#ifndef BZS_TEST_TRDCLENGN_TESTFIELD_H #define BZS_TEST_TRDCLENGN_TESTFIELD_H /* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2015 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include "testbase.h" #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/btrDate.h> #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/client/connMgr.h> #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/client/stringConverter.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define DBNAMEV3 _T("test_v3") const char* sql = "CREATE TABLE `setenumbit` (" "`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," "`set5` set('A','B','C','D','E') DEFAULT ''," "`set64` set('a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6', 'b7', 'b8', 'b9', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7', 'c8', 'c9', 'd0', 'd1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5', 'd6', 'd7', 'd8', 'd9', 'e0', 'e1', 'e2', 'e3', 'e4', 'e5', 'e6', 'e7', 'e8', 'e9', 'f0', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'g0', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3') DEFAULT ''," "`enum2` enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N', " "`enum260` enum('a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6', 'b7', 'b8', 'b9', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7', 'c8', 'c9', 'd0', 'd1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5', 'd6', 'd7', 'd8', 'd9', 'e0', 'e1', 'e2', 'e3', 'e4', 'e5', 'e6', 'e7', 'e8', 'e9', 'f0', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'g0', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g5', 'g6', 'g7', 'g8', 'g9', 'h0', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'h7', 'h8', 'h9', 'i0', 'i1', 'i2', 'i3', 'i4', 'i5', 'i6', 'i7', 'i8', 'i9', 'j0', 'j1', 'j2', 'j3', 'j4', 'j5', 'j6', 'j7', 'j8', 'j9', 'k0', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'k5', 'k6', 'k7', 'k8', 'k9', 'l0', 'l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'l4', 'l5', 'l6', 'l7', 'l8', 'l9', 'm0', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6', 'm7', 'm8', 'm9', 'n0', 'n1', 'n2', 'n3', 'n4', 'n5', 'n6', 'n7', 'n8', 'n9', 'o0', 'o1', 'o2', 'o3', 'o4', 'o5', 'o6', 'o7', 'o8', 'o9', 'p0', 'p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5', 'p6', 'p7', 'p8', 'p9', 'q0', 'q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'q4', 'q5', 'q6', 'q7', 'q8', 'q9', 'r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'r7', 'r8', 'r9', 's0', 's1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6', 's7', 's8', 's9', 't0', 't1', 't2', 't3', 't4', 't5', 't6', 't7', 't8', 't9', 'u0', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6', 'u7', 'u8', 'u9', 'v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', 'v6', 'v7', 'v8', 'v9', 'w0', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4', 'w5', 'w6', 'w7', 'w8', 'w9', 'x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7', 'x8', 'x9', 'y0', 'y1', 'y2', 'y3', 'y4', 'y5', 'y6', 'y7', 'y8', 'y9', 'z0', 'z1', 'z2', 'z3', 'z4', 'z5', 'z6', 'z7', 'z8', 'z9') DEFAULT 'a0'," "`bit1` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0'," "`bit8` bit(8) DEFAULT b'0'," "`bit32` bit(32) DEFAULT b'0'," "`bit64` bit(64) DEFAULT b'0'," "PRIMARY KEY (`id`) " ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"; const char* test_records = "INSERT INTO `setenumbit` (`id`, `set5`, `set64`, `enum2`, `enum260`, `bit1`, `bit8`, `bit32`, `bit64`) VALUES" "(1, 'A', 'a0', 'N', 'a0', b'1', b'1', b'1', b'1')," "(2, 'A,B,C,D,E', 'a0,g3', 'Y', 'z9', b'1', b'11111111', b'11111111111111111111111111111111', b'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111')," "(3, '', '', '0', '0', b'0', b'00000000', b'00000000', b'00000000')," "(4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);"; const char* test_view = "create view idlessthan5 as select * from scores where id < 5"; short createFieldStoreDataBase(database* db) { db->create(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME)); if (db->stat() == STATUS_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR) { db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME)); if (db->stat()) return db->stat(); db->drop(); if (db->stat()) return db->stat(); db->create(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME)); } if (db->stat()) return db->stat(); return 0; } short createTestTable1(database* db) { try { openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_NORMAL); dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 1; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("fieldtest"), g_td_charsetIndex); short fieldnum = 0; fielddef* fd; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_integer, 4); int lens[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 8}; _TCHAR buf[50]; //int for (int i=1; i < 6 ; ++i) { _stprintf_s(buf, 50, _T("int_%d_byte"), lens[i-1]); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, buf, ft_integer, lens[i-1]); if (i==4) fd->setDefaultValue((__int64)INT_MIN); if (i==5) fd->setDefaultValue(LLONG_MIN); } //unsigned int for (int i=1; i < 6 ; ++i) { _stprintf_s(buf, 50, _T("uint_%d_byte"), lens[i-1]); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, buf, ft_uinteger, lens[i-1]); if (i==4) fd->setDefaultValue((__int64)UINT_MAX); if (i==5) fd->setDefaultValue((__int64)ULLONG_MAX); } //myyear insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("year"), ft_myyear, 1); //logical insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("logical1"), ft_logical, 1); insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("logical2"), ft_logical, 2); //mydate insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("date"), ft_mydate, 3); //double insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("double4.0"), ft_float, 4); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("double4.4"), ft_float, 4); fd->decimals = 4; insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("double8.0"), ft_float, 8); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("double8.5"), ft_float, 8); fd->decimals = 15; //decimal /*for (int i=1; i < 66 ; ++i) { _stprintf_s(buf, 50, _T("dec_%d_digits"), i); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, buf, ft_mydecimal, 0); fd->setLenByDecimal(i, (i-1) % 30); }*/ fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec1"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(15, 5); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec2"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(65, 30); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec3"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(1, 0); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec4"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(11, 11); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec5"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(15, 5); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec6"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(65, 30); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec7"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(1, 0); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("dec8"), ft_mydecimal, 1); fd->setDecimalDigits(11, 11); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; // extended key type kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; // changeable kd->segmentCount = 1; tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } short createTestTableLegacyTimeTable(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 2; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("timetestLegacy"), g_td_charsetIndex); short fieldnum = 0; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_integer, 4); //time insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("time"), ft_mytime, 3); //datetime insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("datetime"), ft_mydatetime, 8); //timestamp insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("timestamp"), ft_mytimestamp, 4); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; // extended key type kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; // changeable kd->segmentCount = 1; tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } /* If MySQL internal table flag has HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD then null_bit is offset one. */ short createTestTableHA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 3; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("packrecord_test"), g_td_charsetIndex); short fieldnum = 0; fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_integer, 4); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("int"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true, false); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; // extended key type kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; // changeable kd->segmentCount = 1; tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } short createTestTableTime(database* db, bool isMariadb, uchar_td minorVersion, bool isSupportMultiTimeStamp) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 2; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("timetest"), g_td_charsetIndex); tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; td->setValidationTarget(isMariadb, minorVersion); short fieldnum = 0; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_integer, 4); //time fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("time5"), ft_mytime, 5); fd->decimals = 3; insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("time3"), ft_mytime, 3); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("time4"), ft_mytime, 4); fd->decimals = 2; fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("time6"), ft_mytime, 6); fd->decimals = 6; //datetime fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("datetime7"), ft_mydatetime, 7); fd->decimals = 3; insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("datetime5"), ft_mydatetime, 5); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("datetime6"), ft_mydatetime, 6); fd->decimals = 2; fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("datetime8"), ft_mydatetime, 8); fd->decimals = 6; //timestamp fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("timestamp6"), ft_mytimestamp, 6); fd->decimals = 3; if (isSupportMultiTimeStamp) { fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("timestamp4"), ft_mytimestamp, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("timestamp5"), ft_mytimestamp, 5); fd->decimals = 2; fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("timestamp7"), ft_mytimestamp, 7); fd->decimals = 6; fd->setNullable(true); } keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; // extended key type kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; // changeable kd->segmentCount = 1; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } short createTestInMany(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 4; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("nullkey"), g_td_charsetIndex); tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; short fieldnum = 0; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_autoinc, 4); //time fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("id2"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("id3"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("name"), ft_myvarchar, 151); fd->setLenByCharnum(50); fd->setNullable(true); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 1); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_allseg_nullkey = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 2); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segments[1].fieldNum = 2; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 2; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } short createTestNull(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 5; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("nullvalue"), g_td_charsetIndex); tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; short fieldnum = 0; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_autoinc, 4); fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("id2"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("id3"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("name"), ft_myvarchar, 151); fd->setLenByCharnum(50); fd->setNullable(true); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 1); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 2); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segments[1].fieldNum = 2; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 2; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } short createTestGroups(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 6; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("groups"), g_td_charsetIndex); tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; short fieldnum = 0; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("pri_id"), ft_autoinc, 4); fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("name"), ft_myvarchar, 151); fd->setLenByCharnum(50); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 1); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 2); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[1].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[1].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 2; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } short createTestUsers(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 7; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("users"), g_td_charsetIndex); tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; short fieldnum = 0; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_autoinc, 4); fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("group"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("class"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("name"), ft_myvarchar, 151); fd->setLenByCharnum(50); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("blob"), ft_myblob, 9); fd->setCharsetIndex(CHARSET_BIN); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("utime"), ft_mytimestamp, 7); fd->setDefaultValue(DFV_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT); fd->setTimeStampOnUpdate(true); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 1); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_duplicatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } short createTestScores(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 8; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("scores"), g_td_charsetIndex); tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; short fieldnum = 0; insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_autoinc, 4); insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("subject"), ft_integer, 4); fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("score"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_extend = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.kf_changeatable = 1; kd->segmentCount = 1; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } #define exec_sql createTable //exec sql for no result recordset. like a createTable. class fixtureFieldStore { mutable database* m_db; btrVersion ver; public: fixtureFieldStore() : m_db(NULL) { nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(true); m_db = database::create(); if (!m_db) printf("Error database::create()\n"); short ret = createFieldStoreDataBase(m_db); if (ret) { printf("Error createDataBase\n"); return; }else { ret = createTestTable1(m_db); if (ret == 0) { btrVersions vs; m_db->getBtrVersion(&vs); if (m_db->stat()) { printf("Error getBtrVersion\n"); return; } ver = vs.versions[1]; if (ret == 0) { if (isLegacyTimeFormat()) ret = createTestTableLegacyTimeTable(m_db); else ret = createTestTableTime(m_db, ver.isMariaDB(), (uchar_td)ver.minorVersion, isSupportMultiTimeStamp()); if (ret == 0) ret = createTestTableHA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD(m_db); if (ret == 0) ret = createTestInMany(m_db); if (ret == 0) ret = createTestNull(m_db); if (ret == 0) ret = createTestGroups(m_db); if (ret == 0) ret = createTestUsers(m_db); if (ret == 0) ret = createTestScores(m_db); if (ret == 0) m_db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_NORMAL); if (m_db->stat() == 0) { m_db->createTable(sql); // This table is not listed in test.bdf if (m_db->stat() == 0) m_db->exec_sql(test_records); } } } ret = m_db->stat(); } if (ret) printf("Error createTable\n"); } ~fixtureFieldStore() { if (m_db) m_db->release(); } ::database* db() const { return m_db; } bool isMysql56TimeFormat() const { return ver.isMysql56TimeFormat(); } bool isLegacyTimeFormat() const{ return ver.isFullLegacyTimeFormat(); } bool isSupportMultiTimeStamp() const { return ver.isSupportMultiTimeStamp(); } }; #define TEST_DATE _T("2015-11-10") #define TEST_DATEA "2015-11-10" void testModeMacro() { short mode = TD_OPEN_READONLY_EXCLUSIVE + TD_OPEN_MASK_MYSQL_NULL + TD_OPEN_MASK_GETSHCHEMA; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_READONLY(mode) == true, "IS_MODE_READONLY "); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_EXCLUSIVE(mode) == true, "IS_MODE_EXCLUSIVE "); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_MYSQL_NULL(mode) == true, "IS_MODE_MYSQL_NULL "); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_GETSCHEMA(mode) == true, "IS_MODE_GETSCHEMA "); mode = 0; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_READONLY(mode) == false, "IS_MODE_READONLY false"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_EXCLUSIVE(mode) == false, "IS_MODE_EXCLUSIVE false"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_MYSQL_NULL(mode) == false, "IS_MODE_MYSQL_NULL false"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(IS_MODE_GETSCHEMA(mode) == false, "IS_MODE_GETSCHEMA false"); } #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #define MINT_MIN -8388608 #define UMINT_MAX 16777215 #define FLOAT_V1 -1234.0f #define FLOAT_V2 1234.1234f #define DOUBLE_V1 (double)-12345678.0 #define DOUBLE_V2 (double)0.1234567890123 #define DEC_V1 (double)1234567890.12345 #define DEC_V1LL 1234567890LL #define DEC_V2 (double)5.0000010000500001 #define DEC_V2LL 5LL #define DEC_V2SA "5.000001000050000100000000000000" #define DEC_V2S _T(DEC_V2SA) #define DEC_V3 (double)3.0 #define DEC_V3LL 3LL #define DEC_V4 (double)0.23456789010 #define DEC_V4LL 0LL #define DEC_V5 (double)-1234567890.12345 #define DEC_V5LL -1234567890LL #define DEC_V6 (double)-5.0000010000500001 #define DEC_V6LL -5LL #define DEC_V6SA "-5.000001000050000100000000000000" #define DEC_V6S _T(DEC_V6SA) #define DEC_V7 (double)-3.0 #define DEC_V7LL -3LL #define DEC_V8 (double)-0.23456789010 #define DEC_V8LL -0LL void checkIntValue(table_ptr tb) { short fieldnum = 0; // read by int64 BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVbyt(++fieldnum) == SCHAR_MAX); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVsht(++fieldnum) == SHRT_MAX); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == MINT_MIN); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == INT_MAX); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == LLONG_MAX); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVsht(++fieldnum) == UCHAR_MAX - 1); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == USHRT_MAX - 1); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == UMINT_MAX - 1); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == UINT_MAX - 1); BOOST_CHECK((unsigned __int64)tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == ULLONG_MAX - 1); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVsht(++fieldnum) == 2000); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVbyt(++fieldnum) == 254); //logi1 BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == 65000); //logi2 myDate d; d = TEST_DATE; BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == d.i); //date BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == FLOAT_V1); //double ++fieldnum;//BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == FLOAT_V2); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DOUBLE_V1); ++fieldnum; BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V1LL); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V2LL); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V3LL); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V4LL); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V5LL); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V6LL); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V7LL); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == DEC_V8LL); //decimal // read by double BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(1) == SCHAR_MAX); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(3) == MINT_MIN); double v = tb->getFVdbl(5); BOOST_CHECK(v == ((double)LLONG_MAX)); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(6) == UCHAR_MAX - 1); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(8) == UMINT_MAX - 1); fieldnum = 9; v = tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum); BOOST_CHECK(v == ((double)ULLONG_MAX - 1)); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == 2000); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == 254); //logi1 BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == 65000); //logi2 BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == (double)d.i); //date float f = tb->getFVflt(++fieldnum); BOOST_CHECK(f == FLOAT_V1); //double f = tb->getFVflt(++fieldnum); BOOST_CHECK(f == FLOAT_V2); v = tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum); BOOST_CHECK(v == DOUBLE_V1); v = tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum); if (DOUBLE_V2 > v) v = DOUBLE_V2 - v; else v = v - DOUBLE_V2; BOOST_CHECK(v < 0.000000001f); //decimal BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V1); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V2); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V3); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V4); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V5); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V6); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V7); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == DEC_V8); //read by string _TCHAR buf[50]; BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(1), _ltot(SCHAR_MAX, buf, 10)) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(3), _ltot(MINT_MIN, buf, 10)) == 0); _i64tot_s(LLONG_MAX, buf, 50, 10); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(5), buf) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(6), _ultot(UCHAR_MAX - 1, buf, 10)) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(8), _ultot(UMINT_MAX - 1, buf, 10)) == 0); fieldnum = 9; _ui64tot_s(ULLONG_MAX - 1, buf, 50, 10); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), buf) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), _ltot(2000, buf, 10)) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), _ltot(254, buf, 10)) == 0); //logi1 BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), _ltot(65000, buf, 10)) == 0); //logi2 BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), TEST_DATE) == 0); //date _TCHAR tmp[64]; _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.0f"), FLOAT_V1); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //double _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.4f"), FLOAT_V2); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //double _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.0f"), DOUBLE_V1); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //double _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.15lf"), DOUBLE_V2); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //double _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.5lf"), DEC_V1); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal _stprintf(tmp, _T("%s"), DEC_V2S); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.0lf"), DEC_V3); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.11lf"), DEC_V4); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.5lf"), DEC_V5); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal _stprintf(tmp, _T("%s"), DEC_V6S); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.0lf"), DEC_V7); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal _stprintf(tmp, _T("%0.11lf"), DEC_V8); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), tmp) == 0); //decimal } void testStoreInt(database* db) { short tableid = 1; short fieldnum = 0; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); //int64 store tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (short)SCHAR_MAX); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (short)SHRT_MAX); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (int)MINT_MIN); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(++fieldnum) == INT_MIN);// check default value tb->setFV(fieldnum, (int)INT_MAX); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == LLONG_MIN);// check default value tb->setFV(fieldnum, (__int64)LLONG_MAX); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (short)(UCHAR_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (int)(USHRT_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (int)(UMINT_MAX - 1)); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == UINT_MAX);// check default value tb->setFV(fieldnum, (__int64)(UINT_MAX - 1)); BOOST_CHECK((unsigned __int64)tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == ULLONG_MAX);// check default value tb->setFV(fieldnum, (__int64)(ULLONG_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, 2000); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, 254); //logi1 tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (int)65000); //logi2 myDate d; d = TEST_DATE; tb->setFV(++fieldnum, d.i); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (int)FLOAT_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, FLOAT_V2); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (__int64)DOUBLE_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DOUBLE_V2); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V2S); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V3); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V4); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V5); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V6S); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V7); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V8); tb->insert(); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 1); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkIntValue(tb); // char* or wchar* store tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); _TCHAR buf[50]; fieldnum = 0; tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(SCHAR_MAX, buf, 10)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(SHRT_MAX, buf, 10)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(MINT_MIN, buf, 10)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(INT_MAX, buf, 10)); _i64tot_s(LLONG_MAX, buf, 50, 10); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(UCHAR_MAX - 1, buf, 10)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(USHRT_MAX - 1, buf, 10)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(UMINT_MAX - 1, buf, 10)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ultot(UINT_MAX - 1, buf, 10)); _ui64tot_s(ULLONG_MAX - 1, buf, 50, 10); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(2000, buf, 10)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(254, buf, 10)); //logi1 tb->setFV(++fieldnum, _ltot(65000, buf, 10)); //logi2 tb->setFV(++fieldnum, TEST_DATE); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.0f"), FLOAT_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.4f"), FLOAT_V2); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.0lf"), DOUBLE_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.20lf"), DOUBLE_V2); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.5lf"), DEC_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); #if (__BCPLUSPLUS__) tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V2S); #else _stprintf(buf, _T("%.16lf"), DEC_V2); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); #endif _stprintf(buf, _T("%.1lf"), DEC_V3); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.11lf"), DEC_V4); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.5lf"), DEC_V5); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); #if (__BCPLUSPLUS__) tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V6S); #else _stprintf(buf, _T("%.16lf"), DEC_V6); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); #endif _stprintf(buf, _T("%.1lf"), DEC_V7); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); _stprintf(buf, _T("%.11lf"), DEC_V8); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, buf); tb->insert(); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkIntValue(tb); // double store tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 3); fieldnum = 0; tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)SCHAR_MAX); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)SHRT_MAX); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)MINT_MIN); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)INT_MAX); // LLONG_MAX double store not support, because happen truncation //tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)LLONG_MAX); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (__int64)LLONG_MAX); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)(UCHAR_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)(USHRT_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)(UMINT_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)(UINT_MAX - 1)); //tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)(ULLONG_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (__int64)(ULLONG_MAX - 1)); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)2000); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)254); //logi1 tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)65000); //logi2 tb->setFV(++fieldnum, (double)d.i); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, FLOAT_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, FLOAT_V2); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DOUBLE_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DOUBLE_V2); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V1); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V2S); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V3); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V4); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V5); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V6S); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V7); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, DEC_V8); tb->insert(); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 3); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkIntValue(tb); // cleanup id 3 tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 3); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); char buf2[50]; std::string values; values += "1\t"; values += _ltoa(SCHAR_MAX, buf2, 10); values += "\t2\t"; values += _ltoa(SHRT_MAX, buf2, 10); values += "\t3\t"; values += _ltoa(MINT_MIN, buf2, 10); values += "\t4\t"; values += _ltoa(INT_MAX, buf2, 10); values += "\t5\t"; _i64toa_s(LLONG_MAX, buf2, 50, 10); values += buf2; values += "\t6\t"; values += _ltoa(UCHAR_MAX - 1, buf2, 10); values += "\t7\t"; values += _ltoa(USHRT_MAX - 1, buf2, 10); values += "\t8\t"; values += _ltoa(UMINT_MAX - 1, buf2, 10); values += "\t9\t"; _i64toa_s(UINT_MAX - 1, buf2, 50, 10); values += buf2; values += "\t10\t"; _ui64toa_s(ULLONG_MAX - 1, buf2, 50, 10); values += buf2; values += "\t11\t"; values += _ltoa(2000, buf2, 10); values += "\t12\t"; values += _ltoa(254, buf2, 10); values += "\t13\t"; values += _ltoa(65000, buf2, 10); values += "\t14\t"; values += TEST_DATEA; values += "\t15\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.0f", FLOAT_V1); values += buf2; values += "\t16\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.4f", FLOAT_V2); values += buf2; values += "\t17\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.0lf", DOUBLE_V1); values += buf2; values += "\t18\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.20lf", DOUBLE_V2); values += buf2; values += "\t19\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.5lf", DEC_V1); values += buf2; values += "\t20\t"; values += DEC_V2SA; values += "\t21\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.1lf", DEC_V3); values += buf2; values += "\t22\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.11lf", DEC_V4); values += buf2; values += "\t23\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.5lf", DEC_V5); values += buf2; values += "\t24\t"; values += DEC_V6SA; values += "\t25\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.1lf", DEC_V7); values += buf2; values += "\t26\t";sprintf_s(buf2, 50, "%.11lf", DEC_V8); values += buf2; tb->test_store(values.c_str()); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 3); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkIntValue(tb); } #define TEST_TIME0 _T("23:41:12") #define TEST_TIME0A "23:41:12" #define TEST_DATETIME0 _T("2015-11-09 12:31:56") #define TEST_DATETIME0A "2015-11-09 12:31:56" const _TCHAR* TEST_TIME[7] = { _T("23:41:12"), _T(""), _T("23:41:12.34"), _T("23:41:12.987"), _T(""), _T(""), _T("23:41:12.123456") }; const char* TEST_TIMEA[7] = { "23:41:12", "", "23:41:12.34", "23:41:12.987", "", "", "23:41:12.123456" }; const _TCHAR* TEST_DATETIME[7] = { _T("2015-11-09 12:31:56"), _T(""), _T("2015-11-09 12:31:56.98"), _T("2015-11-09 12:31:56.987"), _T(""), _T(""), _T("2015-11-09 12:31:56.123456") }; const char* TEST_DATETIMEA[7] = { "2015-11-09 12:31:56", "", "2015-11-09 12:31:56.98", "2015-11-09 12:31:56.987", "", "", "2015-11-09 12:31:56.123456" }; void checkLegacyTimeValue(table_ptr tb) { short fieldnum = 0; // read by int64 myTime t(0, false); t = TEST_TIME0; BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == t.i64); myDateTime dt(0, false); dt = TEST_DATETIME0; BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == dt.i64); myTimeStamp ts(0, false); ts = TEST_DATETIME0; BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFV64(++fieldnum) == ts.i64); // read by double fieldnum = 0; BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == (double)t.i64); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == (double)dt.i64); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVdbl(++fieldnum) == (double)ts.i64); //read by string fieldnum = 0; BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), TEST_TIME0) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), TEST_DATETIME0) == 0); BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(++fieldnum), TEST_DATETIME0) == 0); } void checkAutoTimeStamp(__int64& oldValue, __int64 newValue) { BOOST_CHECK(oldValue != newValue); _TCHAR tmp[70]; myTimeStamp ts_auto(0, false); ts_auto.i64 = newValue; BOOST_CHECK(_tcscmp(btrdtoa(getNowDate(),(_TCHAR*)NULL, true), ts_auto.dateStr(tmp, 70)) == 0); oldValue = newValue; } void testStoreLegacyTime(database* db) { short tableid = 2; short fieldnum = 0; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->setTimestampMode(TIMESTAMP_VALUE_CONTROL); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 1); myTime t(0, false); t = TEST_TIME0; tb->setFV(++fieldnum, t.i64); myDateTime dt(0, false); dt = TEST_DATETIME0; tb->setFV(++fieldnum, dt.i64); myTimeStamp ts(0, false); ts = TEST_DATETIME0; tb->setFV(++fieldnum, ts.i64); tb->insert(); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 1); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkLegacyTimeValue(tb); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); fieldnum = 0; tb->setFV(++fieldnum, TEST_TIME0); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, TEST_DATETIME0); tb->setFV(++fieldnum, TEST_DATETIME0); tb->insert(); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkLegacyTimeValue(tb); __int64 ts_auto_i = tb->getFV64(3); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkAutoTimeStamp(ts_auto_i, tb->getFV64(3)); std::string values; values += "1\t"; values += TEST_TIME0A; values += "\t2\t"; values += TEST_DATETIME0A; values += "\t3\t"; values += TEST_DATETIME0A; tb->test_store(values.c_str()); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkLegacyTimeValue(tb); } void checkTimeValue(table_ptr tb, short fieldIndex, int decimals, bool mySql56timeFormat, bool isSupportMultiTimeStamp) { // read by int64 myTime t(decimals, true); t = TEST_TIME[decimals]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFV64(fieldIndex) == t.i64, "myTime decimals = " << decimals); myDateTime dt(decimals, true); maDateTime dta(decimals, true); if (mySql56timeFormat) { dt = TEST_DATETIME[decimals]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFV64(fieldIndex + 4) == dt.i64, "myDateTime decimals = " << decimals); } else { dta = TEST_DATETIME[decimals]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFV64(fieldIndex + 4) == dta.i64, "maDateTime decimals = " << decimals); } if (isSupportMultiTimeStamp || decimals == 3) { myTimeStamp ts(decimals, true); ts = TEST_DATETIME[decimals]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFV64(fieldIndex + 8) == ts.i64, "myTimeStamp decimals = " << decimals); } //read by string BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(fieldIndex), TEST_TIME[decimals]) == 0, "myTime decimals = " << decimals); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(fieldIndex + 4), TEST_DATETIME[decimals]) == 0, "dateTime decimals = " << decimals); if (isSupportMultiTimeStamp || decimals == 3) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(_tcscmp(tb->getFVstr(fieldIndex + 8), TEST_DATETIME[decimals]) == 0, "myTimeStamp decimals = " << decimals); } void checkTimeValues(table_ptr tb, bool mySql56timeFormat, bool isSupportMultiTimeStamp) { short fieldnum = 0; checkTimeValue(tb, ++fieldnum, 3, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); //3 decimals checkTimeValue(tb, ++fieldnum, 0, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); //0 decimal checkTimeValue(tb, ++fieldnum, 2, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); //2 decimals checkTimeValue(tb, ++fieldnum, 6, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); //6 decimals } void setTimeValue64(table_ptr tb, short fieldIndex, int decimals, bool mySql56timeFormat, bool isSupportMultiTimeStamp) { myTime t(decimals, true); t = TEST_TIME[decimals]; tb->setFV(fieldIndex, t.i64); myDateTime dt(decimals, true); maDateTime dta(decimals, true); if (mySql56timeFormat) { dt = TEST_DATETIME[decimals]; tb->setFV(fieldIndex + 4, dt.i64); } else { dta = TEST_DATETIME[decimals]; tb->setFV(fieldIndex + 4, dta.i64); } if (!isSupportMultiTimeStamp && decimals != 3) return; myTimeStamp ts(decimals, true); ts = TEST_DATETIME[decimals]; tb->setFV(fieldIndex + 8, ts.i64); } void testStoreTime(database* db, bool mySql56timeFormat, bool isSupportMultiTimeStamp) { short tableid = 2; short fieldnum = 0; #if (defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)) char sqlTemp[10240]; uint_td datalen = 10240; db->getSqlStringForCreateTable(_T("timetest"), sqlTemp, &datalen); OutputDebugStringA(sqlTemp); #endif table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->setTimestampMode(TIMESTAMP_VALUE_CONTROL); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 1); setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 3, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 0, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 2, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 6, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); tb->insert(); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 1); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkTimeValues(tb, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); fieldnum = 0; setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 3, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 0, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 2, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); setTimeValue64(tb, ++fieldnum, 6, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); tb->insert(); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkTimeValues(tb, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); __int64 ts_auto_i = tb->getFV64(9); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkAutoTimeStamp(ts_auto_i, tb->getFV64(9)); std::string values; values += "1\t"; values += TEST_TIMEA[3]; values += "\t2\t"; values += TEST_TIMEA[0]; values += "\t3\t"; values += TEST_TIMEA[2]; values += "\t4\t"; values += TEST_TIMEA[6]; values += "\t5\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[3]; values += "\t6\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[0]; values += "\t7\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[2]; values += "\t8\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[6]; values += "\t9\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[3]; if (isSupportMultiTimeStamp) { values += "\t10\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[0]; values += "\t11\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[2]; values += "\t12\t"; values += TEST_DATETIMEA[6]; } tb->test_store(values.c_str()); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("id"), 2); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); checkTimeValues(tb, mySql56timeFormat, isSupportMultiTimeStamp); } void test_NOT_HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD(database* db) { short tableid = 3; short fieldnum = 0; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->clearBuffer(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVNull(1) == false); tb->setFV(fieldnum++, 1); tb->setFV(fieldnum++, 10); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldnum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(fieldnum++, 2); tb->setFVNull(fieldnum++, true); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldnum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(fieldnum++, 2); tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVNull(fieldnum) == true); } void insertInManyData(table_ptr tb) { short fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("test")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("test2")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 4); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("test4")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 4); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 5); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); } void insertGroupsData(table_ptr tb) { short fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Administrators")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Users")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Guests")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Unknowns")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); } void insertUsersData(table_ptr tb) { short fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("John")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Alice")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Pochi")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Bob")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Tama")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 4); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Microsoft")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Susie")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Taro")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 4); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Google")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Lee")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, _T("Hanako")); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); } void insertScoresData(table_ptr tb) { short fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 80); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 70); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 50); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, (_TCHAR*)NULL); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 90); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 85); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 80); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 70); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 50); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 0); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 1); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 60); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 2); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 87); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); fieldNum = 0; tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 3); tb->setFV(++fieldNum, 90); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); } void testInMany(database* db) { short tableid = 4; { table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); insertInManyData(tb); } activeTable atv(db, _T("nullkey")); atv.index(1); query q; recordset rs; q.in(1, 2, 3); atv.read(rs, q); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); // read by nullkey q.reset(); atv.index(1).keyValue(0).read(rs, q); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); // read records all, that include null value atv.index(2).keyValue((const _TCHAR*)NULL).read(rs, q); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 6); rs.orderBy(_T("id2")); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id2")].isNull() == false); sortFields sf; sf.add(_T("id2"), false); rs.orderBy(sf); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id2")].isNull() == false); recordset& rs2 = *rs.clone(); recordsetQuery rq; rq.whenIsNotNull(_T("id2")); rs2.matchBy(rq); BOOST_CHECK(rs2.size() == 4); //rs2.release(); rs2 = *rs.clone(); rq.whenIsNull(_T("id2")); rs2.matchBy(rq); BOOST_CHECK(rs2.size() == 2); //rs2.release(); rs2 = *rs.clone(); rq.when(_T("id2"), _T("="), 4); rs2.matchBy(rq); BOOST_CHECK(rs2.size() == 2); rs2 = *rs.clone(); rq.when(_T("id2"), _T("<"), 3); rs2.matchBy(rq); BOOST_CHECK(rs2.size() == 1); rs2.release(); // read records after null. atv.index(2).keyValue(0).read(rs, q); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); // read in has_many. q.reset().segmentsForInValue(1).in(4); atv.index(2).read(rs, q); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 5); } void testNullValue(database* db) { { short tableid = 5; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); insertInManyData(tb); tableid = 6; table_ptr tbg = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); insertGroupsData(tbg); tableid = 7; table_ptr tbu = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); insertUsersData(tbu); tableid = 8; table_ptr tbs = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); insertScoresData(tbs); } activeTable atv(db, _T("nullvalue")); atv.index(1); activeTable atg(db, _T("groups")); atg.alias(_T("id"), _T("group_id")).alias(_T("name"), _T("group_name")); atg.index(1); activeTable atu(db, _T("users")); atu.index(0); activeTable ats(db, _T("scores")); ats.index(0); query q; recordsetQuery rq; groupQuery gq; recordset rs; fieldNames fns; fns.keyField(_T("score")); bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::count countFunc(_T("row_count")); bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::count countField(fns, _T("valid_row")); bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::sum sumField(fns, _T("sum")); bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::avg avgField(fns, _T("avg")); bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::min minField(fns, _T("min")); bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::max maxField(fns, _T("max")); // [1] WHERE id2 = 0 // query rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T("="), 0).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 0); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T("="), 0).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 0); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.when(_T("id2"), _T("="), 0); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 0); // [2] WHERE id2 <> 0 // query rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T("<>"), 0).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T("<>"), 0).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 1); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.when(_T("id2"), _T("<>"), 0); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // [3] WHERE id2 >= 0 // query rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T(">="), 0).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T(">="), 0).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 1); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.when(_T("id2"), _T(">="), 0); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // [4] WHERE id2 <= 5 // query rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T("<="), 5).reject(0); atv.keyValue(0).read(rs, q); // set keyValue as 0, CAN NOT USE NULL IN THIS OPERATION. //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("id2"), _T("<="), 5).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 1); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.when(_T("id2"), _T("<="), 5); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // [5] WHERE name like 'test%' // query rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("name"), _T("="), _T("test*")).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("name"), _T("="), _T("test*")).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 2); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.when(_T("name"), _T("="), _T("test*")); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); // [6] WHERE name not like 'test%' // query rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("name"), _T("<>"), _T("test*")).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 3); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().where(_T("name"), _T("<>"), _T("test*")).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 3); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.when(_T("name"), _T("<>"), _T("test*")); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 3); // [7] WHERE id2 IS NULL // query rs.clear(); q.reset().whereIsNull(_T("id2")).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 6); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().whereIsNull(_T("id2")).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 6); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 2); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.whenIsNull(_T("id2")); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 6); // [8] WHERE id2 IS NOT NULL // query rs.clear(); q.reset().whereIsNotNull(_T("id2")).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().whereIsNotNull(_T("id2")).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 1); // recordsetQuery rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rq.reset(); rq.whenIsNotNull(_T("id2")); rs.matchBy(rq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 5); // [9] WHERE id2 IN (1, 2, 3 // query rs.clear(); q.reset().in(1, 2, 3).reject(0); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); // query reverse rs.clear(); q.reset().in(1, 2, 3).reject(0).direction(table::findBackForword); atv.keyValue(100).read(rs, q); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); // [10] select * from `values` join `groups` on `values`.id2 = `groups`.id; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); atg.join(rs, q, _T("id2")); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id2")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("group_name")] == _T("Administrators")); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id2")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("group_name")] == _T("Guests")); // [11] select * from `values` join `groups` on `values`.id2 = `groups`.pri_id and `values`.id3 = `groups`.id; atv.index(2); atg.index(2); rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); atg.join(rs, q, _T("id2"), _T("id3")); atv.index(1); atg.index(1); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id2")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("group_name")] == _T("Administrators")); // [12] select * from `values` left outer join `groups` on `values`.id2 = `groups`.id; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); atg.outerJoin(rs, q, _T("id2")); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 6); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id2")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("group_name")] == _T("Administrators")); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id2")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("group_name")] == _T("Guests")); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5].isInvalidRecord() == true); // [13] select * from `values` left outer join `groups` on `values`.id2 = `groups`.pri_id and `values`.id3 = `groups`.id; atv.index(2); atg.index(2); rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL, (char *)NULL).read(rs, q); atg.outerJoin(rs, q, _T("id2"), _T("id3")); atv.index(1); atg.index(1); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 6); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id2")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("group_name")] == _T("Administrators")); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5].isInvalidRecord() == true); // [14] select id2 from `values` order by id2; rs.clear(); q.reset().select(_T("id2")); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); rs.orderBy(_T("id2")); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 6); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id2")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id2")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("id2")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("id2")] == 4); // [15] select id2 from `values` order by id2 DESC; rs.clear(); q.reset().select(_T("id2")); atv.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); sortFields orders; orders.add(_T("id2"), false); // DESC rs.orderBy(orders); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 6); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id2")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id2")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id2")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id2")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("id2")].isNull() == true); // [16] select * from users2 group by `group`; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atu.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); gq.reset(); gq.keyField(_T("group")); rs.groupBy(gq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("group")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("group")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("group")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("group")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("group")] == 4); // [17] select * from users2 group by `group`, `class`; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atu.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); gq.reset(); gq.keyField(_T("group"), _T("class")); rs.groupBy(gq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 9); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("group")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("class")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("group")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("class")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("group")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("class")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("group")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("class")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("group")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("class")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("group")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("class")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[6][_T("group")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[6][_T("class")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[7][_T("group")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[7][_T("class")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[8][_T("group")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[8][_T("class")] == 3); // [18] select `group`, count(*) from users2 group by `group`; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atu.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); gq.reset(); gq.keyField(_T("group")); gq.addFunction(&countFunc); rs.groupBy(gq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("group")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("row_count")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("group")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("row_count")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("group")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("row_count")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("group")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("row_count")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("group")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("row_count")] == 2); // [19] select `group`, `class`, count(*) from users2 group by `group`, `class`; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); atu.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); gq.reset(); gq.keyField(_T("group"), _T("class")); gq.addFunction(&countFunc); rs.groupBy(gq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 9); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("group")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("class")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("row_count")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("group")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("class")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("row_count")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("group")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("class")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("row_count")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("group")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("class")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("row_count")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("group")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("class")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[4][_T("row_count")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("group")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("class")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[5][_T("row_count")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[6][_T("group")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[6][_T("class")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[6][_T("row_count")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[7][_T("group")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[7][_T("class")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[7][_T("row_count")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[8][_T("group")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[8][_T("class")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[8][_T("row_count")] == 2); // [20] select count(*) as cnt1, count(score) as cnt2, sum(score) as sum, avg(score) as avg, min(score) as min, max(score) as max from subjectscores; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); ats.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); gq.reset(); gq.addFunction(&countFunc); gq.addFunction(&countField); gq.addFunction(&sumField); gq.addFunction(&avgField); gq.addFunction(&minField); gq.addFunction(&maxField); rs.groupBy(gq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("row_count")] == 13); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("valid_row")] == 12); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("sum")] == 812); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("avg")] == (812/12)); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("min")] == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("max")] == 90); // [21] select count(*) as cnt1, count(score) as cnt2, sum(score) as sum, avg(score) as avg, min(score) as min, max(score) as max from subjectscores group by subject; rs.clear(); q.reset().all(); ats.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); gq.reset(); gq.addFunction(&countFunc); gq.addFunction(&countField); gq.addFunction(&sumField); gq.addFunction(&avgField); gq.addFunction(&minField); gq.addFunction(&maxField); gq.keyField(_T("subject")); rs.groupBy(gq); //rs.dump(); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("subject")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("row_count")] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("valid_row")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("sum")] == 260); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("avg")] == (260/4)); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("min")] == 50); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("max")] == 80); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("subject")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("row_count")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("valid_row")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("sum")] == 262); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("avg")] == (262/3)); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("min")] == 85); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("max")] == 90); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("subject")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("row_count")] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("valid_row")] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("sum")] == 290); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("avg")] == (290/5)); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("min")] == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("max")] == 90); } #define SEB_DB_TABLE_NAME _T("setenumbit") void testSetEnumBit() { database* db = database::create(); db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3)); activeTable ats(db, SEB_DB_TABLE_NAME); ats.index(0); recordset rs; query q; q.reset().all(); ats.keyValue((char *)NULL).read(rs, q); #ifdef _DEBUG //rs.dump(); #endif BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("id")] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("set5")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("set64")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("enum2")].i64() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("enum260")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("bit1")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("bit8")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("bit32")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[0][_T("bit64")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("id")] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("set5")].i64() == 31); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("set64")].i64() == (__int64)0x8000000000000001); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("enum2")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("enum260")].i64() == 260); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("bit1")].i64() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("bit8")].i64() == 0xFF); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("bit32")].i64() == 0xFFFFFFFF); BOOST_CHECK(rs[1][_T("bit64")].i64() == (__int64)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("id")] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("set5")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("set64")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("enum2")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("enum260")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("bit1")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("bit8")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("bit32")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[2][_T("bit64")].i64() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("id")] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("set5")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("set64")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("enum2")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("enum260")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("bit1")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("bit8")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("bit32")].isNull() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[3][_T("bit64")].isNull() == true); db->release(); } #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/fieldComp.h> void testCompInt() { for (ushort_td len = 1; len < 6; ++len) { if (len == 5) len = 8; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_integer, len, eEqual, 0); __int64 l; __int64 r; l = 0; r = 1; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = 0; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 1; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = -1;r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = -1;r = -1; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = -1;r = -2; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } void testCompUint() { for (ushort_td len = 1; len < 6; ++len) { if (len == 5) len = 8; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_uinteger, len, eEqual, 0); unsigned __int64 l; unsigned __int64 r; l = 0; r = ULLONG_MAX; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = 0; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 1; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = ULLONG_MAX; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = ULLONG_MAX; r = ULLONG_MAX; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = ULLONG_MAX-1;r = ULLONG_MAX; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); } } void testCompDouble() { ushort_td len = 4; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_float, len, eEqual, 0); { float l; float r; l = (float)-0.2; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = (float)-0.2; r = (float)-0.2; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = (float)0.2; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { double l; double r; len = 8; compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_float, len, eEqual, 0); l = -0.000000000000002; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = -0.000000000000002; r = -0.000000000000002; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 0.000000000000002; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } void testCompBit() { for (ushort_td len = 1; len < 8; ++len) { // equal comp comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_bit, len, eEqual, 0); unsigned __int64 l; unsigned __int64 r; l = 0; r = 0xF0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = 0; r = 0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 1; r = 0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = 0xF0; r = 0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = 0xF0; r = 0xF0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 0xF0-1;r = 0xF0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); // bit comp compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_bit, len, eBitAnd, 0); l = 0xFF; r = 0xF0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 0xF0; r = 0xF; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); int v = compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len); BOOST_CHECK(v > 0); compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_bit, len, eNotBitAnd, 0); l = 0xFF; r = 0xF0; l = changeEndian(l, len);r = changeEndian(r, len); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); } } void testCompSet() { for (ushort_td len = 1; len < 5; ++len) { if (len == 5) len = 8; // equal comp comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_set, len, eEqual, 0); unsigned __int64 l; unsigned __int64 r; l = 0; r = 0xF0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = 0; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 1; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = 0xF0; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = 0xF0; r = 0xF0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 0xF0-1;r = 0xF0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); // bit comp compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_set, len, eBitAnd, 0); l = 0xFF; r = 0xF0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 0xF0; r = 0xF; int v = compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len); BOOST_CHECK(v > 0); compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_set, len, eNotBitAnd, 0); l = 0xFF; r = 0xF0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); } } void testCompEnum() { for (ushort_td len = 1; len < 3; ++len) { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_enum, len, eEqual, 0); unsigned short l; unsigned short r; l = 0; r = USHRT_MAX; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = 0; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 1; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = USHRT_MAX; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); l = USHRT_MAX; r = USHRT_MAX; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = USHRT_MAX-1;r = USHRT_MAX; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); } } void testCompYear() { ushort_td len = 1; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_myyear, len, eEqual, 0); unsigned char l; unsigned char r; l = 0; r = 0XFF; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); l = 0; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); l = 0XFF; r = 0; BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } void testCompDate() { ushort_td len = 3; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydate, len, eEqual, 0); myDate ld, rd; int l, r; ld = _T("1900-01-01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-01"); rd = _T("1900-01-01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02"); rd = _T("1900-01-01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } void testCompTime() { __int64 l, r; { ushort_td len = 3; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime_num_cmp, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(0, false), rd(0, false); ld = _T("00:00:59"); rd = _T("16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:01"); rd = _T("00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("16:59:00"); rd = _T("00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(0, true), rd(0, true); ld = _T("00:00:59"); rd = _T("16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:01"); rd = _T("00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("16:59:00"); rd = _T("00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 4; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(1, true), rd(1, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("00:00:59.2"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("00:00:59.1"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(2, true), rd(2, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("00:00:59.02"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("00:00:59.01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 5; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(3, true), rd(3, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(4, true), rd(4, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.0000"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 6; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(5, true), rd(5, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); myTime ld(6, true), rd(6, true); ld = _T("01:00:59.999999"); rd = _T("10:00:59.100001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.000001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.000001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("10:00:59.000000"); rd = _T("10:00:58.999999"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } } void testCompDateTime() { __int64 l, r; { ushort_td len = 5; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(0, true), rd(0, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 6; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(1, true), rd(1, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.2"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(2, true), rd(2, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.02"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 7; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(3, true), rd(3, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(4, true), rd(4, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 8; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(5, true), rd(5, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(6, true), rd(6, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 01:00:59.999999"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 10:00:59.100001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 10:00:59.000000"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 10:00:58.999999"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime_num_cmp, len, eEqual, 0); myDateTime ld(0, false), rd(0, false); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } } void testCompTimeStamp() { __int64 l, r; { ushort_td len = 4; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(0, true), rd(0, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp_num_cmp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(0, false), rd(0, false); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 5; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(1, true), rd(1, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.2"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(2, true), rd(2, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.02"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 6; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(3, true), rd(3, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(4, true), rd(4, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 7; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(5, true), rd(5, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); myTimeStamp ld(6, true), rd(6, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 01:00:59.999999"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 10:00:59.100001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 10:00:59.000000"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 10:00:58.999999"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } } void testCompTimeMa() { __int64 l, r; { ushort_td len = 3; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime_num_cmp, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(0, false), rd(0, false); ld = _T("00:00:59"); rd = _T("16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:01"); rd = _T("00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("16:59:00"); rd = _T("00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(0, true), rd(0, true); ld = _T("00:00:59"); rd = _T("16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:01"); rd = _T("00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("16:59:00"); rd = _T("00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 4; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(1, true), rd(1, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("00:00:59.2"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("00:00:59.1"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(2, true), rd(2, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("00:00:59.02"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("00:00:59.01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 5; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(3, true), rd(3, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(4, true), rd(4, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.0000"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.0000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 6; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(5, true), rd(5, true); ld = _T("00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.00000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytime, len, eEqual, 0); maTime ld(6, true), rd(6, true); ld = _T("01:00:59.999999"); rd = _T("10:00:59.100001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("00:00:59.000001"); rd = _T("00:00:59.000001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("10:00:59.000000"); rd = _T("10:00:58.999999"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } } void testCompDateTimeMa() { __int64 l, r; { ushort_td len = 5; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(0, true), rd(0, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 6; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(1, true), rd(1, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.2"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(2, true), rd(2, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.02"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 7; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(3, true), rd(3, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(4, true), rd(4, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 8; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(5, true), rd(5, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.00000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(6, true), rd(6, true); ld = _T("1900-01-02 01:00:59.999999"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 10:00:59.100001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 10:00:59.000000"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 10:00:58.999999"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydatetime_num_cmp, len, eEqual, 0); maDateTime ld(0, false), rd(0, false); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1900-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1900-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } } void testCompTimeStampMa() { __int64 l, r; { ushort_td len = 4; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(0, true), rd(0, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp_num_cmp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(0, false), rd(0, false); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 16:59:00"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 5; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(1, true), rd(1, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.2"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.1"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(2, true), rd(2, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.02"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.01"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 6; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(3, true), rd(3, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) < 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(4, true), rd(4, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == -1); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.0000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } len = 7; { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(5, true), rd(5, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00002"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == -1); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.00000"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mytimestamp, len, eEqual, 0); maTimeStamp ld(6, true), rd(6, true); ld = _T("1970-01-02 01:00:59.999999"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 10:00:59.100001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == -1); ld = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 00:00:59.000001"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) == 0); ld = _T("1970-01-02 10:00:59.000000"); rd = _T("1970-01-02 10:00:58.999999"); l = ld.getValue(); r = rd.getValue(); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc((const char*)&l, (const char*)&r, len) > 0); } } } void doTestCompStringOne(const char* lt , const char* rt, int ret, int len, int sizeByte, comp1Func compFunc) { char l[128] = {0x00}; char r[128] = {0x00}; strcpy(l + sizeByte, lt); strcpy(r + sizeByte, rt); if (sizeByte) { l[0] = (char)strlen(lt); r[0] = (char)len; } int v = compFunc((const char*)l, (const char*)r, len); if (ret > 0) BOOST_CHECK( v > 0); else if (ret == 0) BOOST_CHECK( v == 0); else BOOST_CHECK( v < 0); } void doTestCompString(uchar_td type, int sizeByte) { uchar_td logType = eEqual; ushort_td len = 2; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompStringOne("abcc", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("a", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("ab99", "abcc", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("accc", "ab0", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType |= CMPLOGICAL_CASEINSENSITIVE; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompStringOne("Abc", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("Abc", "aBc", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("acc", "Abc", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType = eEqual | CMPLOGICAL_VAR_COMP_ALL; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompStringOne("ab", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("ab", "ab", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("ac", "ab", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType |= CMPLOGICAL_CASEINSENSITIVE; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompStringOne("Ab", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("Ab", "aB", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompStringOne("ac", "Ab", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); } void testCompString() { doTestCompString(ft_mychar, 0); doTestCompString(ft_string, 0); doTestCompString(ft_zstring, 0); doTestCompString(ft_note, 0); doTestCompString(ft_myvarchar, 1); doTestCompString(ft_myvarchar, 2); doTestCompString(ft_myvarbinary, 1); doTestCompString(ft_myvarbinary, 2); doTestCompString(ft_lstring, 1); doTestCompString(ft_lstring, 2); } #ifdef _WIN32 void doTestCompWStringOne(const wchar_t* lt , const wchar_t* rt, int ret, int len, int sizeByte, comp1Func compFunc) { char l[128] = {0x00}; char r[128] = {0x00}; wcscpy((wchar_t*)(l + sizeByte), lt); wcscpy((wchar_t*)(r + sizeByte), rt); if (sizeByte) { l[0] = (char)wcslen(lt) * 2; r[0] = (char)len; } int v = compFunc((const char*)l, (const char*)r, len); if (ret > 0) BOOST_CHECK( v > 0); else if (ret == 0) BOOST_CHECK( v == 0); else BOOST_CHECK( v < 0); } void doTestCompWString(uchar_td type, int sizeByte) { uchar_td logType = eEqual; ushort_td len = 4; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompWStringOne(L"abcc", L"ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"a", L"ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"ab99", L"abcc", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"accc", L"ab0", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType |= CMPLOGICAL_CASEINSENSITIVE; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompWStringOne(L"Abc", L"ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"Abc", L"aBc", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"acc", L"Abc", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType = eEqual | CMPLOGICAL_VAR_COMP_ALL; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompWStringOne(L"ab", L"ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"ab", L"ab", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"ac", L"ab", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType |= CMPLOGICAL_CASEINSENSITIVE; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompWStringOne(L"Ab", L"ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"Ab", L"aB", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompWStringOne(L"ac", L"Ab", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); } void testCompWString() { doTestCompWString(ft_mywchar, 0); doTestCompWString(ft_wstring, 0); doTestCompWString(ft_wzstring, 0); doTestCompWString(ft_mywvarchar, 1); doTestCompWString(ft_mywvarchar, 2); doTestCompWString(ft_mywvarbinary, 1); doTestCompWString(ft_mywvarbinary, 2); } #endif void doTestCompBlobOne(const char* lt , const char* rt, int ret, int len, int sizeByte, comp1Func compFunc) { char l[128] = {0x00}; char lb[128] = {0x00}; char r[128] = {0x00}; strcpy(lb, lt); strcpy(r + sizeByte, rt); l[0] = (char)strlen(lt); char** p = (char**)(l + sizeByte); *p = lb; r[0] = (char)len; int v = compFunc((const char*)l, (const char*)r, len); if (ret > 0) BOOST_CHECK( v > 0); else if (ret == 0) BOOST_CHECK( v == 0); else BOOST_CHECK( v < 0); } void doTestCompBlob(uchar_td type, int sizeByte) { uchar_td logType = eEqual; ushort_td len = 2; comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompBlobOne("abcc", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("a", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("ab99", "abcc", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("accc", "ab0", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType |= CMPLOGICAL_CASEINSENSITIVE; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompBlobOne("Abc", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("Abc", "aBc", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("acc", "Abc", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType = eEqual | CMPLOGICAL_VAR_COMP_ALL; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompBlobOne("ab", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("ab", "ab", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("ac", "ab", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); logType |= CMPLOGICAL_CASEINSENSITIVE; compFunc = getCompFunc(type, 0, logType, sizeByte); doTestCompBlobOne("Ab", "ac", -1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("Ab", "aB", 0, len, sizeByte, compFunc); doTestCompBlobOne("ac", "Ab", 1, len, sizeByte, compFunc); } void testCompBlob() { doTestCompBlob(ft_mytext, 1); doTestCompBlob(ft_mytext, 2); doTestCompBlob(ft_mytext, 3); doTestCompBlob(ft_mytext, 4); doTestCompBlob(ft_myblob, 1); doTestCompBlob(ft_myblob, 2); doTestCompBlob(ft_myblob, 3); doTestCompBlob(ft_myblob, 4); } void testCompDecimal() { comp1Func compFunc = getCompFunc(ft_mydecimal, 0, 0, 0); BOOST_CHECK(compFunc != NULL); } void testSnapshotWithbinlog() { nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(true); database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_READONLY); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); table* tb = db->openTable(1, TD_OPEN_READONLY); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); btrVersions vs; db->getBtrVersion(&vs); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); btrVersion ver = vs.versions[1]; binlogPos bpos; db->beginSnapshot(CONSISTENT_READ_WITH_BINLOG_POS, &bpos); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == 0, "stat = " << db->stat()); BOOST_CHECK(strlen(bpos.filename) >= 5); BOOST_CHECK(bpos.pos != 0); if (ver.isMariaDB() && ver.majorVersion > 5) { BOOST_CHECK(bpos.type == REPL_POSTYPE_MARIA_GTID); BOOST_CHECK(strlen(bpos.gtid) >= 5); } else if (ver.minorVersion > 5) { //mysql 5.6 5.7 bool ret = (bpos.type == REPL_POSTYPE_POS || bpos.type == REPL_POSTYPE_GTID); BOOST_CHECK(ret); if (bpos.type == REPL_POSTYPE_GTID) BOOST_CHECK(strlen(bpos.gtid) >= 35); } else BOOST_CHECK(bpos.type == REPL_POSTYPE_POS); //Test invalid close tb->close(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == STATUS_ALREADY_INSNAPSHOT); db->endSnapshot(); db->createTable(test_view);// create view for next test BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); } void testConnMgr() { nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(true); database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); connMgr_ptr mgr(createConnMgr(db.get())); mgr->connect(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, _T(""))); BOOST_CHECK(mgr->stat() == 0); { const connMgr::records& recs = mgr->tables(DBNAMEV3); BOOST_CHECK(mgr->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(recs.size() == 10); //8 + setenumbit + test.bdf } { const connMgr::records& recs = mgr->views(DBNAMEV3); BOOST_CHECK(mgr->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(recs.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(recs[0].name == std::string("idlessthan5")); } { const connMgr::records& recs = mgr->schemaTables(DBNAMEV3); BOOST_CHECK(mgr->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(recs.size() == 1); BOOST_CHECK(recs[0].name == std::string("test")); } { mgr->slaveStatus(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(mgr->stat() == 0, "stat = " << mgr->stat()); } { const connMgr::records& recs = mgr->extendedvars(); BOOST_CHECK(mgr->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(recs.size() == TD_EXTENDED_VAR_SIZE); _tprintf(_T("\nSQL_GTID_MODE = %lld\n"), recs[TD_EXTENDED_VAR_MYSQL_GTID_MODE].longValue); } { const connMgr::records& recs = mgr->slaveHosts(); BOOST_CHECK(mgr->stat() == 0); for (int i=0;i<(int)recs.size();++i) { _TCHAR tmp[1024]; recs[i].value(tmp, 1024); _tprintf(_T("slaveHosts = %u\t%u\t%s\n"), recs[i].id, recs[i].readCount, tmp); } } mgr->disconnect(); } void testCreateInfo() { nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(true); database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_READONLY); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); char buf[2048]; uint_td size = 2048; db->getCreateViewSql(_T("idlessthan5"), buf, &size); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(size > 20); table* tb = db->openTable(1, TD_OPEN_READONLY); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); size = 2048; tb->getCreateSql(buf, &size); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(size > 1000); db->close(); BOOST_CHECK(db->stat() == 0); } void testAlias() { try { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("users")); tb->setAlias(_T("name"), _T("name_alias")); tb->setAlias(_T("name"), _T("name_alias2")); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); // access original BOOST_CHECK(_tstring(tb->getFVstr(_T("name"))) == _tstring(_T("John"))); // access alias BOOST_CHECK(_tstring(tb->getFVstr(_T("name_alias"))) == _tstring(_T("John"))); BOOST_CHECK(_tstring(tb->getFVstr(_T("name_alias2"))) == _tstring(_T("John"))); //query query q; q.select(_T("name_alias2_")); tb->setQuery(&q); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() != 0); q.reset().select(_T("name_alias2")); tb->setQuery(&q); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->find(); if (tb->stat() == 0) BOOST_CHECK(_tstring(tb->getFVstr(_T("name_alias2"))) == _tstring(_T("John"))); while (tb->stat() == 0) { BOOST_CHECK(_tstring(tb->getFVstr(_T("name"))) != _tstring(_T(""))); tb->findNext(); } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(false); _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testAutoincWithBlob() { try { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("users")); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFV(_T("blob"), "abc"); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(_T("id")) > 0); BOOST_CHECK(strcmp(tb->getFVAstr(_T("blob")), "abc") == 0); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setFVNull(_T("blob"), true); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVint(_T("id")) > 0); BOOST_CHECK(tb->getFVNull(_T("blob")) == true); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(false); _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testBinaryFieldConvert() { // Ansi stringConverter cv(CP_UTF8, CP_UTF8); //Unicode --> utf8 bool ret = cv.isNeedConvert<WCHAR, char>() == true; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //utf8 --> utf8 ret = cv.isNeedConvert<char, char>() == false; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //cp932 --> utf8 cv.setCodePage(932); ret = cv.isNeedConvert<char, char>() == true; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //binnary --> utf8 cv.setCodePage(0); ret = cv.isNeedConvert<char, char>() == false; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //binnary ? Unicode --> utf8, Unicode fields are force convert ret = cv.isNeedConvert<WCHAR, char>() == true; BOOST_CHECK(ret); // Unicode // Unicode --> Unicode cv.setCodePage(CP_UTF8); ret = cv.isNeedConvert<WCHAR, WCHAR>() == false; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //utf8 --> Unicode ret = cv.isNeedConvert<char, WCHAR>() == true; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //cp932 --> Unicode cv.setCodePage(932); ret = cv.isNeedConvert<char, WCHAR>() == true; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //binnary --> Unicode cv.setCodePage(0); ret = cv.isNeedConvert<char, WCHAR>() == false; BOOST_CHECK(ret); //binnary ? Unicode --> Unicode, ret = cv.isNeedConvert<WCHAR, WCHAR>() == false; BOOST_CHECK(ret); } void testTableInvalidRecord() { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("users")); query q; q.in(1,2,-1,3,4,50000); tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->setQuery(&q); tb->find(); int i = 0; int fdi = 0; while (tb->stat()==0 || tb->stat() == STATUS_NOT_FOUND_TI) { if (i == 2 || i == 5) { BOOST_CHECK(tb->fields().isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(tb->fields()[fdi].isNull() == true); } else { BOOST_CHECK(tb->fields().isInvalidRecord() == false); BOOST_CHECK(tb->fields()[fdi].isNull() == false); } //printf("index %d = %s\n", i, tb->fields()[fdi].isNull() ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL"); tb->findNext(); ++i; } BOOST_CHECK(tb->fields().isInvalidRecord() == true); tb->clearBuffer(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->fields().isInvalidRecord() == false); activeTable at(db, _T("users")); recordset rs; at.index(0).read(rs, q); BOOST_CHECK(rs.size() == 6); for (int i = 0; i < (int)rs.size(); ++i) { if (i == 2 || i == 5) { BOOST_CHECK(rs[i].isInvalidRecord() == true); BOOST_CHECK(rs[i][fdi].isNull() == true); } else { BOOST_CHECK(rs[i].isInvalidRecord() == false); BOOST_CHECK(rs[i][fdi].isNull() == false); } } } bool checkTimeStampFormat(database_ptr db, const char* funcName) { btrVersions versions; db->getBtrVersion(&versions); if(versions.versions[VER_IDX_DB_SERVER].isFullLegacyTimeFormat()) { printf("[Warning] Server not support timstamp with microseconds.(%s is passed)\n", funcName); return false; } return true; } void test_UTCC() { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); if (checkTimeStampFormat(db, "test_UTCC") == false) return; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("users")); table_ptr tb2 = openTable(db, _T("users")); // test in changeCurrentCc or changeCurrentNcc db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); //Sleep(1000); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->setFV(_T("name"), _T("mike")); tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(true); tb2->update(nstable::changeCurrentCc); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->setFV(_T("name"), _T("mike")); tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(false); tb2->update(nstable::changeCurrentCc); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); //Sleep(1000); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->setFV(_T("name"), _T("mike")); // test in changeInKey tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(true); tb2->update(nstable::changeInKey); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->setFV(_T("name"), _T("mike")); tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(false); tb2->update(nstable::changeInKey); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); db->abortTrn(); } void test_UTCC_delete() { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); if (checkTimeStampFormat(db, "test_UTCC_delete") == false) return; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("users")); table_ptr tb2 = openTable(db, _T("users")); // test in changeCurrentCc or changeCurrentNcc db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); //Sleep(1000); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(true); tb2->del(false); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(false); tb2->del(false); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); //Sleep(1000); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); // test in changeInKey tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(true); tb2->del(true); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); tb->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->seekFirst(); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); tb->setFV(_T("name"), _T("John")); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK(tb->stat() == 0); tb2->setUpdateConflictCheck(false); tb2->del(true); BOOST_CHECK(tb2->stat() == 0); db->abortTrn(); } void test_UTCC_wt() { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); if (checkTimeStampFormat(db, "test_UTCC_wt") == false) return; activeTable at(db, _T("users")); activeTable at2(db, _T("users")); writableRecord& wr = at.getWritableRecord(); writableRecord& wr2 = at2.getWritableRecord(); db->beginTrn(); wr[_T("id")] = 1; bool ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret); wr2[_T("id")] = 1; bool ret2 = wr2.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret2); wr[_T("name")] = _T("John"); wr.update(); wr2[_T("name")] = _T("mike"); at2.table()->setUpdateConflictCheck(true); try { wr2.update(true, true); BOOST_CHECK(false); } catch(bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(*bzs::rtl::getCode(e) == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); } try { wr2.update(); BOOST_CHECK(false); } catch(bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(*bzs::rtl::getCode(e) == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); } db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); wr[_T("id")] = 1; ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret); wr2[_T("id")] = 1; ret2 = wr2.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret2); wr[_T("name")] = _T("John"); wr.update(); wr2[_T("name")] = _T("mike"); at2.table()->setUpdateConflictCheck(false); try { wr2.update(); BOOST_CHECK(true); } catch(bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(*bzs::rtl::getCode(e) == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); } db->abortTrn(); } void test_UTCC_wt_save() { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); if (checkTimeStampFormat(db, "test_UTCC_wt_save") == false) return; activeTable at(db, _T("users")); activeTable at2(db, _T("users")); writableRecord& wr = at.getWritableRecord(); writableRecord& wr2 = at2.getWritableRecord(); db->beginTrn(); wr[_T("id")] = 1; bool ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret); wr2[_T("id")] = 1; bool ret2 = wr2.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret2); wr[_T("name")] = _T("John"); wr.save(); wr2[_T("name")] = _T("mike"); at2.table()->setUpdateConflictCheck(true); try { wr2.save(); BOOST_CHECK(false); } catch(bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(*bzs::rtl::getCode(e) == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); } db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); wr[_T("id")] = 1; ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret); wr2[_T("id")] = 1; ret2 = wr2.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret2); wr[_T("name")] = _T("John"); wr.save(); wr2[_T("name")] = _T("mike"); at2.table()->setUpdateConflictCheck(false); try { wr2.save(); BOOST_CHECK(true); } catch(bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(*bzs::rtl::getCode(e) == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); } db->abortTrn(); } void test_UTCC_wt_delete() { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); if (checkTimeStampFormat(db, "test_UTCC_wt_delete") == false) return; activeTable at(db, _T("users")); activeTable at2(db, _T("users")); writableRecord& wr = at.getWritableRecord(); writableRecord& wr2 = at2.getWritableRecord(); db->beginTrn(); wr[_T("id")] = 1; bool ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret); wr2[_T("id")] = 1; bool ret2 = wr2.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret2); wr[_T("name")] = _T("John"); wr.update(); at2.table()->setUpdateConflictCheck(true); try { wr2.del(); BOOST_CHECK(false); } catch(bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(*bzs::rtl::getCode(e) == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); } db->abortTrn(); db->beginTrn(); wr[_T("id")] = 1; ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret); wr2[_T("id")] = 1; ret2 = wr2.read(); BOOST_CHECK(ret2); wr[_T("name")] = _T("John"); wr.update(); at2.table()->setUpdateConflictCheck(false); try { wr2.del(); BOOST_CHECK(true); } catch(bzs::rtl::exception& e) { BOOST_CHECK(*bzs::rtl::getCode(e) == STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT); } db->abortTrn(); } #pragma warning(default : 4996) #endif // BZS_TEST_TRDCLENGN_TESTFIELD_H