#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:mount), :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do before :each do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).stubs(:defaultprovider).returns providerclass end let :providerclass do described_class.provide(:fake_mount_provider) do attr_accessor :property_hash def create; end def destroy; end def exists? get(:ensure) != :absent end def mount; end def umount; end def mounted? [:mounted, :ghost].include?(get(:ensure)) end mk_resource_methods end end let :provider do providerclass.new(:name => 'yay') end let :resource do described_class.new(:name => "yay", :audit => :ensure, :provider => provider) end let :ensureprop do resource.property(:ensure) end it "should have a :refreshable feature that requires the :remount method" do expect(described_class.provider_feature(:refreshable).methods).to eq([:remount]) end it "should have no default value for :ensure" do mount = described_class.new(:name => "yay") expect(mount.should(:ensure)).to be_nil end it "should have :name as the only keyattribut" do expect(described_class.key_attributes).to eq([:name]) end describe "when validating attributes" do [:name, :remounts, :provider].each do |param| it "should have a #{param} parameter" do expect(described_class.attrtype(param)).to eq(:param) end end [:ensure, :device, :blockdevice, :fstype, :options, :pass, :dump, :atboot, :target].each do |param| it "should have a #{param} property" do expect(described_class.attrtype(param)).to eq(:property) end end end describe "when validating values" do describe "for name" do it "should allow full qualified paths" do expect(described_class.new(:name => "/mnt/foo")[:name]).to eq('/mnt/foo') end it "should remove trailing slashes" do expect(described_class.new(:name => '/')[:name]).to eq('/') expect(described_class.new(:name => '//')[:name]).to eq('/') expect(described_class.new(:name => '/foo/')[:name]).to eq('/foo') expect(described_class.new(:name => '/foo/bar/')[:name]).to eq('/foo/bar') expect(described_class.new(:name => '/foo/bar/baz//')[:name]).to eq('/foo/bar/baz') end it "should not allow spaces" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/mnt/foo bar") }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /name.*whitespace/ end it "should allow pseudo mountpoints (e.g. swap)" do expect(described_class.new(:name => 'none')[:name]).to eq('none') end end describe "for ensure" do it "should alias :present to :defined as a value to :ensure" do mount = described_class.new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :present) expect(mount.should(:ensure)).to eq(:defined) end it "should support :present as a value to :ensure" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :present) }.to_not raise_error end it "should support :defined as a value to :ensure" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :defined) }.to_not raise_error end it "should support :unmounted as a value to :ensure" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :unmounted) }.to_not raise_error end it "should support :absent as a value to :ensure" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :absent) }.to_not raise_error end it "should support :mounted as a value to :ensure" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :mounted) }.to_not raise_error end it "should not support other values for :ensure" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :mount) }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Invalid value/ end end describe "for device" do it "should support normal /dev paths for device" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => '/dev/hda1') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => '/dev/dsk/c0d0s0') }.to_not raise_error end it "should support labels for device" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => 'LABEL=/boot') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => 'LABEL=SWAP-hda6') }.to_not raise_error end it "should support pseudo devices for device" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => 'ctfs') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => 'swap') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => 'sysfs') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => 'proc') }.to_not raise_error end it 'should not support whitespace in device' do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => '/dev/my dev/foo') }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /device.*whitespace/ expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :device => "/dev/my\tdev/foo") }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /device.*whitespace/ end end describe "for blockdevice" do before :each do # blockdevice is only used on Solaris Facter.stubs(:value).with(:operatingsystem).returns 'Solaris' Facter.stubs(:value).with(:osfamily).returns 'Solaris' end it "should support normal /dev/rdsk paths for blockdevice" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :blockdevice => '/dev/rdsk/c0d0s0') }.to_not raise_error end it "should support a dash for blockdevice" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :blockdevice => '-') }.to_not raise_error end it "should not support whitespace in blockdevice" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :blockdevice => '/dev/my dev/foo') }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /blockdevice.*whitespace/ expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :blockdevice => "/dev/my\tdev/foo") }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /blockdevice.*whitespace/ end it "should default to /dev/rdsk/DEVICE if device is /dev/dsk/DEVICE" do obj = described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :device => '/dev/dsk/c0d0s0') expect(obj[:blockdevice]).to eq('/dev/rdsk/c0d0s0') end it "should default to - if it is an nfs-share" do obj = described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :device => "server://share", :fstype => 'nfs') expect(obj[:blockdevice]).to eq('-') end it "should have no default otherwise" do expect(described_class.new(:name => "/foo")[:blockdevice]).to eq(nil) expect(described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :device => "/foo")[:blockdevice]).to eq(nil) end it "should overwrite any default if blockdevice is explicitly set" do expect(described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :device => '/dev/dsk/c0d0s0', :blockdevice => '/foo')[:blockdevice]).to eq('/foo') expect(described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :device => "server://share", :fstype => 'nfs', :blockdevice => '/foo')[:blockdevice]).to eq('/foo') end end describe "for fstype" do it "should support valid fstypes" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :fstype => 'ext3') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :fstype => 'proc') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :fstype => 'sysfs') }.to_not raise_error end it "should support auto as a special fstype" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :fstype => 'auto') }.to_not raise_error end it "should not support whitespace in fstype" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :fstype => 'ext 3') }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /fstype.*whitespace/ end it "should not support an empty string in fstype" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :fstype => "") }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /fstype.*empty string/ end end describe "for options" do it "should support a single option" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :options => 'ro') }.to_not raise_error end it "should support multiple options as a comma separated list" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :options => 'ro,rsize=4096') }.to_not raise_error end it "should not support whitespace in options" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :options => ['ro','foo bar','intr']) }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /option.*whitespace/ end it "should not support an empty string in options" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :options => "") }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /option.*empty string/ end end describe "for pass" do it "should support numeric values" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :pass => '0') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :pass => '1') }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :pass => '2') }.to_not raise_error end it "should support - on Solaris" do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:operatingsystem).returns 'Solaris' Facter.stubs(:value).with(:osfamily).returns 'Solaris' expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :pass => '-') }.to_not raise_error end it "should default to 0 on non Solaris" do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:osfamily).returns nil Facter.stubs(:value).with(:operatingsystem).returns 'HP-UX' expect(described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present)[:pass]).to eq(0) end it "should default to - on Solaris" do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:operatingsystem).returns 'Solaris' Facter.stubs(:value).with(:osfamily).returns 'Solaris' expect(described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present)[:pass]).to eq('-') end end describe "for dump" do it "should support 0 as a value for dump" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :dump => '0') }.to_not raise_error end it "should support 1 as a value for dump" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :dump => '1') }.to_not raise_error end # Unfortunately the operatingsystem is evaluatet at load time so I am unable to stub operatingsystem it "should support 2 as a value for dump on FreeBSD", :if => Facter.value(:operatingsystem) == 'FreeBSD' do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :dump => '2') }.to_not raise_error end it "should not support 2 as a value for dump when not on FreeBSD", :if => Facter.value(:operatingsystem) != 'FreeBSD' do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :dump => '2') }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Invalid value/ end it "should default to 0" do expect(described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present)[:dump]).to eq(0) end end describe "for atboot" do it "does not allow non-boolean values" do expect { described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :atboot => 'unknown') }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /expected a boolean value/ end it "interprets yes as yes" do resource = described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :atboot => :yes) expect(resource[:atboot]).to eq(:yes) end it "interprets true as yes" do resource = described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :atboot => :true) expect(resource[:atboot]).to eq(:yes) end it "interprets no as no" do resource = described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :atboot => :no) expect(resource[:atboot]).to eq(:no) end it "interprets false as no" do resource = described_class.new(:name => "/foo", :ensure => :present, :atboot => false) expect(resource[:atboot]).to eq(:no) end end end describe "when changing the host" do def test_ensure_change(options) provider.set(:ensure => options[:from]) provider.expects(:create).times(options[:create] || 0) provider.expects(:destroy).times(options[:destroy] || 0) provider.expects(:mount).never provider.expects(:unmount).times(options[:unmount] || 0) ensureprop.stubs(:syncothers) ensureprop.should = options[:to] ensureprop.sync expect(!!provider.property_hash[:needs_mount]).to eq(!!options[:mount]) end it "should create itself when changing from :ghost to :present" do test_ensure_change(:from => :ghost, :to => :present, :create => 1) end it "should create itself when changing from :absent to :present" do test_ensure_change(:from => :absent, :to => :present, :create => 1) end it "should create itself and unmount when changing from :ghost to :unmounted" do test_ensure_change(:from => :ghost, :to => :unmounted, :create => 1, :unmount => 1) end it "should unmount resource when changing from :mounted to :unmounted" do test_ensure_change(:from => :mounted, :to => :unmounted, :unmount => 1) end it "should create itself when changing from :absent to :unmounted" do test_ensure_change(:from => :absent, :to => :unmounted, :create => 1) end it "should unmount resource when changing from :ghost to :absent" do test_ensure_change(:from => :ghost, :to => :absent, :unmount => 1) end it "should unmount and destroy itself when changing from :mounted to :absent" do test_ensure_change(:from => :mounted, :to => :absent, :destroy => 1, :unmount => 1) end it "should destroy itself when changing from :unmounted to :absent" do test_ensure_change(:from => :unmounted, :to => :absent, :destroy => 1) end it "should create itself when changing from :ghost to :mounted" do test_ensure_change(:from => :ghost, :to => :mounted, :create => 1) end it "should create itself and mount when changing from :absent to :mounted" do test_ensure_change(:from => :absent, :to => :mounted, :create => 1, :mount => 1) end it "should mount resource when changing from :unmounted to :mounted" do test_ensure_change(:from => :unmounted, :to => :mounted, :mount => 1) end it "should be in sync if it is :absent and should be :absent" do ensureprop.should = :absent expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:absent)).to eq(true) end it "should be out of sync if it is :absent and should be :defined" do ensureprop.should = :defined expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:absent)).to eq(false) end it "should be out of sync if it is :absent and should be :mounted" do ensureprop.should = :mounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:absent)).to eq(false) end it "should be out of sync if it is :absent and should be :unmounted" do ensureprop.should = :unmounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:absent)).to eq(false) end it "should be out of sync if it is :mounted and should be :absent" do ensureprop.should = :absent expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:mounted)).to eq(false) end it "should be in sync if it is :mounted and should be :defined" do ensureprop.should = :defined expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:mounted)).to eq(true) end it "should be in sync if it is :mounted and should be :mounted" do ensureprop.should = :mounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:mounted)).to eq(true) end it "should be out in sync if it is :mounted and should be :unmounted" do ensureprop.should = :unmounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:mounted)).to eq(false) end it "should be out of sync if it is :unmounted and should be :absent" do ensureprop.should = :absent expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:unmounted)).to eq(false) end it "should be in sync if it is :unmounted and should be :defined" do ensureprop.should = :defined expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:unmounted)).to eq(true) end it "should be out of sync if it is :unmounted and should be :mounted" do ensureprop.should = :mounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:unmounted)).to eq(false) end it "should be in sync if it is :unmounted and should be :unmounted" do ensureprop.should = :unmounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:unmounted)).to eq(true) end it "should be out of sync if it is :ghost and should be :absent" do ensureprop.should = :absent expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:ghost)).to eq(false) end it "should be out of sync if it is :ghost and should be :defined" do ensureprop.should = :defined expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:ghost)).to eq(false) end it "should be out of sync if it is :ghost and should be :mounted" do ensureprop.should = :mounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:ghost)).to eq(false) end it "should be out of sync if it is :ghost and should be :unmounted" do ensureprop.should = :unmounted expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:ghost)).to eq(false) end end describe "when responding to refresh" do pending "2.6.x specifies slightly different behavior and the desired behavior needs to be clarified and revisited. See ticket #4904" do it "should remount if it is supposed to be mounted" do resource[:ensure] = "mounted" provider.expects(:remount) resource.refresh end it "should not remount if it is supposed to be present" do resource[:ensure] = "present" provider.expects(:remount).never resource.refresh end it "should not remount if it is supposed to be absent" do resource[:ensure] = "absent" provider.expects(:remount).never resource.refresh end it "should not remount if it is supposed to be defined" do resource[:ensure] = "defined" provider.expects(:remount).never resource.refresh end it "should not remount if it is supposed to be unmounted" do resource[:ensure] = "unmounted" provider.expects(:remount).never resource.refresh end it "should not remount swap filesystems" do resource[:ensure] = "mounted" resource[:fstype] = "swap" provider.expects(:remount).never resource.refresh end end end describe "when modifying an existing mount entry" do let :initial_values do { :ensure => :mounted, :name => '/mnt/foo', :device => "/foo/bar", :blockdevice => "/other/bar", :target => "/what/ever", :options => "soft", :pass => 0, :dump => 0, :atboot => :no, } end let :resource do described_class.new(initial_values.merge(:provider => provider)) end let :provider do providerclass.new(initial_values) end def run_in_catalog(*resources) Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.add_resource *resources catalog.apply end it "should use the provider to change the dump value" do provider.expects(:dump=).with(1) resource[:dump] = 1 run_in_catalog(resource) end it "should umount before flushing changes to disk" do syncorder = sequence('syncorder') provider.expects(:unmount).in_sequence(syncorder) provider.expects(:options=).in_sequence(syncorder).with 'hard' resource.expects(:flush).in_sequence(syncorder) # Call inside syncothers resource.expects(:flush).in_sequence(syncorder) # I guess transaction or anything calls flush again resource[:ensure] = :unmounted resource[:options] = 'hard' run_in_catalog(resource) end end describe "establishing autorequires" do def create_resource(path) described_class.new( :name => path, :provider => providerclass.new(path) ) end def create_catalog(*resources) catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new resources.each do |resource| catalog.add_resource resource end catalog end let(:root_mount) { create_resource("/") } let(:var_mount) { create_resource("/var") } let(:log_mount) { create_resource("/var/log") } before do create_catalog(root_mount, var_mount, log_mount) end it "adds no autorequires for the root mount" do expect(root_mount.autorequire).to be_empty end it "adds the parent autorequire for a mount with one parent" do parent_relationship = var_mount.autorequire[0] expect(var_mount.autorequire).to have_exactly(1).item expect(parent_relationship.source).to eq root_mount expect(parent_relationship.target).to eq var_mount end it "adds both parent autorequires for a mount with two parents" do grandparent_relationship = log_mount.autorequire[0] parent_relationship = log_mount.autorequire[1] expect(log_mount.autorequire).to have_exactly(2).items expect(grandparent_relationship.source).to eq root_mount expect(grandparent_relationship.target).to eq log_mount expect(parent_relationship.source).to eq var_mount expect(parent_relationship.target).to eq log_mount end end end