require 'sinatra/base' require 'silver_spurs/knife_interface' require 'json' require 'silver_spurs/asyncifier' require 'silver_spurs/chef_interface' require 'silver_spurs/chef_exceptions' require 'ridley' module SilverSpurs class App < Sinatra::Base set :deployment_key, "/etc/chef/deployment_key.pem" set :deployment_user, "silverspurs" set :chef_config, { server_url: 'http://localhost:4000', client_name: 'silver_spurs', client_key: '/etc/chef/silver_spurs.pem', ssh: { user: settings.deployment_user, keys: [ settings.deployment_key ], paranoid: false } } # sane setting for AD subdomain set :node_name_filter, /^[-A-Za-z0-9]{3,15}$/ get '/' do %q| Ride 'em, cowboy | end get '/settings' do important_settings = [ :deployment_key, :deployment_user, :node_name_filter ] Hash[ {|key| [key, settings.send(key)]} ].to_json end put '/bootstrap/:ip' do ensure_required_params :node_name node_name = params[:node_name].strip return 406, {:bad_params => :node_name}.to_json unless node_name =~ settings.node_name_filter process_name = "knife_bootstrap_#{params[:ip].strip.gsub '.', '_'}" unless Asyncifier.has_lock? process_name "Asynchronously spawning knife command. process_name = [#{process_name}]" bootstrap_options = Hash[ do |arg| value = params[arg] next if value.nil? [arg, params[arg]] end] command = KnifeInterface.bootstrap_command( params[:ip], node_name, settings.deployment_user, settings.deployment_key, bootstrap_options) logger.debug "knife command: #{command}" Asyncifier.spawn_process process_name, command end redirect to("/bootstrap/query/#{process_name}"), 303 end head '/bootstrap/query/:process_id' do return 404 unless Asyncifier.exists? params[:process_id] Asyncifier.reap_old_process params[:process_id] return 202 if Asyncifier.has_lock? params[:process_id] if Asyncifier.success? params[:process_id] return 201 else return 550 end end get '/bootstrap/query/:process_id' do return 404 unless Asyncifier.exists? params[:process_id] Asyncifier.reap_old_process params[:process_id] headers 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' body Asyncifier.get_log params[:process_id] if Asyncifier.success? params[:process_id] status 201 elsif Asyncifier.has_lock? params[:process_id] status 202 else status 550 end end post '/kick/:ip' do run_list = params[:run] || [] chef = begin chef.chef_run(params[:ip], run_list).to_json rescue SilverSpurs::NodeNotFoundException status 404 end end # JSON endpoint - set Content-Type request header to 'application/json' # This should be PUT'd to with a JSON payload that looks like: # { # "attributes": { # "somenew.node.attribute": "bananas", # "another.node.attribute": true # } # } put '/attributes/:ip' do ensure_required_params :attributes chef = begin chef.update_node_attributes(params[:ip], params[:attributes]) rescue SilverSpurs::NodeNotFoundException status 404 end end def ensure_required_params(*required_params) merge_json_body_params all_present = required_params.none? { |required_param| params[required_param].nil? } unless all_present halt 406, {:required_params => required_params}.to_json end end def merge_json_body_params if request.content_type.include?('application/json') and request.content_length.to_i > 0 request.body.rewind params.merge! JSON.parse( end end end end