require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') context "Sequelizer without ParseTree" do setup do module Kernel alias_method :orig_sq_require, :require def require(*args); raise LoadError; end end old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil load(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/sequel_core/dataset/sequelizer.rb')) $VERBOSE = old_verbose @db = @ds = @db[:items] end teardown do module Kernel alias_method :require, :orig_sq_require end old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil load(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/sequel_core/dataset/sequelizer.rb')) $VERBOSE = old_verbose end specify "should raise error when converting proc to SQL" do proc {proc {:x > 1}.to_sql(@ds)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end context "Sequelizer without Ruby2Ruby" do setup do module Kernel alias_method :orig_sq_require, :require def require(name); raise LoadError if name == 'ruby2ruby'; end end old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil load(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/sequel_core/dataset/sequelizer.rb')) $VERBOSE = old_verbose @db = @ds = @db[:items] end teardown do module Kernel alias_method :require, :orig_sq_require end old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil load(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/sequel_core/dataset/sequelizer.rb')) $VERBOSE = old_verbose end specify "should raise error only when using external expressions" do proc {proc {:x > 1}.to_sql(@ds)}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc {proc {1 + 1}.to_sql(@ds)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end context "Proc#to_sql" do DB = DS = DB[:items] class ::Proc def sql to_sql(DS) end def sql_comma_separated to_sql(DS, :comma_separated => true) end end def DS.match_expr(l, r) case r when String "(#{literal(l)} LIKE #{literal(r)})" when Regexp "(#{literal(l)} ~ #{literal(r.source)})" else raise Sequel::Error, "Unsupported match pattern class (#{r.class})." end end specify "should support <sym> <op> <lit>" do proc {:x > 100}.sql.should == '(x > 100)' proc {:x < 100}.sql.should == '(x < 100)' proc {:x >= 100}.sql.should == '(x >= 100)' proc {:x <= 100}.sql.should == '(x <= 100)' proc {:x == 100}.sql.should == '(x = 100)' end specify "should support number literals" do proc {:x > 123.45}.sql.should == '(x > 123.45)' proc {:x > -30_000}.sql.should == '(x > -30000)' end specify "should support string literals" do proc {:x == 'abc'}.sql.should == "(x = 'abc')" proc {:y == "ab'cd"}.sql.should == "(y = 'ab''cd')" end specify "should support boolean literals" do proc {:x == false}.sql.should == "(x = 'f')" proc {:x == true}.sql.should == "(x = 't')" end specify "should support nil literal and nil?" do proc {:x == nil}.sql.should == "(x IS NULL)" proc {:x.nil?}.sql.should == "(x IS NULL)" end specify "should support local vars or method references" do proc {proc {:x == a}.sql}.should raise_error(NameError) b = 123 proc {:x == b}.sql.should == "(x = 123)" def xyz; 321; end proc {:x == xyz}.sql.should == "(x = 321)" proc {:x == xyz.to_s}.sql.should == "(x = '321')" def y1(x); x; end def y2; 111; end proc {:x == y1(222)}.sql.should == "(x = 222)" proc {:x == y2}.sql.should == "(x = 111)" end specify "sould support subscript access on symbols" do proc {:x|1 > 0}.sql.should == "(x[1] > 0)" proc {:x|2|3 > 0}.sql.should == "(x[2, 3] > 0)" proc {:x|[4, 5] > 0}.sql.should == "(x[4, 5] > 0)" end specify "should support constants" do ZZZ = 444 proc {:x == ZZZ}.sql.should == "(x = 444)" CCCD = CCCD::DDD = 'hi' proc {:x == CCCD::DDD}.sql.should == "(x = 'hi')" end specify "should support instance attributes" do @abc = 123 proc {:x == @abc}.sql.should == "(x = 123)" end specify "should support class attributes" do @@abc = 321 proc {:x == @@abc}.sql.should == "(x = 321)" end specify "should support like? pattern" do proc { '%abc'}.sql.should == "(x LIKE '%abc')" end specify "should support like? pattern with multiple choices" do proc { ['%abc', '%def', '%ghi']}.sql.should == \ "((x LIKE '%abc') OR (x LIKE '%def') OR (x LIKE '%ghi'))" end specify "should support =~ operator" do # stock SQL version does not know about regexps proc {:x =~ '123'}.sql.should == "(x LIKE '123')" proc {:x =~ /^123/}.sql.should == "(x ~ '^123')" end specify "should support =~ operator with multiple choices" do # stock SQL version does not know about regexps proc {:x =~ ['123', '456', '789']}.sql.should == "((x LIKE '123') OR (x LIKE '456') OR (x LIKE '789'))" proc {:x =~ [/^123/, /^456/, /^789/]}.sql.should == "((x ~ '^123') OR (x ~ '^456') OR (x ~ '^789'))" proc {:x =~ [/^123/, '456%', /^789/]}.sql.should == "((x ~ '^123') OR (x LIKE '456%') OR (x ~ '^789'))" end specify "should raise on =~ operator for unsupported types" do proc {proc {:x =~ 123}.sql}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should support != operator" do proc {:x != 100}.sql.should == "(NOT (x = 100))" end specify "should support != operator with multiple choices" do proc {:x != [100, 200, 300]}.sql.should == "(NOT (x IN (100, 200, 300)))" end specify "should support !~ operator" do proc {:x !~ '123'}.sql.should == "(NOT (x LIKE '123'))" end specify "should support !~ operator with multiple choices" do proc {:x !~ ['123', '456']}.sql.should == "(NOT ((x LIKE '123') OR (x LIKE '456')))" end specify "should support ! operator" do proc {!:x}.sql.should == "(x = 'f')" proc {!(:x > 100)}.sql.should == "(NOT (x > 100))" end specify "should support && operator" do proc {1 && 2}.sql.should == "(1 AND 2)" proc {:x > 100 && :y < 100}.sql.should == "((x > 100) AND (y < 100))" proc {:x && :y && :z}.sql.should == "(x AND (y AND z))" end specify "should support << operator for assignment" do proc {:x << 1}.sql.should == "x = 1" end specify "should concatenate separate statements using AND" do proc {:x == 20; :y == 30}.sql.should == "((x = 20) AND (y = 30))" proc {:x != 1; :y != 2; :z != 3}.sql.should == \ "((NOT (x = 1)) AND (NOT (y = 2)) AND (NOT (z = 3)))" end specify "should concatenate separate statements using custom join argument" do proc {:x << 20; :y << 30}.sql_comma_separated.should == "x = 20, y = 30" z = 333 proc {:x << :x + 1; :y << z}.sql_comma_separated.should == "x = (x + 1), y = 333" end specify "should support || operator" do proc {1 || 2}.sql.should == "(1 OR 2)" proc {:x > 100 || :y < 100}.sql.should == "((x > 100) OR (y < 100))" proc {:x || :y || :z}.sql.should == "(x OR (y OR z))" end specify "should support operator combinations" do proc {(:x > 1 || :y > 2) && (:z > 3)}.sql.should == "(((x > 1) OR (y > 2)) AND (z > 3))" proc {(1 && 2) || (3 || 4)}.sql.should == "((1 AND 2) OR (3 OR 4))" proc {(:x != 2) || (:y == 3) || !(:z == 4)}.sql.should == \ "((NOT (x = 2)) OR ((y = 3) OR (NOT (z = 4))))" end specify "should support late bound column references" do def abc; :tttt; end proc {abc > 2}.sql.should == "(tttt > 2)" end specify "should support qualified column references" do proc {:x__y > 3}.sql.should == "(x.y > 3)" end specify "should support functions on columns" do proc {:x.MAX > 100}.sql.should == "(max(x) > 100)" proc {:x.COUNT > 100}.sql.should == "(count(x) > 100)" end specify "should support SQL functions" do proc {:MAX[:x] > 100}.sql.should == "(MAX(x) > 100)" proc {:MAX[:x__y] > 100}.sql.should == "(MAX(x.y) > 100)" end specify "should support SQL functions with multiple arguments" do proc {:sum[1, 2, 3] > 100}.sql.should == "(sum(1, 2, 3) > 100)" proc {:x[1, DB[:y].select(:z), "a'b"] > 100}.sql.should == \ "(x(1, (SELECT z FROM y), 'a''b') > 100)" end specify "should support SQL functions without arguments" do proc {:abc[] > 100}.sql.should == "(abc() > 100)" proc {:now[] - :last_stamp > 100}.sql.should == \ "((now() - last_stamp) > 100)" end specify "should do stuff like..." do proc {:price < 100 || :category != 'ruby'}.sql.should == \ "((price < 100) OR (NOT (category = 'ruby')))" t = proc {:node_id == 1 && :stamp < t}.sql.should == \ "((node_id = 1) AND (stamp < #{DS.literal(t)}))" proc {1 < :x}.sql.should == "(1 < x)" end specify "should complain if someone is crazy" do proc {proc {def x; 1; end}.sql}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error::InvalidExpression) a = 1 proc {proc {a = 1}.sql}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error::InvalidExpression) end specify "should support comparison to Range objects" do proc {:x == (1..10)}.sql.should == \ "(x >= 1 AND x <= 10)" proc {:x == (1...10)}.sql.should == \ "(x >= 1 AND x < 10)" a, b = 3, 5 proc {:x == (a..b)}.sql.should == \ "(x >= 3 AND x <= 5)" proc {:x == (a...b)}.sql.should == \ "(x >= 3 AND x < 5)" t1 = - 4000 t2 = - 2000 proc {:stamp == (t1..t2)}.sql.should == \ "(stamp >= #{DS.literal(t1)} AND stamp <= #{DS.literal(t2)})" end specify "should support comparison to sub-queries" do @ds2 = DB[:test].select(:node_id) proc {:id == @ds2}.sql.should == \ "(id IN (SELECT node_id FROM test))" proc {:id == DB[:test].select(:node_id)}.sql.should == \ "(id IN (SELECT node_id FROM test))" proc {:id == DB[:test].select(:node_id).filter {:active == true}}.sql.should == \ "(id IN (SELECT node_id FROM test WHERE (active = 't')))" proc {:price >= DB[:items].select(:price)}.sql.should == \ "(price >= (SELECT price FROM items))" end specify "should support comparison to arrays" do proc {:id == [1, 3, 7, 15]}.sql.should == \ "(id IN (1, 3, 7, 15))" end specify "should not literalize String#expr and String#lit" do proc {'x'.lit == 1}.sql.should == "(x = 1)" proc {'x.y'.expr == 1}.sql.should == "(x.y = 1)" end specify "should support in/in? operator" do proc { [3, 4, 5]}.sql.should == "(x IN (3, 4, 5))" proc {, 4, 5)}.sql.should == "(x IN (3, 4, 5))" proc {}.sql.should == "(x >= 1 AND x <= 10)" proc {}.sql.should == "(x >= 1 AND x <= 10)" @ds2 = DB[:test].select(:node_id) proc { @ds2}.sql.should == "(x IN (SELECT node_id FROM test))" end specify "should support nested procs" do proc {:x > 10 || proc{:y > 20}}.sql.should == \ "((x > 10) OR (y > 20))" def pr(&block) proc {:x > 10 || block} end pr {:y > 20}.sql.should == \ "((x > 10) OR (y > 20))" end specify "should support unfolding of calls to #each" do # from periods = [:day, :week, :month, :year, :alltime] idx = 1 v = 2 pr = proc do periods.each do |p| (p|idx) << (p|idx) + v end end pr.sql_comma_separated.should == \ "day[1] = (day[1] + 2), week[1] = (week[1] + 2), month[1] = (month[1] + 2), year[1] = (year[1] + 2), alltime[1] = (alltime[1] + 2)" end specify "should support unfolding of calls to Hash#each" do periods = {:month => 3} idx = 1 pr = proc do periods.each do |k, v| k << k + v end end pr.sql_comma_separated.should == "month = (month + 3)" end specify "should support local arguments" do def t(x) proc {x > 10}.sql end t(:y).should == "(y > 10)" end specify "should support binary operators on local context" do XXX = 1 YYY = 2 proc {XXX || YYY}.sql.should == "(1 OR 2)" xxx = 1 yyy = 2 proc {xxx && yyy}.sql.should == "(1 AND 2)" end specify "should support arithmetics" do zzz = 300 proc {(:x + 100) > zzz}.sql.should == "((x + 100) > 300)" proc {(:x + :y * 100) > zzz}.sql.should == "((x + (y * 100)) > 300)" proc {:units * :price}.sql.should == "(units * price)" end specify "should support | operator" do proc {(:x | 1) > 0}.sql.should == "(x[1] > 0)" proc {10 | 1}.sql.should == 11 end specify "should support globals" do $aaaa_zzzz = 400 proc {:x > $aaaa_zzzz}.sql.should == "(x > 400)" end specify "should support Regexp macros" do "abc" =~ /(ab)/ proc {:x == $1}.sql.should == "(x = 'ab')" end specify "should evaluate expression not referring to symbols or literal strings." do proc {:x > 2 * 3}.sql.should == "(x > 6)" y = 3 proc {:x > y * 4}.sql.should == "(x > 12)" proc {:AVG[:x] > 4}.sql.should == "(AVG(x) > 4)" proc {:AVG[:x] > 4}.sql.should == "(AVG(x) > 4)" proc {:y == (1 > 2)}.sql.should == "(y = 'f')" end specify "should support ternary operator" do y = true proc {:x > (y ? 1 : 2)}.sql.should == "(x > 1)" proc {((1 > 2) ? :x : :y) > 3}.sql.should == "(y > 3)" end specify "should support strings with embedded Ruby code in them and literalize them" do proc {:n == "#{1+2}"}.sql.should == "(n = '3')" y = "12'34" proc {:x > "#{y}"}.sql.should == "(x > '12''34')" end specify "should support format strings and literalize the result" do prod = 1 proc {:x == "abc%d" % prod}.sql.should == "(x = 'abc1')" proc {:x == ("%d" % prod).lit}.sql.should == "(x = 1)" end specify "should support conditional filters" do @criteria = nil proc {if @criteria; @criteria; end}.sql.should == nil @criteria = 'blah' proc {if @criteria; @criteria; end}.sql.should == "(x LIKE 'blah')" @criteria = nil proc {if @criteria; @criteria; else; 'ddd'; end}.sql.should == "(x LIKE 'ddd')" end specify "should support more complex conditional filters" do x, y = true, false proc { if x || y 'a' else 'b' end }.sql.should == "(a LIKE 'a')" proc { if y 'a' elsif x 'b' else 'c' end }.sql.should == "(b LIKE 'b')" @title = 'blah' use_title = true proc { if !@title.blank? && use_title "%#{@title}%" end }.sql.should == "(title LIKE '%blah%')" end end context "Proc#to_sql stock" do specify "should not support regexps" do db = ds = db[:items] p = proc {:x =~ /abc/} proc {p.to_sql(ds)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end