideally GNU readline, is recommended. Alternatively, [`gem install rb-readline`][rb-readline] for an acceptible backup. Using ruby compiled against a `libedit` wrapper (primarily OS X) will work but is not recommended. ## Options Change the following options by creating an initializer in your Rails project Example `config/initializers/jazz_hands.rb`: ```ruby if defined?(JazzHands) JazzHands.colored_prompt = false JazzHands.enable_syntax_highlighting_as_you_type! end ``` ### `colored_prompt` Color the console prompt? Defaults to `true` when the current ruby is compiled against GNU readline or `rb-readline`, which don't have issues counting characters in colored prompts. `false` for libedit. Note: `Pry.color = false` trumps this setting and disables all console coloring. ### `prompt_separator` Separator string between the application name and line input. Defaults to `ยป` for GNU readline or libedit. Defaults to `>` for `rb-readline` which fails on mixed encodings. ### Syntax highlighting Syntax highlighting as you type via [Coolline][coolline] and [Coderay][coderay] is disabled by default due to slightly buggy behavior. To enable, add `JazzHands.enable_syntax_highlighting_as_you_type!` to the initializer. Only works with MRI 1.9.3 or 2.0.0. ## Contributing Patches and bug reports are welcome. Just send a [pull request][pullrequests] or file an [issue][issues]. [Project changelog][changelog]. [pry]: http://pry.github.com [awesome_print]: https://github.com/michaeldv/awesome_print [hirb]: https://github.com/cldwalker/hirb [pry-rails]: https://github.com/rweng/pry-rails [pry-doc]: https://github.com/pry/pry-doc [pry-git]: https://github.com/pry/pry-git [pry-debugger]: https://github.com/nixme/pry-debugger [pry-remote]: https://github.com/Mon-Ouie/pry-remote [pry-stack_explorer]: https://github.com/pry/pry-stack_explorer [coolline]: https://github.com/Mon-Ouie/coolline [coderay]: https://github.com/rubychan/coderay [rb-readline]: https://github.com/luislavena/rb-readline [pullrequests]: https://github.com/nixme/jazz_hands/pulls [issues]: https://github.com/nixme/jazz_hands/issues [changelog]: https://github.com/nixme/jazz_hands/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md