module Taskinator class CreateProcessWorker attr_reader :definition attr_reader :uuid attr_reader :args def initialize(definition_name, uuid, args) # convert to the module @definition = constantize(definition_name) # this will be uuid of the created process @uuid = uuid # convert to the typed arguments @args = Taskinator::Persistence.deserialize(args) end def perform # args may contain an options hash at the end # so merge in the uuid into it, or add process_args = args || [] if process_args.last.is_a?(Hash) process_args.last.merge!(:uuid => uuid) else process_args << { :uuid => uuid } end @definition._create_process_(false, *process_args).enqueue! end private # :nocov: def constantize(camel_cased_word) # borrowed from activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb names = camel_cased_word.split('::') # Trigger a built-in NameError exception including the ill-formed constant in the message. Object.const_get(camel_cased_word) if names.empty? # Remove the first blank element in case of '::ClassName' notation. names.shift if names.size > 1 && names.first.empty? names.inject(Object) do |constant, name| if constant == Object constant.const_get(name) else candidate = constant.const_get(name) next candidate if constant.const_defined?(name, false) next candidate unless Object.const_defined?(name) # Go down the ancestors to check if it is owned directly. The check # stops when we reach Object or the end of ancestors tree. constant = constant.ancestors.inject do |const, ancestor| break const if ancestor == Object break ancestor if ancestor.const_defined?(name, false) const end # owner is in Object, so raise constant.const_get(name, false) end end end end end