module Vedeu # Provides means to use templates with Vedeu. module Templating # Provide helpers to be used with your Vedeu templates. # module Helpers # @example # Roses are {{ background('#ff0000', 'red') }}, # violets are {{ bg('#0000ff', 'blue') }}, # {{ background('#00ff00'), 'The test suite is all green!' }} # # @param value [String] The HTML/CSS colour. # @param block [Proc] # @return [Vedeu::Stream] # @raise [Vedeu::InvalidSyntax] The required block was not given. def background(value, &block) define_stream({ background: value }, &block) end alias_method :bg, :background # @param attributes [Hash] # @option attributes foreground [String] The HTML/CSS foreground colour. # @option attributes background [String] The HTML/CSS background colour. # @param block [Proc] # @return [Vedeu::Stream] # @raise [Vedeu::InvalidSyntax] The required block was not given. def colour(attributes = {}, &block) define_stream(attributes, &block) end # @example # Roses are {{ foreground('#ff0000', 'red') }}, # violets are {{ fg('#0000ff', 'blue') }}, # {{ foreground('#00ff00'), 'The test suite is all green!' }} # # @param value [String] The HTML/CSS colour. # @param block [Proc] # @return [Vedeu::Stream] # @raise [Vedeu::InvalidSyntax] The required block was not given. def foreground(value, &block) define_stream({ foreground: value }, &block) end alias_method :fg, :foreground private # @see Vedeu::Templating::Helpers#colours def define_colour(attributes = {}) attributes.delete_if do |k, v| [:background, :foreground].include?(k) == false || v.nil? || v.empty? end end # @see Vedeu::Templating::Helpers#colours def define_stream(attributes = {}, &block) fail Vedeu::InvalidSyntax, 'block not given' unless block_given? define_colour(attributes), value: end end # Helpers end # Templating end # Vedeu