# Control subclass instantiated when Rails is detected. Contains # Rails specific configuration, instrumentation, environment values, # etc. class NewRelic::Control::Frameworks::Rails < NewRelic::Control def env @env ||= RAILS_ENV.dup end def root RAILS_ROOT end # In versions of Rails prior to 2.0, the rails config was only available to # the init.rb, so it had to be passed on from there. def init_config(options={}) rails_config=options[:config] if !agent_enabled? # Might not be running if it does not think mongrel, thin, passenger, etc # is running, if it things it's a rake task, or if the agent_enabled is false. log! "New Relic Agent not running." else log! "Starting the New Relic Agent." install_developer_mode rails_config if developer_mode? install_episodes rails_config end end def install_episodes(config) return if config.nil? || !config.respond_to?(:middleware) || !episodes_enabled? config.after_initialize do if defined?(NewRelic::Rack::Episodes) config.middleware.use NewRelic::Rack::Episodes log! "Installed episodes middleware" ::RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info "Installed episodes middleware" end end end def install_developer_mode(rails_config) return if @installed @installed = true if rails_config && rails_config.respond_to?(:middleware) begin require 'new_relic/rack/developer_mode' rails_config.middleware.use NewRelic::Rack::DeveloperMode # inform user that the dev edition is available if we are running inside # a webserver process if @local_env.dispatcher_instance_id port = @local_env.dispatcher_instance_id.to_s =~ /^\d+/ ? ":#{local_env.dispatcher_instance_id}" : ":port" log!("NewRelic Agent Developer Mode enabled.") log!("To view performance information, go to http://localhost#{port}/newrelic") end rescue Exception => e log!("Error installing New Relic Developer Mode: #{e.inspect}", :error) end else log!("Developer mode not available for Rails versions prior to 2.2", :warn) end end def log!(msg, level=:info) return unless should_log? begin ::RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.send(level, msg) rescue Exception => e super end end def to_stdout(message) ::RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(message) rescue Exception => e super end def rails_version @rails_version ||= NewRelic::VersionNumber.new(::Rails::VERSION::STRING) end protected def rails_vendor_root File.join(root,'vendor','rails') end def rails_gem_list ::Rails.configuration.gems.map do | gem | version = (gem.respond_to?(:version) && gem.version) || (gem.specification.respond_to?(:version) && gem.specification.version) gem.name + (version ? "(#{version})" : "") end end # Collect the Rails::Info into an associative array as well as the list of plugins def append_environment_info local_env.append_environment_value('Rails version'){ ::Rails::VERSION::STRING } if rails_version >= NewRelic::VersionNumber.new('2.2.0') local_env.append_environment_value('Rails threadsafe') do ::Rails.configuration.action_controller.allow_concurrency == true end end local_env.append_environment_value('Rails Env') { ENV['RAILS_ENV'] } if rails_version >= NewRelic::VersionNumber.new('2.1.0') local_env.append_gem_list do (bundler_gem_list + rails_gem_list).uniq end # The plugins is configured manually. If it's nil, it loads everything non-deterministically if ::Rails.configuration.plugins local_env.append_plugin_list { ::Rails.configuration.plugins } else ::Rails.configuration.plugin_paths.each do |path| local_env.append_plugin_list { Dir[File.join(path, '*')].collect{ |p| File.basename p if File.directory? p }.compact } end end else # Rails prior to 2.1, can't get the gems. Find plugins in the default location local_env.append_plugin_list do Dir[File.join(root, 'vendor', 'plugins', '*')].collect{ |p| File.basename p if File.directory? p }.compact end end end def install_shim super require 'new_relic/agent/instrumentation/controller_instrumentation' ActionController::Base.send :include, NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation::Shim end end