context = ChefDK::Generator.context habitat_dir = File.join context.habichef_root, context.habichef_name # silence_chef_formatter unless context.verbose generator_desc 'Ensuring correct HabiChef project content' spdx_license = case context.license when 'apachev2' 'Apache-2.0' when 'mit' 'MIT' when 'gplv2' 'GPL-2.0' when 'gplv3' 'GPL-3.0' else 'All Rights Reserved' end # cookbook root dir directory habitat_dir # rest of dirs %w(habitat policyfiles).each do |dir| directory File.join habitat_dir, dir end # our base files %w( habitat/default.toml habitat/ habitat/ policyfiles/base.rb ).each do |name| template File.join habitat_dir, name do helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) source "#{name}.erb" action :create_if_missing end end # LICENSE template "#{habitat_dir}/LICENSE" do helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) source "LICENSE.#{context.license}.erb" action :create_if_missing end # CHANGELOG template "#{habitat_dir}/" do helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) action :create_if_missing end # Inspec directory "#{habitat_dir}/test/integration/default" do recursive true end template "#{habitat_dir}/test/integration/default/default_test.rb" do source 'inspec_default_test.rb.erb' helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) action :create_if_missing end # git if context.have_git unless context.skip_git_init generator_desc('Committing cookbook files to git') execute('initialize-git') do command('git init .') cwd habitat_dir end end template "#{habitat_dir}/.gitignore" do source 'gitignore' end unless context.skip_git_init execute('git-add-new-files') do command('git add .') cwd habitat_dir end execute('git-commit-new-files') do command('git commit -m "Add generated HabiChef content"') cwd habitat_dir end end end