#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' describe 'Capability types' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler let(:env) { Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:testing, []) } let(:node) { Puppet::Node.new('test', :environment => env) } let(:loaders) { Puppet::Pops::Loaders.new(env) } around :each do |example| Puppet[:app_management] = true Puppet::Parser::Compiler.any_instance.stubs(:loaders).returns(loaders) Puppet.override(:loaders => loaders, :current_environment => env) do Puppet::Type.newtype :cap, :is_capability => true do newparam :name newparam :host end example.run Puppet::Type.rmtype(:cap) end Puppet[:app_management] = false end context 'annotations' do it "adds a blueprint for a produced resource" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } Test produces Cap { host => $hostname } MANIFEST krt = catalog.environment_instance.known_resource_types type = krt.definition(:test) expect(type.produces).to be_instance_of(Array) prd = type.produces.first expect(prd).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(prd[:capability]).to eq("Cap") expect(prd[:mappings]).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(prd[:mappings]["host"]).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::AST::PopsBridge::Expression) end it "adds a blueprint for a consumed resource" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } Test consumes Cap { host => $hostname } MANIFEST krt = catalog.environment_instance.known_resource_types type = krt.definition(:test) expect(type.produces).to be_instance_of(Array) cns = type.consumes.first expect(cns).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(cns[:capability]).to eq("Cap") expect(cns[:mappings]).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(cns[:mappings]["host"]).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::AST::PopsBridge::Expression) end it 'can place define and consumes/produces in separate manifests' do parse_results = [] parser = Puppet::Parser::ParserFactory.parser parser.string = <<-MANIFEST define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } MANIFEST parse_results << parser.parse parser.string = <<-MANIFEST Test consumes Cap { host => $hostname } MANIFEST parse_results << parser.parse main = Puppet::Parser::AST::Hostclass.new('', :code => Puppet::Parser::ParserFactory.code_merger.concatenate(parse_results)) Puppet::Node::Environment.any_instance.stubs(:perform_initial_import).returns main type = compile_to_catalog(nil).environment_instance.known_resource_types.definition(:test) expect(type.produces).to be_instance_of(Array) cns = type.consumes.first expect(cns).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(cns[:capability]).to eq('Cap') expect(cns[:mappings]).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(cns[:mappings]['host']).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::AST::PopsBridge::Expression) end it 'can place use a qualified name for defines that produces capabilities' do parse_results = [] parser = Puppet::Parser::ParserFactory.parser parser.string = <<-MANIFEST class mod { define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } } include mod MANIFEST parse_results << parser.parse parser.string = <<-MANIFEST Mod::Test consumes Cap { host => $hostname } MANIFEST parse_results << parser.parse main = Puppet::Parser::AST::Hostclass.new('', :code => Puppet::Parser::ParserFactory.code_merger.concatenate(parse_results)) Puppet::Node::Environment.any_instance.stubs(:perform_initial_import).returns main type = compile_to_catalog(nil).environment_instance.known_resource_types.definition('Mod::Test') expect(type.produces).to be_instance_of(Array) cns = type.consumes.first expect(cns).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(cns[:capability]).to eq('Cap') expect(cns[:mappings]).to be_instance_of(Hash) expect(cns[:mappings]['host']).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::AST::PopsBridge::Expression) end it "does not allow operator '+>' in a mapping" do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } Test consumes Cap { host +> $hostname } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseErrorWithIssue, /Illegal \+> operation.*This operator can not be used in a Capability Mapping/) end it "does not allow operator '*=>' in a mapping" do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } Test consumes Cap { *=> { host => $hostname } } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /The operator '\* =>' in a Capability Mapping is not supported/) end it "does not allow 'before' relationship to capability mapping" do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) define test() { notify { "hello":} } Test consumes Cap {} test { one: before => Cap[cap] } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /'before' is not a valid relationship to a capability/) end ["produces", "consumes"].each do |kw| it "creates an error when #{kw} references nonexistent type" do manifest = <<-MANIFEST Test #{kw} Cap { host => $hostname } MANIFEST expect { compile_to_catalog(manifest, node) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /#{kw} clause references nonexistent type Test/) end end end context 'exporting a capability' do it "does not add produced resources that are not exported" do manifest = <<-MANIFEST define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } Test produces Cap { host => $hostname } test { one: hostname => "ahost" } MANIFEST catalog = compile_to_catalog(manifest, node) expect(catalog.resource("Test[one]")).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) expect(catalog.resource_keys.find { |type, _| type == "Cap" }).to be_nil end it "adds produced resources that are exported" do manifest = <<-MANIFEST define test($hostname) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } # The $hostname in the produces clause does not refer to this variable, # instead, it referes to the hostname property of the Test resource # that is producing the Cap $hostname = "other_host" Test produces Cap { host => $hostname } test { one: hostname => "ahost", export => Cap[two] } MANIFEST catalog = compile_to_catalog(manifest, node) expect(catalog.resource("Test[one]")).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) caps = catalog.resource_keys.select { |type, _| type == "Cap" } expect(caps.size).to eq(1) cap = catalog.resource("Cap[two]") expect(cap).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) expect(cap["require"]).to eq("Test[one]") expect(cap["host"]).to eq("ahost") expect(cap.resource_type).to eq(Puppet::Type::Cap) expect(cap.tags.any? { |t| t == 'producer:testing' }).to eq(true) end end context 'consuming a capability' do def make_catalog(instance) manifest = <<-MANIFEST define test($hostname = nohost) { notify { "hostname ${hostname}":} } Test consumes Cap { hostname => $host } MANIFEST compile_to_catalog(manifest + instance, node) end def mock_cap_finding cap = Puppet::Resource.new("Cap", "two") cap["host"] = "ahost" Puppet::Resource::CapabilityFinder.expects(:find).returns(cap) cap end it "does not fetch a consumed resource when consume metaparam not set" do Puppet::Resource::CapabilityFinder.expects(:find).never catalog = make_catalog("test { one: }") expect(catalog.resource_keys.find { |type, _| type == "Cap" }).to be_nil expect(catalog.resource("Test", "one")["hostname"]).to eq("nohost") end it "sets hostname from consumed capability" do cap = mock_cap_finding catalog = make_catalog("test { one: consume => Cap[two] }") expect(catalog.resource("Cap[two]")).to eq(cap) expect(catalog.resource("Cap[two]")["host"]).to eq("ahost") expect(catalog.resource("Test", "one")["hostname"]).to eq("ahost") end it "does not override explicit hostname property when consuming" do cap = mock_cap_finding catalog = make_catalog("test { one: hostname => other_host, consume => Cap[two] }") expect(catalog.resource("Cap[two]")).to eq(cap) expect(catalog.resource("Cap[two]")["host"]).to eq("ahost") expect(catalog.resource("Test", "one")["hostname"]).to eq("other_host") end it "fetches required capability" do cap = mock_cap_finding catalog = make_catalog("test { one: require => Cap[two] }") expect(catalog.resource("Cap[two]")).to eq(cap) expect(catalog.resource("Cap[two]")["host"]).to eq("ahost") expect(catalog.resource("Test", "one")["hostname"]).to eq("nohost") end ['export', 'consume'].each do |metaparam| it "validates that #{metaparam} metaparameter rejects values that are not resources" do expect { make_catalog("test { one: #{metaparam} => 'hello' }") }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /not a resource/) end it "validates that #{metaparam} metaparameter rejects resources that are not capability resources" do expect { make_catalog("notify{hello:} test { one: #{metaparam} => Notify[hello] }") }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /not a capability resource/) end end context 'producing/consuming resources' do let(:ral) do compile_to_ral(<<-MANIFEST, node) define producer() { notify { "producer":} } define consumer() { notify { $title:} } Producer produces Cap {} Consumer consumes Cap {} producer {x: export => Cap[cap]} consumer {x: consume => Cap[cap]} consumer {y: require => Cap[cap]} MANIFEST end let(:graph) do graph = Puppet::Graph::RelationshipGraph.new(Puppet::Graph::SequentialPrioritizer.new) graph.populate_from(ral) graph end let(:capability) { ral.resource('Cap[cap]') } it 'the produced resource depends on the producer' do expect(graph.dependencies(capability).map {|d| d.to_s }).to include('Producer[x]') end it 'the consumer depends on the consumed resource' do expect(graph.dependents(capability).map {|d| d.to_s }).to include('Consumer[x]') end it 'the consumer depends on the required resource' do expect(graph.dependents(capability).map {|d| d.to_s }).to include('Consumer[y]') end end context 'producing/consuming resources to/from classes' do let(:ral) do compile_to_ral(<<-MANIFEST, node) define test($hostname) { notify { $hostname:} } class producer($host) { notify { p: } } class consumer($host) { test { c: hostname => $host } } Class[producer] produces Cap {} Class[consumer] consumes Cap {} class { producer: host => 'produced.host', export => Cap[one]} class { consumer: consume => Cap[one]} MANIFEST end let(:graph) do graph = Puppet::Graph::RelationshipGraph.new(Puppet::Graph::SequentialPrioritizer.new) graph.populate_from(ral) graph end let(:capability) { ral.resource('Cap[one]') } it 'the produced resource depends on the producer' do expect(graph.dependencies(capability).map {|d| d.to_s }).to include('Class[Producer]') end it 'the consumer depends on the consumed resource' do expect(graph.dependents(capability).map {|d| d.to_s }).to include('Class[Consumer]') end it 'resource in the consumer class gets values from producer via the capability resource' do expect(graph.dependents(capability).map {|d| d.to_s }).to include('Notify[produced.host]') end end end context 'and aliased resources' do let(:drive) { Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? 'C:' : '' } let(:code) { <<-PUPPET } $dir='#{drive}/tmp/test' $same_dir='#{drive}/tmp/test/' file {$dir: ensure => directory } if !defined(File["${same_dir}"]) { file { $same_dir: ensure => directory } } PUPPET it 'fails if a resource is defined and then redefined using name that results in the same alias' do expect { compile_to_ral(code) }.to raise_error(/resource \["File", "#{drive}\/tmp\/test"\] already declared/) end end end