require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'articles_controller' require 'dns_mock' require 'http_mock' require 'content' # # Re-raise errors caught by the controller. class ArticlesController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end class Content def self.find_last_posted self.find(:first, :conditions => ['created_at < ?',], :order => 'created_at desc') end end class ArticlesControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :contents, :categories, :blogs, :users, :articles_categories, :text_filters, :articles_tags, :tags include ArticlesHelper def setup @controller = @request, @response =, Article.create!(:title => "News from the future!", :body => "The future is cool!", :keywords => "future", :created_at => + 12.minutes) end # Category subpages def test_category get :category, :id => "software" assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "index" assert_tag :tag => 'title', :content => 'test blog - category software' # Check it works when permalink != name. Ticket #736 get :category, :id => "weird-permalink" assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "index" end def test_empty_category get :category, :id => "life-on-mars" assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "error" end def test_nonexistent_category get :category, :id => 'nonexistent-category' assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "error" end def test_tag get :tag, :id => "foo" assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "index" assert_tag :tag => 'title', :content => 'test blog - tag foo' assert_tag :tag => 'h2', :content => 'Article 2!' assert_tag :tag => 'h2', :content => 'Article 1!' end def test_nonexistent_tag get :tag, :id => "nonexistent" assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "error" end def test_tag_routes opts = {:controller => "articles", :action => "tag", :id => "foo", :page => "2"} assert_routing("articles/tag/foo/page/2", opts) end def test_simple_tag_pagination this_blog.limit_article_display = 1 get :tag, :id => "foo" assert_equal 1, assigns(:articles).size assert_tag(:tag => 'p', :attributes =>{ :id => 'pagination'}, :content => 'Older posts: 1', :descendant => {:tag => 'a', :attributes =>{ :href => "/articles/tag/foo/page/2"}, :content => "2"}) end # Main index def test_index get :index assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "index" end # Archives page def test_archives get :archives assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "archives" end # Permalinks def test_permalink get :permalink, :year => 2004, :month => 06, :day => 01, :title => "article-3" assert_response :success assert_template "read" assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_equal contents(:article3), assigns(:article) end # Posts for given day def test_find_by_date get :find_by_date, :year => 2004, :month => 06, :day => 01 assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "index" end def test_comment_posting emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries emails.clear assert_equal 0, emails.size Article.find(1).notify_users << users(:tobi) post :comment, { :id => 1, :comment => {'body' => 'This is *textile*', 'author' => 'bob' }} assert_response :success assert_tag :tag => 'strong', :content => 'textile' comment = Article.find(1).comments.last assert comment assert_not_nil cookies["author"] assert_equal "
This is textile
", comment.html(@controller).to_s assert_equal User.find(:all, :conditions => ['(notify_via_email = ?) and (notify_on_comments = ?)', true, true], :order => 'email').collect { |each| }, emails.collect { |each|[0] }.sort end def test_comment_spam_markdown_smarty this_blog.comment_text_filter = "markdown smartypants" test_comment_spam1 end def comment_template_test(expected_html, source_text, art_id=1, author='bob', email='foo', args={}) post :comment, { :id => art_id, :comment => { 'body' => source_text, 'author' => author, 'email' => email }.merge(args) } assert_response :success comment = Article.find(art_id).comments.last assert comment assert_match expected_html, comment.html(@controller).to_s $do_breakpoints end def test_comment_spam1 comment_template_test "Link to spammy goodness
", 'Link to spammy goodness' end def test_comment_spam2 comment_template_test %r{Link to spammy goodness
}, 'Link to "spammy goodness":' end def test_comment_xss1 this_blog.comment_text_filter = "none" comment_template_test %{Have you ever alert("foo"); been hacked?}, %{Have you ever been hacked?} end def test_comment_xss2 this_blog.comment_text_filter = "none" comment_template_test "Have you ever been hacked?", 'Have you ever been hacked?' end def test_comment_autolink comment_template_test "What’s up with these days?
", "What's up with these days?" end #" ### TODO -- there's a bug in Rails with auto_links # def test_comment_autolink2 # comment_template_test "My web page is
", "My web page is" # end def test_comment_nuking num_comments = Comment.count post :nuke_comment, { :id => 5 }, {} assert_response 403 get :nuke_comment, { :id => 5 }, { :user => users(:bob)} assert_response 403 post :nuke_comment, { :id => 5 }, { :user => users(:bob)} assert_response :success assert_equal num_comments -1, Comment.count end def test_comment_user_blank post :comment, { :id => 2, :comment => {'body' => 'foo', 'author' => 'bob' }} assert_response :success comment = Article.find(2).comments.last assert comment assert comment.published? assert_nil comment.user_id get :read, {:id => 2} assert_response :success assert_no_tag :tag => "li", :attributes => { :class => "author_comment"} end def test_comment_user_set @request.session = { :user => users(:tobi) } post :comment, { :id => 2, :comment => {'body' => 'foo', 'author' => 'bob' }} assert_response :success comment = Article.find(2).comments.last assert comment assert_equal users(:tobi), comment.user get :read, {:id => 2} assert_response :success assert_tag :tag => "li", :attributes => { :class => "author_comment"} end def test_trackback num_trackbacks = Article.find(2).trackbacks.count post :trackback, { :id => 2, :url => "", :title => "My Trackback", :excerpt => "This is a test" } assert_response :success assert_not_xpath(%{/response/error[text()="1"]}, "Error: " + get_xpath("/response/message/text()").first.to_s) assert_equal num_trackbacks+1, Article.find(2).trackbacks.count end def test_trackback_nuking num_comments = Trackback.count post :nuke_trackback, { :id => 7 }, {} assert_response 403 get :nuke_trackback, { :id => 7 }, { :user => users(:bob)} assert_response 403 post :nuke_trackback, { :id => 7 }, { :user => users(:bob)} assert_response :success assert_equal num_comments -1, Trackback.count end def test_no_settings this_blog.update_attribute(:settings, { }) get :index assert_redirect assert_redirected_to :controller => "admin/general", :action => "redirect" end def test_no_users_exist this_blog.update_attribute(:settings, { }) User.destroy_all assert get :index assert_redirect assert_redirected_to :controller => "accounts", :action => "signup" end def test_pages_static get :view_page, :name => 'page_one' assert_response :success assert_rendered_file "view_page" get :view_page, :name => 'page one' assert_response 404 end def test_read_non_published get :read, :id => 4 assert_response :success assert_template "error" end def test_tags_non_published get :tag, :id => 'bar' assert_response :success assert_equal 1, assigns(:articles).size assert ! assigns(:articles).include?(@article4), "Unpublished article displayed" end def test_gravatar assert ! this_blog.use_gravatar get :read, :id => 1 assert_response :success assert_template "read" assert_no_tag :tag => "img", :attributes => { :class => "gravatar" } # Switch gravatar integration to on this_blog.use_gravatar = true assert this_blog.use_gravatar get :read, :id => 1 assert_response :success assert_template "read" assert_tag :tag => "img", :attributes => { :class => "gravatar", :src => "" } end def test_comment_preview get :comment_preview assert_response :success assert_template nil get :comment_preview, :comment => { :author => "bob", :body => "comment preview" } assert_response :success assert_template "comment_preview" assert_tag :tag => "cite", :children => { :count => 1, :only => { :tag => "strong", :content => "bob" } } assert_tag :tag => "p", :content => "comment preview" end def test_read_article_with_comments_and_trackbacks get :read, :id => contents(:article1).id assert_response :success assert_template "read" assert_tag :tag => "ol", :attributes => { :id => "commentList"}, :children => { :count => contents(:article1){|c| c.published?}.size, :only => { :tag => "li" } } assert_tag :tag => "li", :attributes => { :class => "author_comment"} assert_tag :tag => "ol", :attributes => { :id => "trackbackList" }, :children => { :count => contents(:article1).trackbacks.size, :only => { :tag => "li" } } end def test_read_article_no_comments_no_trackbacks get :read, :id => contents(:article3).id assert_response :success assert_template "read" assert_tag :tag => "ol", :attributes => { :id => "commentList"}, :children => { :count => 1, :only => { :tag => "li", :attributes => { :id => "dummy_comment", :style => "display: none" } } } assert_no_tag :tag => "ol", :attributes => { :id => "trackbackList" } end def test_autodiscovery_default get :index assert_response :success assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/rss+xml', :title => 'RSS', :href => ''} assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/atom+xml', :title => 'Atom', :href => ''} end def test_autodiscovery_article get :read, :id => 1 assert_response :success assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/rss+xml', :title => 'RSS', :href => ''} assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/atom+xml', :title => 'Atom', :href => ''} end def test_autodiscovery_category get :category, :id => 'hardware' assert_response :success assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/rss+xml', :title => 'RSS', :href => ''} assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/atom+xml', :title => 'Atom', :href => ''} end def test_autodiscovery_tag get :tag, :id => 'hardware' assert_response :success assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/rss+xml', :title => 'RSS', :href => ''} assert_tag :tag => 'link', :attributes => { :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/atom+xml', :title => 'Atom', :href => ''} end def test_disabled_ajax_comments this_blog.sp_allow_non_ajax_comments = false assert_equal false, this_blog.sp_allow_non_ajax_comments post :comment, :id => 1, :comment => {'body' => 'This is posted without ajax', 'author' => 'bob' } assert_response 500 assert_equal "non-ajax commenting is disabled", @response.body @request.env['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = "XMLHttpRequest" post :comment, :id => 1, :comment => {'body' => 'This is posted *with* ajax', 'author' => 'bob' } assert_response :success ajax_comment = Article.find(1).comments.last assert_equal "This is posted *with* ajax", ajax_comment.body end def test_tag_max_article_count_is_first tags = Tag.find_all_with_article_counters assert tags.size > 1 max = tags[0].article_counter tags.each do |tag| assert tag.article_counter <= max end end def test_calc_distributed_class_basic assert_equal "prefix5", calc_distributed_class(0, 0, "prefix", 5, 15) (0..10).each do |article| assert_equal "prefix#{article}", calc_distributed_class(article, 10, "prefix", 0, 10) end (0..20).each do |article| assert_equal "prefix#{(article/2).to_i}", calc_distributed_class(article, 20, "prefix", 0, 10) end (0..5).each do |article| assert_equal "prefix#{(article*2).to_i}", calc_distributed_class(article, 5, "prefix", 0, 10) end end def test_calc_distributed_class_offset (0..10).each do |article| assert_equal "prefix#{article+6}", calc_distributed_class(article, 10, "prefix", 6, 16) end end def test_hide_future_article @article = Article.find_last_posted Article.create!(:title => "News from the future!", :body => "The future is cool!", :keywords => "future", :published => true, :published_at => + 12.minutes) get :index assert_equal @article, assigns(:articles).first assert @response.lifetime.to_i <= 12.minutes end def test_search get :search, :q => "search target" assert_equal 1, assigns(:articles).size end def test_author get :author, :id => 'tobi' assert_success assert_rendered_file 'index' assert assigns(:articles) assert_equal users(:tobi).articles.published, assigns(:articles) # This is until we write a proper author feed assert_equal('', assigns(:auto_discovery_url_rss)) end def test_nonexistent_author get :author, :id => 'nonexistent-chap' assert_success assert_rendered_file 'error' assert assigns(:message) assert_equal "Can't find posts with author 'nonexistent-chap'", assigns(:message) end def test_author_list get :author assert_success assert_rendered_file 'groupings' assert_tag(:tag => 'ul', :descendant => {\ :tag => 'a', :attributes => { :href => '/articles/author/tobi' }, }) end end