module Validation # :nodoc: module ClassMethods # :nodoc: CAP_NUMBER_REGEX = '^-{0,1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$' ) CAP_INTEGER_REGEX = '\-{0,1}A[+-]?\d+\Z' ) def validates_inclusion_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'is not in the required range' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, value| next if ( value.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) unless options[ :in ].include?( value ) object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ] end end end def validates_inclusion_of_members_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'contains members that are not valid' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, collection| next if ( collection.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) || ( collection.empty? && options[ :allow_empty ]) unless collection.all?{ |member| options[ :in ].include?( member )} object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ] end end end def validates_length_of_members_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'contains members with incorrect length' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, collection| next if ( collection.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) || ( collection.empty? && options[ :allow_empty ]) unless options[ :minimum ] && collection.length >= options[ :minimum ] object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ] end end end def validates_validity_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'is not valid' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, value| next if ( value.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) unless value && value.valid? object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ] end end end def validates_collection_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'contains an invalid element' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, collection| next if ( collection.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) || ( collection.empty? && options[ :allow_empty ]) unless collection.all?{ |element| element.valid? } object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ] end end end def validates_dependency_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'is dependent on :attribute being defined' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, value| next if value.blank? contingent_on_attribute = object.send( options[ :on ]) contingent_on_attribute_value = options[ :with_value ] if contingent_on_attribute.nil? || !contingent_on_attribute_value.nil? && contingent_on_attribute_value != contingent_on_attribute object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ].gsub( /:attribute/, options[ :on ].to_s ) end end end def validates_conditional_presence_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'is not defined but is required by :contingent_attribute' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, value| contingent_attribute_value = object.send( options[ :when ] ) required_contingent_attribute_value = options[ :is ] next if contingent_attribute_value.nil? || contingent_attribute_value != required_contingent_attribute_value && !options[ :is ].blank? if value.blank? object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ].gsub( /:contingent_attribute/, options[ :whenn ].to_s ) end end end def validates_numericality_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'is not a number or does not meet a conditional requirement', }.merge!(attributes.extract_options!) re = options[:only_integer] ? CAP_INTEGER_REGEX : CAP_NUMBER_REGEX validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, value| next if (value.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) unless ( value.to_s =~ re ) && ( options[ :greater_than ].nil? || value && value > options[ :greater_than ]) && ( options[ :greater_than_or_equal ].nil? || value && value >= options[ :greater_than_or_equal]) object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ] end end end def validates_responsiveness_of( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'does not respond to the given method' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, value| next if ( collection.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) unless options[ :to ].all?{ |method_name| object.respond_to?( method_name )} object.errors[ attribute ] << options [ :message ] end end end def validates_equality_of_first_and_last( *attributes ) options = { :message => 'does not have equal first and last elements' }.merge!( attributes.extract_options! ) validates_each( *attributes ) do |object, attribute, collection| next if ( collection.nil? && options[ :allow_nil ]) unless collection.first == collection.last object.errors[ attribute ] << options[ :message ] end end end end end