/* * This source code is public domain. * * Authors: Olivier Lapicque */ #include "libmodplug.h" static UINT GetMaskFromSize(UINT len) //----------------------------------- { UINT n = 2; while (n <= len) n <<= 1; return ((n >> 1) - 1); } void CSoundFile_InitializeDSP(CSoundFile *_this, BOOL bReset) //----------------------------------------- { BOOL bResetBass = FALSE; if (!_this->m_nReverbDelay) _this->m_nReverbDelay = 100; if (!_this->m_nXBassRange) _this->m_nXBassRange = XBASS_DELAY; if (!_this->m_nProLogicDelay) _this->m_nProLogicDelay = 20; if (_this->m_nXBassDepth > 8) _this->m_nXBassDepth = 8; if (_this->m_nXBassDepth < 2) _this->m_nXBassDepth = 2; if (bReset) { // Noise Reduction _this->nLeftNR = _this->nRightNR = 0; } // Pro-Logic Surround _this->nSurroundPos = _this->nSurroundSize = 0; _this->nDolbyLoFltPos = _this->nDolbyLoFltSum = _this->nDolbyLoDlyPos = 0; _this->nDolbyHiFltPos = _this->nDolbyHiFltSum = 0; if (_this->gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_SURROUND) { SDL_memset(_this->DolbyLoFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(_this->DolbyLoFilterBuffer)); SDL_memset(_this->DolbyHiFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(_this->DolbyHiFilterBuffer)); SDL_memset(_this->DolbyLoFilterDelay, 0, sizeof(_this->DolbyLoFilterDelay)); SDL_memset(_this->SurroundBuffer, 0, sizeof(_this->SurroundBuffer)); _this->nSurroundSize = (_this->gdwMixingFreq * _this->m_nProLogicDelay) / 1000; if (_this->nSurroundSize > SURROUNDBUFFERSIZE) _this->nSurroundSize = SURROUNDBUFFERSIZE; if (_this->m_nProLogicDepth < 8) _this->nDolbyDepth = (32 >> _this->m_nProLogicDepth) + 32; else _this->nDolbyDepth = (_this->m_nProLogicDepth < 16) ? (8 + (_this->m_nProLogicDepth - 8) * 7) : 64; _this->nDolbyDepth >>= 2; } // Reverb Setup #ifndef MODPLUG_NO_REVERB if (_this->gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_REVERB) { UINT nrs = (_this->gdwMixingFreq * _this->m_nReverbDelay) / 1000; UINT nfa = _this->m_nReverbDepth+1; if (nrs > REVERBBUFFERSIZE) nrs = REVERBBUFFERSIZE; if ((bReset) || (nrs != (UINT)_this->nReverbSize) || (nfa != (UINT)_this->nFilterAttn)) { _this->nFilterAttn = nfa; _this->nReverbSize = nrs; _this->nReverbBufferPos = _this->nReverbBufferPos2 = _this->nReverbBufferPos3 = _this->nReverbBufferPos4 = 0; _this->nReverbLoFltSum = _this->nReverbLoFltPos = _this->nReverbLoDlyPos = 0; _this->gRvbLPSum = _this->gRvbLPPos = 0; _this->nReverbSize2 = (_this->nReverbSize * 13) / 17; if (_this->nReverbSize2 > REVERBBUFFERSIZE2) _this->nReverbSize2 = REVERBBUFFERSIZE2; _this->nReverbSize3 = (_this->nReverbSize * 7) / 13; if (_this->nReverbSize3 > REVERBBUFFERSIZE3) _this->nReverbSize3 = REVERBBUFFERSIZE3; _this->nReverbSize4 = (_this->nReverbSize * 7) / 19; if (_this->nReverbSize4 > REVERBBUFFERSIZE4) _this->nReverbSize4 = REVERBBUFFERSIZE4; SDL_memset(_this->ReverbLoFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(_this->ReverbLoFilterBuffer)); SDL_memset(_this->ReverbLoFilterDelay, 0, sizeof(_this->ReverbLoFilterDelay)); SDL_memset(_this->ReverbBuffer, 0, sizeof(_this->ReverbBuffer)); SDL_memset(_this->ReverbBuffer2, 0, sizeof(_this->ReverbBuffer2)); SDL_memset(_this->ReverbBuffer3, 0, sizeof(_this->ReverbBuffer3)); SDL_memset(_this->ReverbBuffer4, 0, sizeof(_this->ReverbBuffer4)); SDL_memset(_this->gRvbLowPass, 0, sizeof(_this->gRvbLowPass)); } } else _this->nReverbSize = 0; #endif // Bass Expansion Reset if (_this->gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_MEGABASS) { UINT nXBassSamples = (_this->gdwMixingFreq * _this->m_nXBassRange) / 10000; UINT mask; if (nXBassSamples > XBASSBUFFERSIZE) nXBassSamples = XBASSBUFFERSIZE; mask = GetMaskFromSize(nXBassSamples); if ((bReset) || (mask != (UINT)_this->nXBassMask)) { _this->nXBassMask = mask; bResetBass = TRUE; } } else { _this->nXBassMask = 0; bResetBass = TRUE; } if (bResetBass) { _this->nXBassSum = _this->nXBassBufferPos = _this->nXBassDlyPos = 0; SDL_memset(_this->XBassBuffer, 0, sizeof(_this->XBassBuffer)); SDL_memset(_this->XBassDelay, 0, sizeof(_this->XBassDelay)); } } void CSoundFile_ProcessStereoDSP(CSoundFile *_this, int count) //------------------------------------------ { #ifndef MODPLUG_NO_REVERB // Reverb if (_this->gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_REVERB) { int *pr = _this->MixSoundBuffer, *pin = _this->MixReverbBuffer, rvbcount = count; do { int echo, echodly, n, tmp, v, vlp; echo = _this->ReverbBuffer[_this->nReverbBufferPos] + _this->ReverbBuffer2[_this->nReverbBufferPos2] + _this->ReverbBuffer3[_this->nReverbBufferPos3] + _this->ReverbBuffer4[_this->nReverbBufferPos4]; // echo = reverb signal // Delay line and remove Low Frequencies // v = original signal echodly = _this->ReverbLoFilterDelay[_this->nReverbLoDlyPos]; // echodly = delayed signal _this->ReverbLoFilterDelay[_this->nReverbLoDlyPos] = echo >> 1; _this->nReverbLoDlyPos++; _this->nReverbLoDlyPos &= 0x1F; n = _this->nReverbLoFltPos; _this->nReverbLoFltSum -= _this->ReverbLoFilterBuffer[n]; tmp = echo / 128; _this->ReverbLoFilterBuffer[n] = tmp; _this->nReverbLoFltSum += tmp; echodly -= _this->nReverbLoFltSum; _this->nReverbLoFltPos = (n + 1) & 0x3F; // Reverb v = (pin[0]+pin[1]) >> _this->nFilterAttn; pr[0] += pin[0] + echodly; pr[1] += pin[1] + echodly; v += echodly >> 2; _this->ReverbBuffer3[_this->nReverbBufferPos3] = v; _this->ReverbBuffer4[_this->nReverbBufferPos4] = v; v += echodly >> 4; v >>= 1; _this->gRvbLPSum -= _this->gRvbLowPass[_this->gRvbLPPos]; _this->gRvbLPSum += v; _this->gRvbLowPass[_this->gRvbLPPos] = v; _this->gRvbLPPos++; _this->gRvbLPPos &= 7; vlp = _this->gRvbLPSum >> 2; _this->ReverbBuffer[_this->nReverbBufferPos] = vlp; _this->ReverbBuffer2[_this->nReverbBufferPos2] = vlp; if (++_this->nReverbBufferPos >= _this->nReverbSize) _this->nReverbBufferPos = 0; if (++_this->nReverbBufferPos2 >= _this->nReverbSize2) _this->nReverbBufferPos2 = 0; if (++_this->nReverbBufferPos3 >= _this->nReverbSize3) _this->nReverbBufferPos3 = 0; if (++_this->nReverbBufferPos4 >= _this->nReverbSize4) _this->nReverbBufferPos4 = 0; pr += 2; pin += 2; } while (--rvbcount); } #endif // Dolby Pro-Logic Surround if (_this->gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_SURROUND) { int *pr = _this->MixSoundBuffer, n = _this->nDolbyLoFltPos; int r = count; for (; r; r--) { int v, secho, tmp; v = (pr[0]+pr[1]+DOLBYATTNROUNDUP) >> (nDolbyHiFltAttn+1); v *= (int)_this->nDolbyDepth; // Low-Pass Filter _this->nDolbyHiFltSum -= _this->DolbyHiFilterBuffer[_this->nDolbyHiFltPos]; _this->DolbyHiFilterBuffer[_this->nDolbyHiFltPos] = v; _this->nDolbyHiFltSum += v; v = _this->nDolbyHiFltSum; _this->nDolbyHiFltPos++; _this->nDolbyHiFltPos &= nDolbyHiFltMask; // Surround secho = _this->SurroundBuffer[_this->nSurroundPos]; _this->SurroundBuffer[_this->nSurroundPos] = v; // Delay line and remove low frequencies v = _this->DolbyLoFilterDelay[_this->nDolbyLoDlyPos]; // v = delayed signal _this->DolbyLoFilterDelay[_this->nDolbyLoDlyPos] = secho; // secho = signal _this->nDolbyLoDlyPos++; _this->nDolbyLoDlyPos &= 0x1F; _this->nDolbyLoFltSum -= _this->DolbyLoFilterBuffer[n]; tmp = secho / 64; _this->DolbyLoFilterBuffer[n] = tmp; _this->nDolbyLoFltSum += tmp; v -= _this->nDolbyLoFltSum; n++; n &= 0x3F; // Add echo pr[0] += v; pr[1] -= v; if (++_this->nSurroundPos >= _this->nSurroundSize) _this->nSurroundPos = 0; pr += 2; } _this->nDolbyLoFltPos = n; } // Bass Expansion if (_this->gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_MEGABASS) { int *px = _this->MixSoundBuffer; int xba = _this->m_nXBassDepth+1, xbamask = (1 << xba) - 1; int n = _this->nXBassBufferPos; int x = count; for (; x; x--) { int tmp0, tmp, v; _this->nXBassSum -= _this->XBassBuffer[n]; tmp0 = px[0] + px[1]; tmp = (tmp0 + ((tmp0 >> 31) & xbamask)) >> xba; _this->XBassBuffer[n] = tmp; _this->nXBassSum += tmp; v = _this->XBassDelay[_this->nXBassDlyPos]; _this->XBassDelay[_this->nXBassDlyPos] = px[0]; px[0] = v + _this->nXBassSum; v = _this->XBassDelay[_this->nXBassDlyPos+1]; _this->XBassDelay[_this->nXBassDlyPos+1] = px[1]; px[1] = v + _this->nXBassSum; _this->nXBassDlyPos = (_this->nXBassDlyPos + 2) & _this->nXBassMask; px += 2; n++; n &= _this->nXBassMask; } _this->nXBassBufferPos = n; } // Noise Reduction if (_this->gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_NOISEREDUCTION) { int n1 = _this->nLeftNR, n2 = _this->nRightNR; int *pnr = _this->MixSoundBuffer; int nr = count; for (; nr; nr--) { int vnr = pnr[0] >> 1; pnr[0] = vnr + n1; n1 = vnr; vnr = pnr[1] >> 1; pnr[1] = vnr + n2; n2 = vnr; pnr += 2; } _this->nLeftNR = n1; _this->nRightNR = n2; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clean DSP Effects interface // [Reverb level 0(quiet)-100(loud)], [delay in ms, usually 40-200ms] BOOL CSoundFile_SetReverbParameters(CSoundFile *_this, UINT nDepth, UINT nDelay) //------------------------------------------------------------ { UINT gain; if (nDepth > 100) nDepth = 100; gain = nDepth / 20; if (gain > 4) gain = 4; _this->m_nReverbDepth = 4 - gain; if (nDelay < 40) nDelay = 40; if (nDelay > 250) nDelay = 250; _this->m_nReverbDelay = nDelay; return TRUE; } // [XBass level 0(quiet)-100(loud)], [cutoff in Hz 20-100] BOOL CSoundFile_SetXBassParameters(CSoundFile *_this, UINT nDepth, UINT nRange) //----------------------------------------------------------- { UINT gain, range; if (nDepth > 100) nDepth = 100; gain = nDepth / 20; if (gain > 4) gain = 4; _this->m_nXBassDepth = 8 - gain; // filter attenuation 1/256 .. 1/16 range = nRange / 5; if (range > 5) range -= 5; else range = 0; if (nRange > 16) nRange = 16; _this->m_nXBassRange = 21 - range; // filter average on 0.5-1.6ms return TRUE; } // [Surround level 0(quiet)-100(heavy)] [delay in ms, usually 5-50ms] BOOL CSoundFile_SetSurroundParameters(CSoundFile *_this, UINT nDepth, UINT nDelay) //-------------------------------------------------------------- { UINT gain = (nDepth * 16) / 100; if (gain > 16) gain = 16; if (gain < 1) gain = 1; _this->m_nProLogicDepth = gain; if (nDelay < 4) nDelay = 4; if (nDelay > 50) nDelay = 50; _this->m_nProLogicDelay = nDelay; return TRUE; } BOOL CSoundFile_SetWaveConfigEx(CSoundFile *_this, BOOL bSurround,BOOL bNoOverSampling,BOOL bReverb,BOOL hqido,BOOL bMegaBass,BOOL bNR,BOOL bEQ) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { DWORD d = _this->gdwSoundSetup & ~(SNDMIX_SURROUND | SNDMIX_NORESAMPLING | SNDMIX_REVERB | SNDMIX_HQRESAMPLER | SNDMIX_MEGABASS | SNDMIX_NOISEREDUCTION | SNDMIX_EQ); if (bSurround) d |= SNDMIX_SURROUND; if (bNoOverSampling) d |= SNDMIX_NORESAMPLING; if (bReverb) d |= SNDMIX_REVERB; if (hqido) d |= SNDMIX_HQRESAMPLER; if (bMegaBass) d |= SNDMIX_MEGABASS; if (bNR) d |= SNDMIX_NOISEREDUCTION; if (bEQ) d |= SNDMIX_EQ; _this->gdwSoundSetup = d; CSoundFile_InitPlayer(_this, FALSE); return TRUE; }