# Installation gem install bump # Usage Current version of your gem: bump current Current version: 0.1.2 Bump your gemfile (major, minor, patch): bump patch Bump version 0.1.2 to 0.1.3 ### Rake ```Ruby # Rakefile require "bump/tasks" ``` rake bump:patch rake bump:current ### Ruby ```Ruby require "bump" Bump::Bump.run("patch") # -> version changed Bump::Bump.current # -> "1.2.3" ``` # Supported locations - VERSION file with "1.2.3" - gemspec with `gem.version = "1.2.3"` or `Gem:Specification.new "gem-name", "1.2.3" do` - lib/**/version.rb file with `VERSION = "1.2.3"` # Todo - Handle options properly - `VERSION = "1.2.3"` in lib/*.rb - Build new gem version: gem build xxx.gemspec # Author Gregory
License: MIT
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