Sha256: aa260a54a6caa3e0aa469a0bc2f514fd546550d3c225298eece199d76c154b56

Contents?: true

Size: 1.42 KB

Versions: 2


Stored size: 1.42 KB


3.1.19 (Brainy Betty)
o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I"background-color;	T:@valueo:Sass::Script::String;I"transparent;	T:
@linei;@o;;[I"border;	T;o;
;I"0;	T;;;@;i;;;[;i;@o;;[I"
color;	T;o;
;I"transparent;	T;;;@;i;;;[;i	;@o;;[I"	font;	T;o:Sass::Script::List	;[o:Sass::Script::Operation
:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Number;i:@numerator_units[:@denominator_units[;i
:@originalI"0;	F;@:@operand2o;;i;[;@&;i
;I"0;	F;@:@operator:div;i
	;I"a;	T;;;i
;@o;;[I"text-shadow;	T;o;
;I"	none;	T;;;@;i;;;[;i;@;i:@has_childrenT;@o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode;[I"‘/* A CSS image replacement method that does not require the use of text-indent.
 * Examples
 *   .ir {
 *     @include hide-text;
 *   } */;	F:@silenti:
@loud0;[;i;@:@templateI"3@mixin hide-text {
  background-color: transparent;
  border:           0;
  color:            transparent;
  font:             0/0 a;
  text-shadow:      none;

// A CSS image replacement method that does not require the use of text-indent.
// Examples
//   .ir {
//     @include hide-text;
//   }
;	T;i;!T;@

Version data entries

2 entries across 2 versions & 1 rubygems

Version Path
ecm_cms_core-0.0.3 test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/521b993c9acd187272527f2007471941399e49e7/_hide-text.scssc
ecm_cms_core-0.0.2 test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/521b993c9acd187272527f2007471941399e49e7/_hide-text.scssc