def assert_watched_routes_include(controller, action, method) begin routes = YAML.load_file(RouteDog::Middleware::RouteDog.config_file) raise if !routes[controller.to_s][action.to_s].include?(method.to_s) raise if routes[controller.to_s][action.to_s].reject {|e| e != method.to_s}.size != 1 rescue assert false, "Expected Watched Routes To Include {:controller => :#{controller}, :action => :#{action}, :method => :#{method}} Only One Time." end end def assert_watched_routes_not_include(controller, action, method = :get) begin routes = YAML.load_file(RouteDog::Middleware::RouteDog.config_file) routes[controller.to_s][action.to_s].include?(method.to_s) assert false rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError assert false, "Expected Watched Routes To Not include {:controller => :#{controller}, :action => :#{action}, :method => :#{method}}." rescue assert true end end def assert_notify_for(controller, action, method = :get) html_notification = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body).search('div#route_dog_warning') assert html_notification.any?, "Expected {:controller => :#{controller}, :action => :#{action}, :method => :#{method}} Notify That The Route Has Not Tests" end def assert_not_notify_for(controller, action, method = :get) html_notification = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body).search('div#route_dog_warning') assert !html_notification.any?, "Expected {:controller => :#{controller}, :action => :#{action}, :method => :#{method}} To Not Notify That The Route Has Not Tests" end