#include #include // Ruby 1.9.x #ifndef RSTRING_PTR #define RSTRING_PTR(s) (RSTRING(s)->ptr) #endif #ifndef RSTRING_LEN #define RSTRING_LEN(s) (RSTRING(s)->len) #endif #ifndef RARRAY_PTR #define RARRAY_PTR(a) (RARRAY(a)->ptr) #endif #ifndef RARRAY_LEN #define RARRAY_LEN(a) (RARRAY(a)->len) #endif #if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && SIZEOF_SIZE_T > SIZEOF_LONG # define NUM2SIZET(x) ((size_t)NUM2ULL(x)) # define NUM2SSIZET(x) ((ssize_t)NUM2LL(x)) #else # define NUM2SIZET(x) NUM2ULONG(x) # define NUM2SSIZET(x) NUM2LONG(x) #endif #if SIZEOF_SIZE_T > SIZEOF_LONG && defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) # define SIZET2NUM(v) ULL2NUM(v) # define SSIZET2NUM(v) LL2NUM(v) #elif SIZEOF_SIZE_T == SIZEOF_LONG # define SIZET2NUM(v) ULONG2NUM(v) # define SSIZET2NUM(v) LONG2NUM(v) #else # define SIZET2NUM(v) UINT2NUM(v) # define SSIZET2NUM(v) INT2NUM(v) #endif #define MAX_BUF 1024 #define WINDOWS_API_VERSION "" #define _T_VOID 0 #define _T_LONG 1 #define _T_POINTER 2 #define _T_INTEGER 3 #define _T_CALLBACK 4 #define _T_STRING 5 VALUE cAPIError, cAPIProtoError, cAPILoadError; static VALUE ActiveCallback = Qnil; typedef struct { HANDLE library; FARPROC function; int return_type; int prototype[20]; } Win32API; static void api_free(Win32API* ptr){ if(ptr->library) FreeLibrary(ptr->library); if(ptr) free(ptr); } static VALUE api_allocate(VALUE klass){ Win32API* ptr = malloc(sizeof(Win32API)); memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr)); return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, api_free, ptr); } /* Helper function that converts the error number returned by GetLastError() * into a human readable string. Note that we always use English for error * output because that's what Ruby itself does. * * Internal use only. */ char* StringError(DWORD dwError){ LPVOID lpMsgBuf; static char buf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen, dwLastError; // Assume ASCII (English) error messages from the Windows API dwLen = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dwError, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), (LPSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); dwLastError = GetLastError(); /* It appears that Windows doesn't necessarily ship with the DLL * required to always use English error messages. Check for error * ERROR_MUI_FILE_NOT_FOUND (15100) or ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND (1815) * and try again if necessary. */ if(!dwLen && (dwLastError == 15100 || dwLastError == 1815)){ dwLen = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dwError, 0, (LPSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); } if(!dwLen){ rb_raise( cAPIError, "Attempt to format message failed (error = '%lu')", GetLastError() ); } memset(buf, 0, MAX_PATH); // Remove \r\n at end of string. #ifdef HAVE_STRNCPY_S strncpy_s(buf, MAX_PATH, lpMsgBuf, dwLen - 2); #else strncpy(buf, lpMsgBuf, dwLen - 2); #endif LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); return buf; } /* * call-seq: * Win32::API::Callback.new(prototype, return='L'){ |proto| ... } * * Creates and returns a new Win32::API::Callback object. The prototype * arguments are yielded back to the block in the same order they were * declared. * * The +prototype+ is the function prototype for the callback function. This * is a string. The possible valid characters are 'I' (integer), 'L' (long), * 'V' (void), 'P' (pointer) or 'S' (string). Unlike API objects, API::Callback * objects do not have a default prototype. * * The +return+ argument is the return type for the callback function. The * valid characters are the same as for the +prototype+. The default is * 'L' (long). * * Example: * require 'win32/api' * include Win32 * * EnumWindows = API.new('EnumWindows', 'KP', 'L', 'user32') * GetWindowText = API.new('GetWindowText', 'LPI', 'I', 'user32') * * EnumWindowsProc = API::Callback.new('LP', 'I'){ |handle, param| * buf = "\0" * 200 * GetWindowText.call(handle, buf, 200); * puts buf.strip unless buf.strip.empty? * buf.index(param).nil? ? true : false * } * * EnumWindows.call(EnumWindowsProc, 'UEDIT32') */ static VALUE callback_init(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { void *find_callback(VALUE,int); VALUE v_proto, v_return, v_proc; int i; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11&", &v_proto, &v_return, &v_proc); /* Validate prototype characters */ for(i = 0; i < RSTRING_LEN(v_proto); i++){ switch(RSTRING_PTR(v_proto)[i]){ case 'I': case 'L': case 'P': case 'V': case 'S': break; default: rb_raise(cAPIProtoError, "Illegal prototype '%c'", RSTRING_PTR(v_proto)[i] ); } } if(NIL_P(v_return) || RARRAY_LEN(v_return) == 0){ v_return = rb_str_new2("L"); } else{ switch(*(TCHAR*)RSTRING_PTR(v_return)){ case 'I': case 'L': case 'P': case 'V': case 'S': break; default: rb_raise(cAPIProtoError, "Illegal return type '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(v_return) ); } } rb_iv_set(self, "@function", v_proc); rb_iv_set(self, "@prototype", v_proto); rb_iv_set(self, "@return_type", v_return); rb_iv_set(self, "@address", SIZET2NUM((LPARAM)find_callback(self,RSTRING_LEN(v_proto)))); ActiveCallback = self; return self; } /* * call-seq: * Win32::API.new(function, prototype='V', return='L', dll='kernel32') * * Creates and returns a new Win32::API object. The +function+ is the name * of the Windows function. * * The +prototype+ is the function prototype for +function+. This can be a * string or an array of characters. The possible valid characters are 'I' * (integer), 'L' (long), 'V' (void), 'P' (pointer), 'K' (callback) or 'S' * (string). * * The default is void ('V'). * * Constant (const char*) strings should use 'S'. Pass by reference string * buffers should use 'P'. The former is faster, but cannot be modified. * * The +return+ argument is the return type for the function. The valid * characters are the same as for the +prototype+. The default is 'L' (long). * * The +dll+ is the name of the DLL file that the function is exported from. * The default is 'kernel32'. * * If the function cannot be found then an API::Error is raised (a subclass * of RuntimeError). * * Example: * * require 'win32/api' * include Win32 * * buf = 0.chr * 260 * len = [buf.length].pack('L') * * GetUserName = API.new('GetUserName', 'PP', 'I', 'advapi32') * GetUserName.call(buf, len) * * puts buf.strip */ static VALUE api_init(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { HMODULE hLibrary; FARPROC fProc; Win32API* ptr; int i; const char* first = "A"; const char* second = "W"; VALUE v_proc, v_proto, v_return, v_dll; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &v_proc, &v_proto, &v_return, &v_dll); Data_Get_Struct(self, Win32API, ptr); // Convert a string prototype to an array of characters if(rb_respond_to(v_proto, rb_intern("split"))) v_proto = rb_str_split(v_proto, ""); // Convert a nil or empty prototype to 'V' (void) automatically if(NIL_P(v_proto) || RARRAY_LEN(v_proto) == 0){ v_proto = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(v_proto, rb_str_new2("V")); } // Set an arbitrary limit of 20 parameters if(RARRAY_LEN(v_proto) > 20) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "too many parameters: %ld", RARRAY_LEN(v_proto)); // Set the default dll to 'kernel32' if(NIL_P(v_dll)) v_dll = rb_str_new2("kernel32"); // Set the default return type to 'L' (DWORD) if(NIL_P(v_return)) v_return = rb_str_new2("L"); SafeStringValue(v_dll); SafeStringValue(v_proc); hLibrary = LoadLibrary(TEXT(RSTRING_PTR(v_dll))); // The most likely cause of failure is a bad DLL load path if(!hLibrary){ rb_raise(cAPILoadError, "LoadLibrary() function failed for '%s': %s", RSTRING_PTR(v_dll), StringError(GetLastError()) ); } ptr->library = hLibrary; /* Attempt to get the function. If it fails, try again with an 'A' * appended. If that fails, try again with a 'W' appended. If that * still fails, raise an API::LoadLibraryError. */ fProc = GetProcAddress(hLibrary, TEXT(RSTRING_PTR(v_proc))); // Skip the ANSI and Wide function checks for MSVCRT functions. if(!fProc){ if(strstr(RSTRING_PTR(v_dll), "msvcr")){ rb_raise( cAPILoadError, "Unable to load function '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(v_proc) ); } else{ VALUE v_ascii = rb_str_new3(v_proc); v_ascii = rb_str_cat(v_ascii, first, 1); fProc = GetProcAddress(hLibrary, TEXT(RSTRING_PTR(v_ascii))); if(!fProc){ VALUE v_unicode = rb_str_new3(v_proc); v_unicode = rb_str_cat(v_unicode, second, 1); fProc = GetProcAddress(hLibrary, TEXT(RSTRING_PTR(v_unicode))); if(!fProc){ rb_raise( cAPILoadError, "Unable to load function '%s', '%s', or '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(v_proc), RSTRING_PTR(v_ascii), RSTRING_PTR(v_unicode) ); } else{ rb_iv_set(self, "@effective_function_name", v_unicode); } } else{ rb_iv_set(self, "@effective_function_name", v_ascii); } } } else{ rb_iv_set(self, "@effective_function_name", v_proc); } ptr->function = fProc; // Push the numeric prototypes onto our int array for later use. for(i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(v_proto); i++){ SafeStringValue(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[i]); switch(*(TCHAR*)StringValuePtr(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[i])){ case 'L': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_LONG; break; case 'P': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_POINTER; break; case 'I': case 'B': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_INTEGER; break; case 'V': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_VOID; break; case 'K': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_CALLBACK; break; case 'S': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_STRING; break; default: rb_raise(cAPIProtoError, "Illegal prototype '%s'", StringValuePtr(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[i]) ); } } // Store the return type for later use. // Automatically convert empty strings or nil to type void. if(NIL_P(v_return) || RSTRING_LEN(v_return) == 0){ v_return = rb_str_new2("V"); ptr->return_type = _T_VOID; } else{ SafeStringValue(v_return); switch(*RSTRING_PTR(v_return)){ case 'L': ptr->return_type = _T_LONG; break; case 'P': ptr->return_type = _T_POINTER; break; case 'I': case 'B': ptr->return_type = _T_INTEGER; break; case 'V': ptr->return_type = _T_VOID; break; case 'S': ptr->return_type = _T_STRING; break; default: rb_raise(cAPIProtoError, "Illegal return type '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(v_return) ); } } rb_iv_set(self, "@dll_name", v_dll); rb_iv_set(self, "@function_name", v_proc); rb_iv_set(self, "@prototype", v_proto); rb_iv_set(self, "@return_type", v_return); return self; } /* * call-seq: * * API::Function.new(address, prototype = 'V', return_type = 'L') * * Creates and returns an API::Function object. This object is similar to an * API object, except that instead of a character function name you pass a * function pointer address as the first argument, and there's no associated * DLL file. * * Once you have your API::Function object you can then call it the same way * you would an API object. * * Example: * * require 'win32/api' * include Win32 * * LoadLibrary = API.new('LoadLibrary', 'P', 'L') * GetProcAddress = API.new('GetProcAddress', 'LP', 'L') * * # Play a system beep * hlib = LoadLibrary.call('user32') * addr = GetProcAddress.call(hlib, 'MessageBeep') * func = Win32::API::Function.new(addr, 'L', 'L') * func.call(0) */ static VALUE func_init(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self){ Win32API* ptr; int i; VALUE v_address, v_proto, v_return; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &v_address, &v_proto, &v_return); Data_Get_Struct(self, Win32API, ptr); // Convert a string prototype to an array of characters if(rb_respond_to(v_proto, rb_intern("split"))) v_proto = rb_str_split(v_proto, ""); // Convert a nil or empty prototype to 'V' (void) automatically if(NIL_P(v_proto) || RARRAY_LEN(v_proto) == 0){ v_proto = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(v_proto, rb_str_new2("V")); } // Set an arbitrary limit of 20 parameters if(20 < RARRAY_LEN(v_proto)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "too many parameters: %li\n", RARRAY_LEN(v_proto)); // Set the default return type to 'L' (DWORD) if(NIL_P(v_return)) v_return = rb_str_new2("L"); ptr->function = (FARPROC)NUM2SIZET(v_address); // Push the numeric prototypes onto our int array for later use. for(i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(v_proto); i++){ SafeStringValue(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[i]); switch(*(char*)StringValuePtr(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[i])){ case 'L': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_LONG; break; case 'P': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_POINTER; break; case 'I': case 'B': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_INTEGER; break; case 'V': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_VOID; break; case 'K': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_CALLBACK; break; case 'S': ptr->prototype[i] = _T_STRING; break; default: rb_raise(cAPIProtoError, "Illegal prototype '%s'", StringValuePtr(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[i]) ); } } // Store the return type for later use. // Automatically convert empty strings or nil to type void. if(NIL_P(v_return) || RSTRING_LEN(v_return) == 0){ v_return = rb_str_new2("V"); ptr->return_type = _T_VOID; } else{ SafeStringValue(v_return); switch(*RSTRING_PTR(v_return)){ case 'L': ptr->return_type = _T_LONG; break; case 'P': ptr->return_type = _T_POINTER; break; case 'I': case 'B': ptr->return_type = _T_INTEGER; break; case 'V': ptr->return_type = _T_VOID; break; case 'S': ptr->return_type = _T_STRING; break; default: rb_raise(cAPIProtoError, "Illegal return type '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(v_return) ); } } rb_iv_set(self, "@address", v_address); rb_iv_set(self, "@prototype", v_proto); rb_iv_set(self, "@return_type", v_return); return self; } typedef struct { uintptr_t params[20]; } CALLPARAM; DWORD CallbackFunction(CALLPARAM param, VALUE callback) { VALUE v_proto, v_return, v_proc, v_retval; VALUE argv[20]; int i, argc; char *a_proto; char *a_return; if(callback && !NIL_P(callback)){ v_proto = rb_iv_get(callback, "@prototype"); a_proto = RSTRING_PTR(v_proto); v_return = rb_iv_get(callback, "@return_type"); a_return = RSTRING_PTR(v_return); v_proc = rb_iv_get(callback, "@function"); argc = RSTRING_LEN(v_proto); for(i=0; i < RSTRING_LEN(v_proto); i++){ argv[i] = Qnil; switch(a_proto[i]){ case 'L': argv[i] = SIZET2NUM(param.params[i]); break; case 'P': if(param.params[i]) argv[i] = rb_str_new2((char *)param.params[i]); break; case 'I': argv[i] = INT2NUM(param.params[i]); break; default: rb_raise(cAPIProtoError, "Illegal prototype '%c'", a_proto[i]); } } v_retval = rb_funcall2(v_proc, rb_intern("call"), argc, argv); /* Handle true and false explicitly, as some CALLBACK functions * require TRUE or FALSE to break out of loops, etc. */ if(v_retval == Qtrue) return TRUE; else if(v_retval == Qfalse) return FALSE; switch (*a_return) { case 'I': return NUM2INT(v_retval); break; case 'L': return NUM2SIZET(v_retval); break; case 'S': return (uintptr_t)RSTRING_PTR(v_retval); break; case 'P': if(NIL_P(v_retval)){ return 0; } else if(FIXNUM_P(v_retval)){ return NUM2SIZET(v_retval); } else{ StringValue(v_retval); rb_str_modify(v_retval); return (uintptr_t)StringValuePtr(v_retval); } break; } } return 0; } #define CALLBACK0(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction0_##x() {\ CALLPARAM param = {{0}};\ param.params[0] = 0;\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[0][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK1(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction1_##x(DWORD p1) {\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[1][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK2(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction2_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[2][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK3(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction3_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2, DWORD p3){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2,p3}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[3][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK4(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction4_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2, DWORD p3, DWORD p4){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2,p3,p4}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[4][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK5(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction5_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2, DWORD p3, DWORD p4, DWORD p5\ ){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2,p3,p4,p5}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[5][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK6(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction6_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2, DWORD p3, DWORD p4, DWORD p5, DWORD p6\ ){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[6][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK7(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction7_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2, DWORD p3, DWORD p4, DWORD p5, DWORD p6, DWORD p7\ ){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[7][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK8(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction8_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2, DWORD p3, DWORD p4,\ DWORD p5, DWORD p6, DWORD p7, DWORD p8\ ){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[8][x]);\ } #define CALLBACK9(x) DWORD CALLBACK CallbackFunction9_##x(\ DWORD p1, DWORD p2, DWORD p3, DWORD p4, DWORD p5,\ DWORD p6, DWORD p7, DWORD p8, DWORD p9\ ){\ CALLPARAM param = {{p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9}};\ return CallbackFunction(param,FuncTable[9][x]);\ } #define DEFCALLBACK(x) CALLBACK##x(0)\ CALLBACK##x(1)\ CALLBACK##x(2)\ CALLBACK##x(3)\ CALLBACK##x(4)\ CALLBACK##x(5)\ CALLBACK##x(6)\ CALLBACK##x(7)\ CALLBACK##x(8)\ CALLBACK##x(9) #define CF(x,y) CallbackFunction##x##_##y static VALUE FuncTable[10][10]; DEFCALLBACK(0) DEFCALLBACK(1) DEFCALLBACK(2) DEFCALLBACK(3) DEFCALLBACK(4) DEFCALLBACK(5) DEFCALLBACK(6) DEFCALLBACK(7) DEFCALLBACK(8) DEFCALLBACK(9) void *CallbackTable[10][10] = { {CF(0,0),CF(0,1),CF(0,2),CF(0,3),CF(0,4),CF(0,5),CF(0,6),CF(0,7),CF(0,8),CF(0,9)}, {CF(1,0),CF(1,1),CF(1,2),CF(1,3),CF(1,4),CF(1,5),CF(1,6),CF(1,7),CF(1,8),CF(1,9)}, {CF(2,0),CF(2,1),CF(2,2),CF(2,3),CF(2,4),CF(2,5),CF(2,6),CF(2,7),CF(2,8),CF(2,9)}, {CF(3,0),CF(3,1),CF(3,2),CF(3,3),CF(3,4),CF(3,5),CF(3,6),CF(3,7),CF(3,8),CF(3,9)}, {CF(4,0),CF(4,1),CF(4,2),CF(4,3),CF(4,4),CF(4,5),CF(4,6),CF(4,7),CF(4,8),CF(4,9)}, {CF(5,0),CF(5,1),CF(5,2),CF(5,3),CF(5,4),CF(5,5),CF(5,6),CF(5,7),CF(5,8),CF(5,9)}, {CF(6,0),CF(6,1),CF(6,2),CF(6,3),CF(6,4),CF(6,5),CF(6,6),CF(6,7),CF(6,8),CF(6,9)}, {CF(7,0),CF(7,1),CF(7,2),CF(7,3),CF(7,4),CF(7,5),CF(7,6),CF(7,7),CF(7,8),CF(7,9)}, {CF(8,0),CF(8,1),CF(8,2),CF(8,3),CF(8,4),CF(8,5),CF(8,6),CF(8,7),CF(8,8),CF(8,9)}, {CF(9,0),CF(9,1),CF(9,2),CF(9,3),CF(9,4),CF(9,5),CF(9,6),CF(9,7),CF(9,8),CF(9,9)}}; void *find_callback(VALUE obj,int len) { int i; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { if(FuncTable[len][i]==0) break; } if(i>=10) rb_raise(cAPIError,"too many callbacks are defined."); FuncTable[len][i] = obj; return CallbackTable[len][i]; } /* * call-seq: * Win32::API#call(arg1, arg2, ...) * * Calls the function pointer with the given arguments (if any). Note that, * while this method will catch some prototype mismatches (raising a TypeError * in the process), it is not fulproof. It is ultimately your job to make * sure the arguments match the +prototype+ specified in the constructor. * * For convenience, nil is converted to NULL, true is converted to TRUE (1) * and false is converted to FALSE (0). */ static VALUE api_call(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self){ VALUE v_proto, v_args, v_arg, v_return; Win32API* ptr; uintptr_t return_value; int i = 0; int len; struct{ uintptr_t params[20]; } param; Data_Get_Struct(self, Win32API, ptr); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0*", &v_args); v_proto = rb_iv_get(self, "@prototype"); // For void prototypes, allow either no args or an explicit nil if(RARRAY_LEN(v_proto) != RARRAY_LEN(v_args)){ char* c = StringValuePtr(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[0]); if(!strcmp(c, "V")){ rb_ary_push(v_args, Qnil); } else{ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of parameters: expected %ld, got %ld", RARRAY_LEN(v_proto), RARRAY_LEN(v_args) ); } } len = RARRAY_LEN(v_proto); for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ v_arg = RARRAY_PTR(v_args)[i]; // Convert nil to NULL. Otherwise convert as appropriate. if(NIL_P(v_arg)) param.params[i] = (uintptr_t)NULL; else if(v_arg == Qtrue) param.params[i] = TRUE; else if(v_arg == Qfalse) param.params[i] = FALSE; else switch(ptr->prototype[i]){ case _T_LONG: param.params[i] = NUM2SIZET(v_arg); break; case _T_INTEGER: param.params[i] = NUM2INT(v_arg); break; case _T_POINTER: if(FIXNUM_P(v_arg)){ param.params[i] = NUM2SIZET(v_arg); } else{ StringValue(v_arg); rb_str_modify(v_arg); param.params[i] = (uintptr_t)StringValuePtr(v_arg); } break; case _T_CALLBACK: ActiveCallback = v_arg; param.params[i] = (LPARAM)NUM2SIZET(rb_iv_get(ActiveCallback, "@address"));; break; case _T_STRING: param.params[i] = (uintptr_t)RSTRING_PTR(v_arg); break; default: param.params[i] = NUM2SIZET(v_arg); } } /* Call the function, get the return value */ if(strcmp(StringValuePtr(RARRAY_PTR(v_proto)[0]), "V") == 0 && len == 1) { return_value = ptr->function(); } else { switch(len) { case 0: return_value = ptr->function(); break; case 1: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0]); break; case 2: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1]); break; case 3: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2]); break; case 4: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3]); break; case 5: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4]); break; case 6: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5]); break; case 7: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6]); break; case 8: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7]); break; case 9: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8]); break; case 10: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9]); break; case 11: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10]); break; case 12: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11]); break; case 13: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12]); break; case 14: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12], param.params[13]); break; case 15: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12], param.params[13], param.params[14]); break; case 16: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12], param.params[13], param.params[14], param.params[15]); break; case 17: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12], param.params[13], param.params[14], param.params[15], param.params[16]); break; case 18: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12], param.params[13], param.params[14], param.params[15], param.params[16], param.params[17]); break; case 19: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12], param.params[13], param.params[14], param.params[15], param.params[16], param.params[17], param.params[18]); break; case 20: return_value = ptr->function(param.params[0], param.params[1], param.params[2], param.params[3], param.params[4], param.params[5], param.params[6], param.params[7], param.params[8], param.params[9], param.params[10], param.params[11], param.params[12], param.params[13], param.params[14], param.params[15], param.params[16], param.params[17], param.params[18], param.params[19]); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError,"number of parameters exceed 20!"); } } /* Return the appropriate type based on the return type specified * in the constructor. */ switch(ptr->return_type){ case _T_INTEGER: v_return = INT2NUM(return_value); break; case _T_LONG: v_return = SIZET2NUM(return_value); break; case _T_VOID: v_return = Qnil; break; case _T_POINTER: if(!return_value){ v_return = Qnil; } else{ VALUE v_efunc = rb_iv_get(self, "@effective_function_name"); char* efunc = RSTRING_PTR(v_efunc); if(efunc[strlen(efunc)-1] == 'W'){ v_return = rb_str_new( (TCHAR*)return_value, wcslen((wchar_t*)return_value)*2 ); } else{ v_return = rb_str_new2((TCHAR*)return_value); } } break; case _T_STRING: { VALUE v_efunc = rb_iv_get(self, "@effective_function_name"); char* efunc = RSTRING_PTR(v_efunc); if(efunc[strlen(efunc)-1] == 'W'){ v_return = rb_str_new( (TCHAR*)return_value, wcslen((wchar_t*)return_value)*2 ); } else{ v_return = rb_str_new2((TCHAR*)return_value); } } break; default: v_return = INT2NUM(0); } return v_return; } /* * Wraps the Windows API functions in a Ruby interface. */ void Init_api(){ VALUE mWin32, cAPI, cCallback, cFunction; /* Modules and Classes */ /* The Win32 module serves as a namespace only */ mWin32 = rb_define_module("Win32"); /* The API class encapsulates a function pointer to Windows API function */ cAPI = rb_define_class_under(mWin32, "API", rb_cObject); /* The API::Callback class encapsulates a Windows CALLBACK function */ cCallback = rb_define_class_under(cAPI, "Callback", rb_cObject); /* The API::Function class encapsulates a raw function pointer */ cFunction = rb_define_class_under(cAPI, "Function", cAPI); /* The API::Error class serves as a base class for other errors */ cAPIError = rb_define_class_under(cAPI, "Error", rb_eRuntimeError); /* The LoadError class is raised if a function cannot be found or loaded */ cAPILoadError = rb_define_class_under(cAPI, "LoadLibraryError", cAPIError); /* The PrototypeError class is raised if an invalid prototype is passed */ cAPIProtoError = rb_define_class_under(cAPI, "PrototypeError", cAPIError); /* Miscellaneous */ rb_define_alloc_func(cAPI, api_allocate); /* Win32::API Instance Methods */ rb_define_method(cAPI, "initialize", api_init, -1); rb_define_method(cAPI, "call", api_call, -1); /* Win32::API::Callback Instance Methods */ rb_define_method(cCallback, "initialize", callback_init, -1); /* Win32::API::Function Instance Methods */ rb_define_method(cFunction, "initialize", func_init, -1); /* The name of the DLL that exports the API function */ rb_define_attr(cAPI, "dll_name", 1, 0); /* The name of the function passed to the constructor */ rb_define_attr(cAPI, "function_name", 1, 0); /* The name of the actual function that is returned by the constructor. * For example, if you passed 'GetUserName' to the constructor, then the * effective function name would be either 'GetUserNameA' or 'GetUserNameW'. */ rb_define_attr(cAPI, "effective_function_name", 1, 0); /* The prototype, returned as an array of characters */ rb_define_attr(cAPI, "prototype", 1, 0); /* The return type, returned as a single character, S, P, L, I, V or B */ rb_define_attr(cAPI, "return_type", 1, 0); /* Win32::API::Callback Instance Methods */ /* The prototype, returned as an array of characters */ rb_define_attr(cCallback, "prototype", 1, 0); /* The return type, returned as a single character, S, P, L, I, V or B */ rb_define_attr(cCallback, "return_type", 1, 0); /* The numeric address of the function pointer */ rb_define_attr(cCallback, "address", 1, 0); rb_define_attr(cFunction, "address", 1, 0); /* Constants */ /* 1.6.0: The version of the win32-api library */ rb_define_const(cAPI, "VERSION", rb_str_new2(WINDOWS_API_VERSION)); }