require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', __FILE__) module Etsy class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "The User class" do should "be able to find a single user" do users = mock_request('/users/littletjane', {}, 'User', 'getUser.single.json') User.find('littletjane').should == users.first end should "be able to find multiple users" do users = mock_request('/users/littletjane,reagent', {}, 'User', 'getUser.multiple.json') User.find('littletjane', 'reagent').should == users end should "be able to pass options when finding a user" do options = {:limit => 90, :offset => 90} users = mock_request('/users/littletjane', options, 'User', 'getUser.single.json') User.find('littletjane', options).should == users.first end should "be able to find the authenticated user" do options = {:access_token => 'token', :access_secret => 'secret'} users = mock_request('/users/__SELF__', options, 'User', 'getUser.single.json') User.myself('token', 'secret', options).should == users.first end end context "An instance of the User class" do context "requested with oauth access token" do setup do options = {:access_token => 'token', :access_secret => 'secret'} data = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.json') response = 'response' response.stubs(:result).with().returns [data] Request.stubs(:get).with('/users/__SELF__', options).returns response @user = User.find('__SELF__', options) end should "persist the token" do @user.token.should == 'token' end should "persist the secret" do @user.secret.should == 'secret' end end context "with public response data" do setup do data = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.json') @user = end should "have an ID" do == 5327518 end should "have a :username" do @user.username.should == 'littletjane' end should "have a value for :created" do @user.created.should == 1191381578 end should "not have an email address" do be_nil end end context "with private response data" do setup do data = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.private.json') @user =, 'token', 'secret') end should "have an email address" do == '' end end context "requested with associated shops" do setup do data = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.withShops.json') @user = end should "have shops" do @user.shops.each do |shop| shop.class.should == Shop end end # This assumes for now that a user can have only one shop belonging to them should "return the first shop belonging to the user" do == @user.shops.first end end context "requested without associated shops" do setup do @data_without_shops = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.json') @data_with_shops = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.withShops.json') @options = {:fields => 'user_id', :includes => 'Shops'} @user_without_shops = @user_with_shops = end should "make a call to the API to retrieve it if requested" do User.expects(:find).with('littletjane', @options).returns @user_with_shops @user_without_shops.shops end should "not call the api twice" do User.expects(:find).once.with('littletjane', @options).returns @user_with_shops @user_without_shops.shops @user_without_shops.shops end should "return a list of populated shop instances" do User.stubs(:find).with('littletjane', @options).returns @user_with_shops == 'LittleJane' end should "make the call with authentication if oauth is used" do user =, 'token', 'secret') oauth = {:access_token => 'token', :access_secret => 'secret'} User.expects(:find).with('littletjane', @options.merge(oauth)).returns @user_with_shops user.shops end end context "requested with an associated profile" do setup do data = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.withProfile.json') @user = end should "have a profile" do @user.profile.class.should == Profile end end context "requested without an associated profile" do setup do @data_without_profile = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.json') @data_with_profile = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.withProfile.json') @options = {:fields => 'user_id', :includes => 'Profile'} @user_without_profile = @user_with_profile = end should "make a call to the API to retrieve it if requested" do User.expects(:find).with('littletjane', @options).returns @user_with_profile @user_without_profile.profile end should "not call the api twice" do User.expects(:find).once.with('littletjane', @options).returns @user_with_profile @user_without_profile.profile @user_without_profile.profile end should "return a populated profile instance" do User.stubs(:find).with('littletjane', @options).returns @user_with_profile == 'I make stuff' end should "make the call with authentication if oauth is used" do user =, 'token', 'secret') oauth = {:access_token => 'token', :access_secret => 'secret'} User.expects(:find).with('littletjane', @options.merge(oauth)).returns @user_with_profile user.profile end end context "instantiated with oauth token" do setup do @user =, 'token', 'secret') end should "have the token" do @user.token.should == 'token' end should "have the secret" do @user.secret.should == 'secret' end end should "know when the user was created" do user = user.stubs(:created).returns(1) user.created_at.should == end context "with favorite listings data" do setup do data = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.withProfile.json') @user = listing_1 = stub(:listing_id => 1, :user_id => listing_2 = stub(:listing_id => 2, :user_id => @favorite_listings = [listing_1, listing_2] end should "have all listings" do FavoriteListing.stubs(:find_all_user_favorite_listings).with(, {:access_token => nil, :access_secret => nil}).returns(@favorite_listings) Listing.stubs(:find).with([1, 2], {:access_token => nil, :access_secret => nil}).returns(['listings']) @user.favorites.should == ['listings'] end end context "with bought listings data" do setup do data = read_fixture('user/getUser.single.withProfile.json') @user = listing_1 = stub(:listing_id => 1, :user_id => listing_2 = stub(:listing_id => 2, :user_id => @bought_listings = [listing_1, listing_2] end should "have all listings" do Transaction.stubs(:find_all_by_buyer_id).with(, {:access_token => nil, :access_secret => nil}).returns(@bought_listings) Listing.stubs(:find).with([1, 2], {:access_token => nil, :access_secret => nil}).returns(['listings']) @user.bought_listings.should == ['listings'] end end end should "know the addresses for a user" do user = user.stubs(:username).with().returns('username') Address.stubs(:find).with('username', {}).returns('addresses') user.addresses.should == 'addresses' end end end