require 'notifyor/version' require 'optparse' module Notifyor class CLI def parse # Default configuration. ENV['ssh_host'] = 'localhost' ENV['ssh_port'] = '22' ENV['ssh_tunnel_port'] = '2000' ENV['ssh_redis_port'] = '6379' do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: notify_me [options]' opts.on('-v', '--version', 'Show the current version of this gem') do puts "Notifyor Version: #{::Notifyor::VERSION}"; exit end opts.on('--ssh-host host', 'Provide the host address to your deployment/remote server') do |host| ENV['ssh_host'] = host end opts.on('--ssh-port port', 'Provide the ssh port for the deployment/remote server') do |port| ENV['ssh_port'] = port end opts.on('--ssh-user user', 'Provide the ssh user for the deployment/remote server') do |user| ENV['ssh_user'] = user end opts.on('--tunnel-port tunnel_port', 'Provide the ssh user for the deployment/remote server') do |tunnel_port| ENV['ssh_tunnel_port'] = tunnel_port end opts.on('--redis-port redis_port', 'Provide the ssh user for the deployment/remote server') do |redis_port| ENV['ssh_redis_port'] = redis_port end opts.on('--channel [channel]', 'Provide channel on which notifyor should listen.') do |channel| ENV['channel'] = channel end end.parse! end def check_notifications connection = begin connection.build_tunnel connection.build_redis_tunnel_connection connection.subscribe_to_redis rescue => e STDOUT.write "Could not establish SSH tunnel. Reason: #{e.message}" end end end end