import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus' import { first, isObject, merge } from 'lodash' import Tagify from '@yaireo/tagify' import URI from 'urijs' import { suggestionItemTemplate, tagTemplate } from './tags_field_helpers' import debouncePromise from '../../helpers/debounce_promise' export default class extends Controller { static targets = ['input', 'fakeInput'] static values = { whitelistItems: { type: Array, default: [] }, disallowedItems: { type: Array, default: [] }, enforceSuggestions: { type: Boolean, default: false }, closeOnSelect: { type: Boolean, default: false }, delimiters: { type: Array, default: [] }, suggestionsMaxItems: { type: Number, default: 20 }, mode: String, fetchValuesFrom: String, } tagify = null searchDebounce = 500 debouncedFetch = debouncePromise(fetch, this.searchDebounce) get suggestionsAreObjects() { return isObject(first(this.whitelistItemsValue)) || this.fetchValuesFromValue } get tagifyOptions() { let options = { whitelist: this.whitelistItemsValue, blacklist: this.disallowedItemsValue, enforceWhitelist: this.enforceSuggestionsValue, delimiters: this.delimitersValue.join('|'), dropdown: { maxItems: this.suggestionsMaxItemsValue, enabled: 0, searchKeys: [this.labelAttributeValue], closeOnSelect: this.closeOnSelectValue, }, } if (this.modeValue) { options.mode = this.modeValue // null or "select" } if (this.suggestionsAreObjects) { options = merge(options, { tagTextProp: 'label', dropdown: { searchKeys: ['label'], mapValueTo: 'value', }, templates: { tag: tagTemplate, dropdownItem: suggestionItemTemplate, }, originalInputValueFormat: (valuesArr) => => item.value), }) } else { options = merge(options, { originalInputValueFormat: (valuesArr) => => item.value).join(','), }) } return options } connect() { if (this.hasInputTarget) { this.hideFakeInput() this.showRealInput() this.initTagify() } } initTagify() { this.tagify = new Tagify(this.inputTarget, this.tagifyOptions) const that = this function onInput(e) { // Create the URL from which to fetch the values const query = e.detail.value const uri = new URI(that.fetchValuesFromValue) uri.addSearch({ q: query, }) // reset current whitelist that.tagify.whitelist = null // show the loader animation that.tagify.loading(true) // get new whitelist from a request that.fetchResults(uri.toString()) .then((result) => { that.tagify.settings.whitelist = result // add already-existing tags to the new whitelist array that.tagify .loading(false) // render the suggestions dropdown. }) .catch(() => that.tagify.dropdown.hide()) } if (this.fetchValuesFromValue) { this.tagify.on('input', onInput) } } fetchResults(endpoint) { return this.debouncedFetch(endpoint) .then((response) => response.json()) } hideFakeInput() { this.fakeInputTarget.classList.add('hidden') } showRealInput() { this.inputTarget.classList.remove('hidden') } }