require 'puppet/ssl' class Puppet::Indirector::SslFile < Puppet::Indirector::Terminus # Specify the directory in which multiple files are stored. def self.store_in(setting) @directory_setting = setting end # Specify a single file location for storing just one file. # This is used for things like the CRL. def self.store_at(setting) @file_setting = setting end # Specify where a specific ca file should be stored. def self.store_ca_at(setting) @ca_setting = setting end class << self attr_reader :directory_setting, :file_setting, :ca_setting end # The full path to where we should store our files. def self.collection_directory return nil unless directory_setting Puppet.settings[directory_setting] end # The full path to an individual file we would be managing. def self.file_location return nil unless file_setting Puppet.settings[file_setting] end # The full path to a ca file we would be managing. def self.ca_location return nil unless ca_setting Puppet.settings[ca_setting] end # We assume that all files named 'ca' are pointing to individual ca files, # rather than normal host files. It's a bit hackish, but all the other # solutions seemed even more hackish. def ca?(name) name == Puppet::SSL::Host.ca_name end def initialize Puppet.settings.use(:main, :ssl) (collection_directory || file_location) or raise Puppet::DevError, "No file or directory setting provided; terminus #{} cannot function" end def path(name) if name =~ Puppet::Indirector::BadNameRegexp then Puppet.crit(_("directory traversal detected in %{indirection}: %{name}") % { indirection: self.class, name: name.inspect }) raise ArgumentError, _("invalid key") end if ca?(name) and ca_location ca_location elsif collection_directory File.join(collection_directory, name.to_s + ".pem") else file_location end end # Remove our file. def destroy(request) path = Puppet::FileSystem.pathname(path(request.key)) return false unless Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(path) Puppet.notice _("Removing file %{model} %{request} at '%{path}'") % { model: model, request: request.key, path: path } begin Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(path) rescue => detail raise Puppet::Error, _("Could not remove %{request}: %{detail}") % { request: request.key, detail: detail }, detail.backtrace end end # Find the file on disk, returning an instance of the model. def find(request) filename = rename_files_with_uppercase(path(request.key)) filename ? create_model(request.key, filename) : nil end # Save our file to disk. def save(request) path = path(request.key) dir = File.dirname(path) raise"Cannot save %{request}; parent directory %{dir} does not exist") % { request: request.key, dir: dir }) unless raise"Cannot save %{request}; parent directory %{dir} is not writable") % { request: request.key, dir: dir }) unless FileTest.writable?(dir) write(request.key, path) { |f| f.print request.instance.to_s } end # Search for more than one file. At this point, it just returns # an instance for every file in the directory. def search(request) dir = collection_directory Dir.entries(dir). select { |file| file =~ /\.pem$/ }. collect { |file| create_model(file.sub(/\.pem$/, ''), File.join(dir, file)) }. compact end private def create_model(name, path) result = # calls Puppet::SSL::Base#read for subclasses of Puppet::SSL::Base # with the exception of any overrides, like Puppet::SSL::Key result end # Demeterish pointers to class info. def collection_directory self.class.collection_directory end def file_location self.class.file_location end def ca_location self.class.ca_location end # A hack method to deal with files that exist with a different case. # Just renames it; doesn't read it in or anything. # LAK:NOTE This is a copy of the method in sslcertificates/support.rb, # which we'll be EOL'ing at some point. This method was added at 20080702 # and should be removed at some point. def rename_files_with_uppercase(file) return file if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file) dir, short = File.split(file) return nil unless Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(dir) raise ArgumentError, _("Tried to fix SSL files to a file containing uppercase") unless short.downcase == short real_file = Dir.entries(dir).reject { |f| f =~ /^\./ }.find do |other| other.downcase == short end return nil unless real_file full_file = File.join(dir, real_file) Puppet.deprecation_warning _("Automatic downcasing and renaming of ssl files is deprecated; please request the file using its correct case: %{full_file}") % { full_file: full_file } File.rename(full_file, file) file end # Yield a filehandle set up appropriately, either with our settings doing # the work or opening a filehandle manually. def write(name, path) # All types serialized to disk contain only ASCII content: # * SSL::Key may be a .export(, :CBC), pass) or .to_pem # * All other classes are translated to strings by calling .to_pem # Serialization of: # Puppet::SSL::Certificate by Puppet::SSL::Certificate::Ca, Puppet::SSL::Certificate::File # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # Puppet::SSL::Key by Puppet::SSL::Key::Ca, Puppet::SSL::Key::File # -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- if ca?(name) and ca_location Puppet.settings.setting(self.class.ca_setting).open('w:ASCII') { |f| yield f } # Serialization of: # Puppet::SSL::CertificateRevocationList by Puppet::SSL::CertificateRevocationList::Ca, Puppet::SSL::CertificateRevocationList::File # -----BEGIN X509 CRL----- elsif file_location Puppet.settings.setting(self.class.file_setting).open('w:ASCII') { |f| yield f } # Serialization of: # Puppet::SSL::Certificate by Puppet::SSL::Certificate::Ca, Puppet::SSL::Certificate::File # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest by Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest::Ca, Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest::File # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- # Puppet::SSL::Key by Puppet::SSL::Key::Ca, Puppet::SSL::Key::File # -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- elsif setting = self.class.directory_setting begin Puppet.settings.setting(setting).open_file(path, 'w:ASCII') { |f| yield f } rescue => detail raise Puppet::Error, _("Could not write %{path} to %{setting}: %{detail}") % { path: path, setting: setting, detail: detail }, detail.backtrace end else raise Puppet::DevError, "You must provide a setting to determine where the files are stored" end end end # LAK:NOTE This has to be at the end, because classes like SSL::Key use this # class, and this require statement loads those, which results in a load loop # and lots of failures. require 'puppet/ssl/host'