= CurlyMustache Like ActiveRecord, but uses key-value stores (Memcached, Redis, Tokyo Cabinet, etc) instead of relational databases. This is experimental and not used in any production environments yet. http://github.com/cjbottaro/curly_mustache == Installation sudo gem install --source http://gems.github.com cjbottaro-curly_mustache == Features * Basic ActiveRecord-like CRUD operations (create, destroy, find, save). * Simple associations. * Validations (TODO) * Callbacks (TODO) == Connecting CurlyMustache::Base.establish_connection :adapter => :memcache, :servers => %w[one.example.com:11211 two.example.com:11211], The +memcache+ adapter uses memcache-client[http://github.com/mperham/memcache-client]. Whatever other options you pass to +establish_connection+ will be passed to the constructor for it. == Usage class User < CurlyMustache::Base attribute :name, :string attribute :birthday_on, :date attribute :login_count, :integer attribute :last_login_at, :time end user = User.create :name => "chris" user.id # => "676cef021584904876af7c4b3e42afb5" user.name # => "chris" user.birthday_on = "03/11/1980" user.save user = User.find(user.id) puts user.birthday_on # => "Tue, 11 Mar 1980" user.birthday_on.class # => Date user.destroy User.find(user.id) # => exception CurlyMustache::RecordNotFound