<% title _("Snapshots: #{@host.name}") %> <%= title_actions( button_group(link_to("Take Snapshot", "/foreman_xen/snapshots/#{@host.id}/new", :id => "takeSnapshotButton", :class => "btn btn-success"), link_to_if_authorized(_("Back to host"), hash_for_host_path(:id => @host), :title => _("Back to host"), :class => 'btn btn-default') )) %> <% @snapshots.each do |snapshot| %> <% end %>
Name Snapshot Time Actions
<%= h snapshot.name %> <%= h "#{snapshot.snapshot_time.to_date} #{snapshot.snapshot_time.to_time} " %>
<%= link_to("Revert", "/foreman_xen/snapshots/#{@host.id}/revert/#{snapshot.reference}", :id => "revertSnapshotButton", :class => "btn btn-danger", data: { confirm: "Confirm revert to #{snapshot.name}? Please note that all changes since the snapshot time will be lost, and the system will be restarted." }) %> <%= link_to("Delete", "/foreman_xen/snapshots/#{@host.id}/delete/#{snapshot.reference}", :id => "deleteSnapshotButton", :class => "btn btn-danger", data: { confirm: "Delete snapshot #{snapshot.name}?" }) %>