%== .basic ==% \begin{sidebar} AsciiDoc was first released in Nov 2002 by Stuart Rackham. It was designed from the start to be a shorthand syntax for producing professional documents like DocBook and LaTeX. \end{sidebar} %== .with_title ==% \begin{sidebar} \begin{bf} AsciiDoc history \end{bf} \\AsciiDoc was first released in Nov 2002 by Stuart Rackham. It was designed from the start to be a shorthand syntax for producing professional documents like DocBook and LaTeX. \end{sidebar} %== .with_id_and_role ==% \begin{sidebar} \hypertarget{origin}{AsciiDoc was first released in Nov 2002 by Stuart Rackham. It was designed from the start to be a shorthand syntax for producing professional documents like DocBook and LaTeX.} \end{sidebar}