import { getFragmentFromUrl, setFocus } from '../../common/index.mjs'; import { ElementError } from '../../errors/index.mjs'; import { GOVUKFrontendComponent } from '../../govuk-frontend-component.mjs'; /** * Skip link component * * @preserve */ class SkipLink extends GOVUKFrontendComponent { /** * @param {Element | null} $module - HTML element to use for skip link * @throws {ElementError} when $module is not set or the wrong type * @throws {ElementError} when $module.hash does not contain a hash * @throws {ElementError} when the linked element is missing or the wrong type */ constructor($module) { var _this$$module$getAttr; super(); this.$module = void 0; if (!($module instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) { throw new ElementError({ componentName: 'Skip link', element: $module, expectedType: 'HTMLAnchorElement', identifier: 'Root element (`$module`)' }); } this.$module = $module; const hash = this.$module.hash; const href = (_this$$module$getAttr = this.$module.getAttribute('href')) != null ? _this$$module$getAttr : ''; let url; try { url = new window.URL(this.$module.href); } catch (error) { throw new ElementError(`Skip link: Target link (\`href="${href}"\`) is invalid`); } if (url.origin !== window.location.origin || url.pathname !== window.location.pathname) { return; } const linkedElementId = getFragmentFromUrl(hash); if (!linkedElementId) { throw new ElementError(`Skip link: Target link (\`href="${href}"\`) has no hash fragment`); } const $linkedElement = document.getElementById(linkedElementId); if (!$linkedElement) { throw new ElementError({ componentName: 'Skip link', element: $linkedElement, identifier: `Target content (\`id="${linkedElementId}"\`)` }); } this.$module.addEventListener('click', () => setFocus($linkedElement, { onBeforeFocus() { $linkedElement.classList.add('govuk-skip-link-focused-element'); }, onBlur() { $linkedElement.classList.remove('govuk-skip-link-focused-element'); } })); } } SkipLink.moduleName = 'govuk-skip-link'; export { SkipLink }; //#