RSpec.describe 'ROM repository' do include_context 'database' include_context 'relations' include_context 'seeds' include_context 'structs' it 'loads a single relation' do expect(repo.all_users.to_a).to match_array([jane, joe]) end it 'can be used with a custom mapper' do expect(repo.all_users_as_users.to_a).to match_array([, ]) end it 'loads a relation by an association' do expect(repo.tasks_for_users(repo.all_users)).to match_array([jane_task, joe_task]) end it 'loads a combine relation with one parent' do task = repo.task_with_user.first expect( eql( expect(task.title).to eql(task_with_user.title) expect( eql( expect( eql( end it 'loads a combine relation with one parent with custom tuple key' do expect(repo.task_with_owner.first).to eql(task_with_owner) end it 'loads a combined relation with many children' do expect(repo.users_with_tasks.to_a).to match_array([jane_with_tasks, joe_with_tasks]) end it 'loads a combined relation with one child' do expect(repo.users_with_task.to_a).to match_array([jane_with_task, joe_with_task]) end it 'loads a combined relation with one child restricted by given criteria' do expect(repo.users_with_task_by_title('Joe Task').to_a).to match_array([ jane_without_task, joe_with_task ]) end it 'loads nested combined relations' do user = repo.users_with_tasks_and_tags.first expect( be(1) expect( eql('Jane') expect(user.all_tasks.size).to be(1) expect(user.all_tasks[0].id).to be(2) expect(user.all_tasks[0].title).to eql('Jane Task') expect(user.all_tasks[0].tags.size).to be(1) expect(user.all_tasks[0].tags[0].name).to eql('red') end it 'loads nested combined relations using configured associations' do jane = repo.users_with_posts_and_their_labels.first expect(jane.posts.size).to be(1) expect( eql(['Hello From Jane']) expect(jane.posts.flat_map(&:labels).flat_map(&:name)).to eql(%w(red blue)) end it 'loads a wrapped relation' do expect(repo.tag_with_wrapped_task.first).to eql(tag_with_task) end it 'loads an aggregate via custom fks' do jane = repo.aggregate(many: repo.posts).where(name: 'Jane').one expect(jane.posts.size).to be(1) expect(jane.posts.first.title).to eql('Hello From Jane') end it 'loads an aggregate via assoc name' do jane = repo.aggregate(:posts).where(name: 'Jane').one expect(jane.posts.size).to be(1) expect(jane.posts.first.title).to eql('Hello From Jane') end it 'loads an aggregate with multiple associations' do jane = repo.aggregate(:posts, :labels).where(name: 'Jane').one expect(jane.posts.size).to be(1) expect(jane.posts.first.title).to eql('Hello From Jane') expect(jane.labels.size).to be(2) expect(jane.labels[0].name).to eql('red') expect(jane.labels[1].name).to eql('blue') end it 'loads children and its parents via wrap' do posts = repo.posts.wrap_parent(author: repo.users) label = repo.labels.combine(many: { posts: posts }).first expect( eql('red') expect(label.posts.size).to be(1) expect(label.posts[0].title).to eql('Hello From Jane') expect(label.posts[0] eql('Jane') end it 'loads a parent via custom fks' do post = repo.posts.combine(:author).where(title: 'Hello From Jane').one expect(post.title).to eql('Hello From Jane') expect( eql('Jane') end it 'loads aggregate through many-to-many via custom options' do post = repo.posts .combine_children(many: repo.labels) .where(title: 'Hello From Jane') .one expect(post.title).to eql('Hello From Jane') expect(post.labels.size).to be(2) expect( eql(%w(red blue)) end it 'loads aggregate through many-to-many association' do post = repo.posts.combine(:labels).where(title: 'Hello From Jane').one expect(post.title).to eql('Hello From Jane') expect(post.labels.size).to be(2) expect( eql(%w(red blue)) end it 'loads multiple child relations' do user = repo.users.combine_children(many: [repo.posts, repo.tasks]).where(name: 'Jane').one expect( eql('Jane') expect(user.posts.size).to be(1) expect(user.posts[0].title).to eql('Hello From Jane') expect(user.tasks.size).to be(1) expect(user.tasks[0].title).to eql('Jane Task') end it 'loads multiple parent relations' do post_label = repo.posts_labels.combine_parents(one: [repo.posts]).first expect( eql('Hello From Jane') end context 'not common naming conventions' do it 'still loads nested relations' do comments = comments_repo.comments_with_likes.to_a expect(comments.size).to be(2) expect(comments[0].author).to eql('Jane') expect(comments[0].likes[0].author).to eql('Joe') expect(comments[0].likes[1].author).to eql('Anonymous') expect(comments[1].author).to eql('Joe') expect(comments[1].likes[0].author).to eql('Jane') end it 'loads nested relations by association name' do comments = comments_repo.comments_with_emotions.to_a expect(comments.size).to be(2) expect(comments[0].emotions[0].author).to eql('Joe') expect(comments[0].emotions[1].author).to eql('Anonymous') end end describe 'projecting virtual attributes' do it 'loads auto-mapped structs' do user = repo.users. inner_join(:posts, author_id: :id). select_group { [id.qualified, name.qualified] }. select_append { int::count(:posts).as(:post_count) }. having { count(id.qualified) >= 1 }. first expect( be(1) expect( eql('Jane') expect(user.post_count).to be(1) end end describe 'projecting aliased attributes' do it 'loads auto-mapped structs' do user = { [id.aliased(:userId), name.aliased(:userName)] }.first expect(user.userId).to be(1) expect(user.userName).to eql('Jane') end end context 'with a table without columns' do before { conn.create_table(:dummy) unless conn.table_exists?(:dummy) } it 'does not fail with a weird error when a relation does not have attributes' do configuration.relation(:dummy) { schema(infer: true) } repo =[:dummy]).new(rom) expect(repo.dummy.to_a).to eql([]) end end end