module ModelRecord ############### RECORD FUNCTIONS ############### def to_s to_human end ############# GET ############# def from_orient # :nodoc: self end # Returns just the name of the Class def self.classname # :nodoc: self.class.to_s.split(':')[-1] end =begin flag whether a property exists on the Record-level =end def has_property? property attributes.keys.include? property.to_sym end def properties { "@type" => "d", "@class" => self.metadata[:class] }.merge attributes end # # Obtain the RID of the Record (format: *00:00*) # def rid begin "#{@metadata[:cluster]}:#{@metadata[:record]}" rescue "0:0" end end =begin The extended representation of RID (format: *#00:00* ) =end def rrid "#" + rid end alias to_orient rrid def to_or rid.rid? ? rrid : "{ #{embedded} }" end # returns a OrientSupport::OrientQuery def query **args **{ from: self}.merge(args)) end =begin Execute a Query using the current model-record as origin. It sends the OrientSupport::OrientQuery to the database and returns an ActiveOrient::Model-Object or an Array of Model-Objects as result. *Usage:* Query the Database by traversing through links, edges and vertices starting at a known location =end # def execute query, delete_cash: false # # query.from rrid if query.is_a?( OrientSupport::OrientQuery) && query.from.nil? # ActiveOrient::Base.remove_rid( self ) if delete_cash # result = orientdb.execute{ query.to_s } # result = if block_given? # result.is_a?(Array)?{|x| yield x } : yield(result) # else # result # end # if result.is_a? Array # work_on: self, work_with: result.orient_flatten # else # result # end # return value # end # =begin Fires a »where-Query» to the database starting with the current model-record. Attributes: * a string ( obj.find "in().out().some_attribute >3" ) * a hash ( obj.find '' => 'test' ) * an array Returns the result-set, ie. a Query-Object which contains links to the addressed records. =end def find attributes = {} q = from: self, where: attributes query q end # Get the version of the object def version # :nodoc: if document.present? document.version else @metadata[:version] end end private def version= version # :nodoc: @metadata[:version] = version end def increment_version # :nodoc: @metadata[:version] += 1 end public ############# DELETE ########### # Removes the Model-Instance from the database. # # It is overloaded in Vertex and Edge. def delete orientdb.delete_record self end ########### UPDATE ############ =begin Convenient update of the dataset A) Using PATCH Previously changed attributes are saved to the database. Using the optional »:set:« argument ad-hoc attributes can be defined V.create_class :contracts obj = Contracts.first = 'new_name' obj.update set: { yesterdays_event: 35 } updates both, the »name« and the »yesterdays_event«-properties B) Manual Modus Update accepts a Block. The contents are parsed to »set«. Manual conversion of ruby-objects to the database-input format is necessary i.e. hct is an Array of ActiveOrient::Model-records. then obj.update { "positions = #{hct.to_or} " } translates to update #83:64 set positions = [#90:18, #91:18, #92:18] return after @this and returns the modified record. The manual modus accepts the keyword »remove«. obj.update(remove: true) { "positions = #{hct.first.to_or} " } translates to update #83:64 remove positions = #90:18 return after @this This can be achieved by obj.positions If the update process is not successful, nil is returned =end def update set: {}, remove: {}, **args logger.progname = 'ActiveOrient::Model#Update' # query( kind: update, ) if block_given? # calling vs. a block is used internally # to remove an Item from lists and sets call update(remove: true){ query } set_or_remove = args[:remove].present? ? "remove" : "set" #transfer_content from: updated_record = db.execute{ "update #{rrid} #{ yield } return after $current" } &.first transfer_content from: updated_record if updated_record.present? else set = if remove.present? { remove: remove.merge!( args) } elsif set.present? set.merge!( args) else args end # set.merge updated_at: if rid.rid? q= query.kind(:update) if remove.present? q.remove(remove) else q.set(set) end transfer_content from: q.execute(reduce: true){ |y| y[:$current].reload! } else # new record self.attributes.merge! set save end end end # mocking active record def update_attribute the_attribute, the_value # :nodoc: update the_attribute => the_value.to_or end def update_attributes **args # :nodoc: update args end ########## SAVE ############ =begin Saves the record by calling update or creating the record ORD.create_class :a a = a.test = 'test' a = A.first a.test = 'test' =end def save transfer_content from: if rid.rid? db.update self, attributes, version else db.create_record self, attributes: attributes, cache: false end ActiveOrient::Base.store_rid self end def reload! transfer_content from: db.get_record(rid) self end ########## CHECK PROPERTY ######## =begin An Edge is defined * when inherent from the superclass »E» (formal definition) * if it has an in- and an out property Actually we just check the second term as we trust the constructor to work properly =end def is_edge? # :nodoc: attributes.keys.include?('in') && attributes.keys.include?('out') end =begin How to handle other calls * if attribute is specified, display it * if attribute= is provided, assign to the known property or create a new one Example: ORD.create_class :a a = a.test= 'test' # <--- attribute: 'test=', argument: 'test' a.test # <--- attribute: 'test' --> fetch attributes[:test] Assignments are performed only in ruby-space. Automatic database-updates are deactivated for now =end def method_missing *args # if the first entry of the parameter-array is a known attribute # proceed with the assignment if args.size == 1 attributes[args.first.to_sym] # return the attribute-value elsif args[0][-1] == "=" if args.size == 2 # if rid.rid? # update set:{ args[0][0..-2] => args.last } # else self.attributes[ args[0][0..-2] ] = args.last # end else self.attributes[ args[0][0..-2] ] = args[1 .. -1] # update set: {args[0][0..-2] => args[1 .. -1] } if rid.rid? end else raise NameError, "Unknown method call #{args.first.to_s}", caller end end #end #protected def transfer_content from: # »from« can be either # a model record (in case of create-record, get_record) or # a hash containing {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#xx:yy", "@version"=>n, "@class"=>'a_classname'} # and a list of updated properties (in case of db.update). Then update the version field and the # attributes. return nil if from.nil? if from.is_a? ActiveOrient::Model @metadata = from.metadata self.attributes = from.attributes else self.version = from['@version'] # throw away from["@..."] and convert keys to symbols, finally merge to attributes @attributes.merge! Hash[ from.delete_if{|k,_| k =~ /^@/}.map{|k,v| [k.to_sym, v.from_orient]}] end self # return the modified object end end