module Generators.Generators open System open System.Globalization open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq open CanonicalData open Formatting open Rendering open Exercise type Acronym() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type AllYourBase() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofNonError |> formatValue override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type Allergies() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let toAllergen (jToken: JToken) = sprintf "Allergen.%s" (jToken.ToString() |> String.humanize) let renderAllergicToAssert canonicalDataCase (jToken: JToken) = let substance = jToken.["substance"] |> toAllergen let score = canonicalDataCase.Input.["score"] :?> int64 let sut = sprintf "allergicTo %d %s" score substance let expected = jToken.Value("result") |> formatBool { Sut = sut; Expected = expected } |> renderPartialTemplate "AssertEqual" override __.RenderAssert canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "allergicTo" -> canonicalDataCase.Expected :?> JArray |> (renderAllergicToAssert canonicalDataCase) |> Seq.toList | _ -> base.RenderAssert canonicalDataCase override __.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = if (canonicalDataCase.Property = "list") then canonicalDataCase.Expected :?> JArray |> toAllergen |> formatList else base.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "substance" -> string value | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) type Alphametics() = inherit GeneratorExercise() member __.FormatMap<'TKey, 'TValue> (value: obj) = if isNull value then "None" else let input = value :?> JObject let dict = input.ToObject>(); let formattedList = dict |> (fun kv -> formatTuple (kv.Key, kv.Value)) |> formatMultiLineList if (formattedList.Contains("\n")) then sprintf "%s\n%s\n%s" formattedList (indent 2 "|> Map.ofList") (indent 2 "|> Some") else sprintf "%s |> Map.ofList |> Some" formattedList override this.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = this.FormatMap value override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type Anagram() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["candidates"] type ArmstrongNumbers() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type AtbashCipher() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type BeerSong() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type BinarySearch() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["array"; "value"; "expected"] override __.RenderValueWithoutIdentifier (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "array" -> (value :?> JToken).ToObject() |> formatArray | "expected" -> match string value with | "-1" -> None |> formatOption | x -> Some x |> formatOption | _ -> base.RenderValueWithoutIdentifier (canonicalDataCase, key, value) type BinarySearchTree() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let rec renderAssertions previousPaths (tree: JObject) = let previousPath = previousPaths |> List.rev |> String.concat " |> " let rootPath = List.length previousPaths = 1 let renderDataAssertions = let dataPath = if rootPath then "data" else " data" let data = tree.["data"] match data.Type with | JTokenType.Null -> let expected = if rootPath then failwith "Invalid data" else "None" [ sprintf "%s |> %s |> should equal %s" previousPath dataPath expected ] | _ -> let data = (data :?> JValue).ToObject() let expected = if rootPath then string data else sprintf "(Some %d)" data [ sprintf "%s |> %s |> should equal %s" previousPath dataPath expected ] let renderNodeAssertions nodeName (node: JToken) = let nodePath = if rootPath then nodeName else sprintf "Option.bind %s" nodeName match node.Type with | JTokenType.Null -> [ sprintf "%s |> %s |> should equal None" previousPath nodePath ] | _ -> renderAssertions (nodePath :: previousPaths) (node :?> JObject) [ renderDataAssertions renderNodeAssertions "left" tree.["left"] renderNodeAssertions "right" tree.["right"] ] |> List.concat override __.RenderAssert canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "data" -> canonicalDataCase.Expected :?> JObject |> renderAssertions ["treeData"] | _ -> base.RenderAssert canonicalDataCase override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> string |> formatList |> sprintf "create %s" override __.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match value with | :? JArray as jArray -> jArray |> string |> formatList | _ -> base.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase type Bob() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type BookStore() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let formatFloat (value:obj) = value :?> int64 |> (fun x -> float x / 100.0) |> sprintf "%.2f" override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = formatFloat value override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase = base.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase |> List.except ["targetgrouping"] type Bowling() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderSut _ ="score game" override __.RenderSetup _ = "let rollMany rolls game = List.fold (fun game pins -> roll pins game) game rolls" override __.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = seq { let arr = (canonicalDataCase.Input.["previousRolls"] :?> JToken).ToObject() yield sprintf "let rolls = %s" (formatList arr) if canonicalDataCase.Input.ContainsKey "roll" then let roll = canonicalDataCase.Input.["roll"] :?> int64 yield sprintf "let startingRolls = rollMany rolls (newGame())" yield sprintf "let game = roll %i startingRolls" roll else yield sprintf "let game = rollMany rolls (newGame())" } |> Seq.toList override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = if value :? JObject then "None" else sprintf "<| Some %s" (formatValue value) type BracketPush() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Change() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = let convertToOption = if value :? JArray then Option.ofObj else Option.ofPositiveInt value |> convertToOption |> formatValue override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (canonicalDataCase, key, _) = match key with | "expected" -> match canonicalDataCase.Input.["target"] :?> int64 with | 0L -> Some "int list option" | _ -> None | _ -> None type CircularBuffer() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.AdditionalNamespaces = [ "System" ] override __.RenderAssert _ = [] member __.ExceptionCheck command = sprintf "(fun () -> %s |> ignore) |> should throw typeof" command override this.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = seq { yield sprintf "let buffer1 = mkCircularBuffer %i" (canonicalDataCase.Properties.["capacity"] :?> int64) let operations = (canonicalDataCase.Properties.["operations"] :?> JArray) let mutable ind = 2 let lastInd = operations.Count + 1 for op in operations do let dict = (op :?> JObject).ToObject>(); let funcName = dict.["operation"].ToObject() match funcName with | "write" as operation -> let item = dict.["item"].ToObject() let command = sprintf "%s %i buffer%i" operation item (ind - 1) match dict.ContainsKey "should_succeed", (dict.["should_succeed"].ToObject()) with | true, false -> yield this.ExceptionCheck command | _, _ -> yield sprintf "let buffer%i = %s" ind command | "read" as operation -> let command = sprintf "%s buffer%i" operation (ind - 1) match dict.ContainsKey "should_succeed", dict.["should_succeed"].ToObject() with | true, false -> yield this.ExceptionCheck command | _, _ -> let expected = dict.["expected"].ToObject() if ind = lastInd then yield sprintf "let (val%i, _) = %s" ind command else yield sprintf "let (val%i, buffer%i) = %s" ind ind command yield sprintf "val%i |> should equal %i" ind expected | "overwrite" -> yield sprintf "let buffer%i = forceWrite %i buffer%i" ind (dict.["item"].ToObject()) (ind-1) | "clear" -> yield sprintf "let buffer%i = clear buffer%i" ind (ind - 1) | _ -> () ind <- ind + 1 } |> Seq.toList type Clock() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let createClock (value:obj) clockId = let clock = value :?> JObject let hour = clock.["hour"].ToObject() let minute = clock.["minute"].ToObject() sprintf "let %s = create %s %s" clockId hour minute member private this.RenderPropertyValue canonicalDataCase property = this.RenderSutParameter (canonicalDataCase, property, Map.find property canonicalDataCase.Input) override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["clock1"; "clock2"] override __.RenderValueWithIdentifier (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "clock1" | "clock2" -> createClock value key | _ -> base.RenderValueWithIdentifier (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override this.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "create" | "add" | "subtract" -> let hour = this.RenderPropertyValue canonicalDataCase "hour" let minute = this.RenderPropertyValue canonicalDataCase "minute" [sprintf "let clock = create %s %s" hour minute] | _ -> base.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase override this.RenderSut canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "create" -> sprintf "display clock" | "add" -> this.RenderPropertyValue canonicalDataCase "value" |> sprintf "add %s clock |> display" | "subtract" -> this.RenderPropertyValue canonicalDataCase "value" |> sprintf "subtract %s clock |> display" | "equal" -> "clock1 = clock2" | _ -> base.RenderSut canonicalDataCase type ComplexNumbers() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let renderNumber (input: JToken) = match string input with | "e" -> "Math.E" | "pi" -> "Math.PI" | "ln(2)" -> "(Math.Log(2.0))" | i when i.IndexOf('.') = -1 -> sprintf "%s.0" i | float -> float let renderComplexNumber (input: JArray) = sprintf "(create %s %s)" (renderNumber input.[0]) (renderNumber input.[1]) override __.RenderValue (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match value with | :? JArray as jArray -> renderComplexNumber jArray | :? int64 as i -> sprintf "%d.0" i | _ -> base.RenderValue (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.RenderAssert canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Expected with | :? JArray as jArray -> let renderAssertion testedFunction expected = { Sut = sprintf "%s sut" testedFunction; Expected = expected } |> renderPartialTemplate "AssertEqualWithin" [ jArray.[0] |> renderNumber |> renderAssertion "real" jArray.[1] |> renderNumber |> renderAssertion "imaginary" ] | _ -> base.RenderAssert(canonicalDataCase) override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Expected with | :? JArray -> ["sut"] | _ -> base.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase override __.AdditionalNamespaces = [typeof.Namespace] type Connect() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = match string value with | "O" -> "(Some White)" | "X" -> "(Some Black)" | _ -> "None" override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = let lines = (value :?> JArray).ToObject() |> List.ofSeq let padSize = List.last lines |> String.length lines |> (fun line -> line.PadRight(padSize) |> formatValue) |> formatMultiLineList override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase type CollatzConjecture() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofNonError |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type CryptoSquare() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type CustomSet() = inherit GeneratorExercise() member __.SutName = "actual" override __.TestMethodBodyAssertTemplate _ = "AssertEqual" member __.RenderSet (jToken: obj) = (jToken :?> JToken).ToObject>() |> formatList |> sprintf "CustomSet.fromList %s" override this.RenderSut canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "add" | "intersection" | "difference" | "union" -> sprintf "%sBool" this.SutName | _ -> this.SutName override __.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, _, _) = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "add" | "intersection" | "difference" | "union" -> "true" | _ -> formatValue canonicalDataCase.Expected override this.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = let arrangeLines = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "empty" -> let setValue = this.RenderSet canonicalDataCase.Input.["set"] [ sprintf "let %s = CustomSet.isEmpty (%s)" this.SutName setValue ] | "add" | "contains" -> let methodName = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "add" -> "insert" | s -> s let setVar = sprintf "let setValue = %s" (this.RenderSet canonicalDataCase.Input.["set"]) let valueVar = sprintf "let element = %s" (formatValue canonicalDataCase.Input.["element"]) let resultVar = sprintf "let %s = CustomSet.%s element setValue" this.SutName methodName [ setVar; valueVar; resultVar ] | "intersection" | "difference" | "union" | "disjoint" | "subset" | "equal" -> let methodName = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "disjoint" -> "isDisjointFrom" | "subset" -> "isSubsetOf" | "equal" -> "isEqualTo" | s -> s let firstSetVar = sprintf "let set1 = %s" (this.RenderSet canonicalDataCase.Input.["set1"]) let secondSetVar = sprintf "let set2 = %s" (this.RenderSet canonicalDataCase.Input.["set2"]) let resultVar = sprintf "let %s = CustomSet.%s set1 set2" this.SutName methodName [ firstSetVar; secondSetVar; resultVar ] | _ -> [ "" ] match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "add" | "intersection" | "difference" | "union" -> let expectedSetVar = sprintf "let expectedSet = %s" (this.RenderSet canonicalDataCase.Expected) let actualBoolVar = sprintf "let %sBool = CustomSet.isEqualTo %s expectedSet" this.SutName this.SutName arrangeLines @ [ expectedSetVar; actualBoolVar ] | _ -> arrangeLines type Diamond() = inherit CustomExercise() type DifferenceOfSquares() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Dominoes() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let formatAsTuple (value:obj) = let items = value :?> obj list formatTuple (List.item 0 items, List.item 1 items) override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> normalizeJArray |> formatAsTuple |> formatList override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase type Etl() = inherit GeneratorExercise() member __.FormatMap<'TKey, 'TValue> (value: obj) = let input = value :?> JObject let dict = input.ToObject>(); let formattedList = dict |> (fun kv -> formatTuple (kv.Key, kv.Value)) |> formatMultiLineList if (formattedList.Contains("\n")) then sprintf "%s\n%s" formattedList (indent 2 "|> Map.ofList") else sprintf "%s |> Map.ofList" formattedList override this.RenderInput (_, _, value) = this.FormatMap> value override this.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = this.FormatMap value override __.MapCanonicalDataCaseInput (canonicalDataCase, _) = Map.empty |> Map.add "lettersByScore" (canonicalDataCase.Properties.["input"]) override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type FoodChain() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter _ = ["startVerse"; "endVerse"] override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type Forth() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofObj |> formatValue override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (_, _, value) = match value :?> JArray|> Option.ofObj |> Seq.isEmpty with | Some true -> Some "int list option" | _ -> None override __.UseFullMethodName _ = true type Gigasecond() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> DateTime |> formatDateTime |> parenthesize override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = DateTime.Parse(string value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) |> formatDateTime |> parenthesize override __.AdditionalNamespaces = [typeof.Namespace] type Grains() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (_, _, _) = Some "Result" override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = match string value with | "-1" -> "Error \"Invalid input\"" | x -> sprintf "Ok %sUL" x type Grep() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineListWithIndentation 3 override __.RenderSetup _ = renderPartialTemplate "Generators/GrepSetup" Map.empty override __.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = base.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase @ [""; "createFiles() |> ignore"] override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "expected" -> match value :?> JArray |> Seq.isEmpty with | true -> Some "string list" | false -> None | _ -> base.IdentifierTypeAnnotation(canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.AdditionalNamespaces = [typeof.Namespace] override __.TestFileFormat = TestFileFormat.Class type Hamming() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofNonError |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type HelloWorld() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type House() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter _ = ["startVerse"; "endVerse"] override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type IsbnVerifier() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Isogram() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type KindergartenGarden() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let toPlant (jToken: JToken) = sprintf "Plant.%s" (jToken.ToString() |> String.humanize) override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> toPlant |> formatList override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["student"; "diagram"; "expected"] override __.UseFullMethodName _ = true type LargestSeriesProduct() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofPositiveInt |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type Leap() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type ListOps() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let renderFunction (value: obj) = value |> string |> String.replace "(" "" |> String.replace ")" "" |> String.replace "," "" |> String.replace "==" "=" |> String.replace "modulo" "%" |> sprintf "(fun %s)" override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "function" -> renderFunction value | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.RenderTestMethodName canonicalDataCase = sprintf "%s %s" canonicalDataCase.Property canonicalDataCase.Description type Luhn() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Markdown() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.ToTestMethod (index, canonicalDataCase) = { base.ToTestMethod (index, canonicalDataCase) with Skip = false } override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type Matrix() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Meetup() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = DateTime.Parse(string value) |> formatDateTime |> parenthesize override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "dayofweek" -> sprintf "DayOfWeek.%s" (string canonicalDataCase.Input.["dayofweek"]) | "week" -> sprintf "Week.%s" (string canonicalDataCase.Input.["week"] |> String.upperCaseFirst) | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter _ = ["year"; "month"; "week"; "dayofweek"] override __.AdditionalNamespaces = [typeof.Namespace] type Minesweeper() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let renderValue (value: obj) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = renderValue value override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = renderValue value override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (_, _, value) = match value :?> JArray |> Seq.isEmpty with | true -> Some "string list" | false -> None type NthPrime() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofNonError |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type NucleotideCount() = inherit GeneratorExercise() member __.FormatMap<'TKey, 'TValue> (value: obj) = match Option.ofNonError value with | None -> "None" | _ -> let input = value :?> JObject let dict = input.ToObject>(); let formattedList = dict |> (fun kv -> formatTuple (kv.Key, kv.Value)) |> formatMultiLineList if (formattedList.Contains("\n")) then sprintf "%s\n%s\n%s" formattedList (indent 2 "|> Map.ofList") (indent 2 "|> Some") else sprintf "%s |> Map.ofList |> Some" formattedList override this.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = this.FormatMap value override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type OcrNumbers() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofPositiveInt |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> normalizeJArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type Pangram() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type PalindromeProducts() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let toFactors (value: obj) = let jArray = value :?> obj list let factors = jArray |> (string >> int) sprintf "(%A, %A)" factors.[0] factors.[1] let toPalindromeProducts (value: obj) = let jObject = value :?> JObject let palindromeValue = jObject.Value("value") let factors = jObject.Value("factors") |> normalizeJArray |> toFactors |> formatList sprintf "(%d, %s)" palindromeValue factors override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofNonError |> toPalindromeProducts |> formatOption |> parenthesizeOption override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter _ = ["min"; "max"] type PascalsTriangle() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = match value with | :? JArray -> let formattedList = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList if (formattedList.Contains("\n")) then sprintf "%s\n%s" formattedList (indent 2 "|> Some") else sprintf "%s |> Some" formattedList | _ -> "None" override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key, value with | "expected", :? JArray -> match value :?> JArray |> Seq.isEmpty with | true -> Some "int list list option" | false -> None | _ -> base.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.TestMethodBodyAssertTemplate _ = "AssertEqual" type PerfectNumbers() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let toClassification value = string value |> String.humanize override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofNonError |> toClassification |> formatOption |> parenthesizeOption type PhoneNumber() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofObj |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type PigLatin() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Poker() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type Pov() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let isNull x = match x with null -> true | _ -> false override __.RenderSetup _ = ["let rec graphToList graph = " " let right =" " graph.children" " |> List.sortBy (fun x -> x.value)" " |> List.collect graphToList" " [graph.value] @ right" "let mapToList graph = match graph with | Some x -> graphToList x | None -> []" ] |> String.concat "\n" member this.RenderNode (tree: obj) : string = match isNull tree with | true -> "" | false -> let node = (tree :?> JObject).ToObject>(); let children = if node.ContainsKey "children" then node.["children"] |> this.RenderNode |> formatList else "[]" let label = node.["label"] |> formatValue sprintf "mkGraph %s %s" label children override this.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = seq { yield canonicalDataCase.Properties.["tree"] |> this.RenderNode |> sprintf "let tree = %s" match canonicalDataCase.Property, isNull canonicalDataCase.Expected with | "fromPov", false -> yield canonicalDataCase.Expected |> this.RenderNode |> sprintf "let expected = %s" | _, _ -> () } |> Seq.toList override __.RenderSut canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "fromPov" -> let from = canonicalDataCase.Properties.["from"] |> formatValue match isNull canonicalDataCase.Expected with | false -> sprintf "fromPOV %s tree |> mapToList " from | true -> sprintf "fromPOV %s tree " from | "pathTo" -> let fromValue = canonicalDataCase.Properties.["from"] |> formatValue let toValue = canonicalDataCase.Properties.["to"] |> formatValue sprintf "tracePathBetween %s %s tree" fromValue toValue | _ -> "" override __.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "fromPov" -> match isNull value with | true -> "None" | false -> sprintf "<| graphToList %s" key | "pathTo" -> match isNull value with | true -> "None" | false -> printf "%s" canonicalDataCase.Description canonicalDataCase.Expected :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatList |> sprintf "<| Some %s" | _ -> "" type PrimeFactors() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) |> sprintf "%sL" type ProteinTranslation() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Proverb() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (_, _, value) = match value :?> JArray |> Seq.isEmpty with | true -> Some "string list" | false -> None type QueenAttack() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.MapCanonicalDataCaseExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "create" -> value :?> int64 <> -1L |> box | _ -> base.MapCanonicalDataCaseInputProperty (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = let parsePositionTuple (tupleValue: obj) = let position = (tupleValue :?> JToken).SelectToken("position") formatValue (position.["row"].ToObject(), position.["column"].ToObject()) match key with | "queen" | "white_queen" | "black_queen" -> parsePositionTuple value | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["white_queen"; "black_queen"] type RailFenceCipher() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter _ = ["rails"; "msg"] override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type Raindrops() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type RationalNumbers() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderValue (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match value with | :? JArray as jArray -> sprintf "(create %d %d)" (jArray.[0].Value()) (jArray.[1].Value()) | _ -> base.RenderValue (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.TestMethodBodyAssertTemplate canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Expected with | :? double -> "AssertEqualWithin" | _ -> base.TestMethodBodyAssertTemplate(canonicalDataCase) type React() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = [] member private __.RenderCells canonicalDataCase = let reactorVar = sprintf "let %s = new %s()" "reactor" "Reactor" let cellVars = canonicalDataCase.Input.["cells"] :?> JArray |> (fun (cellValue: JToken) -> let cell = cellValue :?> JObject let cellName = cell.["name"].ToObject() match cell.["type"].ToObject() with | "compute" -> let funBody = cell.["compute_function"].ToObject().Replace ("inputs", "values.") let inputParams = (cell.["inputs"].ToObject>() |> formatList) sprintf "let %s = reactor.createComputeCell %s (fun values -> %s)" cellName inputParams funBody | "input" -> let initialValue = cell.["initial_value"].ToObject() sprintf "let %s = reactor.createInputCell %s" cellName (formatValue initialValue) | _ -> "" ) |> Seq.toList [ reactorVar ] @ cellVars member private __.RenderOperations canonicalDataCase = canonicalDataCase.Input.["operations"] :?> JArray // we can generate more than 1 line per operation // so we need to flatten results here // collect does it automatically for us // and every operation should emit seq |> Seq.collect (fun (opToken: JToken) -> let op = opToken :?> JObject match op.["type"].ToObject() with | "expect_cell_value" -> seq { let cellName = op.["cell"].ToObject() let expectedValue = op.["value"].ToObject() yield sprintf "%s.Value |> should equal %i" cellName expectedValue } | "set_value" -> seq { let cellName = op.["cell"].ToObject() let cellValue = op.["value"].ToObject() yield sprintf "%s.Value <- %i" cellName cellValue } | "add_callback" -> seq { let callbackName = op.["name"].ToObject() let cellName = op.["cell"].ToObject() yield sprintf "let mutable %s = []" callbackName yield sprintf "let %sHandler = Handler(fun _ value -> %s <- %s @ [value])" callbackName callbackName callbackName yield sprintf "%s.Changed.AddHandler %sHandler" cellName callbackName } | "expect_callback_values" -> seq { let callbackName = op.["callback"].ToObject() let callbackValues = op.["values"].ToObject() if callbackValues.Length = 0 then yield sprintf "%s |> should equal List.empty" callbackName else yield sprintf "%s |> should equal %s" callbackName (formatList callbackValues) } | "remove_callback" -> seq { let cellName = op.["cell"].ToObject() let callbackName = op.["name"].ToObject() yield sprintf "%s.Changed.RemoveHandler %sHandler" cellName callbackName } | _ -> seq { yield "" } ) |> Seq.toList override __.RenderAssert _ = [] override this.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = let initialVars = this.RenderCells canonicalDataCase let operations = this.RenderOperations canonicalDataCase initialVars @ operations type Rectangles() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> normalizeJArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type ReverseString() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type RobotSimulator() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let parseInput (input: obj) = let token = input :?> JToken let direction = token.SelectToken "direction" |> Option.ofObj let position = token.SelectToken "position" |> Option.ofObj (direction, position) let renderDirection (value: JToken) = value.ToObject() |> String.upperCaseFirst let renderPosition (position: JToken) = (position.["x"].ToObject(), position.["y"].ToObject()) |> formatValue let renderRobot direction position = sprintf "create %s %s" (renderDirection direction) (renderPosition position) let renderInput input = match input with | None, Some position -> renderPosition position | Some direction, None -> renderDirection direction | Some direction, Some position -> renderRobot direction position | None, None -> failwith "No direction or position" override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = match parseInput canonicalDataCase.Expected with | None, Some _ -> ["sut"] | Some _, None -> ["sut"] | Some _, Some _ -> ["expected"] | None, None -> ["sut"; "expected"] override __.ToTestMethodBodyAssert canonicalDataCase = let testMethodBodyAssert = base.ToTestMethodBodyAssert(canonicalDataCase) match parseInput canonicalDataCase.Expected with | None, Some _ -> { testMethodBodyAssert with Sut = sprintf "%s.position" testMethodBodyAssert.Sut } | Some _, None -> { testMethodBodyAssert with Sut = sprintf "%s.direction" testMethodBodyAssert.Sut } | _ -> testMethodBodyAssert override __.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase = sprintf "let robot = %s" (canonicalDataCase.Properties.["input"] |> parseInput |> renderInput) :: base.RenderArrange canonicalDataCase override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> parseInput |> renderInput override __.RenderSut canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "create" -> "robot" | "turnLeft" | "turnRight" | "advance" -> sprintf "%s robot" canonicalDataCase.Property | "instructions" -> sprintf "instructions %s robot" (formatValue canonicalDataCase.Input.["instructions"]) | _ -> base.RenderSut canonicalDataCase override __.RenderTestMethodName canonicalDataCase = let testMethodName = base.RenderTestMethodName canonicalDataCase match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "create" | "instructions" -> testMethodName | _ -> sprintf "%s %s" canonicalDataCase.Property (String.lowerCaseFirst testMethodName) type RotationalCipher() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type RnaTranscription() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofObj |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type RunLengthEncoding() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.RenderSut canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "consistency" -> let parameters = this.RenderSutParameters canonicalDataCase |> String.concat " " sprintf "%s |> encode |> decode" parameters | _ -> base.RenderSut canonicalDataCase override __.RenderTestMethodName canonicalDataCase = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "consistency" -> base.RenderTestMethodName canonicalDataCase | _ -> sprintf "%s %s" canonicalDataCase.Property canonicalDataCase.Description |> String.upperCaseFirst type RomanNumerals() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type SaddlePoints() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let renderSaddlePoint (input: JObject) = (input.Value("row"), input.Value("column")) |> formatTuple override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> normalizeJArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = (value :?> JArray).Values() |> renderSaddlePoint |> formatList override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase type Say() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofPositiveInt |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = sprintf "%sL" (string value) type ScaleGenerator() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.MapCanonicalDataCaseInput (canonicalDataCase, properties) = let input = base.MapCanonicalDataCaseInput (canonicalDataCase, properties) match Map.tryFind "intervals" input with | Some _ -> input | None -> Map.add "intervals" null input override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "intervals" -> value |> Option.ofObj |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter _ = ["tonic"; "intervals"] type ScrabbleScore() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Sieve() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = (value :?> JArray) |> normalizeJArray |> formatValue |> formatList type SecretHandshake() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type SpaceAge() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match value with | :? string as s -> s | :? int64 as i -> sprintf "%dL" i | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) type SpiralMatrix() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type Sublist() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = string value |> String.upperCaseFirst override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter canonicalDataCase type SumOfMultiples() = inherit GeneratorExercise() type Tournament() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase override __.RenderValue (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type TwelveDays() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.PropertiesUsedAsSutParameter _ = ["startVerse"; "endVerse"] override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type Transpose() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase override __.IdentifierTypeAnnotation (_, _, value) = match value :?> JArray |> Seq.isEmpty with | true -> Some "string list" | false -> None override __.RenderValue (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList type Triangle() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let formatFloat (value:obj) = match value with | :? int64 as i -> sprintf "%.1f" (float i) | :? int32 as i -> sprintf "%.1f" (float i) | :? float as f -> sprintf "%.1f" f | _ -> failwith "Invalid value" let hasUniqueTestMethodName canonicalDataCase = canonicalDataCase.Description.Contains "equilateral" || canonicalDataCase.Description.Contains "isosceles" || canonicalDataCase.Description.Contains "scalene" override __.RenderTestMethodName canonicalDataCase = match hasUniqueTestMethodName canonicalDataCase with | true -> base.RenderTestMethodName canonicalDataCase | false -> sprintf "%s returns %s" (String.upperCaseFirst canonicalDataCase.Property) canonicalDataCase.Description override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = value :?> JArray |> normalizeJArray |> formatFloat |> formatList type TwoBucket() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let renderBucket (value: obj) = value |> string |> String.upperCaseFirst |> sprintf "Bucket.%s" override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "startBucket" -> renderBucket value | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = let jObject = value :?> JObject let moves = jObject.Value("moves") let goalBucket = jObject.Value("goalBucket") |> renderBucket let otherBucket = jObject.Value("otherBucket") sprintf "{ Moves = %d; GoalBucket = %s; OtherBucket = %d }" moves goalBucket otherBucket type TwoFer() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderInput (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofObj |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type VariableLengthQuantity() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let formatUnsignedByteList (value: obj) = value :?> JArray |> (fun x -> x.Value() |> sprintf "0x%xuy") |> formatList let formatUnsignedIntList (value: obj) = value :?> JArray |> (fun x -> x.Value() |> sprintf "0x%xu") |> formatList override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "encode" -> value |> formatUnsignedIntList | "decode" -> value |> formatUnsignedByteList | _ -> base.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) override __.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match canonicalDataCase.Property with | "encode" -> value |> formatUnsignedByteList | "decode" -> value |> Option.ofObj |> formatUnsignedIntList |> formatOption |> parenthesizeOption | _ -> base.RenderExpected (canonicalDataCase, key, value) type WordCount() = inherit GeneratorExercise() member __.FormatMap<'TKey, 'TValue> (value: obj) = let input = value :?> JObject let dict = input.ToObject>(); let formattedList = dict |> (fun kv -> formatTuple (kv.Key, kv.Value)) |> formatMultiLineList if (formattedList.Contains("\n")) then sprintf "%s\n%s" formattedList (indent 2 "|> Map.ofList") else sprintf "%s |> Map.ofList" formattedList override this.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = this.FormatMap value override __.PropertiesWithIdentifier _ = ["expected"] type WordSearch() = inherit GeneratorExercise() let toCoordinates (value: JToken) = value.Value("column"), value.Value("row") let renderExpectedCoordinates (value: JObject) = formatTuple (value.Item("start") |> toCoordinates, value.Item("end") |> toCoordinates) let renderExpectedValue (value: JObject) = match isNull value with | true -> "Option<((int * int) * (int * int))>.None" | false -> sprintf "Some (%s)" (renderExpectedCoordinates value) override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = let input = value :?> JObject let formattedList = input.ToObject>() |> (fun kv -> sprintf "(%s, %s)" (formatValue kv.Key) (renderExpectedValue kv.Value)) |> formatMultiLineList if (formattedList.Contains("\n")) then sprintf "%s\n%s" formattedList (indent 2 "|> Map.ofList") else sprintf "%s |> Map.ofList" formattedList override __.RenderInput (canonicalDataCase, key, value) = match key with | "grid" -> value :?> JArray |> normalizeJArray |> formatValue |> formatMultiLineList | _ -> base.RenderInput(canonicalDataCase, key, value) override this.PropertiesWithIdentifier canonicalDataCase = this.Properties canonicalDataCase type Wordy() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = value |> Option.ofNonFalse |> formatValue |> parenthesizeOption type ZebraPuzzle() = inherit GeneratorExercise() override __.RenderExpected (_, _, value) = string value