class Apisync module Rails class Model class MissingAttribute < StandardError; end REQUIRED_ATTRS = { available: "This is required to enable/disable your item in our database.", content_language: "This is required to show your item to the correct audience.", ad_template_type: "This is required to generate the correct ads for this item." }.freeze WARNING_ATTRS = { reference_id: "This is required to track your record, otherwise it will be created every time." } attr_reader :attributes def initialize(model) @model = model @attributes = {} @payload = {} @should_sync = true end def sync_if(method_name) @should_sync = @model.send(method_name.to_sym) end def attribute(attr_name, from: nil, value: nil) @attributes.delete(attr_name) @attributes[attr_name] = { attr_name: attr_name, from: from, value: value } end def custom_attribute(attr_name, from: nil, value: nil, identifier: nil, label:) @attributes[:custom_attributes] ||= [] @attributes[:custom_attributes] << { attr_name: attr_name, from: from, value: value, identifier: identifier, label: label } end def sync if sync? payload = generate_payload payload = set_reference_id(payload) validate!(payload) log_warnings(payload) Apisync::Rails::Extensions.setup if defined?(::Sidekiq) Apisync::Rails::SyncModelJob::Sidekiq.perform_async(,, payload ) else payload, request_concurrency: :synchronous ) end end end def validate!(payload) return unless sync? REQUIRED_ATTRS.each do |attr, message| if payload[attr].blank? raise MissingAttribute, "Please specify '#{attr}'. #{message}" end end end def log_warnings(payload) WARNING_ATTRS.each do |attr, message| if payload[attr].blank? ::Rails.logger.warn "Please specify '#{attr}'. #{message}" end end end private def generate_payload @payload = {} @attributes.each do |attr, properties| if attr == :custom_attributes custom_attrs = [] properties.each do |custom_attr| from = custom_attr[:from] value = custom_attr[:value] attr_name = custom_attr[:attr_name] label = custom_attr[:label] identifier = custom_attr[:identifier] custom_attrs << { label: label || localized_name(name), identifier: identifier || attr_name.to_s, value: attr_value(attr_name, from: from, value: value) } end @payload[:custom_attributes] = custom_attrs else from = properties[:from] value = properties[:value] @payload[attr] = attr_value(attr, from: from, value: value) end end @payload end def sync? @should_sync end def set_reference_id(payload) if payload[:reference_id].blank? && payload[:reference_id] = end payload end def attr_value(attr_name, from:, value:) if value.blank? if from.present? value = @model.send(from) else value = @model.send(attr_name) end end value end def localized_name(name) if name.present? @model.send(name) end end end end end