module Acfs::Model # Methods providing the query interface for finding resouces. # # @example # class MyUser # include Acfs::Model # end # # MyUser.find(5) # Find single resource # MyUser.all # Full or partial collection of # # resources # Comment.where(user: # Collection with additional parameter # # to filter resources # module QueryMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # @api public # # @overload find(id, opts = {}) # Find a single resource by given ID. # # @example # user = User.find(5) # Will query `http://base.url/users/5` # # @param [ Fixnum ] id Resource IDs to fetch from remote service. # @param [ Hash ] opts Additional options. # @option opts [ Hash ] :params Additional parameters added to request. `:id` will be overridden # with given ID. # # @yield [ resource ] Callback block to be executed after resource was fetched successfully. # @yieldparam resource [ self ] Fetched resources. # # @return [ self ] Resource object if only one ID was given. # # @overload find(*ids, opts = {}) # Load collection of specified resources by given IDs. # # @example # User.find(1, 2, 5) # Will return collection and will request # # `http://base.url/users/1`, `http://base.url/users/2` # # and `http://base.url/users/5` parallel # # @param [ Fixnum, ... ] ids One or more resource IDs to fetch from remote service. # @param [ Hash ] opts Additional options. # @option opts [ Hash ] :params Additional parameters added to request. `:id` will be overridden # with individual resource ID. # # @yield [ collection ] Callback block to be executed after collection was fetched successfully. # @yieldparam resource [ Collection ] Collection with fetched resources. # # @return [ Collection ] Collection of requested resources if multiple IDs were given. # def find(*attrs, &block) opts = attrs.extract_options! attrs.size > 1 ? find_multiple(attrs, opts, &block) : find_single(attrs[0], opts, &block) end # @api public # # Try to load all resources. # # @param [ Hash ] params Request parameters that will be send to remote service. # # @yield [ collection ] Callback block to be executed when resource collection was loaded successfully. # @yieldparam collection [ Collection ] Collection of fetched resources. # # @return [ Collection ] Collection of requested resources. # def all(params = {}, opts = {}, &block) collection = self collection.__callbacks__ << block if block operation :list, opts.merge(params: params) do |data, response| data.each do |obj| collection << create_resource(obj) end collection.process_response response collection.loaded! collection.__invoke__ end collection end alias :where :all # @api public # # Try to load first resource. Return nil if no object can be loaded. # # @param [ Hash ] params Request parameters that will be send to remote service. # # @yield [ resource ] Callback block to be executed after resource was fetched (even if nil). # @yieldparam resource [ self ] Fetched resource, nil if empty list is returned # # @return [ self ] Resource object, nil if empty list is returned # def find_by(params, &block) model = model.__callbacks__ << block unless block.nil? operation :list, params: params do |data| if data.empty? model.__setobj__ nil else model.__setobj__ create_resource data.first, origin: model.__getobj__ end model.__invoke__ end model end # @api public # # Try to load first resource. Raise Acfs::ResourceNotFound exception if no object can be loaded. # # @param [ Hash ] params Request parameters that will be send to remote service. # # @yield [ resource ] Callback block to be executed after resource was fetched successfully. # @yieldparam resource [ self ] Fetched resource, nil if empty list is returned # # @return [ self ] Resource object, nil if empty list is returned # def find_by!(params, &block) find_by params do |m| raise message: "Recieved erronious response: no `#{}` with params #{params.to_s} found" if m.nil? m unless block.nil? end end # @api public # # Iterates over all pages returned by index action. # # Server must return a paginated resource. # # @example # User.each_page do |page| # p page.size # end # # # => 50 # # => 50 # # => 42 # # @param opts [Hash] Options passed to {#where}. # # @yield [collection] Callback that will be invoked for each page. # @yieldparam collection [Collection] Paginated collection. # # @return [Collection] First page. # def each_page(opts = {}) cb = proc do |collection| yield collection collection.next_page(&cb) rescue ArgumentError end where opts, &cb end # @api public # # Iterates over all items of all pages returned by index action. # # Server must return a paginated resource. # # @example # index = 0 # User.each_item do |page| # index += 1 # end # # print index # # => 142 # # @param opts [Hash] Options passed to {#each_page}. # # @yield [item] Callback that will be invoked for each item. # @yieldparam item [self] Resource. # def each_item(opts = {}, &block) each_page(opts) do |collection| collection.each &block end end private def find_single(id, opts, &block) model = opts[:params] ||= {} opts[:params].merge!({ id: id }) unless id.nil? model.__callbacks__ << block unless block.nil? operation :read, opts do |data| model.__setobj__ create_resource data, origin: model.__getobj__ model.__invoke__ end model end def find_multiple(ids, opts, &block) do |collection| collection.__callbacks__ << block unless block.nil? counter = 0 ids.each do |id| find_single id, opts do |resource| collection << resource if (counter += 1) == ids.size collection.loaded! collection.__invoke__ end end end end end def create_resource(data, opts = {}) type = data.delete 'type' klass = resource_class_lookup(type) (opts[:origin].is_a?(klass) ? opts[:origin] : do |m| m.write_attributes data, opts m.loaded! end end def resource_class_lookup(type) return self if type.nil? klass = type.camelize.constantize raise type_name: type, base_class: self unless klass <= self klass rescue NameError, NoMethodError raise type_name: type, base_class: self end end end end