module Nrb module Commands class Script < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions desc 'Creates a Ninja Ruby Script at the given path' argument :path_or_folder_name, type: :string, required: true, desc: 'The name of the project, or the path.' class_option :init_repo, default: true, type: :boolean, desc: 'Initialize a repository at the target location', aliases: '-r' class_option :bundle_install, default: true, type: :boolean, desc: 'Run bundle install after generating the skeleton', aliases: '-b' def self.source_root File.expand_path('..', __dir__) end def gitignore template 'templates/', target('.gitignore') end def readme template 'templates/', target(''), title: name, version: Nrb::VERSION end def gemfile template 'templates/', target('Gemfile'), version: Nrb::VERSION end def rakefile template 'templates/', target('Rakefile') end def config_nrb template 'templates/config/', target('config/nrb.rb'), directories: Nrb.config.directories end def directories Nrb.config.directories.each do |dir| create_file target("#{dir}/.keep") end end def boot template 'templates/config/', target('config/boot.rb') end def db_config template 'templates/db/', target('db/config.yml'), db: name end def script_file template 'templates/', "#{target(name)}.rb" end def initialize_repo return unless options[:repo] inside target, verbose: true do run 'git init' end end def bundle_install return unless options[:bundle] inside target, verbose: true do run 'bundle install' end end private def target(final = nil) File.join(File.expand_path(path_or_folder_name), final.to_s) end def name File.basename(path_or_folder_name) end end end end